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Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Backdated to February 22, 2014

Inali, you cannot see a few feet ahead of you because of the snow.


Her days really couldn't get any worse. Inali was constantly worrying of how her impending decision woupd affect everyone in the pack. She hated to think that whichever decision she chose, she still ended up betraying someone, and that logic was like a black cloud over her head. So therefore, her days couldn"t get any worse. And that's where she did wrong - basically challenging the Fates. She had gone out for a time to clear her head, and when she was nearing home, there was a surprise waiting for her. A huge bank of snow covered her way, to the point that she couldn't see a few feet in front of her. Fucking great, she thought. Just what she needed.

Sighing angrily, Inali ran headfirst into the snow bank. Probably not the best idea, but she did it anyway. She needed something to let the anger out, something she could mometarily resort to so she wouldn't snap at her packmates. Flailing around in the snow until she exhausted the anger out of her seemed like the perfect idea. By the time she was done, she was covered in snow. Breathing heavy because of the exursion, Inali shook out her fur, getting the snow out. She took a couple steps back, trying to assess the situation. It seemed a new layer of snow had come down while she had been gone. It was high enough that she couldn't see a couple of feet in front of her. Of course, she wasn't that big in size, so she was sure a bigger sized wolf could clamber over to where she was. Question was, how was she going to get over it? The thought that she was a sure footed creature and could easily go over it never crossed her mind. Ggoes to show that everyone has their 'I was stupid' moments.

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2014, 02:55 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

He had grown much more since the last time he had seen his angel, his development coming along quite well. He had not seen her in awhile and his missed the woman very much, finding it hard to concentrate on every day tasks when it comes to her. He liked to think that he had grown larger than her, though he didn't really have any comparison. For awhile now he had been training to become a Guardian, one that he hoped would be well respected when he grew older. For some time, he had not seen his mother, nor his siblings, and he could only assume it was being he was shunning him out of disgust. He hadn't been the kindest upon their mother's return, probably because he couldn't stand the thought of anyone else abandoning him. It was why when he hadn't caught sight of Inali or wandered across the woman's scent, that he began to worry. Never had he gone so long without the sight of his angel and he needed to be reunited with her, to inhale her scent so it could once again be around him.

Today would seem to be his lucky day though, for as the newly muscled boy began to prowl along the borders, his amber teal-flecked eyes flickered towards the sound of movement and the large pile of snow that had accumulated itself quite near their borders. To his pleasant delight, he found the cream colored woman burst through the wall, his eyes looking at her carefully and making sure that she was not harmed before striding confidently towards her. He was, indeed, much bigger than her now, though it did not come as a shock to him. She was after all, small to begin with and Yuka would want nothing more than to make sure that she was warm. Clearing his throat to make sure that she knew he was there, he hesitantly approached her, his muzzle running along top of her head in greeting.

He had yearned for physical contact for months now and was happy that he had finally found her, even if she was agitated, hopefully, if the boy did his job, he would be able to fix that. Opening his mouth to speak, his underused voice came out in a gruff tenor octave, surprising himself, ”Angel, you shouldn't be out there in the cold all by your lonesome.” He gave a serious look, asking her not to argue with him. He knew enough out the health of others and the time that they were in right now that it was not safe for the woman to be out for too long, especially considering what she had just done. His lips twitched slightly in amusement at the thought and spoke to her again, ”I do hope you're not making a habit of doing what you just did...walk with me?” He mentioned her forward if she would take his offer and would happily walk beside her in content, for the first time in what he was sure was months.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

She was once again deep in her thoughts, and didn't anticipate the touch of her young Knight. She leaned into his touch, needed something familiar at the moment. His voice surprised her, and she glanced up briefly at him with pleasant shock. It suited him. He was teasing her, in his own soft way. She couldn't help but chuckle, her agitation seeming to melt in his very presence. "Oh shut up," she answered pawing his face in a playful manner.

Inali fell into step beside him, shivering slightly because of the cold temperatures. Moving closer to his side, she briefly glanced at his face, then to the ground, then back to his face. It was clear she was anxious about something. She was about to bring it up, when fear suddenly consumed her. Fear of how he would react, fear that, Fates forbid, he would hate her. She would tell him about her struggle later on, but now she just basked in his presence and scent. Slowing her pace until she was at a standstill, she buried her face into his fur. She barely reached his shoulder. "I have missed you so," she murmered softly, taking in his scent.

