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fables — Swift River 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Set not too long after the rank challenge.

Leadership fell comfortably on Indru's shoulders, it always had, and his confident posture hid the inner turmoil of the recent events that had happened. Though the new rank change felt right to him he did regret the lose of his brother (even though it made sense and was inevitable for one of them) from the pack, since founding Swift River all of Indru's time leading it he had Ruiko at his side. There had been a good number of changes recently, with the return of more family members, some not so expected but just as happy an occurrence, and the gaining of new members, such as Corinna. It left a mixture of feelings inside the Leader, which he knew would take a while to sort out. The male winced as he walked, his wounds that Ruiko had unintentionally caused throbbing as his movements pulled at the skin.

Absently, Indru headed towards the pack's main den, a hollow that had been widened at the roots of a tree nearby the river, and brushed his fur up against it replacing the previous dominant scents with his own. He made a mental note to reinforce the the borders tonight, a job he had not done for a good while, and patrol them as he did so to keep his pack safe — those who remained anyway. Indru knew at least some of the Tainn's would stay, especially the pups, and he would make sure to keep them protected along with anyone who wanted to stay with him. With a deep inhale he drew in the scents of the pack, some fresher than others and some he knew would not return, and was pleased to find more nearby that he expected. Indru barked, a friendly call to anyone who was nearby, and adjusted his posture so that it showed his rank as he waited.

(This post was last modified: Feb 13, 2011, 09:16 PM by Indru.)
Played by Ku who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damascus Lael
Long post is long lol.

Though it was futile, Damascus had been digging furiously after a small mouse that had lunged down it's burrow. The frozen ground barely gave away beneath his worn claws, so at best all he did was tire himself out within a few minutes. He hadn't quite been hungry, but it was slightly the joy of chasing something that feared being chased, something that was at best, tiny, crunchy, and squeaked between his teeth that overwhelmed any notion of doing something else for a while. He had carved through the snow with ease and had more or less tilled the top soil to death, scattering out behind and to the side of his self in a broad sweep by the time he had stopped. Panting, he had only just reclined back to his haunches when a sharp bark to his west gathered his attention.

Indru was calling for him, though not him specifically; Indru called for the wolves nearby. Though there was nothing that Damascus could discern from his larger pack mate's bark, he gathered himself up swiftly after his breath came back to him and shook out his coat. And then he left a brief trail of dirty footprints as he went, though there would be little denying that the wandering nomad (who wasn't much of a nomad now, was he?) had been digging holes somewhere. He barked back cheerily in response as he rounded a bend nearby, his tail wagging broadly to and fro seconds before his tawny second-in-command's figure came into view.

But of course, there was something awry from the moment Damascus got close enough to see and smell. The smell of blood was unmistakable, as were the patches of torn, missing fur. The actual wound, the source of the blood that Damascus could smell was unseen, but he caught his steps sharply and paused warily. For a second or two, the change in posturing that he saw in Indru went unnoticed, but when he did notice it, his ears folded back to double the uncertainty. But Damascus wasn't one to go without speaking, not in the slightest. “Indru…? What happened?” He wanted to ask if he was all right, but believed that he was mostly — if he wasn't, he wouldn't have been standing there, and he wouldn't have seemed so friendly about anything.

Damascus canted his head to one side, very slowly.

Played by Vero who has 13 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Avalloc Branor
Gonna assume he's seen Damascus around but they've not had much conversation.

Avalloc had always assumed that some day he would return to Relic-Lore and be reunited with those he had been torn away from. He always imagined that they would all still be there, and certainly, all within the same pack. His fantasy had been torn apart the moment he was reunited with Ruiko, for he had delivered the grave news of a fire that had killed many Hideen Tree pack members. The only positive thing he could lean on was that he at least had Ruiko and Indru by his side, just as when they were puppies. Unfortunately, what was left of his fantasy would soon be destroyed by the announcement of the Tainn brothers divorcing.

An abrupt call from Indru broke through the silence and Avalloc rose to his might paws immediately. He swiftly began towards the new destination, silently wondering what Indru would have to say. Of all the scenarios rushing through his head, Ruiko leaving was farther than the last. Actually, he ran about twenty scenarios through his head by the time he arrived to Indru and Damascus, and none of them were even close to what actually happened.

