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Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
@Mirren can also post in this thread toooo at any point since this is pre SW joinin' and he's right there with her~~ Early morning and cloudy... Responding to Random Event: It smelled like a deer herd was nearby... but now there are no traces of them. @Anstice

The wind was in her favor. Kite could not help but be restless and wake earlier than normal, but she was a morning bird regardless. Still. Today was the day. It was the true beginning of her life with Mirren. This was cause for celebration to Kite, who could smell a herd nearby. Kite wanted to be of use to this new pack, and perhaps if she could find the herd in which she smelled. And so she rose, exhaling a warm breath onto the forehead of the dozing Mirren who she sensed might rise with her. Don't let me disturb you, she whispers quietly, I'll be back. Just want to see if I can find 'em... pause, A herd. With that clarified, Kite withdrew from him. Her gaze lingered... and it pained her to move away, even for a moment. But Kite wanted to help him, too; she would do so until the end of her days.

Her nose quivers as she moves into the Orchard. The land around her was beautiful, too... so different! So very, very different from the land of tall grass. Her nose was planted to the earth as she followed the scent trail. It seemed relatively fresh, but her hunt for them was thus far fruitless. All the while, Kite's ears swiveled atop her head in case she could hear them, or else any other that may approach. Kite would help Mirren and the pack she was a part of, ad infinitum.

Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

The pregnant woman had been pushing forward from Hollowheart Keep where she had been turned down. So the pack leaders weren't as stupid or gullible as the one subordinate I had seduced had been. Her white pelt had started to reek of the scent of pregnancy and she knew there was little hopes of joining a pack unless she could pull some other sob story out. The sinister woman took a scent around and narrowed her eyes slightly. There was another wolf about, female. There was also the scent of a male too but she had no idea what the situation was. Everyone who isn't us is an enemy. Approach with caution. The voice in her mind was speaking to her and so she silently responded with an okay and a nod.

She drew a large breathe before looking meek as she approached the loner female {by the scent} she assumed. "Hello?" She called out in a false sense of being timid. She could play her parts AD INFINITUM if she needed to. It all had to be because she had someone else to think about now. She had a kinsmen who was swirling inside her her stomach, forming still, to think about. The usually sly woman was hungry and she knew that she might be able to work with the other wolf because her child would need food in order to develop. She drew a deep breathe and waited for the other female to respond. Was the male she scented on the wind with her too?

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Kite had not yet given up hope. She was optimistic, of course, as that was in her nature... but also impatient. Her age was part to blame for that, and also her nature. Kite had earned her impatience from her mother who would snap when said patience was tested. It was an unfortunate part of Kite, but... she was working on it. Her strides grew longer, but she felt as though she was on some sort of wild goose change.

There was no sound to betray Anstice's approach, but when the woman was near enough Kite could hear the gentle footfalls of the other. Anstice carried a scent different from her mothers but vaguely familiar. Kite had only just left, but her siblings had been conceived a brief time prior to her departure. The female did not recognize it as pregnancy, and so she could not place just what was different about the others scent. Kite turned as the woman voiced her shy greeting, and Kite was none the wiser to her true nature. Kite herself was relatively shy when meeting others, but her meeting with Mirren had lifted her spirits to a degree that Kite, on this morning, could not think of her anxieties when meeting another. Her tail waved in a friendly manner. Hey! she greets cheerily, and licks her chops. The smell of breakfast bring you here? she quips, her eyes bright. Kite was resourceful herself, but none had ever been willing to work with her out of the Lore. Still, after meeting Mirren, he had instilled hope in her... not all were so quick to turn their backs.

(This post was last modified: Apr 09, 2014, 02:59 PM by Kite.)
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

The soon-to-be-showing-it pregnant wolf smiled a little at the greeting from the female. She seemed nice enough and didn't appear to be threatening as Anstice dipped her head to the female. Food? Yes, she wanted food, for the winter had not been easy on her this past year. It was things thought to be frivol that seemed to matter to Anstice the most. Though food was not frivol but it was necessary and she needed it, wanted it and so did her children she had a feeling. "Yes please." Anstice practically begged the female. Should she say anything else other than holding those desperate eyes, it was at that moment she noticed her priorities and views change. She wasn't sure what it would do but it would be cataclysmic to her personality. The desperation was driving her to be nice, not fake nice but genuinely nice.

