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the trepidation of lions. — The Wildwood 
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Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote>So how was it that she now found herself sheltered in a place she had sworn never to return to? It was hard for her to remember what drove her here, because when she thought about it all she saw was the ugly tongues of trepidation lapping at her feet. But her subconscious had led her here, whether or not it could be explained. Tucked against a fallen, ash-smothered trunk of a fallen tree, she wondered if she was safe here. There was nothing growing, which meant no little animals scurry around. That in turn would mean that their beneficiaries, the predators, would not waste their time here. Except for whatever had killed those coyotes... But she tried to ignore that memory. It was too much to handle at the moment. Yes, Ozera thought, I'm probably safe here. Except for the fact that this lack of life around her was a double-double edged sword, for eventually, she would need to eat too. How am I supposed to hunt on this leg? She no longer even bothered to test it, pain flared at every movement.

In her heart of hearts, though, she thought it was a good thing to be here. The forest, quiet, sullen, and lamentable, while it would not draw predators, perhaps it would attract wolves. Not just any wolves. Swift River wolves. Deep down she hoped that maybe Indru, Ruiko, even Triell, or someone from their family would come at some point to pay their respects to their dead family members. Perhaps it was a bit morbid, but she really felt like it was her only hope, since it hurt too much to even take ten steps. Ozera knew that she would not be able to go anywhere far in this condition, and it was much better to stay in a place she knew than to try and go find Swift River herself. Perhaps even weeks of walking would not reveal the pack lands to her. She could easily die trying. And she needed someone to find her, to take care of her...

What was it that Indru had told her once? "You know you can always find a home within Swift River," she said out loud to break the deadly silence that was beginning to make her lose track of time. Now she could no longer remember how long she had been here. Things were still fuzzy. However, she held onto that tightly, gripped it in her teeth and repeated it often. It would be her lighthouse in this whirling, angry tempest of dread and pain and uncertainty. It had to be. Or else... Or else...

"Well, worse comes to worse, this wouldn't be... such a bad place... to.." she was trying to joke with herself, but it wasn't working, however, she still finished her sentence, "to... die." </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2011, 08:34 PM by Ozera.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Wasn't sure about the damage to her leg (e.g. bleeding) so I kept it vague. XD

When it was advice that he needed Indru always knew where to go, and though he wasn't crazed with sorrow enough to expect to hear his parent's speak to him, he felt close enough to them that it made him imagine some of the advice they would have given him. It felt right to lead the pack again, natural even, but Ruiko's absence in the ranks rested uneasily with him which was a surprise in a way since he no longer had the unconscious threat of a challenge looming, but he missed him, it felt strange without his brother at his side. Weary paws carried him to his old home which was so different and familiar at the same time, the fresh smell of the hidden tree that had been his pup den replaced for a while with a burning was now just the smell of dead wood. As he inhaled Indru noted that it was not all he smelt, and, sniffing in quick, rapid bursts he realised it was a scent he recognised as well.

The Tainn was surprised that Ozera had come, especially when she had expressed sentiments that she did not wish to return now she knew it's tragic past, but he sped his pace regardless to meet the eccentric woman. As he got closer he could smell the faint, lingering scent of the pack in mountain but it was not fresh and strong like it was supposed to be on pack wolves and a puzzled expression crossed his face as he neared home. Ozera? He called out so not to startle her, fiery eyes peering around and looking for the familiar face of his friend. Though he didn't mind that she had come here (it wasn't his to claim any more after all) he was curious as to find out why. A indistinct shape was lying at the bottom (and therefore the entrance) of his old pack den and it was so unexpected it caught his eye. Ozera? Indru asked again, a worried edge to his voice as he realised that the shape was a wolf and more specifically the female and he rushed forward, sniffing at her frantically, what's wrong?

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote>She hadn't remembered falling asleep, except suddenly the blinds were being drawn back from her eyes and she peered out of the windows, distant. For a moment, she didn't even remember what had awoke her. It was a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach, as if she had been roused from her deep, weak slumber by a name —her name. All of a sudden, though, there was a wolf looming above her, asking her what was wrong. She struggled with his identity for a moment, before the waves of his scent began to roll around her, and she intercepted his eyes, they were afire, smoldering, but profoundly comforting. "Indru," the whisper from her mouth was raspy and dry, "Indru, it's you!" But of course he was himself, just as she was herself. Or was she? I definitely don't feel myself. It was hard, dragging herself out of this heavy, murky dreamland.

Even if this had been exactly what Ozera had hoped for all along, she was overjoyed. Maybe, she had never really expected for it to happen, to ever see him again. Except here, dominating her vision was a fur tapestry of braided tawny browns. It was risible indeed. When she tried to laugh, though, daggers of agony tore at her sides. In the end, it just sounded like a weird series of exhales followed by a whimper. His presence heartened her, in spite of it all. "You know," she said softly with the hint of a smile, "You know, I ask myself the same thing!" Mirth would have poured from her, at this point, had it not been so painful. "I just hurt all over."