From the distance both wolves looked rather normal, but the more distance Avalloc closed, the more peculiar one looked. Indru was injured, but strangely, did not seem upset or disturbed. In fact, he seemed as hospitable as he usually was...which confused the Branor. His stance was most regal, too, an indication that he was now the new leader. Submissively, Avalloc respectfully tucked his tail between his legs, greeted Inrdu with a lick to the chin, and then to Damascus, who was also his superior. Frowning gently, Avalloc looked at Indru again with all intention of finding out exactly what happened. "You challenged Ruiko, he asked, honestly not overly shocked. Ever since the three of them were puppies, Avalloc would have to take a step back from their scuffles and take a seat beside Rihael, to watch as the two really went at it. He had always sensed a rivalry between the two, so again, this was nothing short of expected.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>ooc; hope it's okay to have ruiko's call in here. Would Triell know Avalloc?
The young Tainn was out on one of his expeditions in the grove. He harmless chased at the few birds who had returned in hopes of spring. He'd casual let them sit, chirping at him to go away, and then he'd jump at the tree where their perch was. Most took flight when the growing wolf launched, one however only cussed him further. He was about to let out a yap to move it, when instead a familiar note stopped him in his tracks. Ears swiveled atop his ink-toned head. Ruiko? He knew that was his brothers call, and he leaned against the tree deciphering the tune. His jaw hung open in shock. Ruiko was leaving? Indru was leader? Triell had never really thought one was over the other, he just hadn't saw it that way. But Ruiko's voice said it all. That's where they must have dissapeared to. This news was greatly upsetting, no real goodbye. Slowly he drifted back down to four legs, the earth slightly spinning. He was trying to understand. He'd see Ruiko again wouldn't he?

Sighing, he shook his dark pelt, and large paws stepped through the fading snow. He had to find Indru, desprately. Taking a guess he set coarse for the pack den. Surely Indru would be there. He could sort this out. Pace quickened, he was jogging and then running for home. It wasn't for awhile till he heard the familiar bark, and his forehead scrunched in determination. A second, one he hadn't heard returning his brothers. What was going on?

The gap between him and home become shorter. He could see the tree top of the den, and let out a deep bark, deeper then he'd done saying he was coming. The near yearling stepped into the familiar area and his eyes swept for his guardian's form. He was definately wounded, and his eyebrows furrowed. Trotting he noticed two other males speaking to Indru. He did not give either a glance, he walked to his brother questions in his quiet gaze.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Hey guys, I suck. Massive apologies! ): ♥♥

Members pack congregated quickly, first it was Damascus, admittedly the wolf who's continued loyalty he was most unsure of. Indru was aware he joined during Ruiko's reign but he would be sad to lose him if he left, from what he had seen Damascus's appeared to be a good asset to the pack, especially as he was now the pack's second. Indru's change in body posture was not missed and he watched confusion break over the male before he asked a question which he knew would come. Before he could answer Avalloc entered, his brother except by blood, licking his chin in submission and Indru let his muzzle's weight rest upon Avalloc's nose briefly in acceptance. He supplied the answer to Damascus's question and Indru nodded curtly in response, waiting to see if any others arrived first. He knew this would be a decision for each wolf now, whether they stayed with him or left with Ruiko, and when he heard Triell's bark to say he was arriving he wanted to explain all at once

It did not take long until Triell arrived and instinctively Indru's face softened and he nodded towards his youngest brother before he breathed out quickly and took a step towards all of them. Yes, Avalloc is right, he began, and he wondered how it would be taken, a rank challenge is a natural thing within a pack but a change in the leading hierarchy was not the most common result. Me and Ruiko are both leaders, it would have happened soon, eventually at least, as we have both been raised as such. Quickly Indru's eyes darted to Avalloc who could not doubt remember their many scuffles and challenges with Rihael at the sidelines making sure they played honourably and did not stay needlessly angry at the end. Indru did not enter into details but he confirmed what they needed, the pack is back in my leadership now, and Ruiko has decided to leave. Who would go with him was Indru's concern as though he thought at least some of the family would remain he was not certain and part of him could vision an empty pack.

Quickly Indru rolled his shoulders to relieve the tension in them, deciding at once to just get his worry over and done with. We are not on bad terms, he quickly clarified, but I understand some of you may not wish to remain under my rule and may leave with Ruiko instead. Indru kept his posture strong and proud as he spoke, showing that he was not a meek leader and he knew he could be a good one. Unable to resist his eyes looked over to Triell who's answer was so important Indru, as he could not just look at him as a younger sibling like he did the older litters and instead felt a more paternal bonding to the boy. Then, in turn, he faced both Avalloc and Damascus before him as he waited for their responses.

