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eyes of an angel
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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

Athena Moon
I've been brought down to my knees
but you haven't seen the last of me

The ivory cloaked woman traveled her way unknowingly towards Cedarwood Forest. If she had her memory of the last two years of her life, she would have linked the cedar trees to Grizzly Hollow, but she would have known they were no more when Ava and her mate took the pack over the mountain and settled somewhere on the eastern side of the mountain. She had almost crossed into their territory, but she had stayed close to Magnolia Glen. However, all of this was forgotten and all Athena knew was she was walking towards cover and possible game for her much needed nourishment.

Many game trails appeared and disappeared underneath the darkened cover of the cedar trees, but none were very fresh. Too many were days old or even older. As she traveled on further, she came upon the scent of a pack intertwined within the cedars. Slowing her movements, she stayed clear of the potent border. It was dangerous to get too close to a pack's borders especially if they were more protective than usual. Knowing that winter wasn't going to seize anytime soon, she wasn't going to miss this chance to be apart of something and gain some security. She settled herself down to patiently wait for someone to pass by and scent her presence instead of howling for the pack itself. It was rude to rush when you're the beggar.

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2014, 04:58 PM by Maksim.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Her lope had more intent than one simple task – the limp she had was beginning to fade from her injured paw, and while sore, it no longer hindered her ability to walk.. though it certainly did not define her with grace. Practicing a round of the borders was almost therapeutic to her; it allowed her to repay Maksim for his kindness, familiarize herself with her current home and exercise her limb with its injury. Best of all.. it kept her busy, and allowed her to give in to the blackness that threatened to swallow her each time Serach or Sceral’s bright eyes floated to her mind.

This current task, however, was also spurred by the simple fact that the winter wind revealed to her of a nearby presence. One that did not hold the familiar scent of the River wolves, despite that she had yet to truly meet them. Being on the mend, emotionally and physically, Kisla had become reclusive in a sense. Maksim, her only friend, had not questioned this. But she also did not want to spoil her welcome in his home.

As she came closer to the other, who had now seemingly stopped moving -- as there was no way she had gained on the wolf with her slower pace – she moved with more deliberation, once more stoical to the world, not ever daring to reveal that she was wounded in any form. Her bright jade eyes flashed as they fell upon the snowy pelt – a petite she-wolf, who rather than brusquely demanded attention, awaited for another to find her. Perhaps even, test the competence of the pack and their protection of boundaries that belonged only to them.As she emerged from the shadows of the cedar trees, her own tail arced higher up, her eyes flashing as she almost dared the other to try to rise before submission. She spoke no words – instead, her fierce gaze settled upon the other without emotion, waiting for the reasoning of her presence.

sparking up my heart

Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Athena Moon
I've been brought down to my knees
but you haven't seen the last of me

As she sat in waiting, her fiery eyes gazed the perimeter of her surroundings. Every now and then, her eye would catch the glistening sparkle of the snow reflecting the sunlight. Winter was both a beautiful and terrible part of the year. To be a lone wolf during winter was almost asking for death and suffering, while pack wolves would likely to survive and could enjoy the winter months with the company of others. However, at this moment, it did not matter what she was, she was just enjoying the sight of winter and the change in scenery for the moment. Reminding herself why she was here, she broke her focus from the glistening trees and onto the borders before her. It would be pure luck to have a pack member come across her now, but she was willing to wait. As long as that would take...

However, Athena was in luck and she didn't need to wait long before she heard the crunching of the snow coming from the direction of the borders. Her fiery gaze searched the cedars for any recognizable formation within the darkened shadows and it was then when the slender form of another escaped the shadows and approached. Instinct quickly followed at the sight of the she-wolf's dominant stance, her body stiffened and sunk down towards the ground. With her belly grazing the snow covered ground, tail curling under her white thigh, ears flat against her skull and her fiery eyes everted from the pack wolf before her, she waited for tooth, claw, or words to follow. But, none came.

Silence enveloped around them with the stalemate occurring between them. Neither were making the first move, so Athena took the chance to introduce herself. Triangular ears flicked forward before flattening once again in a moment of hesitation before she actually spoke. "I am Athena. I have come here to seek family and a pack to pledge my allegiance to," she said gracefully, her gaze only rising to the girl's chest. She wasn't sure who she was talking to, whether the woman be a leader or just a subordinate, but Athena was going to treat her with the respect that she deserved from a lone wolf like her.

table by mimi
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
The Tainn lady relaxed only slightly when the other slunk her frame close to the ground -- a gust of wind drifted the snow in a myriad of flurries, and still the golden she-wolf remained silent. There was something elegant about the stranger before her -- her eyes fiery, while scars adorned her features that only offered mystique. Clearly, this rogue had known battle before -- or had royally pissed someone off.

Finally, the silence was broken and the alabaster stranger spoke. Kisla took in her words, her creamy muzzle canting slightly as words threatened to press past her tainted lips -- pledging alliegence only for the winter, or as a loyalist? Yet the words died upon her tongue at the sheer hypocrisy of the statement, and she felt a shiver course through her spine as the haunting thought of her family came to her then. What was @Fenru doing this very moment? Her mother, @Corinna? Did they fear for her? Or had she simply been taken by the would be mysterious 'bermuda triangle' that seemed to plague the Tainn family?

