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To the Heart we Trust — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
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Narimé Lagina

Stepping around the stone pillars that had once enthralled the silver wolf, Nari scented out her pack mates to see if anyone was around. The strong wind blew from outside carrying the scent of rain. Keeping away from the mouth of the cave so as not to get wet, the Lagina hunter slipped further into the caverns great depths. Half way between the main room and @Kassanders herb den the gray wolf found the strong scent of her darker son Titan. curious as to why he wasn't outside roaming around or venturing outside of the territory, Nari plodded forward over the soft earth trying to locate her son.

It wasn't an easy task as the child's fur was the perfect shade to blend into the shadows and dark of the cave. Nari's nose told her that her child was very close, within seeing distance, but in the darker tunnel she couldn't spot him. Even while looking for his bright lagoon blue eyes which would betray the lads location,, the she wolf couldn't spot him.

"Titan? What are you doing down here? Sure it's raining out but I thought you would be running around doing something." instead of being a bump on a log down here... she didn't add that thought while slipping closer to the wall and sitting down. She would just let the young Thorben come to her instead of searching him out and possibly stumbling over the boy if he was sleeping. Though Nari did hope that Titan was awake already. He shouldn't be sleeping in the middle of the day.

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Titan had sensed the storm approaching earlier that day, and as much as he wanted to venture out into unknown territory to satisfy his wanderlust, the dark wolf had decided to double back and wait till the storm came and went. As Titan noticed the dark clouds approaching he picked up his pace and ran to the cavern wolves territory. He wasted no time streaking through the border and deep onto his pack's land as the clouds began to quickly close in on their little meadow heaven.

Once reaching the den Titan had wandered through tunnels searching out pack mates, greeting them if they were there, and then reaching the packs medicinal herb stores. He spent the better part of the morning there going over herbs he had already known to make sure they were cemented in his mind before taking a break and retiring just outside of Kassander's den.

Then he had fallen into a light sleep glad that the only noises he was hearing was the dripping of water coming through the roof of the cave tunnels. As of yet no thunder had erupted from the storm blowing outside. That fact calmed Titan. He was okay with rainstorms, though would rather stay dry than get wet in them.It was thunderstorms that he detested. The dark wolf would deny his fright of lightning and thunder if any of his pack mates asked, but he knew that he was scared of the loud noises and flashing lightning.

He was still awake enough to hear his mothers voice, thought not her approach, as the gray wolf once more began to hover around him. Growling lightly in annoyance Titan shifted his head rolling onto the other side as he tried to nap. He didn't want to answer her question. Instead he pretended to still be asleep.


The lightning must have hit just over their heads above the earth, and the high powered rifle-like sound jolted Titan onto all fours and crashing towards his mothers dim gray form. Suppressing a shiver as the dark wolf sat right up next to his mother, Titan only began to calm down as the sound of thunder died away. Though he knew the storm was far from over, the shadow-like prince began to feel embarrassed as he realized how stupid he must look crushed up against his mothers side.

Shuffling away from Nari, Titan bit his lip and looked down in frustration with himself. Now his mother would have a reason to hover more, and he didn't like that at all."Speech here."

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narime was just as startled by the crack of thunder as her son had been. Though she flinched towards the floor in her spot. Titan on the other paw, Nari finally spotted as he moved quickly to her side with his blue eyes as wide as moons. She straightened herself as he crashed into her side and lowered her head protectively over his massive frame. He was so big and tall now that she could barely reach her nose to the other side of him. Then she spoke softly not trying to offend the boy in any way.

"The thunder won't hurt us child for it is just a sound. The lightning however can hurt us, but not if we stay deep in the shadows of the cave. For the brightness of lightning cannot penetrate the darkness we have here." She said just as Titan began to calm down, Though Nari wasn't sure if he had even been paying attention to her voice.

When Titan wrenched himself away from her Nari felt a little hollow inside, but hid that feeling to the best of her abilities. As he looked down in frustration the gray woman sighed and tilted her head up to listen to the storm outside.

"Whenever the storms came around when I was with my father Sibo I was always scared of them. Even now I'm scared. Though if I hadn't finished my work patrolling or hunting I would still be outside doing that job. " Nari commented quietly only for their ears to hear. She wasn't sure who else might be hiding in the cavern during the storm.

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
He hadn't heard the first words his mother had said when he had still been pressed up against her. However afterwards when Titan had moved away from the silver woman he heard her mention of her own father. Sibo? Titan thought quietly as he glanced towards his mother. What had my grandfather been like? Though he did not ask those questions out loud. Instead as she changed subjects to hunting and patrolling his attention went back to a rumbling that was starting once more but farther away from their territory. The thunder rumbled for quite a long time and unnerved the Thorben wolf as he sat shivering slightly.

Bringing his paws closer to his body Titan sat crouched forward while looking in the direction of the caves entrance. He wanted to get the sound of thunder and fright out of his mind. He knew that his mother would gladly coddle him but that wasn't exactly what he wanted. A good conversation though might take his mind off things. Or maybe going back to the herb stores and looking over them might help? He wasn't sure what to do. Occupying myself in some way seems to be the best action to take.