Inali was undoubtedly screwed. She didn't want to bring up her possible departure, but she would have to at some point. She couldn't withhold the truth from him forever. He would know of it soon enough if she didn't tell him. Taking a deep breath, her worried gaze briefly flickered to his teal one, and then went back to staring at his shoulder. Speaking softly she opened her maw, Honey, I have something to tell you. And you might not like it." She couldn't dare look at Yuka in the eyes, for that would surely crumble her resolve. She had to tell him, she just had to!

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

He happily enjoyed their embrace, letting his senses fill with what was her. Lightly, he ran his muzzle along her head before they started their walk, his russet years flickering towards her. How he had longed to hear those words come out of her mouth, and he eagerly replies to them, his jaws opening to speak. ”It is I who should miss you, ange...not the other way around.” He didn't mind standing and walking with her, this was the most contact he had shared with anyone since his last training, and it wasn't even for pleasantries, it was to learn how to fight, and it was why his still lean form was packed with muscle now. Since they had stopped, her once again wrapped her in his embrace, committing this moment to memory. He had noticed it when they were walking, that something was on her mind, something that the young boy had hoped that he would be able to get her mind off of. Yuka did not like it when she worried herself over simple things, and he clung onto the hope that it was all it was, a simple thing.

When she spoke, he forced himself not to tense up at her words. He didn't like the sound of it but instead of getting himself worried he looked down at her, his brows creasing in concern. Never had she sounded so unsure of herself as she did now, at least in his lifetime. Lightly he ran his muzzle across her forehead once more, to give her what comfort that he could before speaking, ”Tell me what plagues your mind, my angel, let me wash your worries away.” Just as she had done for him when he had wallowed in his pity and self-loathing for himself, something that none the less, still occurred on a daily basis. She wouldn't look at him, and he found himself nuzzling her head up so that she could look into his eyes, something that always seemed to have calmed her down in the past. After all, his eyes were rather peculiar, but what wasn't about him? It was why his family hated him, and why his angel loved him.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

The boy was wise beyond his years, but how could she burden him with her selfish troubles. The anger was no longer there, but her eyes showed her increasing despair. She was too weak to fight him as he nuzzle her head up so she could look him in the eyes. Her creased brow with worry softened as she once again lost herself in the depths of his teal blue orbs. Her slight frown, formed into a small smile. But her eyes still showed despair, no matter what magic he cast on her with his eyes. One day, he would have the ladies swooning. She mentally chuckled and her eyes finally seemed to show that light that hadn't been there in what seemed like ages.

Her eyes took in his caring expression. Her young knight was actually concerned for her, and the thought warmed her heart. She couldn't bear to have that look replaced by one of hatred. A sharp pang hit her heart at the very thought, so sharp that she physically flinched. No, she wouldn't tell him. Plastering on a smaile that was anything but real, she spoke in a whisper. It was nothing. Nothing to worry your handsome little head about." This time, her smile reached her eyes. Joking yourself out of a problem was never good, but she had no other choice otherwise. Stretching her lithe body to the fullest, she nipped his chin in a sign that he should bend down. Finally able to reach his ears, she whispered, "Catch me if you can my guardian." The game would not only provide an escape from his probable questioning but allow her a fun escape as well. With those words, she turned and let her long legs glide across the snowy terrain. Her carefree laughter bounced around in the air.

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2014, 12:07 AM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

He would always be worried about this angel n front of him, especially if she always acted the way that she was acting now. He was glad that she was looking at him now, and he gently nudged her cheek in an affectionate manner, not wishing for her to hurt anymore. When she flinched he mentally cringed, knowing that she was some reason in pain. He didn't know why, but all he wanted to do was take it away from her. When she did finally speak, he was slightly hurt, surprised that she had actually lied to him. The boy did not comment to his mother figure though, but simply remained silent, lowering his head when she mentioned for him to. His amber teal-flecked eyes widened slightly when she spoke to him. He had never truly played any games with anyone before, not even his own siblings, and he was unsure of how to accept her offering.

The game was pretty self-explanatory, but he hesitated as he watched her run away from him, and he decided quite quickly that he didn't like it. Acting upon instinct, the boy raced after her, his breaths coming in short pants. He definitely wasn't as fast as she was and he struggled to catch up, pushing the muscles he had developed harder so that he could be next to her. He found that it wouldn't happen that way, but he did enjoy seeing the light in her eyes. Launching himself off the ground, he flew towards her, attempting to pin her under him in a playful manner. He was glad he had gotten his angel into a better mood, but he still wondered why she had been so upset in the first place.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Did she feel bad for.lying to him? Yes. Honesty was a big thing for her. She only lied when the situation called for it, and in this situation, was it really called for? Sighing softly, she looked back briefly and then turned around again with a smile gracing her features. It looked like Yuka was struggling a bit, but he continued to push himself. She enjoyed seeing him so determined, but there was no way he would catchup to her. He was still a pup, though almost Yearling, and growing into his skills. She was of small build, and agile on her paws. Speed was her advantage.

