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Beneath a Moonless Sky — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He could feel the change in himself, the change in his desire to be ever more close to Namara. The threat that he had made known to the pack still laid thick in the air, and while he cursed himself for it, he knew it had to be done. For the survival of Whisper Caverns, if for anything. He had been growing increasingly more agitated and angry as time went on and as much as he wanted to let his anger out on something, he just didn't know what he could scream at. Before, it had always seemed that @Namara was his undoing, but now he knew he did not wish to injury her feelings, not when he had already promised to spare what he could of what was left of them.

Angrily he paced in their caverns, his dark brown fur on end as he silently contemplated what he wanted...what he had been desiring for over a year now. It was for his mate to be by his side, completely, and for him to make sure that she knew there was no one else, because that always seemed to be the question hanging over her pretty little head when they were around one another. His thoughts would sometimes waver to her but it wasn't long before reality would stab him in the gut and he would have to remind himself that the woman he loved was currently with him and not out in the unknown. It definitely made him feel guilty sometimes, but he was trying, and that was all that she had asked for.

Finally, making the decision to call out to her, Ash raised his head and let his baritone voice fill the air, making it clear to the pack who he wanted to see, and that he only wanted to see one someone at this point in time. He had not discussed any matters with the newly named Hervok currently, and Ash had already spoken to Narimé as to what was going to happen come spring. They had made the decision, and now it was time to bring it up with his lovely, snappy mate. Hopefully she would take nothing the wrong way and would be content to allow them to be together, fully. While he waited for her arrival, he kept in mind of all the times he had broken her and that he wasn't worthy, and it mattered to him, but whatever made her happy would be the decision they would make together. As night fell, Ash looked through the opening from the caverns, his mossy green eyes staring up into the black, moonless sky, and as it got darker, the ghost happily drifted off into the darkness, awaiting the arrival of his dear Namara.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Silently she stirred as Ash's voice stirred her ear fur. Deep breath's left the ball of fur that was Namara Hervok. She was on fire, every touch made her flinch and she had snapped at nothing four times today and now made it a point to herself to just go somewhere and lay down. Her sleep had been fitful, and full of dreams of Ash, it seemed as though he were the only wolf that didn't inflame her right now. Namara wanted nothing to do with any females, or any males, or any wolf, that wasn't exclusively her mate. Unaware of the decisions that had been made she was at this point cracking under the effort she was putting into not simply following him around. So of course at his howl, she immediately rose, breaking her resolve with a very soft utterance of "Fuck it I need him."

The newly named Hervok moved swiftly to the cavern, the blackness did nothing to slow her pace. Namara knew the path to where Ash was by heart now, not even a stone wall would be able to stop her anyways. Even if the Cavern caved in like the den in Poison Path had she would simply dig a hole in it again, just to make it to him. Eventually she found her way into the cavern and as his scent hit her full in the face the only sound was her breath hitching. She stayed at the entrance to the cavern, suddenly unsure if she should go any closer She could merely breathe his name. "Ash?"Her heart was pounding already and she felt herself being pulled forward even though she stood still. Her resolve was thin, she needed her love, she needed him NOW.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok
So demanding. xD

It didn't seem as if he had to wait long for his beautiful mate to arrive, Ash's mossy green eyes were trained on her easily, his eyes already long adjusted to the dark. He watched her carefully, making note of every movement that she made, inhaling sharply once her scent hit his nostrils. He knew he had to control himself though, because it would not be much like a gentleman-like of him if he was to take her without her permission and all he wanted was to make her happy. If she didn't desire what he wanted then it would be the last time that he brought up such inquiries. All he wanted to do was please her and he had no problem respecting her wishes.

Flicking his tail back and forth, he almost sighed in anticipation when she whispered his name, his eyes staying on her form as he finally stepped forward and stood behind her, his frame towering over her as he looked down at her from behind. "I think we have some things to discuss, my dear...tell me, what is it that you desire?" Her spoke the words low and in low growl, his body moving next to hers to brush her cheek against hers and press his body close. He then licked her cheek affectionately before moving in front of her so that he would be able to gauge her reaction to the words that he said. In the pit of his stomach excitement and dread swirled within him, which was not the most pleasant mix.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Her every fiber quivered with excitement as he stood there his voice washed over her causing a small sound to escape her mouth before he relocated around in front of her. His voice and touch pulled at her, begging almost to go to him, to be his truly once and for all. But Namara stayed rooted to the spot, she was ffrozen in thought, what about the rest of the pack? was this an agreed upon thing? did it even matter anymore? No it couldn't matter Namara loved Ash and was prepared to undertake one of the highest shows of love she could possibly do. Bearing him children, continuing both of their bloodlines. "I want you Ash Hervok. I want you... completely." Now it was Namara whom wanted to play.

