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You hit me once I hit you back — Mountain of Dire 
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Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
Plucking the feathers off the wild turkey she had had the luck to catch, Atiris felt quite comfortable and pleased with herself as she lay, the fairly large bird clutched between her forepaws as she used her teeth to pluck the feathers from the bird, bit by bit. She spat them out, off to the side, accompanied by thoughts of bringing them back to her den and using them to add to her bedding. The soft down seemed like a good choice, as the other, larger feathers felt none too comfortable beneath her legs and sides. She didn't want to be prickled by feathers while she slept so the small, fluffy down feathers would likely be carried back to her den and scattered around to make a more insulated bed.

Finally she had managed to pluck the feathers and the down off the bird and began to eat the bird's flesh and muscles, crunching through the bones knowing that the nutritious marrow would be good for her. While it was a fairly large bird, she ate all of it knowing full well that another meal like this might not be available for quite some time, given that it was winter and such things were often hard to find. She made note of the area where she had found it, though, wondering if there might be more birds about before she wandered back toward the densite, leaving behind the down which had become covered in blowing snow. She wanted nice, fluffy down, not bird down that had gotten wet and become straggly.

She walked along in no hurry; her belly was full and hung pendulously, putting quite a satisfied grin on Atiris' face. She liked having a full belly, even if it was slightly uncomfortable; it made her look ridiculous and that was definitely something she could deal with.

Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
Adonia wandered through, searching for something to do or a pack member to affiliate with. She had gone out hunting alone, however the hunt had not been successful whatsoever and she was forced to return back to the main pack-land due to fatigue and frustration. Hoping to find someone to vent her frustration on in a playful fight of some sorts, she caught sight of her pack mate, Atiris. Grinning, she called out. <b>Hey, Atiris! Caught a nice meal I see."</b>

The female wolf sauntered over and came by to sit next to the other wolf. <b>"The forest has certainly been treating you well, at least."</b> Adonia said, eyes glinting. <b>"My hunt was as successful as a rabbit attempting to take down a moose! All that hard work for nothing. I swear, I could hear all kinds of sounds and scufflings in those slightly <span class='word'>verdant</span> bushes, but alas the creatures elude me once more!"</b> This she-wolf was deeply amused by using slightly silly words to make herself sound more intelligent than she actually was. it was a sort of game for her, and the reactions were hilarious, at least in Adonia's mind. Grinning once again, she wondered how Atiris would reply.
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2011, 01:46 AM by Adonia.)
Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
Atiris wasn't surprised when she caught sight of someone who was vaguely familiar up ahead. Being quite terrible with names, Atiris could not precisely recall what the female's was, and felt more than guilty when one of the first things the female spoke was her own name. Great. Luckily, though, Atiris did, in the very least, recognize the female and was quick to sidestep past the use of her name. "Hello again! Yep I did," She said, pausing in her trek and feeling the weight of her belly sag down as she did so. Atiris, who was normally very slim and trim, looked absolutely ridiculous with her belly distended. She was damn proud of it too, though.

The female seemed a bit put down that her own hunt had not gone so well, and Atiris' belly felt heavy and full, making her feel slightly embarassed that she had made a successful catch while Adonia hadn't. She was only half listening to the details as she tried to root the female's name out of her memory, but clued in and answered appropriately when she finished speaking. "It's always the worst when your catch decides it don't want to be caught," She said. She fished at one of her hind ears with an idle hind foot. "Can't say I wouldn't do the same, though if I was being hunted." She said, picturing herself, for a moment, as the desideratum. "Tried fishing yet?" She asked and suddenly remembered the female's name. "The hidden grotto's got lots of good fishing opportunities, Adonia," She said, relieved that the name had finally found its way to the forefront of her mind.

(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2011, 06:39 PM by Atiris.)
Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>A</font>donia grinned pleasantly back at the other wolf near her.
<b>"Actually, I have not had a lovely chance to fish as of yet. I'd be quite willing to try it out, although you'd have to be easy on the beginner!"</b>

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>T</font>he she-wolf's thoughts lazily floated around the idea of actually attempting to go fishing, and she was surprised to discover that she would accept the challenge if asked. Normally Adonia was not adept to trying new things, but just being near the water would most likely soothe her and calm her down after today's events. She also realized that it would be a good place and reason to initiate a play fight if she decided to do so, and before Atiris could respond she decided to put one more thought in.

<b><font style='margin-left:20px;'>"If</font> you would like to, I would love to go fishing with you if you are available. If not, I can just go myself." </b>Her eyes twinkled and then faded at the thought of going by the lake as a lone being. Well, if she did, she was sure that there would hopefully be at least ONE other wolf around to fraternize with. That said, she wasn't sure if she would want to meet anyone at the moment anyway. Gah, life could be so confusing.
Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
Atiris chuckled as Adonia very humbly dismissed herself as a fisher, though she did show an interest for wanting to learn. Atiris could fish well enough, though she couldn't say she was a pro. She modestly shrugged one of her shoulders. "I can show you some of the ropes. Weldering's the pro fisher, though," She said, willing to admit it while he wasn't present. "Just don't tell him I said so," She quipped with a grin. Goodness forbid that Weldering actually found out that she could be nice every once in a while- she had a reputation to uphold and she didn't intend for some slip to screw it up.

She tried to stifle a yawn when Adonia expressed that she'd like to go fishing with her and when she found she couldn't keep the yawn hidden she let it wrinkle her nose and open her mouth wide. It was satisfying. "'Scuse me," She said with a dopey grin. "Yup, I'll uh, take you swim-fishing, sometime," She said. For some reason her swimming session with Weldering had come to mind and she confused her words. She was getting distracted and knew what this meant. "Just give us a call," She said and licked her lips.

In the next few seconds, her left eyelid drooped, she tried to mutter something and then, quite unceremoniously, Atiris flopped forward with her forepaws curled awkwardly beneath her chest onto the ground, asleep.

Played by Adalae who has 75 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adonia Valde
ooc; here comes adonia panic attack! xD

<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>"You</font>r secret is safe with me."</b> Adonia replied, grinning. At Atiris' response she felt quite at ease, at least the other wolf was used to her now as a member of the pack. Since she only just joined, she felt on the outskirts more than perhaps the other wolves did. It was her responsibility to keep her own reputation up, as Atiris was sure to want to keep hers, therefore it was decided she would become more involved in the pack and make more friends. Well, it was a start at least.
<font style='margin-left:20px;'><b>"I</font>'m glad to hear that you're ready and willing to go on out with me to fish. It would be an interesting experie-..."</b> Suddenly Atiris fell to the ground and Adonia became extremely alarmed. Had she flat out killed the wolf? Often overcome with panic attacks like this, many thoughts swirled around in her mind. The white wolf was completely uncertain about what to do. <i>What am I supposed to do? Is there some kind of... wolf handbook lying around telling me what to do if a pack mate just lays down and dies? I'd be damned if I knew!</i> Slowly approaching the dead -- or, hopefully fainted, wolf, she stuck her nose in the belly of the wolf. Thankfully, her flank raised up and down in a steady pattern. Atiris was alive. Not knowing if she was supposed to wait it out or just attempt to awaken the wolf, she settled down near her and put her head on her outstretched paws. Golden eyes stared at the wolf, fearful, waiting, and hopeful. Heart pounding, the minutes seemed to stretch for hours, although if she was thinking clearly Adonia would have realized only seconds were passing by.
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2011, 05:06 PM by Adonia.)