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count the snowflakes little children
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Played by becuffin who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank

count them as they bury you alive

Eek was used to winters that tested everything you had, that knocked you over and buried you alive and pushed you do horrible things to stay alive. It was plain to see that this season wouldn't be easy to overcome, but things were still different. This time, Eek felt secure where she was. As long as they kept her, she knew it wouldn't be a problem surviving through the winter. She welcomed it to throw everything it could at her.

Given this comfort, she was able to begin to enjoy the snow rather than dread its presence. There was a space of time on this given day in which she had the opportunity to do whatever she pleased. Today, this manipulating the piles of snow into a plethora of shapes. Eek plowed tunnels and built up banks, peeling back the carpet of what from flattened, yellow strands of grass to create mini mountains and trenches.

Her attention became focused on a particular pile that she was attempting to shape into a wolf. Clumsy as she was, it was turning out poorly, but in her eyes the figure was suitable. She had unconsciously left off the tail, and there was no definition of legs, as though the wolf were laying on top of them. She was struggling with building up a head, as there was only so much she could do with her snout and limited limbs. With a sigh, she stepped back and realized it looked nothing like what she intended.


(This post was last modified: Nov 13, 2013, 11:25 PM by Eek.)
[Image: eek_sig_by_becuffin-db8e3ou.png]
Played by Trix who has 125 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Zia Celencio
How quickly time had gone by. It felt like yesterday that it was a bright, mild autumn day. Now suddenly, winter held the region within it's icy grasp. So much had been going on, even if Zia's personal life was relatively uneventful. Borlla was still recovering from her injuries, and in her place was Lucero. This made Zia wonder if this change would be permanent. Ever since the snows had come, everyone had been busy stocking up on extra food for hungry mouths, or checking and rechecking the borders to avoid trespassers. With all of the wolves busy, she had been seeing less and less of her pack mates. Some, more than others.

Despite the harsh season, it truly was one of her favorites. While certainly not of Arctic heritage, Zia still thoroughly enjoyed the snow. Her charcoal and silver fur allowed her to blend in nicely with the wintery background. Like every year, her coat had thickened out to keep the cold at bay. Here, in winter amongst the snow and ice, was in her element. Today was like any other day for the female, as she strode through the pack's territory, ensuring that everything was in order. Her ears flicked back atop her head as she heaved a silent sigh. Although fond of her everyday existence, she had grown tired of the same old routine day in and day out. Deep down, she knew, something was missing. But she couldn't quite figure out what yet. Long slender legs pushed through the trenches of snow with ease, allowing it to pile up behind her or cling to her fur. There was no one in sight, even as she strolled solemnly through the heart of the Glen. Coming to a halt atop a gently sloping hill, she paused to sit down, to survey the snow covered lands.

For several minutes, she sat like this, staring distantly out towards the treeline. So lost was she in thought, that she didn't even notice the black shape several yards away until the trance was broken. Ears flickering curiously, Zia narrowed her eyes, wondering just what on earth the wolf was up to. Was she....playing with the snow? Curiosity compelled her to investigate, moving forward at a steady, even pace. She hadn't seen this wolf before, but her scent assured her that she was indeed a member of Magnolia Glen. At last, a new face...some company. Coming round the hastily made snow sculpture, Zia paused at the subordinates side, sending her a questioning look. "Hello. Mind if I ask what you were doing?"

Played by becuffin who has 114 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Eek fully considered abandoning her pursuit. She stood there, staring intensely at the undefined mound, and thought through her options, searching her mind fruitlessly for a way to complete the project. However, having no talent in any such area, she was forced to see defeat as the only option.And still, stubbornly, she set back into motion, nudging the airy snow up in piles in a vain attempt to form a throat for her snow wolf.

She failed to consider how her actions might come across to one of her pack mates should they wander near. There could be consequences for being caught wasting her time on something so trivial, especially with the winter that was threatening to bury them alive. If that was forgiven, another risk was giving these strangers a window into her eccentric behavior; in allowing them a hint that she was unstable. Yet luckily, as finally a grey-arrayed female broke the bleak background and entered the scene, no tension or suspicion seemed to be generated.

Eek took a moment to meet the woman's gaze, as she had lapsed into another moment of consideration, clearly frustrated by her lack of ability, and thus was focused with great intent upon the figure.

"I wanted to make a pile that would resemble a wolf, but... it isn't going very well at all."

The answer was punctuated with a sigh, and at last she reclined, taking a break from the task. Silver eyes took a chance at placing the female's face, but she'd never seen her before, even in passing. Her scent, however, was familiar, as would be every wolf's that shared her new home. Eek supposed it wasn't a bad thing to mingle a bit, though she couldn't quite think of much more to say to the female. It was the same conundrum that she faced with every meeting; unless there was something she wanted from them, or if she was absolutely unbearably alone, she simply didn't care enough to put the effort into holding a conversation.

However, she must emulate normality in order to keep her lovely, peaceful home.

"I really must get around more," she admitted with a sheepish smile, "I've been with the pack long enough yet I don't think I've ever seen you before. My name is Eek."

[Image: eek_sig_by_becuffin-db8e3ou.png]