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Obsession is a Young Man's Game — Wildflower Glade 
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Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
On the mountain there were endless possibilities of places one could hide, given that the hiding places were easy to hide in. Out here, though, on the edges of the river that branched in (or out) of Heartleaf Creek, there was nowhere to hide unless one considered getting lost in the Thicket of Secrets. Borden had reached that point in his patrol where he allowed himself some time to check up on the pair of siblings who had made their makeshift home in the dense foliage. Before he could even think of paying them a visit though, he navigated through the maze of tangled branches and overgrown vegetation to get away from it all… His thoughts, what had occurred on his travels about Relic Lore thus far, the wolves he had met, his realizations about life as they came to him when he couldn’t sleep.

At first, everything was fine, things were dandy... the water came back to the forests and the mountain side, Midnight Plateau (though it grew in number before dwindling) was kept alive, the seasons changed; and then they came along – lone wolves... It was as if life hit him with a stick. Hard. All throughout what was left of November, he had never come into contact with anyone other than Alexander and the leader of the Swift River pack. By December, just as he was starting to think Midnight Plateau was the only pack in existence, his list of acquaintances doubled. Never before then did his heart never skip a beat or curiosity cause his feet to stray. Nor did he ever think of himself as a paternal figure. Ever. It wasn’t long until he discovered he was walking out in the open. He had been so preoccupied with his questions and confusion that, upon first stumbling into Wildflower Glade, he froze.

Taking a few step backwards so he inched backwards into a lopsided tree - whose trunk was practically parallel to the ground – his jowls opened in surprise. He raised his nose to determine if anyone had passed through recently; and, after some time, he deemed the clearing to be safe. The lengthy amounts of dead grass covering the area was thoroughly coated with frost; wherever the grass had been picked away or uprooted, the ground dappled with snow and mud. He glanced over each of his shoulders before advancing into grass and settling down amongst the tan and brown blades.

He sighed, not knowing what else to think. Absolutely nothing had prepared him for this inner turmoil – he didn’t have to deal with this when he was still living in his birth pack and his aimless wandering for the past two years had given him nothing more than solitude – and he couldn’t help but to accept he was confused. Overwhelmed. Alexander was always busy day in and day out and he had yet to find someone he could confide in, to trust with his secrets and personal musings. His posture wilted forward into a slouch and he folded his ears back, closing his eyes in defeat. In the seclusion of the glade, he finally let down his guard, furtively succumbing to a myriad of troubles.

(This post was last modified: Aug 07, 2015, 11:16 PM by Borden.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

Argent duchess was somewhere upon an unused path. Just my luck. Sarcasticly thought came to mind. Alone, completly, utterly, alone. Not a soul about nor a sign one had been this way. A muffled sigh broke from black lips. This was exactly what she had wanted, hadn't it? To head out all by herself? No Dyami bossing her, no Selena mocking her, and no Astraea telling her what a wonderful life?

This was the first time being on her own, and she had been on the move for quite a time. Right now it had worn it's welcome out, but the walking, moving,going, never stopping, it was the one thing she had that was familiar. No family,mate,friend, or even a travelling buddy. Depressing this news was, but Jayse tried not to dwell on it. She had been born with a positive nature, okay not really when it came down to things and if it was bad she'd know the right words to make everyone else feel better, even if she felt just as scared. She tried the method with herself, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. Her moods depicted if it failed or not. If she was in dark, gloomy mood negative spreads like fire, and if something had went her way it was much easier to see the light. She was clever about that sort of stuff but bit by bit, piece by piece things were getting to her, drawing her into madness. As of now one of thos black moods had a hold of her. When she loved neither herself nor the world and was wishing it didn't suck for a bit of change, so she might fall off.

