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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
The snow barreled down from the sky. A relentless flurry that battered him side from to side. He hadn't planned to venture so far from the creek and the safety of Magnolia Glen, but the food cache was growing so thin and the pack had young to support; he could be outcast were he to take what little scraps remained. It appeared no one had acknowledge the problem yet- that food was all but gone from the local grounds and that the pack were soon going to turn to cannibalism to solve their problem. Rhysis took it upon himself to fill his own belly. Perhaps if by some miracle he found something large, he could take back a leg but anything else was all his. He had travelled further afield to allow himself to be selfish. It was not the pack way, he wasn't trying to hornswoggle his pack but he was damn hungry and he would always put himself first. His logic told him that he would be no use as their second if he were dead of starvation, therefore he was a priority to be fed.

He had left at dawn. Only in his bones could he tell the time though because the sky all around him was dark and hard to see amongst the blizzard that swirled all around him. The wind was ice cold and stung his already numb skin, but he pressed on. Upon the way he had seen nothing; heard nothing, smelt nothing. It was as if the herds had known this harsh winter was coming and ran whilst they could; for once he felt the prey was smarter then the wolf and it wasn't a good feeling. No doubt they were laughing at the packs that stayed behind to brace the cold and suffer with pain from their empty stomachs.

Reaching the foot of the hills, he paused to rest. It had been a long trek and nightfall would soon be upon them. If he was gone a few days then so be it, but he was growing tired of border patrol and had very little else to do for the pack. They were all self sufficient and kept to themselves it seemed. A perfect place for him, apart from the lack of food of course.
Taking shelter against a large tree, he sat with his back to the thick trunk and looked down the wind. He allowed the tree to be his buffer as it took the edge out of its lashings. As his rear lowered to sit, he shook the snow which had collected amongst his thick winter coat and felt instantly lighter. Glancing around him he saw very little and could only rely on his nose to source out anyone who might be close by. Satisfied that for the moment he was alone, he simply sat and rested and listened to the groaning, gurgling noises coming from his stomach.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]