That summed up about all she knew.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 12, 2011, 10:51 PM by Ozera.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

She spoke and relief washed over Indru, it was her silence and slumped body (in such a peculiar location, too) that had worried him before. Ozera was weak though, and it was clear something was wrong. His question on what had happened was answered with riddles and her usual humour, both a relief and a frustration in equal measure; he took comfort in the fact that it did not seem fatal. What are you doing here? He asked softly, taking a moment to sniff more deeply at her fur and confirming the faint smell of the mountains on her, their leader's scent still lingering in her fur. Surely if she was hurt it would be they who she sought? They were the pack she had chosen after all, and though it hurt slightly that she had chosen someplace else after his offer he let it slide, he was not so childish as to let it affect him.

Do you want me to help take you.. home? He asked, unsure, and not really certain he'd get a clear answer. Indru was worried but he was no medic, he did not know how to treat whatever was wrong with her other than with rest, water, food and safety. Surely it would be from her pack she wanted these things. Back to your pack in the mountains, he clarified, aware that in her state she may not be thinking clearly. If she wanted moving there he would need help and quickly he found himself thinking of Ruiko again and how weird it would be to not have his brother to rely on to help with pack dilemmas. Another then, the pack was still strong, especially with the recent return of their family and the pup's recent growth. Triell would be eager to help he was sure.

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote>How very strange it was, to see concern painted on to the face of someone who looked so much better with a smile on. She really didn't want to worry him, but the thing was, she was worrying herself anyway. Being in pretty bad shape, she'd have a hard time arguing that she was just fine and telling him to wipe that piteous look off his face. So, instead she let reassurance and some more hope wash over her, bathe her, clean her. Oh, how refreshing it was. He still asked what she was doing here, however, and Ozera was only being honest when she told him, "I don't... really know." That was the fullest truth she knew. "I just kind of.... remember dragging myself along. And then I woke up here." The tail that had been wrapped about her broken body swished pensively behind her.

When he asked to take her home it felt like she was being hit with a mountain. What home? Where? As far as Ozera knew, she had deserted her home in Mountain Plateau. Wide eyes chased with terror darted around the clearing, as if she was looking for something that would eat, chase, or perhaps push her. Something. Home in the mountains. No, no! She did not, she could not live on those death-scapes, those terrifyingly awful bluffs that rose into oblivion. "Don't!" She cried out suddenly, feeling yet another stab in her side, "No, don't take me back there Indru. I can't go back there." She still hadn't explained why, though. Mostly, this was just because she was still piecing it together in her head herself. When she tried to think about it, all she could see were a pair of eyes.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2011, 08:50 PM by Ozera.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Again her response piqued Indru's curiosity and he wanted to know what had happened to his friend, her wounds did not tell him much other than he knew she must be in pain. Her left foreleg was bloody and when he peered closely it look broken and other cuts grazed her body in various locations. The wounds did not make Indru think she had been attacked though, he saw no signs of ripping and tearing like the skin on the back of his shoulders that was throbbing even now. So it seemed she wasn't attacked then and the thought comforted him that it looked unlikely no one had hurt the female intentionally. Indru's eyes widened in shock at her reaction to his mention of taking her home, to her pack, in the mountains and he wondered if his earlier decision had been wrong. Had she been hurt there? Okay, okay, Ozera, Indru soothed, dropping his muzzle down to the female and pressing his nose against hers to reassure her and hopefully calm her down, distress couldn't be helping her. We won't go there, he promised.

It left him with a dilemma, however, as he did not know where to take her. Indru could remember when he last met her and offered her a place at his pack but Ozera, though seemingly pleased at the time, had decided to go elsewhere. He didn't know what had caused her to decide against Swift River but in her state he did not want to make her feel distressed and unsure how to turn down his offer if he took her home. Where do you want to go? Indru asked her awkwardly, unable to think of anywhere she could go if she did not want to return to the mountains and there was no other pack that he knew off. He would try and get her there the best he could, she was so injured though he would not feel comfortable leaving her there if she would be alone. I can try to take you there. Hopefully whoever was there would look after her well.

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote>Without hesitating, Indru had leaned down to touch her nose, and it had caught Ozera completely off guard. But the appeasements, his soothing voice, were so calming in her sleep drunken, afflicted state. Anyone could have easily found her, yet it was Indru, and he was being so gentle. Being in such proximity to him was already making her feel better, although she would have been relieved no matter who had shown up. As long as they were't going to eat her or something. Again, her eyes snapped left, snapped right. No, they were alone. You're safe now. He won't take you back, so stop worrying! She didn't even know what she was really worrying about anymore.