"Can you tell me about your family? Of my family?" Titan suggested to the she wolf knowing that his mother loved to talk. She had been the one who had passed down that chatterbox gene to his sister.

He shivered at the thought of his sister. Titan hoped she was okay wherever she might be now in that other world.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

She was well aware now that Titan was very preoccupied with every sound and movement that the storm above them made. I swift breeze from outside penetrated their tunnel, probably due to the strength of the growing storm, and with that breeze came the scent of rotting meat that must have been located outside nearby the entrance of the cave. Nari debated on retrieving some meat for herself but decided she would rather not get wet. Instead the gray she wolf kept her sitting position and smiled as Titan asked about his family.

She knew that he had knowledge of his primary family members including Sloane, herself, and his siblings. However Nari wasn't positive that Titan knew of his aunts and uncles. She was sure that he knew nothing of her side of the family since she had shared that with very few wolves. Tokino was the only other wolf who had known of her family's history.

"Well you should know about your uncle Guiness Thorben and your aunt Tempest Thorben. They are your fathers siblings. Both used to reside in Willow Ridge, but Tempest went missing around the same time your father did. However Guiness should still be among the willows." Nari closed her eyes and imagined her brother (by mateship) as he had been last time she'd seen him. Large through and through and powerful. He had been larger even than her ex Sloane. Briefly the she wolf contemplated visiting her brother at Willow Ridge's borders. It had been a while since their last meeting. Unknown to her was Guiness untimely death by big cat while defending Elettra and her litter.

"Unfortunately I don't know much more about your father's side of the family. Though because of your uncle Tokino I was educated in much of my own family." Narime tried to keep the edge out of her voice when she mentioned her uncle's name. Despite the betrayal he had participated in Tokino had helped her often and taught her much. She couldn't deny that.

(This post was last modified: Jul 15, 2014, 07:42 PM by Narimé.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
@Adair @Ash @Athena @Danica @Kassander @Nios @Rook @Yuka (Anyone is welcome to pop in and join at anytime. Yuka especially as this family stuff relates to him. Danica too since Titan's going to mention his desire to eventually leave.)

Titan tried to settle his attention onto his mother as she spoke. Which was somewhat hard to do given the fact that it was still thundering, and he was a somewhat severe case of a wolf with astraphobia. Those blue eyes locked onto his mothers form not intending to be rude but simply trying to keep his attention and mind from wandering. Though the information she gave up was somewhat useless since Titan already knew about Guiness. Tempest on the other paw was a wolf he did not know. The tidbit of information about her being of Willow Ridge and disappearing had him quite interested. Maybe Sloane and Tempest left to go someplace together? He wondered quietly while keeping his face from looking away. The dark lads ears stayed forward trying to hone in on Nari's voice instead of the rain and thunder.

"Well I know about the geezer Tokino. Is there anyone else around from your side of the family? Who exactly is Sibo?." Titan let the questions spew from his maw while he shifted uncomfortably on the stone and dirt floor. Bringing his black paws and legs to the side and laying on his left, Titan tried to make himself as comfortable as possible. Though secretly he did long for someone's touch to assure him that he was safe.

Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Narime nodded as Titan locked his eyes onto her form. She didn't find it annoying, instead relishing the fact that he was spending time with her. Even if the only reason he was sticking around was because the storm forced him to. When he asked about her family she pursed her lips trying to think of where to start. Nari hadn't realized that she might be relaying the same information Tokino had tried teaching her to her own children. The silver wolf hadn't placed that much interest in extended family. In her own opinion the only family she should really worry about were the closest members. Like her children, mate, brothers, sisters, and parents. That was about it.

"Well Sibo was my father and your grandfather. He died a long time ago back when I was still a yearling, but he was a good wolf at the end of his life." Nari wouldn't comment on what Tokino said her father had done before taking her away from Muerda's grip. In the end of his life as she knew him, Sibo had been a good wolf and a good father. "Sibo had a white coat and amber eyes that came from his mother's arctic wolf bloodline. His mother, and your great grandmother was...." Nari paused forgetting the name her uncle had taught her. Think think... What was the name? It was connected to Phineas somehow... She fought to remember her grandmother's name. "Aella Argyris was her real name. I remember that much." She sighed in defeat since Nari could not remember the second name her grandmother had been given to hide her lineage. "Your great grandfather was a Mackenzie valley wolf named Flei RiverRunner." Nari shook her head in dismay as she realized that she had skipped all of her uncles and aunts. Not that they mattered much since none of them were alive.

