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somebodies heartbreak
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Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Jus' a homesick Kite to play into my personal misery ;_;
Mirren was everything. Kite was ready, ready to be with him forever. Because he was her forever.

But Kite had to come to terms with the loss of her past life, truly come to terms with it, and she decided it would need to begin now. A slow catharsis. Kite had thrown herself wholeheartedly into the pack by helping dig out two packmates the day prior, to distract herself, and now she found herself trailing one of them. In her jaws was a limp rabbit that swung freely, blood dotting her chest here and there as blood oozed from between her fangs. She gripped it a bit rougher than perhaps she ought to have... Distracted, she was thinking of her family, and how goodbye truly meant goodbye.

Her new life was beginning, now. And they would not be a part of it, the Plains their permanent keeper. Her love for them would remain, but they were not a part of her any more. They had shaped her, molded her, changed her. And then, like that, as they pushed her away (as instinct would demand) her chapter with them had come to an end. Once she might have considered it untimely... and sometimes, a little unfair. But without that push, she would not be here. Somewhere better.

Kite was trying to be optimistic. It was hard. Because finality was something she did not deal too well with. It was over. Her heart ached and her step seemed far from light and giddy, as it typically was... and Kite tried to divert her attentions to the trail she had... lost?

Those damnable thoughts. All consuming. Shaking her head, Kite turned to again find the train of the wolf she had never formally met before, but intended to.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint
Well, this came out rather depressing...

It was not long after the collapse of the den and Rayne lay in a cleared spot in the thicket nearby. The entrance was nearly cleared of all rubble however, that didn’t mean it was safe to go back into the spacious living space. It was feared another collapse might happen so wolves had been warned away from sleeping in the den for now, until something could be done or it was safely known to go back into the den.

Rayne sighed heavily, eyeing his leg as a small throb of pain coursed through it when he shifted his weight and making him wince. It had been nearly a month since the injury occurred and Aideen had told him it would be a minimum of six weeks before it could be thought of as healed. And even then, it could take longer. All he had to do was stay off it. Which normally Rayne didn’t mind but he was bored and feeling guilty that so soon after joining the pack and with his promise to help Aideen to find herbs and such, he had become essentially useless until his leg could take his weight again.

Why did it have to happen to him? He had done nothing wrong to want a reason to gain this injury, expect exist according to the black wolf who attacked him. At the thought, Rayne fought down the hot feeling that was rising behind his eyes. No, he was meant to exist. He knew it. Every wolf had a purpose in life and his was to become a loyal guardian. This is the thought that went through his brain last as he drifted off to sleep, because sleep had been advised as the best medicine. But he wished he hadn’t closed his eyes when as soon as they closed, the images and voices begun.

But what use is a broken one? The whisper in his head teased, sounding so kind yet so cruel. you’ll have a limp for the rest of your days. What use is a guardian who can't even walk properly?

”Shut up.” Rayne whispered harshly under his breath, eyes darting around quickly when he realised he had spoken aloud and hoped no one was around to hear him.

Weakling Neoma’s voice taunted in his left ear, her yellow eyes daunting as they stared down at him and in his dream, Rayne closed his eyes tightly shut, softly repeating under his breathe like a mantra. ”Shut up, shut up. You’re wrong.”

You shouldn’t even be alive! snapped the voice of the wolf who had caused his injury as sharp teeth clipped near his throat and tears started to drip out of his tightly shut eyes. The rust wolf wanted to wake up, wanted to leave this nightmare but no matter how much he begged, the nightmare continued on for a few more moments.

(This post was last modified: Apr 29, 2014, 01:37 PM by Rayne.)
Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Lovely post <3
Truth be told, the incidents of the den collapse was somewhat of a blur. Her adrenaline and emotions both had been high, a potent mix. Kite could be an emotional wolf, but tried not to let it get the better of her. She was good in harnessing her emotions but sometimes, when things came to a head, they did have a tendency to come out. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

In the near-distance she could hear whimpering, and Kite felt her jaw clench all the tighter around the rabbit's body. She picked up the pace, ears cupped and forward as she listened for any specific signs of trouble. Her head was low as she skulked, shoulders rolling as the she-wolf moved in a feline like fashion, the tawny yearling alert and prepared to defend her pack mate from... well, anything. The silhouette of the other agouti male—alone—caused the L'Crowe to settle, and she felt her body language acclimate to the moment. The injured wolf was sleeping. Kite recalled him limping vaguely, though imagined the cause of it was due to the cave-in as opposed to the wolf she had met in passing, Anouke. Kite dropped the rabbit near his muzzle—though not too close—and stepped back a few paces, loosing a whuff to awake him. The others disposition in sleep was not calm and complacent but rather... disturbed.