How long had it been since she had seen a wolf which was not her own reflection? Even if it was for but only a few seasons, the minutes seemed liked days, the days as months, and only the change of season enlightened her to time's cruelty. Tears building......trying to flow, the grey maiden sped up uncommonly,choppy stride, pressing them to leave her be for once in her life. Rage,doubt, the climax of it all clouded her vision. Timber with no business at all to have a root sticking from the ground, but none the less having one, caught the lass unaware, and sent her crashing from her thrown of dignity. The tiara met solid ground with slender frame afterward. The air knocked from the lung's cage. Weezing, and puffing then coughing, desperate attempts were made to stop the hurting, and to replace the flow of breath. Head swimming, sight temporary down, precious seconds passed and within a few more tries success. Paper thins flared, slowly in and out. Paws feeling, trying to find something a few pushed while the others flipped through the air. Tiara shaking, mutterings no one would ever hear of crude words slipped from her. Orbs showed her revolving surroundings of doubled landscapes. Rolling on her side, determined to get up, front paws pushed off the earth then pulled while hind legs were next to step. Moving her left accordingly to position, mass shifted upon it and immediately stinging,tingling, cutting pain shot into her fetlock. Puppy like whimper released. Broken, no it couldn't be broken. Oh please, don't let it be broken. Collasping more gently this time, but alas with a soft blop of flesh meeting packed ground, eyes closed once more. Bones ached, she didn't know what wasn't hurt. She wanted to get up. She had to get up. Starving to death or being eaten was not in her plans. Tiara shook, another breath inhaled to collect patience and maybe some dignity if she could manage.

"Silly Jayse what were you thinking? Nice day for a trip?" A faintly hearted chuckle, and short growl rang from her lips. Her legs won the battle, they were not helping her up. "There was a young wolf who went with her brother then left him to be on her own, but now no more does she want to be alone. Once upon a time she wanted to get away. Get away from everyone, but if only to find someone, anyone, to stay. Walking along lost, and in despair, she soon fell, tripping, tumbling crash to be without air." She sung in a soft silly tone to herself.

(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2011, 04:33 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Carefully trying to sort things out, to find some bit of piece somewhere deep within him, the mountain wolf kept his gaze downward. His mind was swimming with bits of incomplete information and swamped with the feeling of being helplessly alone. He considered the fact no one would understand. Not Alexander, not Corinna, not even Vlar nor Raigo. Taking a deep breath, he leveled his muzzle and projected his ears forward.

After some time and mulling over things for far too long than he intended, he slowly blinked. His eyes hollow and staring into the clearing ahead of him; his tail curled around his haunches. To feel empty, soulless, was slowly terrifying him. It was if he had stepped into an unseen pit of quicksand and, slowly, the constricting material would swallow him whole. The stress caused his chest to ache; he drew another breath, trying to inhale deeper than the last without success.

Resting and doing nothing but attempting to be at peace with his inner turmoil was solving nothing. He tried to stand, but found he could not; he was in no state to visit with anyone or return to the mountain. His onyx nose tested the air but discovered that no new scents filtered through. It wasn’t until the curious sound of approaching footfalls and a rather unpleasant fall when he finally came to his senses. Someone was coming.

Drastically changing his appearance – shifting his ears fully forward, curling his tail away from his body, standing warily and painfully as he forced himself to get up – he scanned the clearing, attempting to determine where the creature was arriving from. His eyes strained to find the newcomer, but his dark triangular ears heard her first. Although he couldn’t see her, her string of undecipherable words sang softly in the distance. His eyes narrowed, whatever she was, her song held little to no interest for him and he dropped his gaze to the ground and began to walk further into the middle of the glade. He pretended to be engrossed in a peculiar scent trail just in case she happened to find him.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

Tiara met the ground with a plop. Banging it a few more times didn't seem like such a dumb idea, compared to her last one. Huge breath was taken, paused, and then released hard enough to stir a few bits of rost. Brilliant, grr she wanted to kick herself. She didn't even think she had a brain anymore, it had all wasted to greyish goo with scrambled memories, and habits was all that was left. Ha, your just a giant puddle of goo. Muscles compounded tighter, nares wiggled testing for scent. Same time pointed ears rotated, straining,hoping for a sound. By chance she noticed the crunch of snow, not a loud crunch, but something. Three things happened then; she froze scared to death something was going to get her, two wondering what it could be, and thirdly out of bravery or stupidity decided she needed to look.

Pools of duo colors could not see what was near, and nostrils though trying had not the answer of what. Obviously, she had not been to awfully quite and maybe she'd scared something? Hmm, she could wish. Wiggling her limb, the pain was now numb, and even if it had burned hell or high water she was not staying laying on this damned ground. According to order front, then rear she steaded herself on front legs, putting weight on right hind, then left. A warm, tingling sensation shot up tendons, but it was easily ignored. Head high, eyes scanned the wood, suspsicous. Nothing. Breaths silent, she boldy took a lengthy stride, senses on high alert, muscles tense. The last thing she knew she could do was outrun anything. A couple more careful steps she could see the glade clearly, and it was then she noticed the wolf.

