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saria's song — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Der who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leaf Nattsu
Leaf hasn't met any of the pack members, save for one. I'm up for anyone and anything!

Though it might have felt suffocating to many other wolves, the little red wolf felt quite at home in the knotted mess that was her new pack home. While it was true that lately she preferred spacious places where her heart and imagination could expand and wander, there would always be a place in her heart for mazes like this. Even if it reminded her a little too much of home. Feeling a sad smile dimple the cheeks of her face, she forced the feeling away with a grunt and plunged herself deeper into the recesses of the thicket. She was heading towards the pack den.

"Tell me another secret of yours, Mister Thicket of Secrets," she said without warning. Her eyes surveyed the territory, taking note of any peculiar details in the branches or leaves. "I know you know one of my friends, but I don't know any of your friends. I've only met one of the leaders so far." Suddenly she paused in her steps and her ears flitted. Her pale green eyes narrowed and then widened in disbelief. Though it was hard to believe, the little red wolf had always trusted her namesake. The leaves saw all. "You don't say! I didn't know she no longer had a boyfriend." It seemed she was overdue for a conversation with Kite and her "no-longer boyfriend." Not that she would ever truly understand such adult matters and concerns.

Managing a small smile, the newcomer continued to chat with her tree friends. From all outwardly appearances she appeared perfectly content to wile away the day with them. Such was the beauty of finding magic in all.

Played by TakNol who has 8 posts.
Tirek Sorpok
His belly growled deeply, the ruined carcass doing little to soothe the gnawing of his stomach. It threatened to push past his ribs and eat the white wolf alive if he didn’t have sustenance soon. With another glance at the looming trees, Tirek sighed deeply wishing not for the first time that he had stayed in the wastes of home. The icefields called him; the smell of crisp cold air and the crunch of snow! Oh, how he longed to chase the flakes as they tumbled and bury himself snout-first looking for seal-burrows.

Caught in his own thoughts, he did not see the pine ahead and once again, walked into it.
“Ooof! Blasted woods! Can barely think with you all clamouring for my attention!” he snarled up at the canopy, feeling the oppression and a rising panic.

He needed a clearing, a wide open space. Too bad he stuck out like a sore thumb out here and the threats of an attack were pertinent on his mind. Not that his coat made him obvious... No.
Huffing and grumbling deeply, being as dramatic as he cared, Tirek cast his nose to the ground, hoping to catch a scent of something alive and edible. What caught his nose was not edible, but was certainly alive.

It had been so long on his travels that he had encountered another wolf, he was caught between joy and fear. Who was this wolf and where they to be trusted? Were they friend or foe?
Lifting his head up, Tirek padded slowly and thoughtfully in the direction of the scent. He knew in the back of his mind that anyone with eyes would see his coming a mile off, even in this thick woodland, but he played cautious any way. Regardless, he knew he could potentially outrun any attacker despite his hunger. Nothing fuels an arctic like fear of a bigger foe.

Dipping his head through the bushes, he spied a young female, talking to something in the trees as if they were pack-mates. Knowing that wolves couldn’t climb trees Or could they here? These thin-coats were so strange... Tirek padded closer, announcing his presence with a calm and neutral wave of the tail.

Played by Der who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leaf Nattsu

Leaf was not a particularly territorial wolf. Well, she could be and she could not. The thing was, she had not yet properly developed an attachment to the Secret Woodlands. So when a lone wolf came stumbling onto pack territories without any sense that this was someone else's home and not his, Leaf could only stare amazed--and a bit delighted.

"I like you," she said as the older wolf greeted her calmly from beyond the bushes. He was larger than her--as everyone in this world seemed to be--and much older. Yes, he must have been an ancient wolf. "You could work on your entrance, though. It's not good to tell people outright that you don't fancy them," she said as she gestured to the trees that had earlier disturbed him. Still, her statement made one wonder if she had any qualms of her own admission. Still staring at the other wolf, she finally blinked and smiled.