Should Anstice even mention her children? No, nor would she mention her former name for it was a strange one that was easy to remember and haunted with dangerous memories from a different wolf. Anstice was her name and that was what she would stick to. Anstice felt like she knew what she would do when she had her child/s. She would probably show up at a pack and say she could do anything for them, just as long as she had a safe place for her children to grow. Perhaps she'd even lie and say she found the pup on his lonesome, probably abandoned by his mother, and so she started to feed him as milk could be created in a female just by being around a pup or something like that. Her parents had taken in a wolf back when she was just a pup with the similar story so surely it might work. The snowy white wolf was trying to find a way to raise her child/s well despite her lone wolf status.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

The woman was frail in her response, gentle. Her manners caused Kite to smile warmly, nodding her head in immediate acceptance. Still unaware thus far of the others situation, Kite moved to press onward, gesturing to her side in a come, come! sort of motion. Hopefully we can find something, she huffs, and looks to the pale wolf. Foods been hard to come by... but recently I've been lucky enough to find scraps. Hunting with two wolves was possible, but difficult. And truth be told, Kite did not want to exert herself for a potential failure. The other looked more than a bit tired, and so Kite did not want to push the other... together, they would scout.

Kite lowered her head to the earth to inhale a heavy bout of air. Her eyes also cast toward the sky to see if she could see her crow companion anywhere... but no, nothing yet. Kite slowed some so she could be all the more observant, not wanting to miss a thing.

The L'Crowe then thought it the right thing to do to mind her manners, and her ears flattened atop her head as anxiety swept through her system. Ah, erm, I'm Kite! Hi, by the way. She looked sidelong to Anstice, the pale stranger, giving the other a crooked, nervous smile. Kite wasn't a bundle of nerves, but she certainly felt nervous due to her slip up in the manners department... ah, well, better late than never. Kite looked back to the path ahead, breathing in the scents of the world around her in the process.

Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

The other female was so... nice and wasn't like many of the other wolves that Anstice had been around and learned from in her life. Most were rude, or mean, or terrifying to be honest though growing up with them had made things different with her and it had made her brave and evil along with them. The other wolves whom he had been around hadn't scared her and she believed herself to be fearless and brave. The issue was, as Anstice now believe, you could only be brave while you were afraid. Anything else is a fog, a mystique that keeps everything else a secret. It was a moment of ANAGNORISIS or a critial moment of discovery. That was who she was, a wolf to learn only from the mistakes she made. Seducing Chulyin had been one of them.

The female introduced herself as Kite and Anstice couldn't help but offer a small tug of a smile in return. "Anstice." She greeted, the name rolling off her muzzle with ease as she had gone for almost four months with the same name. She was use to addressing herself as such as well as being addressed by that very name. "I.. I think I smell.... rabbits?" She murmured as she caught the scents of a rabbit trail vaugely in the distance. A small frown on her muzzle as she silently pursued the area. She wanted food and then she would explain her desperate need {other than surviving} to the female who had offered to help her catch herself a breakfast.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Kite had never heard a name like some of the ones she had heard here. She was used to simple names, short names. Anstice sounded... exotic. Kite thought it was lovely, and perhaps Anstice might have noticed that by the way Kite's eyes lingered for a little bit longer on the others pale figure, as if admiring the other. Which, in a way, she was... just not the physical aspect, nor really even the mental one. But a name could make one lovely for a little while, Kite knew. If she had met someone named Raven, she would instantly want to befriend them on the sole principle that she loved the bird! Kite could be strange like that. Still, Kite was also unused to exotic names, and not wanting to mess it up, Kite asks with genuine interest, May I call you Annie? Or An? She imagined the other might be more annoyed by her slaying the lifelong (as far as Kite thought she had the name for) name she had gone by than addressing her by a simpler moniker. She could be wrong, though, and so the L'Crowe was prepared to hear no.

At the others comment, Kite sniffed at the air, nostrils sucking in the air all the more aggressively. Kite, too, noted the hint of the leporine thing, and Kite affirmed Anstice's query with a nod. Me, too. That way, yeah? Kite gestures while asking, darting forward. Her tail waves in a friendly manner. It wasn't exactly a herd (note: nowhere near), but it would do for now.