As she ran, Inali started to get tired. Her stamina was still good, but it had diminished a bit since winter had set in. The less she ate, the less energy she had. It was the simple truth. Finally slowing down, the woman could have never imagined what happened next. Not from her serious mild tempered Yuka. But it was a side she would come to love. The rust hued woman had been deep in her thoughts, intent on not letying Yuka cath her. She had not turned back in time to see that he had leaped into the air. Their impact was not harsh, nor did it hurt, but it carried enough force to topple them both onto the ground in a heap of tangled limbs and a slightly bruised noggin on her part. Laughing softly, her blue orbs were sparkling. "Who knew you ever had it in you," she teased. But there was pride in her voice for the boy soon to be man that she considered her son more than anything.

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

As he looked down and into the eyes of Inali, he was pleased to see the spark of light returning to them. Highly pleased with himself, Yuka quickly got off of his angel, not wanting to crush her beneath his weight. When Yuka heard her words of praise, he couldn't help the small twitch of a smile that almost made its way onto his serious demeanor. Never had he actually beamed at anyone in his life, at least, not that he had remembered. When the woman in front of him righted herself, the Throben allowed himself to go and nuzzle her gently against her cheek, he appreciated all that she had done for him and couldn't imagine a life without her. Surely there would be nothing more to it. He had sworn his loyalty to his family here though, but Yuka would spend the rest of his life protecting Inali until one of them died.

Shaking such thoughts out of his mind, he mentioned for the two of them to walk, content on being able to spend time with his angel while he still could. He sighed softly, letting his amber teal eyes take in the snow covered ground around them. The boy longed for when the days would become warm again and he would be able to encounter life within the trees and running water around him. Hopefully then, everyone in the pack would be less obsessed with food at every corner and actually respect the life that others were giving up for them. Out of the corner of his eye, he peeked over at the creamy woman beside him, just to make sure that she was, indeed, in lighter spirits.

Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

It was getting a little harder to breathe, for the muscled young man on top of her was not the same little boy that she had last seen in the months prior. Getting ready to push at his chest, Yuka thankfully got up before she could whine out a complaint. Breathing in some much needed air, the russet woman quickly got to her feet, eager to continue the day. Yuka bent to nuzzle her cheek, and she instinctively leaned into his touch. As he pulled away, he mentioned for them to walk together and she eagerly agreed, falling easily into step beside him. Her blue orbs watched as he took in the scene around them. He had a special affinity for nature, one of the many unique things about him. A small smile appeared on her muzzle as his gaze briefly latched onto hers with the corner of his eye.

The young woman opened her maw, wanting to speak her thoughts. "Yuka," she called out in order to gain his full attention. When she was sure she had it, Inali continued with a smile. "Your gonna make a girl very happy one day, my young Knight." Maybe he was too young, but he was reaching the threshold of young adulthood. She hadn't seen him in months, only catching glimps of him here and there. He was going to have everything going for him: looks, smarts, and brawn. She couldn't help but wonder if he had met a girl along the way. Or friends for that matter. "Of course, she'll have to meet my approval first," she continued with a teasing look and sidling closer to the young Thorben.

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

Unfortunately what he had thought to be a stealthy look had been anything but, and Yuka glanced away from her immediately, having been embarrassed to be caught looking at her out of concern. She called for him, and immediately his large head looked towards her, his amber-teal eyes focused on her. His brows furrowed, concerned that something truly was bothering her, but when she spoke, nothing but concerned words greeted his ears and Yuka's eyes sparkled in happiness. He appreciated her compliment and secretly hoped that in the future that she was right. He wanted to be successful and prove everyone wrong about him and how they thought he wasn't good enough...or at least, that is what he thought everyone else thought.

Her last words echoed in his mind and he couldn't help the throaty chuckle that escaped his mouth, his eyes focused on her. Nodding his head as he agreed with her, he finally spoke, ”Yes, yes...of course, my angel.” There wouldn't be any problem in him getting her approval, she would always be here while he was alive and while she was alive, and he knew that she would approve if he was happy, truly happy. That of which only happened when he was around his angel. Flicking his tail back and forth, he nuzzled her affectionately once more as he looked at her, a mischievous grin growing on his face as he spoke the next words, ”Same goes to you. I gotta meet this wolf if any catch your interest.” With a cheeky grin, the usually conservative pup gave an awkward wink towards his friend.