Deciding not to continue with her RiverRunner aunts and uncles, the silver wolf thought back to the name of her grandmother Aella. She wondered if Phineas might know of her relation to him. It was something she had told herself last year to go visit with Phineas and talk to him about it. However the she wolf had forgot to do so. "There are really no members of my fathers side of the family left. I was told all of them died. Though somehow we share a relation with a friend of mine who used to live in Willow Ridge pack with me back in the day. His name was @Phineas Argyris, and he leads a pack across the mountains called Magnolia Glen. I don't exactly know how but he is related to your great grandmother Aella Argyris. All I know is that her brother was a Barak Argyris.." Nari wondered if Titan was still listening or whether the thunder echoing above the cave tunnels was tearing his attention away from her. "as for my mother, your grandmothers side of the family, there are a ton of names and wolves that I am sure you don't even want to try learning about." She chuckled knowing that if Titan did ask about the Lagina side of the family she might be in trouble. Nari could only remember half of them at the moment.

(This post was last modified: Oct 15, 2014, 05:12 PM by Narimé.)

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
Anybody at all wanna pop in?

With a comical look on his face Titan edged closer to Nari as the thunder resumed. He kept his ears pressed forward intently listening to her voice. Perhaps due to his increased concentration the lad might actually retain the information he was being given. Plus the practice of his memorization skills whenever Titan looked over herbs had helped him to remember things as of late. A good brain work out did wonders for a wolf.

His mother spoke of his grandfather dying when she had been young. It made his heart ache since Titan could relate. His father and Nari's mate Sloane had up and disappeared before he had even aged a year. Though Titan still hoped that his father was alive someplace out there. He couldn't imagine knowing for sure that Sloane was really dead. So in a way the boy couldn't relate to his mother. As hard as he tried to.

Then she spoke of other family members. Great grandparents whose names wouldn't mean much to the dark prince floated in his head as she described them. The information about some distant relation came up, though the only thing that interested Titan about that was the fact that his mother had been friends with the wolf who was now leading a pack someplace out there in the world beyond the meadows. Titan wondered how far away that pack might be. It sounded as if his mother had visited the place before. Only then did he start to realize how worldly she really was. Narime had been to many place in the far off world he had not thought of visiting.

"Maybe one day soon we could visit? I would like to see the land your friend Phineas lives in." The suggestion was really just to get him out to new lands and explore. Titan was semi-interested in this Phineas fellow but not so much as to visit the guy himself. What he really wanted was to see new places. To discover new things.

When she mentioned her mothers side of the family Titan cringed as the sound of thunder once more invaded his senses. He didn't want Nari to stop talking like she just had. Her voice lulled him a bit in a false sense of security. "No I do want to learn about that side of the family... If you would tell me about them please." He offered the polite but rushed comment waiting for her voice to start up again.

(This post was last modified: Jul 15, 2014, 09:28 PM by Titan.)
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

Her sons curiosity about the wolves over the mountains surprised her. She looked squarely at Titan trying to figure out why he was interested in some long lost relation. That look in his eyes is the same as mine. The need to travel and see things. He has the wanderlust bad... I see.. Nari thought while shuffling her paws and moving her body to lie on the cool floor. "I'm afraid I can't take you to see Phineas. You will have to one day go by yourself to meet him. I will never leave this pack for a prolonged period of time again. Last time I did all sorts of trouble happened. You understand right? I must keep this pack safe and working and not worry about friends far over the mountains." Nari shrugged nonchalantly hoping Titan wouldn't be angry over her refusal. She wasn't going to make the mistake of leaving her pack in some other wolf's paws again.

Narime heaved a sigh as Titan answered asking about the rest of the family. It would be hard for her to remember all of their names. She hoped she would get the most important ones down. Thunder echoed her thoughts as she readied herself to give in full detail the description of the Lagina wolves she knew of.

"Well you know me. My name is Narime Lagina, although I probably should have been named RiverRunner after my fathers family. My Da decided to keep my mothers name after she died. He gave me her last name as well." She explained the reason why her name was Lagina while thinking fondly of her father Sibo. "My mother's name was Marianna Lagina, and she had a bunch of siblings including Tokino, and she wolves named Keema, Yalua, and Darkwind Lagina." Nari found herself remembering the names a little more easily if she went from aunts and uncles up to the older parts of the family. "They are your aunts and uncles on the Lagina side of your family."

The she wolf paused as another loud crack of thunder echoed through the tunnels making her flinch once again. She watched for Titan's reaction then tried to sooth him once again with her voice. "I betcha Tokino would have been screaming at the thunder trying to shut it up while he napped." She tried soothing the fears her son might have right now and attracting his attention once more to her.

"Your grandparents on the Lagina side of the family are named Yakova Lagina and Flower Fall. Apparently we get the silver in our coats from the male Lagina ancestors who started with the gray coats. Though Flower Fall had also been a black wolf, which is probably where you got your dark fur from." She commented while admiring the silver and black of the young man's fur.

"You also have great uncles and aunts related to Yakova Lagina who have probably widened that side of the family. I don't know much about them." Nari felt a bit annoyed that she couldn't remember the names Tokino had told her about. She remembered that the pack the Lagina's were from were being led by some Lagina relation of hers, but which she couldn't remember. "I'm sorry but that's about all I remember of what Kino told me." She apologized hoping Titan wouldn't press her on the subject.