Somebody else might think, yaaa! Another wolf! And perhaps if she had not been a little scared, and extremely tense somewhere she might have felt that. She was thinking thank god it's not a bear. But this wasn't necasarily better. She had not thought these were packlands, but then again this wasn't the first time she ended up accidently where she should not be. Studying the wolf the structure appeared male, but he looked like he was searching. Perhaps he was another lone wolf? Weighing her options, she threw back the con's and pro's of approaching him. Either really stupid or really brave, or really desperate she ignored the tingling in limb and with a deep breath to settle thoughts headed in his direction.

Trying to carry herself with grace the throb of her spranged foot would not allow it the closer she got. So by the time she was three yards away, it wasn't hard to see the limp in her gait, but hoping the obvious wouldn't be scene she decided it was best to stop any way. She knew better then to crowd a stranger. "Excuse me, sir. Are you looking for something?" Thoughtful tones drew softly forth, eye of gold and blue full of curiousity, and a little of that fear.

(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2011, 04:33 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Keeping his nose to the ground, listening… Waiting… When her voice broke the silence, he raised his head and glanced at her, half of him wanting to snap and growl and tell her to ‘beat it’. The other half told him to politely respond with a pithy, “No.” His golden-eyed gaze eyed her sharply, the soft tone of her question replaying in his head a couple more times as he looked her over, taking in every detail that defined her.

Elegant, slender build. Medium, ivory pelt. Pitch black nose. Young... Golden eye on the right; a grayish-blue on the left... Too curious for his tastes. He remembered how his previous encounter with white wolf went, how she spoke just as gently and just as courteous. A growl nearly emitted from his throat, but he thoroughly contained it before he replied, “No.” Phew… He thought he was going to lose it… his civility...

Ears relaxing slightly, he swallowed some of his temper. ”I was just inspecting the area,” he said, muttering in a low, rather disinterested tone. ”Never realized this glade was here.” As much as he didn’t feel like making small talk, he had to throw in that last statement. Sure, the wolf he had encountered before this one was cheeky, but that didn’t exactly mean she would be also. He figured if she pushed his buttons, he would take it as an opportunity to release his pent up frustration. If she was going to be just like the rest, just as testing and just as excessively tedious, he doubted this encounter would be pleasant.

Putting it simply, Borden couldn’t help but to feel like a ticking bomb… Every second that passed pushed him a little closer to the edge; he refused, however, to snap. As much as he knew this young lady had done nothing wrong… yet.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

oo;hope it's all right she detected his not so happy mood. if not i can change.
His sharp gaze cut through her, but she did not flinch even if the look caused a chill to brush her spine. The silver female kept a steady gaze on him, as if she could taste his displeasure in the air. Like a six sense. Something indeed wasn't quite right here and she wondered who had pissed in his bowl of cherrios the smorning, or if he had lost something while he looked upon her. Jayse noted mass, guessed strength, and memorized his markings in the same secons. She tried to see any warmth, but still felt she had caught him at the wrong time. Great, just great. How lucky she was. Heaven must want her life to be hell.

And what had she done wrong? Been born....apparently. She just pissed others off without even trying. What a talent to have. Duo colored orbs narrowed, brows creasing cross them as he said no. She had more questions pop into her mind, but dared not voice. Trouble brewed behind her mask, worried, troubled thoughts. However, a mask of emptiness was what she wore.

Recollecting herself inwardly she listened to his dull tone. Trying to do small talk,or as she saw it a lame excuse. Hearing no real emotion, nor real attempt at a conversation the feeling of something wrong carried in her chest. Silence hung in the air, as she did not reply to him. He did not say more, and this bad day made her own temper burn just so. Thinking how nothing ever went right, everything was always blown up in her face. Hapiness could not exist, it was like finding a magical unicorn. Jayse would never find a damned horned horse. She didn't know what to expect from him and his bluntness stung. Solitary punishment didn't seem like such a bad thing right now.

Standing tall, one step brought her one foot closer. Narrowed gaze she looked to him, and in a bold voice said, "Look I don't know what the hell I did, but if your going to attack me because I"m trespassing or whatever I rather get it over with if you don't mind. I'm sure there's a bear out there waiting for his turn." And she meant it. She already felt like hell what more could hurt? Maybe he'd end her miserable, little life.