Though larger, the other male showed the telltale signs of a lone wolf. His thinness did not fit him. "So, what's your story? You must be wanting to prove something to risk your life coming here like this." Her voice was chipper, and it was full of admiration. Even her eyes seemed to sparkle with appreciation. It was clear that the little wolf thought the other wolf some sort of daredevil. What, with his unassuming manner and grace. It would be interesting to see him fight with the pack guardian, preferably from a safe and far far away place.

(This post was last modified: Jun 24, 2014, 09:14 PM by Leaf.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by TakNol who has 8 posts.
Tirek Sorpok

He was visibly taken aback; such a pleasant greeting with no snarls and demands to state his name. This young wolf was as friendly as those back home, even if she did stare at him... And talk to trees.
He tumbled over his own tongue, unsure as how to proceed. Stepping forward gently, Tirek bowed his head in his own greeting.

“Ancient’s blessings,” he muttered, acquiring the manner he was used to back home. He was unsure as to whether this wolf worshiped the same gods, but the sentiment was all the same. “Forgive me if I... Upset your friends.”

Glancing up at the trees, he quickly confirmed that it was the trees she had been speaking to and not wolves hidden in their branches. It was entirely possible, he insisted in thought. But what an odd one this was, even if she was small and sweet as stolen honey.
He waved his tail again in a friendly manner, no need to come over all brisk and snappish.

“Risk?” he pondered. “I came but with curiosity, for I have not yet encountered a thin-coat such as yourself. Your fur is brighter than the midnight sun! It is strange to me.”

Suddenly, the glorious scent of deer wafted over his nostrils. His ears perked and he could feel saliva building in his maw, dribbling down to his wretched stomach. But he would not simply take off after a potential kill when politeness dictated he stay and consider this strange red female.
Played by Der who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leaf Nattsu

Leaf leaned forward a bit and narrowed her eyes before returning back. "You seem sincere. They'll forgive you soon enough." It was humorous to think the other wolf might have thought everyone in her pack was like her. Oh! How sadly disappointed he would be when he realized that many of them were without the spark she had. But then, she was biased.

"Curiosity killed the cat, but you are not a cat..." she began to respond before narrowing her eyes once more, this time in confusion. "I haven't met a thick-coat like you," she continued instead. "You really should take it off. It's so blistering hot today!" It would be interesting to see how the arctic wolf would fare during the summer months, though she knew the species to have their own version of thin-coats as well. "My fur is just red. Yours, on the other hand, could be considered truly blinding." He just needed a good dose of bleach or sun was all.

It seemed that both our characters were quickly entranced by the smell of a possible hunt, and Leaf was always hungry--or as her mother like to put it, had a good appetite. Ears pricking as she followed the lone deer's steps, she wrinkled her nose and turned to the other wolf. "Say, I can save you, you know. Come hunt with me! I'm sure with you by my side, we'll be able to have afternoon tea." It seemed her trip back to the den would be postponed.

Without waiting for his confirmation, she left. She was determined to keep that deer separate from the rest of the herd, and her speed would ensure this was just so.

Played by TakNol who has 8 posts.
Tirek Sorpok
Tirek merely smiled and nodded as the younger wolf rattled off observations, compliments and anecdotes. He was simply enjoying the company and one sided conversation. All the while she talked, he moved ever closer but always a respectful distance between them; soon he was but a deer’s leap from her.

Chuckling at the comment about shedding his fur, the white-ish wolf turned his head to regard the first strands of red coming through his gradually thinning winter coat. He was always one to lose his fur late and grow it early, but the presence of the reddish saddle warmed his heart. His mother had always said that that was where the sun had licked him as a pup.

His musings were brought back however, at the mention of the deer. The scent was stronger, either the deer was wandering too close or his stomach was overruling his head again. He opened his maw to contemplate the idea of hunting together, but the yearling started off into the thicket before he could get in a word edgewise.
Flicking his ears and tutting slightly, there was a brief moment where he considered just ditching the young one. But he was so hungry, and another wolf to aid the hunt was sorely needed.

