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Praying like a fool just shy of a gun — The Wildwood 
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Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

A butte is an isolated hill with steep, often vertical sides and a small, relatively flat top; buttes are smaller than mesas, plateaus, and table landforms. He had finally found a sense of peace and tranquility in his body. He understood everything and every bit as he wandered through the recovered forest. He was climbing up a steep hill as he made his way to the top of the butte. The forest was fairly TUMULTUARY but that was alright. He could see so far as he stood by a burnt sycamore tree. There was a river just down below that flowed around the butte and he could see the Ghastly Woods though not quite as far as to see the Keep territory. It was breathtaking.

The boy smiled, for the first time in a while, because he was in a peaceful place with few cares in the world. It was perfect, almost too perfect, and a place he would surely visit again in the future. He sat down on his bum, his front paws directly in front of them as he let out a long howl. What was he howling about? His father, his mother, his mama Ana. He was howling about his losses, letting them go one last time so he might move on to achieve the newest goal he had set for himself. He was going to reform Pitch Pine Trail in his own image. He was going to learn from the mistakes his father made. He was going to leave Cut Rock River, should he achieve this goal, with the hopes of being on god terms with Maksim and Kisla. Perhaps he had too high of hopes.

He was moving on from the life he once lived. He would move on but never forget. He would never forget and never forgive. He would, however, focus one something other then revenge.

More importantly, he would always defend his family, even if they were dead.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
(Being vague on pack details @Karpos)

Silver had left Rayne for the day promising to return by tomorrow. She knew how uncomfortable he was when she went off adventuring but it was just something she enjoyed. Though her adventuring soul grew wide when a familiar scent reached her nose. One she may never forget. Karpos.

Not saying anything she kept silent and followed his trail the best she could. Eventually she was found walking to the top of the butte. Wondering what he was up to she quickened her pace to a more brisk jog. Before she was able to fully see him she heard his howl crack out upon the land like a siren. Making her way to the top she didn't stand next to him but stood behind him. Lifting her head she howled too. Why not? Maybe they were howling about different things but maybe they weren't.

When she cut off her howl she slowly moved up next to him. "Karpos." Sadness filled her along with joy. It was a confusing feeling but she forced it all down. Looking out into the land she noticed a peacefulness and beauty that filled it. "You always had an eye for the most stunning places." Smiling at him softly she let her golden eyes graze over his body. He had grown to be a strong boy already. She wanted to say she was proud of him but part of her told her that would be wrong. They had split ways when he was still young. She didn't have much to be proud about.
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

He hadn't even noticed the presence of his aunt behind him until she joined in on the howl. He turned his head slightly, with the smile still present on his face, when he cut off his howl. She was there, with him, and he didn't know what to say. When she picked out the words, a compliment, he gave a small laugh. "Someday, this is gonna be my home I think. I... I thought about returning to Pitch Pine Trail to reclaim it in the name of my father but... I like it here. There's less heartache." He admitted to his aunt as he overlooked the lands he knew one day he would call home. His mind was floored at the idea of living close to the burnt sycamore.

"I've missed you, you know. Not a day goes by when I don't think of you and uncle Ace. I think about my mum and dad too. I worry about Mama Ana because I still don't know what happened to her. I see Pella and Lach and Adsi and Naia because they are in Cut Rock River with me... but I never see you and uncle Ace anymore. How have you been? I hope you've been alright!" He made casual conversation as his eyes never left the look. He loved the forest, the trees, the prey. He loved everything about the forest, every forest. He loved Cedarwood Forest, the Wildwood, Ghastly Woods, Spectral Woods, Red Fern Forest. They were all breathtaking to him but he couldn't quite name why. He waited for his auntie to answer his questions while he looked out upon the horizon where the sun was starting to rise above the ground's prison.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
"I'll be here supporting you if you do Karpos. You know no matter where I am I love you and support you." Her tail did a swift wagging motion before sitting herself down next to the dark Slayer boy. Silver honestly wasn't shocked when she heard his words. She had almost expected him to do such things. He had it in him to lead and be a great king. Not a prince, a king.