(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2011, 06:23 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

O O C | Of course. Heh, I can guarantee he won’t attack {pats Borden gingerly}. He’s… just a bit new to this ‘emotion’ stuff… interacting with a lady/ladies and all that jazz. :x Just happened to come by him in an ‘iffy’ mood; his previous encounter with a gal just messed with his head a little. Loved the mention of the bear, btw. ;)

Tail tip flicking slightly, he exhaled, allowing the silence to overcome them. It hung in the air like a veil and he saw it as a chance to shrug everything off his shoulders. He folded his ears, expecting her to say nothing, to simply stand there, to turn her nose up at him and walk away. Walk away… there was an idea. He made to turn and head off in the direction away from her when he heard her take one footstep towards him.

Anticipating a display of submission, a couple of whines and an apology, he took one step before she spoke up. Bold move, indeed. His ears folded and he glanced over his shoulder at her. The corners of his mouth were turned downward. ”Bear?” he questioned, his brows furrowing. ”Good heavens, woman! You’re all the same! You’re all… a piece of work…”

Never, ever predictable,” he spat, turning to face her again. His jaws snapped closed as he bristled his fur irritably, ”One moment you’re curious, then assuming the absolute worst the next.” While his dense winter coat made his expression of anger a rather startling display, his being rooted to his spot seemingly assured he wouldn’t lash out. It actually wasn’t in him to hit a lady, after all. A spark within him died as he looked at her, glancing defiantly back.

Keeping his frame stiff, the stress coiled through his bones. He had expected Relic Lore to be less populated. It seemed as though every other day, while out exploring or patrolling about the side of Mount Dire, he met someone new. As a creature of habit, he expected every day to be the same, to always see and interact with the same wolves on a day-to-day basis. Apparently, since he had stepped foot on Relic Lore soil, life had thrown him on one hell of a roller coaster ride and he was simply unprepared for so much contact with others. ”You caught me off-guard ‘s all,” he admitted after a long pause, averting his gaze away as his hackles slowly lowered.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

ooc; aww okay, i was kinda wondering why he was grumpy. if attacks well jayse will handle it. oh the bear i hadn't know he had a whole thread with a bear thing going on till you said that. weird.
Even though she basicly told him to attack her, she hadn't expected him to move. Don't know why she just thought he'd ignore her or ya just walk away, blow her off. She was use to that. However finally his anger was apparent, drawn on the edges of his lips, as he answered her, and she knew she had been correct he was irritated. Lost for words her jaws hung open for a few seconds, one sound of nothing, hardly audible escaping struggling for a word. She clamped her trap shut though, not trusting herself.

Well she really hadn't planned nor wanted to piss him off more, but she wasn't even trying. If she ever found out who had made him this pissy she would indeed have to thank them. Thank them right off a cliff or something, she silently mused. Head snapped high, as he struck a note about woman, and them being all the same. It was her turn to surpress her own dislike. She hated being thought of as the same as every female, when she hate to meet when she liked who wasn't rlated. Great now he thinks your a annoying twit. But then this told her, it was most likely a female that had put him in this mood. Or females. She could understand that.

Calm breath, she blinked a couple times, her brows now scrunched in her own bewilderment. She didn't know what would be the best thing to do or say. She actually wanted to know what had happened. Good hell you are mental, don't even know him, and he's yelled, and pissed with ya for nothing, and you want to contiue talking to him? She had never said she was normal. With his anger standing his thick coat on edge it definately made him look more intimidating, and definately the word pissed. For one second she waited for the pounce. Waited for that snapping point. It seemed like he was trying to stay there, not to hurt her but who knew what his mad meter was on. On the other hand, as she stared still not daring to let her tongue go, he reminded her of a puffed up porpicupine that had also looked kinda like that, threatning to throw quills in her face. Teeth dung hard in the inside of her jowls, laughing felt like a death wish because he'd probably think she was luney or mocking him.

The seconds grew to a few minutes, and more calmly it seemed as he said she'd caught him off guard. Off guard? Something else she didn't fully believe, she hadn't been the most quiet living thing awhile ago. This might where you breath a sigh of relief, but she wasn't breathing to much still on edge between fear, laughter, and confusion. It was time to say something, wasn't it. Appoligize? What was she sorry for living? Kinda. Another second she finally let a heavy sigh tug from her lips. Slowly walking partly limped a little closer. I hadn't said she was the brightest, but it felt right to her. "Well, sir I'm sorry us females are so.... well not nice really. And me no different. But, when I find the ones who poked you till you were grumpy, I think I'm going to have to give them a special thank you." Soft growl lightly rumbled forth, as she then stopped still a distance, head low looking to the surrounding landscape.