Kite thought it best to wake him. She would have preferred to let the sleeping wolf lie, but could not... not when he seemed to be in distress. Perhaps his hunt had gone foul in that other world he was in... it had happened to her brother, and Kite distinctly remembered his gangly legs kicking at her.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

Just as Kite bent down to awaken the sleeping wolf, her cold nose touching his shoulder gently, it was the same time in his dream that Rayne felt cold but deadly teeth sink into his shoulder. This caused Rayne to jolt awake rather unexpectedly, nearly throwing himself away from the girl before he let out a howl of pain and collapsed back to the ground. In his fear filled sleep and the terror to get away from the teeth, he had forgotten about his leg. The broken leg, which folded underneath him in agony as weight was placed upon it.

Whimpering, Rayne wanted to pull his leg closer to him and tuck it underneath his bulk to cease the torture, to cut off the blood flow and just let it become nothing more than a useless limb (as if it wasn’t like that now) but also didn’t want to move it. The weight that had been put on it hadn’t help.

For now, the youngling had yet to be noticed but the scent of the rabbit soothed both Rayne's fears and brought forth his raging hunger. Almost snapping his neck as he turned his head, Rayne stared at the dead rabbit nearby before amber eyes stared up at the yearling.

”Did you catch that?” His voice was raspy, as if he desperately need a drink. And he realised he did needs one. His throat was parched. But as his eyes landed on the rabbit again, he wanted nothing more than to tear into before worrying over his thirst.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
The way he woke caused Kite to visibly flinch. Her ears melted atop her head and she jumped in place, eyes narrowing submissively and averting. Sometimes punishments were unwarranted and wolves pressed their rank on the other at random, a familial and friendly reminder of ones place... but today was not that day. Kite's eyes moved back to the male who now regarded the rabbit, though they lingered for a while upon his injured foreleg.

Oh. He had asked her something.

For you, she thinks to mention, nodding her head. It's fresh. I didn't want to go through the caches... I thought you'd like some fresh blood, she smiles warmly, shrugging. Kite actually had put thought in what to bring him. The rabbit was small but its blood was still warm; if ever there was a fresh carcass nearby Kite would bring it to him, too, since he could not hunt. The strength of a wolf came from its pack. Kite had learned that as a cub herself.

The rasp in his voice hinted at his thirst, and Kite was more than willing to help him to a drink of water. But first, I know minor things about herbs. My mother taught me a little bit, in case I ever got hurt and there was no one to help. Maybe I can find something to help dull the pain...? The L'Crowe is a painted picture of concern, wanting nothing but to help the other. Kite hoped the male would become like a brother or... something to her; she wanted to become bonded to her fellows.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

Once she said that the rabbit was for him, the animal nearly disappeared down his throat in his haste to eat it. The meat was quickly stripped off and soon, precious little was left of the carcass. Licking his chops to clean the blood off, which had indeed tasted fresh and had been warm, Rayne nodded his thanks to the girl. It was kind of her to bring him food, even if it was out of obligation because they were pack members.

”Thank you and I am sorry for scaring you,” He apologised kindly when he went back over the last few minutes and remembered seeing her flinch out of the corner of his eyes. ”I...I was just sleeping and I guess you just startled me.” The girl looked concerned for him however, and offered to go gather some herbs for the pain in his leg. Rayne’s heart warmed slightly at the offer, a small smile crossing over his muzzle before letting out another small groan of pain as he shifted his leg again. How he hated pain.

”I think...I think that would be a very good idea,” He replied weakly. ”And perhaps afterwards, you could keep me company? Only if you would like.” He hurriedly added, not wanting to sound commanding despite his higher rank. ”It just gets a little lonely not being able to move around and do patrols and hunts with the others.”