The next words from him were awkward though, they stood up, testing their shaky newborn legs, meandering about in her head. Why was he so hesitant? Ozera knew exactly where she wanted to go. There was no hesitation in her at all. "Indru I want to go with you." Her response starkly contrasted the question. Without warning, she beamed at him, and added, "The hope of... finding one of you... Ruiko, Triell, you, I didn't care.. but. That kept me going." Of course she had no idea what had happened back at Swift River between the two older brothers. As far as she knew, they were on good terms. "You know you can always find a home within Swift River," she quoted, attempting to sound more masculine, dramatic, and suave. She was teasing him.

"I don't blame you if you don't want me, though. I'm a bit broken." The curve remained on her lips, but inside she wondered if Indru would retract his earlier statement. I really hope not. </blockquote>
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

She calmed quickly and Indru smiled down at her, pleased, he didn't want her to worry as he certainly wasn't going to abandon her unless, of course, she wanted him to go. At the moment though she seemed pleased to be in his presence (though whether this was because she needed the help so desperately he didn't know) and he decided that even if he had put her off Swift River, she didn't mind him now. Which was something at least because he wanted to help his friend. When he had asked where she wanted to go he had not suspected this answer, to return with him, to Swift River he presumed and he peered down at her curiously as she continued to talk and then, to quote him. Quickly though, almost nervously again, she dismissed herself by calling herself broken.

Of course not, he scolded her lightly, the smile still on his face as he shook his head. Even if she was broken it didn't look like nothing permanent, as if that would stop him helping her anyway. To Swift River? The boy clarified, a look of confusion marring his handsome face again, of course your allowed a home... But I didn't think you wanted one? She had after all gone elsewhere and joined another pack and after he had offered her a place at their home and Indru presumed something had scared her off. I didn't think you'd want too.. You joined a different pack, I presumed you didn't want to join Swift River. He explained to her softly, lowering his fiery eyes closer to hers to try and make sure she didn't drift off. Indru wanted to be sure that she did want to go, he would feel awful if she awoke from her stupor in a panic to find herself in Swift River. I stick to my word, he reassured her seriously, his tone deeper than normal, she could have a home with them if she wanted one.

Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote>Right here, right now, in so much pain, with such a tender wolf before her, Ozera couldn't even think of why she had ever joined Mountain Plateau. It was if seeing that mountain had just made everything fly out of her head, and she just wanted to explore. She wanted to be daring, undaunted, challenged. Her life as a whirling spitfire lead her right up there without a care in the world. As it was, though, hindsight was twenty-twenty. As a broken song-bird, she looked back on those memories asking herself why, full of regret. She had no wanted fate to lead her here, to this horrible burnt down memorial, twisted and crippled. "Indru," her voice was getting stronger now that it was getting used, "Indru stop. I made a huge mistake."

His eyes were so close to her now. They burned into her like fire, and she was, for a moment, filled with wonder and curiosity... and a bit of superstitious dread. The boy, with eyes of fire, who had his home condemned by that angry element, it all seemed too ironic to her. What was his future filled with? Would he consume himself in the inferno of his identity? It seemed so strange to her, and stranger still that she was drawn to him, to his pack. Then again, she had been drawn to Mountain Plateau. Determined to push these thoughts aside, though, she shook her head abruptly. Steadily, she gazed back at Indru, "Take me home with you. I want live in Swift River with all of you so badly I don't even think you'd understand." Inside of her, it was true, there was a growing ache, the longing to see this place that the survivors of the Hidden Tree pack had carved out. She wanted to see Triell, too. Surely, he would be glad to have her there. This ache in her was something like homesickness.

A parched tongue slid out of her mouth and softly lapped his chin as some sort of sign of submissiveness. </blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 14, 2011, 03:20 AM by Ozera.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Small powerplay with the muzzle grabbing here, say if you want it changed! :3

A mistake? Indru opened his mouth to question her before shutting it again, remembering her previous request, but continued to peer at her with concern, most certain she was not all there. She paused and Indru felt the urge to question her again, and, just when he was about to give in she started to speak and his ears twitched forwards in eagerness. Ozera's words caused him to stop short and stare at her, shocked, at her request and admittance of her wishes. While he was still comprehending he felt her lick the underside of his chin in submission and after a moment's hesitation Indru lowered his muzzle slightly to gently grasp hers in his powerful jaws, eyes meeting hers as he held the gesture for a moment in acceptance of her.

When he pulled away Indru's tail was wagging behind him, held upright and aloft in his dominance, and licked her muzzle to reassure her again. We best get you home then, he smiled, pleased to have gained the female into his ranks and certain that she would fit in there. The journey ahead of them certainly worried him but he rested more easily now that he knew where she was going and that she could be well looked after — even better if his runaway sister, Niija, returned. You can lean on me to help, Indru offered, not going to take no for an answer however much it hurt his ragged shoulders, she was his pack member now and it was his duty to protect her. It'll be a bit of a walk... Are you read? His eyes tried to encourage the bravery he knew she must have and he licked her muzzle again in encouragement, hiding his own nerves at the painful walk to come to try and soothe her.