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Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
Bro bonding time chasing off coyotes? xD
Random event: Miccah, a pair of coyotes have you cornered.

The days never seemed to drag on for the subordinate. It had only been about a little over a month since Miccah had joined Secret Woodlands, but he continously found himself busy with one thing or another. Whether it be keeping the borders strong, or filling up the pack caches, the man never had a dull moment.

He found that he quite enjoyed the hard work. Not only did it fill him with a sense of duty, but it also made him stronger. At first, the long runs around the borders tired him, but nowadays, he found that he was becoming less and less winded after each run.

The work of keeping the pack caches full had helped his frame start to become more like it was before he had left his home pack. He was getting stronger with each passing day, and the strengthening muscles of his frame were the evidence.

Today, he had found himself running through the increasingly familiar thickets, leaving his scent to ward off any incoming danger. Two sets of paws caught his attention, and his ears pricked up, fully alert.

Twisting his large frame, Miccah hid his surprise as a couple metres away, were a pair of coyotes. They were sniffing the air, and he knew they smelt the caches. Today would not be the day of treasure for them, Miccah was sure of that.

Miccah let loose a growl at the smaller canines, letting a fang show to inform them that they were definitely not welcome. Miccah was far enough away from Secret Woodlands now that he knew he was surrounded by the two vermin. But it didn't matter. Falling into a defensive crouch, he stared at the coyotes that were now staring back at him. Snapping his jaws, he gave them one more warning. They were not welcome.

(This post was last modified: Nov 23, 2013, 02:17 AM by Miccah.)
Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
There seemed an almost unearthly serenity over the pack as of late, Nina was off on business to willow ridge and whisper caverns which reminded Hollow that he needed to make his own trip to the Caverns. Mainly for his sister, Hollow missed her already and wished to reunite with Simaea again for a day, but he also wished very much to go and see his friend Sloane, it was high time the male knew that his advice had worked in granting Hollow the love of his life. Things seemed to be going well for Secret Woodlands and the wolves in it... even if Tacoma was still a thought in the back of Hollow's mind. Still he blamed himself for the young one's death. Even if it had been unavoidable, Hollow still felt as though he could have stopped it.

Soon however his attention would be set upon another life. The newest addition to his beloved Woodlands pack. Hollow was in a random route towards the border when he quite literally stumbled upon Miccah's tracks. Of course it would seem that the snow would offer him many gifts this season as it also told him of the two coyotes that had been following the new member. So Hollow adjust his stance to that of a tracker and set upon one of the sets of coyote tracks.

It felt like way too long he had followed those tracks, and worry began to creep up his spine, that he could have lost their newest member already. His spine was stiff and the air cold, creating a very icy feeling to clutch at his heart, it grabbed for him in this cold weather. He was beginning to thin once more now and the prey was scarce, if it were more than a few coyotes they could have a very large problem on their hands. But no, luck was on his side when he finally came upon the scene, Hollow saw they had backed Miccah into a corner and he decided to waste no time. A vicious snarl, and the dark woodlands leader ran at full pelt towards bother coyotes and breaking their offensive wall in two.

He stopped in front of Miccah and spun, one coyote was gathering itself whereas the other had already done so and was preparing to attack. Hollow growled deep in his throat, this was his territory, not this vermin, and that was his pack mate, not coyote food. Hollow hurled himself at the other canine and clamped hard onto it's neck hoping Miccah was able to flee or attack the other.

Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila

The coyotes had him cornered, and he was surrounded by snow covered ground all over. Miccah was trying to think of a way to escape with minimal injuries, when help came in the form of his new alpha--Hollow.

The man barreled right into the two coyotes, breaking their offensive wall. One was mildly disoriented, while the other quickly recovered from the shock, and got ready to attack.

His eyes watched as Hollow hurled himself onto one, clamping onto the coyote's neck. Miccah wasn't a man of much violence, but this time he had no choice. He wouldn't shrink away like some coward. He would not flee. He would help the comrade that had come to his aid.

"This is gonna hurt like a bitch," he muttered to himself as he tensed his body to attack. The man was slowly recovering from his long travels, but with this new batter his body would take because of this improptu scuffle, it would prolong his journey of ultimate health and leave a couple aches for the morning.

His body tightening up his muscles, he made sure to keep his neck lowered so that as he barreled into the coyote, the vermin wouldn't have a chance to harm him.

Barreling into the creature at full speed, both canines toppled to the frosty ground. The tumble ended with Miccah on top, breathing heavily already. His jaws parting, he aimed for the jugular as he clamped down harshly onto the coyote's neck. Twisting his own head roughly, he heard the fatal snap as the coyote's neck broke and the body went limp.