(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2011, 08:40 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall

Diffuse, diffuse… The word rattled around in the crannies of his mind as he heard her apologize. It might have seemed like that’s what he wanted after ranting at her, but he hadn’t expected it. With a dull thud, his hindquarters sank into the snow and he looked at her quietly, watching as she inched forward and stopped a good distance from him. ”Confusing,” he said quietly, following her gaze as she scanned the glade. ”The lot of you…”

Other than being so consumed by the frustration his previous encounters had cause him, Borden was still the tolerant man he was generally conceived to be. He bit his tongue idly as his torso reclined, placing his head between his forepaws when he had deemed the clearing to be safe. He sighed, his chest swelling with air before lowering as it deflated. The cold air made his lungs ache, but it helped clear his head… tenfold.

Vanity is not for the gentleman… his conscience voiced. You don’t speak to a lady that way; especially when she hadn’t done anything wrong in the first place… It was his uncle’s words that spoke to him, and he took a moment to consider what he ought to say. Wait… of course… His golden-rimmed pupils glancing to the white-coated female at the corner of his eye, he apologized, his tone a bit shaky, ”Sorry, miss.”

Evening his voice by clearing his throat, he added, “It… It was out of line me to – I was out of line; no one ought to speak to you like that… when you haven’t done anything to upset me.” He took into account the last bits of her statement again, smiling slightly, ”As for the ‘special thank you’s,’ I don’t think they will be needed, but thank you… Rather thoughtful, really.” He inaudibly exhaled, relief gripping at his chest; he had acted out of line, and already he was internally tormenting himself for snapping. The days of growing up with his siblings painfully came to mind. If he didn’t turn himself around now, the insolent pup he had once been just might have surfaced, even after all he had done to try and forget that part of his past. Pushing away the painful memory, he folded his ears back. He didn’t even dare to think of it.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall

The mulit colored male finally settled on his haunches and she decided to do the same. Leaning off her spranged leg into the softness of the snow. A humble laugh, light and merry laugh escaped her about females being confusing. How right that was. Shoulders shrugged mildy, still peering away. "Hmm, that is true, but I think males can be just as," she mused looking to gray paws knowing this encounter with him made her think so. Feeling too, no one else or anything else was about vivid colored eyes glanced to the brute, looking him over closely wondering where his black mood had dissapeared. He reclined upon his belly, and this surprised her, eyes narrowed ever slightly as he heaved his own heavy sigh. Did he feel better after letting his anger out? She knew she exploded if she kept to much in, perhaps that's why he seemed better. Or was he still holding onto something and had merely pushed it aside? Who knew.

She sat still, eyes wandering, letting him mull that over. It was almost peaceful now, the sun's rays feeling good upon her nape, the cool snow beneath her. The inner turmoil wasn't boiling so much now his attitude had changed. She wouldn't let her guard completely down, believing she could set him off again. Movement caught her eye, when his gaze returned to her. "Sorry, miss." The words were shaky, but these she believed. About to shrug them off, she paused listening intently to him. She hadn't expected him to say more, but now he was being such a proper gentleman. Appoligizing for his behavoir. Well, she supposed that meant deep down he was all right, and not just a child with a temper. Cran nodded slowly at this. "No harm done, being mad isn't a crime," she said it matter of factly in a soft tone.

She noticed his half smile, saying her thank you's wouldn't be needed. A short chuckle couldn't help but escape. A very small grin on the edge of her lips. "Well, I can't promise anything,but if you say so." She doubted she'd even know who the heck it was, and she didn't see it him telling her, or it coming up in a conversation if she met any of them. So he probably had nothing to worry about. Sniffing slightly, tip of tail twitched. So if you don't mind me asking are you a loner umm...I'm sorry do you care to tell me your name?" She figured the polite thing, and safe would be to ask. She might as well know his name if he'd give it. Noticing his ears folded atop his head, she still had a nagging about something wrong. She didn't expect him to go from mad to happy, but he seemed depressed. "You sure your all right?" Sincere question came, focus serious. It was none of her business but as they say curiousity killed the cat.

(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2011, 12:30 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]