Moving her nose she offered a nudge to his shoulder hoping he would take the offer. Listening to him speak was almost soothing. It let her know he was alive and he was obviously some what okay. Though she was quick to wince at the sound of Ace. Smiling softly she nodded. "I've been fine. As for Uncle Ace, well he's over the mountains with his pack." Pausing she had an obvious frown etched onto her face. Taking a deep breath she forced herself to pull yet another smile for her prince Karpos. "Pella, Lach, Adsi, and Naia? Well you must take me to see them sometime. I do miss them. Even if I never really had a relationship for Adsi too much she was a good girl, along with Pella."

Feeling herself hold some sort of weight on her chest she shot a quick glance over to Karpos. "You know Narime, right? Silver grey female. Friend of your father. Leader of the Whisper Caverns pack." She threw out little clues hoping to get a yes from the boy.
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

The boy noted how his aunt reacted to what was said and how she had to visit the others someday too. Then she brought up Nari, whom he had traveled with for a little bit while on one of his adventures of grand proportions and he nodded. "Yea. I told her that Elettra killed my dad and she didn't believe me. Why would I lie about something like that? She was good friends with my dad I know." He said in response to his aunt. He wondered why Silver was bringing up Nari, unless... had something happened to her? Had Elettra killed her too? Karpos knew why his father had been killed. He had been told by his father that he had broken pack law and then left with Rose over the mountains before he could be punished.

Karpos just didn't care.

"I'd like to think of her as a friend but I don't know her well and my dad always told me that Willow Ridge was a dangerous place for the Slayer line. I... I don't know if Narime is still friends with Elettra but if she is then I suppose she's dangerous too." He stated coldly as he stared off in the distance. He hated to talk about his father and Willow Ridge but he really couldn't avoid it either. As much as he didn't want to admit it, it had helped him. He had gotten over his father's death and he stopped looking at life like it was so grim. He'd adapted his game with the hand he had been dealt. "Nothing has happened to her right?"

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Silver couldn't bring herself to say what she wanted to say. To say the truth, or what she believed to be the truth. Narime had told her a lot of information the she wanted to share with Karp but she just couldn't. Now that she had Karpos in her reach again she didn't wanna upset him. She just wanted to enjoy this moment with him. "No, no she's fine. I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of joining her pack as a scout. But I mean I want you to be happy and I want to be close to you." Sighing softly she slowly moved down into a laying position. Her paws more sore than usual.

"So Karpos, tell me more about this pack you want to make. I'm very interested on your goals my dear. Since you are born to be a king." Her ears stood atop her head tall and alert to listen to the prince's words. Letting her tail slightly curl around her leg she felt relaxed. It had been some time since she had been fully relaxed. Not to mention she had been joyed to find her Karpos here. She wanted to be with him more often. Not wander away from the lands leaving him to worry where she had ran to. It was about time she settled down and made Karpos one of her top priorities again. She wanted her "family" back again. Karpos, Adsila, and now Rayne. Adsila was another thing though. They had never really formed much of a bond. She wanted to change that.
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

She wanted to be close to him... but she was going to try and join a different pack? It didn't make sense in the boy's mind but it was not the time to argue about it. She then asked him for more information on his pack and he was happy to give her what he had so far. "I don't have much of it planned yet... but I can tell you what I do have. If I do manage to create a pack, I don't want to leave Cut Rock River like my dad left Willow Ridge. I want to be on good terms with Maksim and Kisla rather then abandoning them because my mate's pregnant... that's if I ever do find a mate. I want to leave on good terms is my point." He started out as he looked briefly to the black form that was his aunt.