"And what skills do you possess that would enlighten the wolves of Cut Rock River?" The question came out almost demurely from the tawny female, her stance remaining stiff, her posture lifted. Maksim was no doubt nearby, or perhaps the leading lady of the pack -- a she-wolf she had yet to meet, and yet one that stirred a familiar burn of jealousy in the pit of her stomach. There was likely a reason she was by his side, and as always, history for the younger she-wolf was doomed to repeat itself.

sparking up my heart

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

“Indeed,” a voice came, their speaker deliscent amidst the towering cedars, “what can you offer my pack that no one else can?” As soon as the words rolled from his mouth, Maksim Baranski stepped forward, tail held high above his back and his vibrant gaze focused on the visitor who stood submissive at the border. Drawing up next to Kisla, he offered an appreciative nod her way, thankful she'd confronted the loner. He was relieved to see her out and about, truthfully, and hoped that her reclusive behaviour would end soon (though, he would be understanding if it did not). His eyes returned to the vagrant woman, passing his gaze over her form in a rather judgemental manner.

The first thing he noted were her eyes—fiery orange and averted in a respectful manner. She knew her place. Good. Her fur was pure ivory, much like untouched snow, spare for what might be her most captivating feature: four scars etched into her face. They intrigued Maksim, mainly because he wanted to know just how she had gotten them. Had she encountered battles? Or gained enemies who had tried to hunt her like prey? His gaze did not dwell on the imperfections for long, however, as he watched her eyes. “What is it that you can offer me.” It was all fine and dandy if she had impressed some other wolf in the past but Maksim was not a forgiving judge. Sob stories would not work on the agouti leader. Hopefully the words this woman would speak would ring true.

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Athena Moon
I've been brought down to my knees
but you haven't seen the last of me

Knowing the ritual of joining a pack, so knew what she was going to be asked next. What could you bring to my pack? What skills do you have to contribute? She knew what she could do and what she could bring to the table, but how to put it in words. As the she-wolf's words graced her ears and confirmed her thoughts, her eyes moved to the movement coming out of the shadows. From his posture it was obvious who this was. Her eyes only glanced up for a split second to observe this newcomer and that was all she needed for now. If luck was on her side, she'd be able to study him more if she was accepted.

He repeated the request for her to share her skills and she wasn't going to keep them around waiting. "I may not be the best hunter, but I know enough to get myself here alive." Every wolf knew how to hunt. It was the only way to survive, but to hunt alone without a pack is true survival. "I may not be the best medic but I do have a general knowledge of the various uses of particular plants" Plants can be helpful and deadly at the same time. To know which ones to use is the separation from life and death. "And I may not be the fastest running the borders, but I will run the borders with precision and dedication," she paused for a moment and glanced up at both of them for a moment before everted her gaze once again.

"But what I can do is fight. I can survive a fight," she proudly exclaimed.She wasn't really sure how she got her scars, but assumed they were from the fight with her father many years ago. "I am willing to fight for what's true. And I am willing to fight for what's right. But most importantly, I am willing to fight for you." She wasn't sure where these passionate words were coming from, but they were still coming from the bottom of her heart. If she knew what had happened the last two years of her life, she would know that she needed something stable in her life and Cut Rock Creek would be that rock in her life if they let her.

table by mimi
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
One ear flickered to the sound of the familiar voice -- while startled, she did not reveal so, and her eyes easily drifted from the stranger to briefly look over him. She was unsure how long he had been within the shadows and while her wolfish brows lifted in silent question, her own form slid down now to offer the pack leader the respect he so deserved. As his ashen agouti figure drew up beside her, a crooning growl would escape her lips then as her muzzle would tilt up, offering her Alpha a respectful nip to his chin before once more settling her eyes upon the she-wolf.

The lady was quick to answer him, and while Kisla fell to silence now, she was impressed by the rogue's words. It was quite the speech -- one that if sincere, would prove that the pack might have an extremely useful member knocking on their door. Yet just as much an outsider as the pale she-wolf before her, the tawny woman would do no more than shift her slender figure slightly, awaiting an answer from the River regal. It was no longer her place to interrogate, yet she remained, intrigued on how it would all play out. She was but another mouth to feed, but it seemed she would pull her weight within the ranks -- perhaps even more, if her fierce desire to prove herself spurned the stranger to a further rise. It would have been the opportune moment for Kisla herself to feel threatened by such, and had she known what the relationship between Maksim and his leading lady was, perhaps she would have. For now, she simply waited -- reveling in the distraction that this interlude offered her and attempting to keep her injured paw firmly upon the ground without cradling it to her chest and revealing any weakness.

sparking up my heart

Played by Mimi who has 313 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Maksim Baranski

The gentle nip Kisla offered Maksim resulted in a gentle rumble from the large male, an acknowledgement of the gesture. Immediately after, it seemed they both slipped into the role of business, one that the Baranski was now fully accustomed to. The alabaster woman wasted no time in answering the agouti leader, his eyes trained on her as she spoke. Quite the speech was offered to Maksim and, should the words ring true, the lone woman may prove to be a valuable asset to the Cut Rock River pack. She did not oversell herself, did not claim she was some master at all trades. She was humble, a trait that was quite becoming of her. She proclaimed her true calling passionately, causing the River leader to raise his chin slightly. She could fight—she could survive. The scars etched into her face were proof of that but Maksim Baranski was not yet entirely satisfied. No, he needed more.