(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2014, 01:40 AM by Kite.)
Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa
i took a walk around the world
miss anstice
to ease my troubled mind.

Anstice offered a small smile while holding back some spumescent like spit. She swallowed it down and spoke in response to the female in a stern voice. "Anstice is just fine." She refused the nickname An or Annie. It just seemed so strange and unnatural to her. She was trying out that whole nice thing but sometimes it got hard like at that moment. She hated nicknames except for a few. "Some call me Ansti or Stice if you'd prefer." She offered up two nicknames she found suitable to be called. Her white fur ruffled in the wind as the pregnant woman pushed towards the scent of rabbits behind Kite. It would do and it would soothe her stomach and aid her in her attempt to allow her child to grow properly.

Anstice crouched down and attempted a stalk on the rabbits nest. Kite and herself would be able to take down quite a few if all went well enough. Anstice rushed forward towards the nest as the three rabbits scattered. She chased after two who went in the same direction and she leapt at them. One of them escaped her clutches but the other one did not. She swiftly killed it as she started to tear into it. The things I do for family. She told herself sarcastically. She would love her child(s) with all her heart. There was one motto she went by on the subject and that was all. Those words were important to her and from her mother.

"Love no one but your children. On that front a woman has no choice." She would love her children but not out of force. She didn't need that choice. It was one that she always made.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Kite nodded understandingly at the others response, knowing ones own name meant much to them. Kite went on to explain herself, not for her own benefit but for the others. She doubted that Anstice was truly wondering why in the hell Kite would prefer her to call her Annie as opposed to Anstice, but in case she was, Kite thought it prudent to mention. Ah, I've never heard a name like yours before! I like it... I just, I didn't want to ruin it... can you... say it once more? St-eece...? She winces, and throws an apologetic look at Anstice. She had tried to avoid the butchery, but it could not be helped. She might as well learn the more difficult part of her name as opposed to attempting to avoid it with Ansti. It was better she know, right? At least now, it could be fixed! Kite was a simple enough name, but wolves could even manage to savage that. It set Kite's nerves on end, and caused her to grit her teeth... though she had become more patient. Not everyone could understand simple things, and she had at last come to term with that.

Fortunately, sooner than later their chase began. The one that escaped Anstice's clutches made it into the jowls of Kite, though its life was ended swiftly as Kite shook it and snapped its neck with ease. No sooner was it on the ground that Kite went for another that was attempting to make it back into its home that she was upon it, ending its life, too, as her fangs dug deep into its scruff and found a vital vein. It fell limp and she released it, falling onto her belly and lapping at its bloodied furs to remove them from it before she took part in its more juicy contents. The other one lay there, dead and free for the taking. Kite need not kill any more than she had... truth be told she would have been content with just one, but she had missed the hunt, and her adrenaline had gotten the better of her.

Played by Namara who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anstice Alexa

Anstice tolerated the woman as she attempted to pronounce her name as well as compliment her on the beauty of it. St-eece... Ansti put on a smile as she softly cooed out how to pronounce it. "Very Close. My name is pronounced Anne-st-ice." She said it slowly, pronouncing each syllable clearly as she finished up her rabbit, her eyes calm and a small smile on her muzzle. Her pregnant belly had not yet started to grow but she knew that it was coming. The stomach that had been rumbling for a while had calmed down with the food in it. The winter was closing and there would be more food about but she did not deny that she needed a pack. She took a deep breathe and gazed at the lady who was so curious and so... innocent in her ways.

Anstice slowly rose and dipped her head to the female. "It is time I must he heading off. It was lovely to meet you Kite, truly it was." She said softly as she turned to leave, her tail slowly waving from side to side. Her tongue swiped across her canines and teeth as her smile started to fade. Her worries returned to her as she began to wonder what kind of life she could possibly hold with a child as a lone wolf. She had made a mistake, though she would do her best to survive with it. Her child would have the best life that she could provide for him. Though she, at this point, did not know how many child she would be having nor their genders, she would like to think she would have one boy at the very least.


Love no one but your children
Anstice & Abadeer
On that front a mother has no choice
(This post was last modified: May 07, 2014, 01:20 AM by Anstice.)
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