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Breathing in mountain air
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Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
Returning to the Lore a guilty female wolf walked confidently on her trek to find a cozy winter den. Her mind was buzzing with thoughts of Crowe and how she had rudely left him behind. Sure, he was really slow compared to her and the young women had little patience but sadly that was no excuse. Though in her defense she hadn't been able to find him after she slowed down. Against her was the fact she had grown deathly bored after only a hour of searching. Sighing she forced herself to push the thoughts away so she could focus. She picked up her speed traveling up the mountain, her goal was to find a small cave and claim it for the time being. Frost was sure she had smelt the white giant's scent suddenly and her ears perked up excitedly. She stopped though to focus sticking her noise up, she could smell others wolves. Growing wary she realized she was not far from what smelt like pack borders, where exactly she didn't know. She couldn't continue on so instead she turned away. *Focus, focus, focus.* She thought over and over.

It was only a short thirty minute run before she found what she had been looking for. A den. However it was awfully small even for her. It wasn't a cave like she'd been hoping for but a old abandoned coyote home made of pure soil. Not desiring strangers to come into her den she made it clear that the small hole belonged to her by relieving herself. Entering the warmish place she worked on making it a bit more spacey with her claws. Time seemed to fly as she broadened her shallow home. It would do for a while but she knew that this was better suited for a summer den.

Snorting irritably Frost had to remind herself to be grateful of what she had even if a pack was a few miles away. She hoped that it was just far enough they wouldn't be mad with her. She'd leaved if asked but she wouldn't get off the mountain for sure. Well if her life depended on it she would have to.

Hungry and weak feeling she flopped down to groom herself too tired to go search for a hunt, or maybe just to lazy at the moment. Her ears slid off to the side casually in her comfort, relaxation, and current peace.
Thanks TABs for the table and it's photo I've used for her featured photo.
Thanks PuppyThief for the winter skin and avatars!

[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
Crowe was still reeling from his encounter with the strange she wolf from before. That and the headless carcass, that had been unexpected, even for Crowe he had never thought to remove a skull completely from an animal. It chilled him to his bones to remember the way he had acted. Yellow eyes were shrouded for an instant as he heard @Mercy's paw steps behind him. For the second his lids were over them he felt fear, for he didn't wish to show Mercy that side of him. Sooner or later the boy would have to know, but Crowe would need his help. He would need Mercy to act as a friend and help to curb Crowe's ways until he was merely a little eccentric. After all, it seemed that Crowe's sanity could only be fleeting for now...

Then her scent hit the white giant in the face, hard. His lips curled and an unsuppressed growl escaped his lips. It's her fault for leaving you Crowe. ALL her fault, you would belong to Nomads Pass truly if you had returned on time. No more would you be the outcast of the pack. His head swiveled around towards Mercy,"Stay quiet for a moment, I know this wolf." He spoke quickly as if he were panicked, because he was. He could feel rage boiling, insanity rising and his heart blackening for the siren that had further destroyed his life. It was happening again but this time he didn't know how long he could hold himself above losing control. "FROST! GET OUT HERE NOW!

(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2013, 06:39 AM by Crowe.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.

Look Out!

There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health

Played by Jess who has 161 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
It hadn't taken long for Mercy to notice a slight change in Crowe's demeanour. He was a bit more tense, a bit more distant. He didn't know why this change had occurred and didn't comment on it and chose to believe it was simply because he was more focused on finding food with the pack so they would last the winter. His mother, too, had taken on a more serious edge when the snow had begun to fall, so Mercy took the slight change in Crowe's behavior as a natural thing; he was adjusting, going into survival mode.

His head lifted and ears perked when Crowe suddenly stiffened and spoke with a tone that made the boy suspect that something was up. He could smell another wolf, a female, but had no idea why this was cause for alarm. He said he thought he knew the wolf...And when he shouted her name and ordered for her to show herself, Mercy went stock still. Crowe sounded angry- he'd never heard him that angry before. Dangerous, yes, but not angry. His eyes narrowed and lips peeled back- though he'd been told to stay quiet, a low growl found its way to his throat- this Frost had better comply with Crowe's orders...Or she'd have two very unhappy wolves on her trail. He moved closer to Crowe and squared his shoulders as his gaze swept over the scenery before him, searching for some sign of life that would suggest that Frost decided to follow the order she had been given.

Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
The moment of grooming herself slipped away with a quite ease as heavy eye lids drooped over sea green eyes. She hadn't finished her job but had cleaned her entire right side and tended some to her injured leg. The dream was short however leaving honey sweet thoughts in her mind. What awoke her had not been nearly as lovely as the delicious liquid. With a snort she sat up only hearing her name, Wha-what Elliott?" She called out before recalling their departure.

Frost wasn't well awake but none the less her hackles rose defensively and she took no time for hesitation as she rose up onto her bloodied pads. A soft thud could be heard as her left front leg gave out on her. Giving off a irritated huff she began limping her way to the mouth of the den. Groggily she poked only her head out, vision still clouded from sleep. Two blurry figures stood before her, a mid aged pup and the currently unrecognized Crowe. "Hello young man and sir, how do I know you?" She addressed Mercy first then her giant acquaintance.

The fact that the male was mad obviously didn't faze the she-wolf who appeared barely sober. In fact she looked ready to fall asleep standing. She stumbled out not thinking to hide her dirty side nor leg. It was a nasty sight, shedding fur tangled and mangled together. Her fox bite wasn't pleasant either, a freshly open scab wound with a small amount of puss seeping forth. Not to mention the fact that her skin had began clinging to her ribs just enough they showed themselves.

As she came to an embarrassment filled her eyes and she darted in so that only her head showed. *How shameful!* She thought before taking in a large sniff. While she didn't smell all bad as she looked her ex-companion's scent had a fierce grasp on her own. She took in Crowe and Mercy's pack covered odor calling back the memory of the white brute. "Crowe?" She inquired, still ignoring his rage.

It was then she realised the faint bunny trail and her belly grumbled expectantly. A crazed look consumed her face as hunger drove her to trot out confidently from her den. The limp was visible but her care for it wasn't. "I hate to cut this off but I haven't ate in days. Please let me go, please?" The polite toned words escaped her mouth. "I'm sorry I left you without a goodbye but goodbye isn't my thing." She spoke the truth for all she left the auburn colored wolf was a bunny before parting the sleeping male. Roaring out a fierce growl her belly interrupted her thoughts of waiting. However she bowed her head respectfully toward them, tail wagging, yet her stance was ready to outrun the slower wolves. She knew she was a bullet when it came to speed but the thought of her leg lingered.
Thanks TABs for the table and it's photo I've used for her featured photo.
Thanks PuppyThief for the winter skin and avatars!

[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Ghoff who has 80 posts.
IV. Guardian
Crowe Shane
"Mercy I trust you to get those rabbits, this she wolf is staying right. HERE." Crowe snarled the last word at the she wolf. He was angry but the most miraculous thing happened. His eyes did not change, his face did not twist. He merely appeared cold, intimidating, calculating. Crowe was merely a huge pissed off pack wolf. Not a crazed wolf, even though he could hear the voices again, he suppressed them with great fervor. Mercy was near, and Crowe would not let him see that, if he could get through this without losing himself he could control this. He could use the madness that hid within him for good, he could use it for Nomads Pass and be a true member of the pack.

"Do you have any idea what you did to me?" The words were flung at her and Crowe began to circle her, all the while golden eyes remained fixed on Frost. "They shunned me once more because of you! I could have been a part of the pack! BUT YOU HAVE RUINED ME!" Crowe's rage grew, and his eyes flashed dangerously, his shoulders squared and he rose to full height. Hatred burned in his belly drowning out everything. She had better have a good excuse, eventually Crowe was standing front and center of Frost, staring directly into her eyes. A question unanswered hung between them. What was she going to do about this whole thing. Fight? Explain? Crowe had her in check, and now it was her move, he was waiting now. Waiting for Checkmate.

Played by Jess who has 161 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
She looked weak, bedraggled, dirty. Mercy wrinkled his nose slightly at the sight of her- she looked as though she was in very ill health and wouldn't last the winter. Mercy couldn't be bothered to shed much of a thought for her safety- if she'd ticked Crowe off- and it was fairly obvious that she had- then she didn't deserve their pity. The sneaky thing tried to beg and plead, so that she could go and hunt, something which irked Mercy, who uttered a soft growl. No. Hunting was his thing. They were close to Nomad's Pass lands- and no, she would certainly not be permitted to hunt, not when he and Crowe needed to eat.