Played by Ku who has 45 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Damascus Lael

Shifts in leadership were not uncommon, this Damascus knew. But it pained him to know that Ruiko had left them, especially when they were spared details other than knowing that this had not been the first time the two had scuffled. For some reason, the tawny nomad doubted it would be the last. The bond between siblings was a strong one, though he couldn't have spoke very well for his own. He had been gone for too long and if it were not for his own belief in the validity of his memories, he may have gone as far as to question whether or not his family existed at all.

Not wanting to seem the malinger of the group, Damascus approached Indru at last. Though he was certainly torn between the two Tainn siblings, his decisions would not be as rash as they could have been. It was still winter, and he felt he still owed a debt however unnecessary it was. Leaving now would have simply made things worse for them all, and Damascus had never been one to endanger anyone (though namely, perhaps unquestionably himself before them all). He still felt that Swift River needed him as much as he truly needed them.

Along his way he was met with submission from Avalloc, which came initially as a surprise, though he accepted it and gave the ginger-flecked subordinate a kind lick atop his head. But before Indru, Damascus delved into clear submission, just as Avalloc had done. Sinking his frame low, the tawny nomad gave his leader a lick — he accepted the change, however unexpected it was.

With a soft wag of his bushy tail, he had been tempted to say something else when another arrived on the scene. Though considerably younger than the trio he was approaching, Damascus became aware that the dark-haired Tainn was no yearling. Almost though, full-grown and in control of what would have once been gangly, awkward limbs, and ever bit a Tainn even if he was as pitch black as an inkwell. He gave a curious look between Indru and Avalloc once he noted the questioning gaze, but said nothing. Damascus was uncertain what happened after this.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Sitting near Indru's side, orange eyes drifted round the gathering. The boy's ears drew up high on his head, his own breath caught in his throat waiting for needed answers when Indru stepped forth, addressing them. Indru was the leader and Ruiko had......left? Eyeballs wanted to boing out of his head, trying to wrap his head round this whole matter. Somehow without knowing his breath left, and was replaced. Triell hadn't really held one brother the other. Indru was by sorts the head of the family, but he'd never specificly thought Indru was leader of Ruiko. He had been very young, and the dynamics of the pack weren't grasped really. It was just now he was getting the hierarchy, since they weren't pups being looked after by Niija and Indru. Thinking it with a clear focus it did make sense. Ruiko and Indru were leaders. They couldn't be of the same pack, no matter;it plainly would not work that way. The cut to his heart, and disoriented nature was the whys. Why they couldn't work together, why couldn't Ruiko stay, but knowing all the same things weren't like that. The black lad was caught in this weird abyss. Lost to define the mess within.

Swallowing, stale salivia he could only stare at Indru in disbelief and abondement. Indru confirmed they were not on bad terms. The boy sighed a noise of relief. Still this was very, very odd. It would not be the same without Rui. He noticed Indru staring at him, and for a few seconds he avoided full eye contact. He was very loss for words, feeling things were fine, but not at the same. Why did this conflicting terms not be one or the other. Orange eyes reached up to his Indru's, he took in the expression of him, every familiar thing. "So-Ruiko-is-gone?" Stating it seemed to relieve the pent ups of emotions he was trying to sort. He knew he couldn't go with Ruiko, and nothing could make Ruiko stay. Surely that didn't mean he didn't exist. "We'll still see him, right Indy?" Onyx ebrows scrunched with his concern, as it was so vivid in his question. This was what he really wanted to know. No more pieces of the Tainn family needed to be invisible.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2011, 10:30 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

There was a hesitant pause once Indru had finished speaking, and then Damascus came forward towards him and dropped into submission, licking his chin in a sign of respect for the changes and Indru being the new leader. A wave of relief washed over him as slowly the ones around him started to accept the decision, Avalloc doing the same before also pulling away like Damascus had. The pack would still go on at least — the pups would still be safe — just missing his brother, who Indru knew would settle down himself sometime.

The new leader's attention turned to his youngest brother, hiding his nervousness from his reaction to the news, to try and see how Triell was taking it. The dark furred boy didn't met his eyes briefly and Indru felt worry ripple down his spine like a barely concealed shiver until eventually, finally, the boy's orange eyes much like his own lifting up to meet his. Yes, he has gone. Indru's words were soft as he tried to soothe the boy, moving himself from his previous position and walking towards him slowly, concern in his eyes. Of course. Of course we'll still see him, a smile reached Indru's face then and he nodded to affirm what he had just said, he would never dream of not seeing Ruiko or trying to prevent his siblings from doing the same.