Miccah hadn't aimed to kill the coyote, but what solidified his decision was the thought of the vermin coming back, possibly even passing the borders next time. That couldn't happen. He wouldn't allow it to happen.

As he moved away from the coyote corpse, his eyes moved to Hollow to see how he was fairing.

Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Hollow's grip allowed him a view of Miccah attacking the other vermin, he watched all the while holding his coyote down and waited for his newest pack member to kill the other coyote before clamping his own teeth down. But the Woodlands Alpha didn't twist his head to quickly snap the neck of the animal he held, rather he clamped straight down and listened to the canine utter a bloodcurdling screech before it was wracked with spasms. Hollow knew that he had pierce the spinal chord without fully severing it. So in order to save the vermin anymore pain he merely twitched his head, just enough to cut the chord the rest of the way and feel the coyote go limp in his jaws. The alpha dropped the sack of bones before him. In his defense of the new pack member Hollow had only just realized how cruel what he had done to the coyote had been. But the dark wolf tried to shake the thoughts off and pad softly over to where Miccah was.

Hollow checked his scent for a moment for any wounds, finding only the scent of Coyote blood on Miccah's coat. Satisfied the dark male tried to shake the thought the thought of filling the last few moments of the coyote's life with pain again. "Are you okay, Miccah?" It was a simple question, asked almost breathlessly, but Hollow's eyes were dark now from the moments before when he had wondered if that's what his mother and father had sounded like when they both had their throats torn from them. The thought still fresh in his mind, his stoic mask was only penetrated by that creeping darkness in his eyes. Hollow still couldn't help but feel bad for the vermin's pain. But he had to focus on his subordinate and forget his own problems for the moment.

Played by Mily who has 268 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Miccah Athesila
derp :/ me and my lateness. Sorry Ghoff.

Miccah watched as his new alpha fought with the coyote, flinching slightly at the bloodcurdling scream that the vermin let loose. They deserved to die, yes, but Miccah preferred that if he had to kill, to make the death as quick as possible.

As Hollow headed his way, Miccah took a minute to smell Hollow's scent. Relief was clear in his gaze as he only scented coyote blood and nothing else. Hollow threw him a question, and he opened his maw to answer in his rumbling baritone. "A couple aches but nothing too major. Nasty little vermin, huh?," his voice a bit breathless as he glanced at the forms of the dead coyotes. They were quickly getting covered up by the falling snow.

He turned his attention back to Hollow, a caught a look in his eyes that didn't really sit well with the black wolf. "The question is, are you okay Sir?" Almost immediately as the words came out of his maw, he regretted them. "I apologize. I didn't mean to cross a boundary. It is not my place to meddle in your affairs." The man had been planning to ask how Hollow had come to know Ashanti, that is, until he stuck his paw in his maw. If Hollow didn't beat him into submission for his insubordinate behavior, then Miccah would consider himself lucky. He didn't know this man yet. Though he seemed nice enough, you could never judge a book by it's cover. He could snap at Miccah at any time, and Miccah wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +7 Health

Played by Ghoff who has 312 posts.
No Rank
Hollow Nite
Memories... they were thick in his skull. Azariah had been scarce since spring, he needed her but she never seemed to be around anymore. It was always just him and memories, and now so many had surfaced, the sound of the coyote's death screech had set something deep within the leader off balance. It was as if a switch were flipped and black hatred began to open up within the dark male. Hatred for everything which disrespected Secret Woodlands, and everything that left him... everyone that left him. But it was darkness, and that was something Hollow could dare not feel was darkness. I'm not bad, I'm not bad. He thought fervently to himself, When a scent crossed his nostrils. A perfect distraction, hopefully.

Hollow closed his eyes for a moment and took a breath expelling the moment of evil he had felt. Miccah deserved some sort of answer, so Hollow offered a half truth, "Memory." With a quick change of subject he turned his head towards the scent of deer. "Smell that? Fresh deer blood, and stale lynx scent. Looks like dinner for us, you need it." Hollow's tone made it clear that he was ordering Miccah to eat. The other dark wolf needed the meal after the fight, where Hollow could stand to skip a meal, he would eat, just for the sake of the pack. They couldn't afford to lose another leader. So the Secret Woodlands leader lead the way towards the scent of the deer and bent to eat his fill before stepping back, allowing room for Miccah and setting about keeping watch for the Lynx, in case it decided to come back for the rest of it's kill.