When Crowe spoke sharply to the female, Mercy simply nodded, and felt proud that he'd been given priority. He would go find the rabbits, not this bedraggled, pathetic woman. Mercy nodded sharply, gave the weakened female one last scathing look and took off at at trot, his stride bouncy, flaunting the fact that he was definitely much higher up on Crowe's list than she. He could hear the tone of Crowe's voice rise as he trotted off, but didn't bother to judge or look back- she'd obviously done something wrong- he didn't know what- but she was going to pay for it now.

He moved through the snow with his nose held low, and found his way to a set of rabbit tracks which were fading in the snow, because of the wind. They led to a hole in the ground, wherein lie the strong scent of rabbit. Mercy scratched at the ground and began to dig, casting aside first the white of snow and then the brown of dirt. Every now and again he'd pause and stick his head into the hole to see how far he was away from the rabbit- it huddled as far in the hole as it could, but he was getting closer and closer, until it began to shriek as he dug. He snapped and snarled as he stuck his head in the hole again, catching bits of fur and the occasional limb as he tried to grab the prey and haul it out of its hiding place. A short struggle ensued, but the rabbit had nowhere to go.

He looked pretty proud of himself when he trotted back toward the other two, oblivious of whatever conversation had ensued following his departure. He set the rabbit by Crowe and sat down; the tension was still palpable. He was going to enjoy this.

Played by WildOne who has 55 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Frost Mink
(Well this post sucks and is well horrible. This thread shouldn't end well for Frost.)
She froze, stunned gabbing at his harsh words. It was as if the very party girl voice she owned had vanished into thin air. Her eyes contained the deer in headlights stare as she just peered into his yellow orbs. *He DARES to BLAME some one else for hist troubles!?! Um, last time I checked I didn't choose his actions.* "M-me" She squeaked. It wasn't long after the word left her mouth that her poofy pelt was raised. "Me?" She asked taking two steps back from him. *Breathe Frost, breathe. He's not worth it. It's going to-* She cut her thoughts off growling in a flustered manner. "Me? Y-you" She stopped to try and calm but it didn't help. "Me!" She started raising her voice dangerously, "Me? Oh so what now I can fucking control you every move Crowe? Why didn't you just go back home like a sensible wolf would? Did I make you fallow me, no. Did I make you come back late, no. You did! Stop being a selfish little pup and grow the fuck up you you you you you you you jerk!" She was seething. Her body shook and trembled with anger, yet the hurt showed in her eyes.

*Don't cry, it's stupid, No worse. It's absolutely pointless* Frost reminded herself how weak that was but she still acted mislead, "You know what forget the whole being selfish thing. It's my turn brute! Blame me, blame me, blame the poor little abused orphan who had to be dragged away from her father's grave. Pathetic, not you, me. I get it Crowe. I'm just a little scrap who never fit in this world. I was the runt, the smallest of the pack and never out grew it. I was the weakest, still am. I'm a horrible fighter, hunter, tracker, companion, friend, everything. Even a bad sister. All I do is ruin everything for every one and I'm sorry I ever met you. I'm sorry I hurt your pack rank. I'm sorry I'm worthless. I'm sorry I was freaking born." She finished her rant with flat hackles.

Finally meeting his eyes she said, "I asked politely to go, yet you wouldn't let me. I'm sorry that you followed me, I wasn't expecting that. I figured you go back to your pack. For whatever reason you didn't so I'm sorry that I ruined your life." Her voice was low, clear, and sincere. She began backing away step by step, picking up speed. The feeling in her gut that he was going to hurt her was increasing. She'd went too far. *Run, just run* Hesitating she kept moving from him. No she wasn't afraid, hmph that's for pups. It was just drilled into her mind that he could kill her, the odds were stack againsted her. Then their was that pack mate of his. Her hackles rose slowly as she warned, "One step closer and I'm running. I can out run the two of you, I'm the fastest of the Minks." Her words were more of a reminder and a self confidence boost. Though she didn't show dominance she raised her head in a small show of pride, "Maybe I'm not so worthless after all." She mumbled. Going back to the old subject, " I should have never came back to apologize to you, Elliot would still have my back if I hadn't. However I am very sorry." She was positioned to run and the threat to dash off was plainly still there.
(This post was last modified: Dec 07, 2013, 09:02 PM by Frost.)
Thanks TABs for the table and it's photo I've used for her featured photo.
Thanks PuppyThief for the winter skin and avatars!

[Image: SWpride5.png]