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My Home is my Prison — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Amber who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lunas Axxya
@Angier Lunas has a message to deliver!

Pulling up a little ways inside the pack borders, the only Axxya in Relic Lore skidded to a stop, blanketing himself and a nearby willow in damp soil. Although the willow trees were the strongest symbol of his new home, Lunas had a running qualm with the trees. More than once now, he had gone for a run through the territory to stay fit in case he needed to make a long distance journey, only to burst through some hanging willow leaves and run smack into a trunk! He had begun to learn to either run through the edge or try to look under the waving branches to see where the trunk was. The latter method didn't work terribly well. Lunas had fallen in a stream yesterday because of it.

The brightly hued copper male returned his sometimes short attention span back to the task at hand. He had just met the scout of nearby pack Cut Rock River, a friendly lady called Naia, who had given him a message from Maksim, Cut Rock River's alpha male. Naia had told him that Maksim wanted to meet with Angier, so after bidding her goodbye, he had taken off like a bullet. He'd run a little ways when he stopped here, thinking he'd caught Angier's scent on the afternoon breeze.

Lunas would've howled for the intimidating Willow Ridge king, but considering Angier's personality, Lunas had decided not to try it, in case he wasn't supposed to. It was safer, although slightly slower, to simply find Angier on his own four paws. Lunas had now caught his breath, and stepped out of the shelter of his willow to look for the alpha of the Ridge.
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
Since the arrival of his three sons, Angier had been busy. If he wasn't on the borders, he was tending to Elettra or counting the caches around the territory or spending some time on his own to simply think about the state of the pack and what his life was already amounting to. If Lunas' call had reached his ears, the Lyall would have stopped. He would have swung his head back to look behind him and consider turning around to meet him. As it was, he had been minding his own business, just traversing about the lands in hopes that he would find everything in its place and just as it was before. The paths he followed had long since been memorized and, by the slow pacing of his stocky limbs, it would seem that he would be an easy catch.

Every so often, his ears tipped back before he had to remind himself of who he was and what he was capable of. His golden eyes still surveyed the forest with caution, but it was apparent in his rather stiff and hesitant gait that it would not take much for him to react accordingly when it came to defending his realm or addressing his subordinates.

He stalked past a particular landmark that signaled him to start walking to the right if he wanted to find himself back at the pack den, but instead of opting to return to Elettra's side, he stopped when he thought he heard someone moving about behind him. A ragged breath left his parted lips, but he did not turn around just yet, wanting to discern who his shadow was by scent and sound.

Are you watching closely?
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