Soon Damascus and Avalloc gave sign of leaving and Indru nodded to each in return, thankful for their loyalty to the pack which was no doubt helping to keeping his youngest siblings safe. When they had retreated Indru closed the distance between Triell again, running his muzzle down the boys head and spine comfortingly, trying to soothe him. He will settle somewhere nearby, he began, reassuring himself as much as Triell, and then we can visit as much as we want. It would not be like before when the family had to separate due to crisis and did not see each other again until it was over, the vast majority going with Indru, they were be nearby and on good terms, an ally of sorts if the pack ever came into trouble. Indru was so relieved that his younger brother seemed happy to stay with him and he dropped his nose deeply into his neck fur to inhale his comforting smell quickly, pulling away with a grin on his face, thank you, he told him, head lowered so that their eyes were level.

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
The thick folds of ink tone ears twitched, when Indru confirmed his statement once more. His heart was heavy in his chest, as if he wouldn't see Ruiko again. The next statement from his brother was more consolidating, and Triell tried to hold onto that. This was not a forever goodbye. They would see Ruiko, and Triell forced a little smile seeing Indy looking at him with his own gentle face. He loved him so much, he could not imagine if there was no Indru around too. Triell would be a lost child without his guardian.

Silently Triell noticed the other pack members take their quiet leavings. Giving the family a private moment. This was when Triell wondere what everyone else would think. When he might see Ruiko again. He made a promise to himself he would see him again. This made his burden lighter, and his heart flutter a little brighter. The kind strokes along his head and nape gave the lad comfort he needed. Family was what kept him going day after day, he needed to know it was strong and could be counted on. He could never doubt his steady rock, Indy. A small grin flickered at the corner of his lips. "That sounds much better than goodbye." He spoke, sighing with a peaceful new comfort. It made it more bearable he had two places with each of his guardians he might travel between. That they themselves would be happier. Triell was glad he hadn't seen them fighting, and never wanted to.

Warm breath he let out a quiet, very short chortle at the sensation. Eyes stared into the intelligent pools of his brother, and Triell mirrored his grin. Though he wasn't sure what the thank you was for exactly. "Awe, Indru your welcome." Snuggled into the thick, brown fur like a comforting embrace. The lad briefly nuzzle against brown ears, and neck like he'd done in his youth. "I missed you." He whispered, pulling back, giving a playful nudge against white cheek. Tail swept heavily against the earthen carpet. "So, you'll never guess who I met!" He spoke, not containing his excitement.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

A nod from the new leader confirmed his agreement with Triell, he could not imagine seeing their brother (especially as the two of them were so close) again. Especially not with the great loss their family had suffered already, he could not imagine Ruiko wanting to break them further either. Of course, you can go to see him whenever you like, he reassured the dark furred boy, flashing him a smile to match his own that was now on his face instead of the frown of worry. We can go together. He was keen to reassure him that while they had fought, and one of them had left, they were not now enemies, it was something they had happened out of necessity, that would have happened at some point anyway, and it had taken them this long to realise it. Both of them had been taught to lead by Rihael and eventually they would have to go their separate ways.

Indru felt Triell push up against his chest and he dropped his head to place an affectionate lick between his ears, brushing his muzzle along his head again. It had been a while since the boy had sought affection and comfort from him like this and Indru smiled at the pleasure of the contact with his younger sibling, who was growing so quickly and so well without their parents to guide him. I am proud of you Triell, Indru began, his voice low but carrying easily to Triell's ears due to his close proximity, you will be a fine asset to this pack when you are fully grown. The male was pleased and welled with pride each time either Triell or Borlla were mentioned; the two had been mainly under his charge since their parent's death and it was a huge relief to see them growing so well. Soon it would fall to Indru to continue the future of the pack, and to help continue the Tainn line, and he was certain that Triell would be a fine example for his nieces and nephews.

The changed posture of his brother was almost missed so lost in thought was Indru, but his playful tone broke through and Indru's own tail waved behind him excitedly as he grinned back at his brother's excitement. Who? I have no idea, you know how bad I am at guessing, he laughed, but curiosity was deep in his voice and he leaned towards Triell to sniff at his fur to try and catch a scent that would give him a hint while he wanted for the young boy.