She wreathed around him before sliding her muzzle along his in a loving way. "Will you truly call me your mate Ash?" She gave a slight sigh as she pulled away from him and flicked her tail across his shoulders. The large grayish she wolf did a 360 only to face him once more. "One question." She sat down for a moment, in order to signal to him, there was something else. "How does the rest of the pack feel about this? I know Minka is leaving with Tokino.. what about Narime?" She did not want to wait any longer but Namara knew they had no choice other than to be sure that this was okay, she also wanted to be sure that if she accepted Ash that her children would cared for.

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

Words he had been longing to hear for months now slipped past her lips and Ash couldn't stop the small sigh of contentment that slipped past his own. His woman didn't seem to like to let him have his fun for too long, for soon she was flicking him and pressing her body against his. Growling lowly, he turned to face her when she muttered words about Minka and Tokino. As much as he wanted to have business conversation with his love, speaking of them was not something he had kept in mind. The thought of his current partner sent his blood boiling and he had to bit down on his tongue harshly to keep from snarling out in anger. The bitch was taking his family away from him and then had expected him not become angry with the fact that she was taking away the family that he had come to so highly value and had protected with each and every one of his breaths since he had come to Whisper Caverns.

Trying not to let his mind wander too much, he refocused his gaze back to Namara. He tried to recall the question that she had asked him and when he did, he shook his head slowly. Striding closer to his lover, he muttered softly in her ear, his voice gruff, "The rest of the pack will have to get over what their alphas think are best. Nari and I have agreed that I will not be touching her...only you. Do I make myself clear?" His voice was a soft whisper than, tickling at her ear, but loud enough to make sure that she could hear him. Once he was given the OK, he wouldn't hold back, and he would finally get to claim what was already his.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief
Played by Ghoff who has 133 posts.
V. Subordinate
Namara Hervok
Had to write that twice

His voice rasped into her ear, Namara's head tilted back a little as if she were being pulled into him. Her eyes closed and a small sound escaped her lips with the words. She could hear it in his voice, Ash only wanted her, and she only wanted him. She could hear him and feel him and as the air continued to heat around them she felt her resolve slipping away slowly, falling to the rock her paws where planted on. The large she wolf rounded on him once more, and began tracing his muzzle with hers, placing gentle loving licks across his muzzle and further to his shoulder, wanting to enjoy the moment before she finally took him away. her lips parted again so she could speak.

"Ash Hervok, I love you so much, I don't think you know. I shall always be here for you." With those words she slipped away from him into the darkness, shedding her self control to the cave floor to lie next to her resolve. As she backed away she fixed him with a beckoning gaze, but she did not speak until she was completely hidden in the shadows. Namara stopped for a second with a sudden reservation, she wondered briefly what would come after this. Would she be able to do this, but the sound of his breathing snapped her out of it. She had her silent knight with her, of course they would be fine. "Ash.... Come here.... now, love."

(This post was last modified: Mar 16, 2014, 03:53 AM by Namara.)
Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ash Hervok

He basked in the affectionate licks of his loved one, taking the time to inhale her scent when she was near. His body was on fire and the need for her grew within each second. Her words were loving...but they held some kind of animistic need behind it, the need that Ash was feeling. He had to control himself from going after her when she pulled away, and respected the space that she was asking for, turning his large head away from her and towards the small puddles of melting snow that accumulated among the cavern floor. Clenching his jaw tightly together, he stared contently at the floor, his head moving once more when his love's voice called out to him, beckoning him.

Taking a deep breath the man turned and made his way towards his mate, giving her an affectionate nudge on the shoulder, sensing the need for him....the need that he also harbored for her. Taking a deep breath, he put his muzzle next to her ear and muttered quietly, "Are you ready?" He definitely did not wish to force anything upon her, but when he felt her nod of consent Ash took no time in thinking about what he was going to do. In the end, no matter what happened, instinct was what always took over for them. They acted like animals, but it was why they were so compatible. It was why he didn't hesitate when he took her as his own and could finally call her his.

STOCK: WolfC-Stock @ DA - LucieG-Stock @ DA & Dawnthieves.de
Table by PuppyThief