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Kite was highly observant here, needing to know whether or not the other wanted her around or not. Kite of course wanted to be accepted by others, but understood that for some it may take time. But after he seemed to swallow her gift whole, his person remained warm. Her tail twitched, betraying the otherwise calm exterior Kite possessed.

He, to her relief, accepted her offer to find him some herbs to help alleviate the pain. Kite did not like to see the others discomfort, and although she was no medic, her mother once had been. Her interest was not at all in that field—really, it had bored her—but she was glad for the teachings now. His apology had been met with a warm smile, no harm no foul.

And when he asked for her company! Her tail waved whiplike behind her, betraying her excitement. Yeah, sure! Of course!! Kite gleed, and then, pausing, Kite recalled that she was new here. I know what to find, but do you know if there is a cache for your herbs...? She feels guilty for asking, and informs, I'm new here, y'see. My name's Kite. The yearling averted her eyes, respecting fully his rank despite knowing advantage could easily be taken of him. While instinctively she desired to ascend, Kite was not a backhanded woman who would lord her good health over him. While it was actually in her nature to do so—assume dominance when called for—his longevity was well respected by Kite, who was not quite ready herself to challenge anyone until she got her own bearings here.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

The male could not help but laugh kindly at her reaction for his question to keep him company. He was a much older wolf, an injured one that couldn’t move yet she seemed so happy to be in his company. Bowing his head at her introduction, Rayne offered her a warm smile to her and a sweep of his tail. ” And I’m Rayne. It is a pleasure to met you Kite.” He then tilted his head at her question, frowning slightly as he thought about it. It was something he was sure Aideen would have shown him, if he brought her any herbs so he could place them where she wanted them and thus knew where they were.

“Uh unfortunately, no. I do not know where the caches are.” Rayne replied guilty, though feeling much better now he had something in his stomach to settle it. The food was needed and he was grateful for the girl for thinking of him and bringing it to him. But to get his mind off food for the moment and back to herbs.“I did offer to help the healer, who is a good friend of mine to fill the caches but she had not gotten around to showing me any of the ones she has established. At least, this was before my injury happened and I ca not exactly walk there to see where they are now.”

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Kite smiled at his manners, licking her chops and removing any excess dried blood that might have lingered from the rabbit. She cannot help but frown as he admits he does not know of any medicinal caches, not toward him but toward the fact that she might not help him as swiftly as she could. Kite did not know the packs healer yet, and did not want to ruin her inventory... she wondered if she should make one of her own. It would not be a bad idea... and it would be good for the pack. Still, Kite cannot immediately help him; she is too new, does not know the lay of the land or the herbs it held.

It might take a while for me to find just what I need, Kite admits, her eyes studying him for any further signs of pain. I don't know what the woodlands themselves offer in particular... she admits. She was used to the woods at home, where strange things grew sporadically around dry, thin trees. Here there was more to be found she was certain, and therein was the problem. It could take hours for her to find the precise plant she needed... if it was here.

Do you remember what shes given you so far, if she's told you? If I know what she might have stock of I can scout out that scent in particular, assuming there is some left, she suggests, her eyes bright. Kite was all practical here, only wanting to help Rayne not be in significant pain. She could not imagine the magnitude of what he felt due to his injury... and she did not want to.
Played by Silvia who has 133 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Rayne Flint

At her question, Rayne’s mind drw an utter blank on what herbs Aideen had given him. Whether she had told him what they were or not, his mind had dashed them away them moment he tried to think of their names or what they looked like. Oh, what a hopeless friend he was! He had promised Aideen to help her gather herbs and even though he was injured, it would have been better of him to remember the herbs for when he able to move.

”I’m sorry but it seems my mind is deciding to act its age a little and forget what Aideen’s given me.” He apologetically told her, his sincerity showing in his amber eyes and voice. ”But given it’s the start of spring, there should be plenty of herbs that have begun to grow around here. And you could always ask Aideen for help?” The suggestion was kind as Rayne shifted, wincing when the movement caused his leg to move and sent a spark of pain to remind him why it wasn’t a good idea to move. At all.

”I’m really sorry I couldn’t be more help.”” Rayne couldn’t help but apologize again. ”You’ve been kind enough to bring me something to eat and keep me company for a while. I thank you for that. You don’t have to go out and search for herbs that I can’t even remember the names of.”