Trotting off after her, Tirek quickly drew level with the female. He dipped his head in ascension, before turning to follow her nose through the woodland. As they began to slow to a slow walk, he finally spied the deer up ahead. The poor thing was barely an adult, probably a fawn separated too early; it was wandering the trees, crying for its herd.
He knew that his white coat would give them away quickly, so he lowered to the ground and hid himself as best he could in the thicket. His dull amber eyes caught the young ones and he steadily waited for her to make the first move.
(This post was last modified: Jun 24, 2014, 10:43 PM by Tirek.)
Played by Der who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leaf Nattsu

Leaf turned back and smiled as she saw the old wolf crouch. Yes, perhaps his red saddle would provide some camouflage, though she still was determined to buy some sun-bleach to see how white his coat could be! She did find it rather odd that he was allowing her to take lead--what, with her being younger and more inexperienced--though she appreciated the fact that he had not assumed it was his place to lead. Then again, he was an intruder onto pack lands. She schemed.

Returning the other wolf's gaze, she gently nuzzled him. "I'll send her to you," she whispered. Knowing that her own coat was of some advantage to him, she maneuvered herself as softly as she could. The fawn was still crying out, but as she circled her prey, her prey caught wind of her. She then knew she had to strike. Rushing forward and barking loudly (she was known for her hunting skills), she essentially herded the poor creature towards the other wolf. Right or left, the fawn was always greeted by the little red wolf. Finally, she snipped the fawn in the neck, which sent it sprinting towards her other attacker. "Get her...!" she shouted, her face swept up in a smile. She was certain their victory was sealed.

Played by TakNol who has 8 posts.
Tirek Sorpok
The white wolf froze slightly at the affection, but quickly warmed when he realised it was simply a neutral action. These thin-coats were quick to offer pleasantries.

Tirek nodded in agreement, choosing to stay low to the thicket to hide his bright fur. He continued to watch as the young female moved slowly through the underbrush, circling the bellowing deer. The fawn itself was staggering in mounting fear; Tirek bunched his muscles as he saw the prey catch wind of its own predator. The red wolf stuttered around the fawn, panting with glee as it stumbled and scattered away from her.
It was easy to see that she was herding it towards him. Being downwind, the little deer had no idea that it was being led into a trap. At the cry to ‘get her’, Tirek bundled himself low to the ground, and shot himself directly at the thin neck. Like a diving sea-bird, white fur bundled into the deer as jaws clamped around its spine. He felt the crack before it had landed, but the impact of its head was enough to finish the job. Still, he held onto its twitching carcass until it has at last subsided.

Tirek open his maw and licked the faint traces of blood off of his teeth, smiling at their prize.

“Easy,” he muttered as the grinning red wolf trotted over to where the fawn lay. He turned to look as she arrived and wagged his tail in greeting and thanks. He truly was grateful for the meal, unable to catch anything under his own steam. Prey would normally spot him a mile off, so sneaking was increasingly hard.

“I would not have caught the fawn had to not sent her in my direction,” he said smiling, quickly checking the surrounding trees for interlopers. There were none, and so he waited for his companion to join in their meal.
Played by Der who has 24 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leaf Nattsu
Hehe you made is easy for us. I really appreciate being able to thread so quickly with you like this! Did a little powerplaying. Hope you don't mind.

He made it seem so easy, she thought, as she watched him launch his body airborne and into the fawn. Gravity did the rest of the work. Wagging her tail in pleasure, Leaf yipped. Quickly she rushed over to the fresh kill without questioning the other wolf's motives. It seemed they were both uninterested in conflict--and that the pack was equally uninterested or perhaps merely unavailable. Gesturing for him to take the first bite, knowing that it was also something of a honor to execute the final hit, she then proceeded to feast herself. Fawn was so tender, and she made a mental note to herself to hunt them whenever possible.

"I'm going to leave this pack," she said when her appetite was satiated--such was not difficult being a wolf of her size--"and leave this land. Do you think you will miss me?"