He remained a figure of judgement as the woman finished with a flourish of enticing words, not yet ready to let his final decision be known. This woman, she would fight for what was right and true. She would fight for him; she would fight for all of them. “The wolves I lead can all survive a fight. Many have travelled a long way with me, braving storms and mountain trails to get where we are today.” Maksim's deep, rough tones were bold against the softness of the snow around, though they were obviously not of a patronising or mocking tone. He was simply stating a fact. “I respect all of them—they are family to me, as we have shared those hardships together. Tell me, what fights have you survived that would make me respect you as much as I respect them?” The River wolf was certainly curious as to what her answer would be and waited for her response. He wanted to empathise with her ability to survive. It wasn't all about physically besting another, though that was certainly a thing Maksim could hold in reverence. Sometimes it was about rising above seemingly impossible odds.

(This post was last modified: Jan 11, 2014, 04:33 PM by Maksim.)

we are shining in the rising sun, as we are floating in the blue
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Athena Moon
I've been brought down to my knees
but you haven't seen the last of me

As she finished her grand, but veracious speech, she silently waited for the judgement that was soon to come from the leader of these lands. Her fiery eyes studied the paws of two in front of her, still giving them the respect they deserved. Mother had always told her that respect can only be gained if respect is given in return and that was how she would comport. With her mother's tragic death, Athena cherished every wise word that her mother passed on to her. The grumbling voice of the nameless leader quickly broke the silence and her train of thought. His tone was stern and formal, but she could hint the underlying passion beneath his business like persona. He seemed to take great pride in what he does and how he feels about his pack, his family. It was humbling to know that if she was indeed accepted, that she would not only be within a pack, but she'd also be serving under a passionate and committed leader who spoke fondly of his pack.

She listened intently to his words, nodding every once in a while in understanding. He respected his pack for risking their lives crossing dangerous terrain for his cause. She could understand why he felt that way. The question that followed his speech made her unexpectedly pause before answering. Where had she gotten her scars that she had once seen when traveled over to these lands? Athena had assumed they were from the fight with her father so many years ago. However, she never remembered the pain that would certainly follow such deep wounds. But, where else would she have gotten them? As she rummaged her brain for answers, memories became fuzzy and she began to experience pain as she tried to remember. It was like she ran full force into a brick wall. Inwardly shaking her head, she tried to keep an unfazed facade, but her eyes clearly showed her confusion and pain.

As she collected herself, she began to tell him only what she knew, not knowing that she was wrong about where her scars originated from. "When I was still living with my birth pack, my father tried to kill me. He thought he had succeeded, however, he was wrong. I recovered and received word that he had succeeded in killing my mother. Under the cover of night, I wanted revenge for my mother's death and what he had done to me," she explained, her fiery eyes glowing with anger as she reflected upon her past. For the first time during this meeting, she lifted only her gaze, her body still in her original submissive state, to the bridge of Maksim's muzzle as she spoke her last words. "I succeeded in avenging my mother's wrongful death and my immoral treatment from my own father." Once she finished speaking, she quickly lowered her gaze once again and waited once again for the judgement that was to follow once again.

table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Jan 10, 2014, 12:57 AM by Athena.)
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
There was a familiarity of the she-wolf before her -- the svelte build and pure ivory pelt. The fiery orange eyes. Yet it remained elusive to her, and the tawny woman shook the thought that she might have been acquainted with the other female at all. After all, had she known someone with scars littered across them like that, surely she would have remembered them?

Maksim's question buried far deeper than she had expected, and it seemed without any form of hesitation, the pale dove before them offered possibly the most devastating story of her life. Or, at least, the small part of empathy Kisla did hold could only hope it was the most devastating tale of the she-wolf's life. Even so, as a creature that kept her private affairs to herself and family, she could barely withhold her disdain at the stranger so casually discussing such a horrific story.

Shifting her weight then, she continued to remain silent in the procedure. It mattered very little her own thoughts -- it was the regal beast beside her that would pass on his judgement. The honesty of the answer was something to at least be appreciated -- Athena had taken herself from a victim status to a survivor. Despite the discomfort the tawny she-wolf held at even hearing such a personal story from a stranger, there was something to be said about the female's vindication. If only she herself could have spoken the same on her own assailants of the past.

Her eyes flickered to study Maksim briefly -- the heady scent of cedar and damp earth washing over her as she canted her muzzle to him, and reassuringly, the Subordinate pressed her shoulder to him.

sparking up my heart