He had always assumed that the entire pack knew the nature of Shade's leave from the Ridge. Karpos and Adsila had been told as children about their escape in the night and how they crossed the mountain to protect himself and his sister. Karpos was grateful that the actions were taken... otherwise he'd probably be dead. He took a small sigh as he looked down at the base of the formation they stood upon. "I think I'll go reclaim Pitch Pine Trail... or maybe I'll come here. I don't know yet but I know I'll figure it out before I do anything. If I go back to Pitch Pine Trail then obviously I'll name the pack Pitch Pine Trail but things will be a bit different. More... organized and I'll make sure I trust a wolf to not abandon me before I accept them." He started off into his plans.

(This post was last modified: Jul 14, 2014, 09:28 PM by Karpos.)
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
"Perhaps you should go reclaim Pitch Pine Trail. Raise it up from the ashes." The thought of Pitch Pine Trail being rebuilt in a better way was enough to send shivers down her spine. It was perhaps a bit crazy to think that Karpos, still young, had it planned out a bit and was ready to start making things work for him and this future pack he spoke of. Whether it be a pack here or a re-birthed Pitch Pine Silver was going to support him no matter what.

Letting a heavy breath of air slip past her lips Silver flicked her tail. All this talk of Shade, Elettra, abandonment, and packs made her skin crawl. It was as if thousands of beetles were crawling right underneath the surface of her skin. Before she knew it a few words slipped right from her mouth and lips. "You can't hold a grudge against Elettra forever." Her eyes widen a bit at her own saying. She hadn't expected it to slip out but oh boy it did. Out of everything she could have said that had to be what her brain and mouth sent out? A bit frustrated at her own self she assumed there was nothing she could do now. What had been said was out.

Not daring to look at Karpos she kept her gaze fixed forward hoping that he wouldn't react as bad as possible. But who knew really? With so many emotions about the situation anything could come out.
Played by Namara who has 402 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karpos Slayer

When Silver suggest that he reclaim Pitch Pine Trail, he didn't hesitate to respond. "I was thinking about it but the more I think about it the more I want to build my own legacy. There are too many sorrowful memories back there..." He trailed off from his speech and then she responded to something else that made his blood boil. "You can't hold a grudge against Elettra forever." Elettra was always a sensitive subject for him and the fact that it seemed that Silver was siding with her made him even more angry. She wouldn't even look at him when she spoke her mind. His fur started to bristle along his spine as he reacted to her rather then trying to figure out why she would say that.

"I can and I will! She took my father away from me Silver and that is something I can never forgive. She took my childhood away from me and turned me into an orphan." The words were yelled but mild compared to what he was thinking. He just couldn't concentrate or calm himself down. "She separated my sister and I and it took almost four months for us to even know each other were alive. She divided what family I had left amongst packs who hate seemed to hate each other. Now, she's turning my own family against me." The words were harsh and an overreaction of course but without another word he turned away from the butte edge and started to walk away with grace as he started to calm down.

He walked away like a king.

Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive Deceased
He acted worse than wanted or intended. Even though Silver barely knew this Elettra woman she had every right to side with her. Shade had BROKEN pack laws, he had left with a word, he had done wrong to not only Elettra but to the pack for leaving. Jumping up to her feet she rose her tail high. Karpos would not have a right to yell at her for something he might not even understand like she did!

"She did what was needed Karpos! Shade, your father, had broken pack laws by mating. Elettra had every right to attack him when he showed his face! She was correcting his mistakes. She didn't know that he would die that day, or that you and your sister would be separated. She was doing what was right." As Karpos tried so boldly to walk away like a king Silver took a few steps towards him. "Get off your high horse Karpos. You're not the only wolf who has suffered in this wretched world."

She couldn't help but hold herself high showing off her dominance over Karpos. Silver was unsure if he would turn around and face her. She could honestly care less right now. In her mind Karpos needed to learn that Shade's death should have been seen coming. When he went that close to Willow Ridge borders it was only expected that some violence was to come from with wolves of the Ridge. Although Silver loved Karpos it was about time he saw things from perhaps a different view.
(This post was last modified: Jul 18, 2014, 08:34 PM by Silver.)