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And, Ohhh it hurts — Whisper Caverns 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
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Within the pack dens of Whisper Caverens an irritating whining and complaining could be heard. The cream girl fussed constantly whenever she was awake. She wanted to go outside and walk about, ease her boredom. But no, she couldn't, not till her leg healed some. It was too tender to walk on yet and she needed to keep from further harming it.

Danica huffed and puffed, groaned and moaned, twisted and turned in complaint. Sure, she was acting childish and selfish, but she had not really expressed that much as a pup. Then an idea came into her up to no good mind. She would simply go to the entrance...then sneak outside and stay near by. It's not like Dani could go too far anyways. She was a bit much of a good girl, wasn't she? Yes! *So let's ignore any and all commands and leave for awhile.* She decided boldly. The young 'lady' whispered to whoever may have been tending to her, "I'm feeling pretty good, so I'm going to get some fresh air." A smirk spread across her features. Now she could technically say that they let her go, right? It wasn't a lie...was it? Unsure she mentally shrugged.

The yearling carefully stood and put little weight on her leg. She bit back an ear piercing cry of severe pain, but did not mentally faulture. She could do this. Lifting up her hurt leg Dani tucked it close to her. Then she awkwardly attempted to walk with only one hind leg. Boy, was this going to be a tiring task for her. She could manage, though, she figured...
(This post was last modified: Jul 20, 2014, 03:11 AM by Danica.)
Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
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Yuka Thorben

The young boy had been avoiding his pestering mother ever since the pack hunt, because she had made it devastatingly clear to him that she would not leave him be. He almost felt bad that he had needed to communicate that he wanted to be left alone to her so harshly, but she had been making a scene, and the less wolves that knew about the damage that had been done to the right side of his face, the better. It truly was a horror to be scene. The scars all over on the right side of his face made it look completely swollen, and with the torn tendon in his lip, it made the tissue poke out at an awkward angle, along with the deep tear in his ear, he looked like a complete monster. He also acted like one. Inali, his former angel and idol, was now dead because of him. Yuka knew he could have stopped himself, but he had continued on until he was sure that she wouldn't have been able to breath anymore.

Due to this, the Thorben boy was mostly in the caverns, where it was dark and no one would be able to see his horrible face. It was also a place that he could hide. He had no fear of showing his face to Ash, their current alpha...he was after all a warrior, and he didn't seem to have any reaction the first time he had seen Yuka's face. He was currently in the depths of the caverns, silently watching the small drips of water go into the small puddles. He was fine until he heard the familiar sound of a female's voice. His amber teal flecked eyes flickered to the direction in which the woman was complaining from. Sighing, he picked himself off of the ground and silently made his way towards the sound of the woman's voice. Since he spend a majority of his time in total darkness, the young Thorben's eyes were accustomed to the blackness of the caverns, so when he saw Danica's smaller form, he stopped, his young eyes taking in her wound on her leg and her struggling. He parted his jaws and let his deep tenor voice fill the caverns, making sure that he stayed in the darkness so that she couldn't see him, "You really shouldn't be doing that. My brother would not be pleased, Miss Reinier." He remained still so that she wouldn't have any clue as to where he truly was in the cavern. The walls that made his voice jump from one side of the cave to the other certainly helped with that.

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The pale figure flinched in surpise, her fur raising up. Danica's panick was short lived and she whispered, "Goodness Yuka, you nearly scared off my pelt." Her voice was it's usual tender tone. A slight joke mingled in with her words. There wasn't a whole lot of light in the caverens, and to his advantage, she could barley make out anything.

The wolf turned herself to look at what she mistaked as the boy. An odd lighter colored area of the stone walls. It held no shape to it, and seemed to be her best guess. "Is that you? It's so dark in here." She asked in embarrassment. She truly couldn't tell.

Awaiting an answer she lowered her butt to the ground. Pain shot through her body causing a whimper to flee her mouth. "How are you? It's been awhile since I've seen you...at the hunt. I don't belive we spoke?" The girl was quick to change the conversation. She wanted to distract him from the fact she was hurting herself and disobeying Titan. Guilt jabbed her harshly in the gut, and caused an odd butterfly sensation. Not a good one either. She couldn't understand the emotion at all and so she ignored it.

As her mind wondered off she grew curious of Titan's whereabouts. Then her imagination set in. She could picture him walking around doing normal things. When the idea of Titan hanging out with another girl crossed her, a hot burning sensation filled Danica. It was a mix of jealousy, distress, and insecurity."speech"

Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

Even with the face of a monster Yuka found that he could still try to be chivalrous, especially to those who, thus far, had done him no harm. Sure, he was probably hideous to all of those around him, but he still had a heart. Hopefully, some would still acknowledge that, but none the less as Danica falsely faced a lighter piece of stone and called out for him, he remained still. His heart gave a hopeful tug in her direction, desperate for someone to show him some compassion aside from the adults and his mother. Fearful of her reaction his his face he remained still, listening to her words carefully and taking note that she definitely had sat down, a whimper escaping her mouth at the contact with the ground. his ear flickered forward at this, making a silent reminder to himself to check in with Kassander so that he could look after Danica once more.

When it seemed like she would not be asking any more questions on the matter. However, when he spoke, his tone was much darker than he expected it to be, "No...that isn't me. It's best you not see my face. My apologizes for the inconvenience." He remained silent then, reminding him of the other question that she had asked. "And no...we have not spoken before. Most likely because you fancy my brother." He stressed this, knowing it was more for himself than it was for her. He didn't want to become attached to someone who was close to his brother, that could make unnecessary drama arise, something that Yuka knew Ash didn't want. There had been enough shit to deal with in Whisper Caverns in the past year.

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Danica listened to his harsh voice, grimacing a little at first. She was not used to being adressed like that but she quickly figured out he meant no harm. "I guess that is perfectly fine, but if you don't mind me asking, why?" Her question was innocent and she added shyly in a whisper, "I thought you were handsome at the hunt...." Her cheeks burned as heat rushed through her body. She liked Titan, but that didn't mean she wouldn't ever find someone else attractive. Dani had yet to see his reason for sticking to the shadows and the mystery intrigued her. *What could cause such an odd desire?* She thought to herself.

Another rush of heat went through her, more intense, at Yuka's next reply. Shyly she looked down and whispered, "Yeah, Titan is...great." She was not quite sure if that word really matched her strong feelings for him, but great worked well enough. Titan and Dani were friends, but he gave her butterflies and made her extremely happy. She loved every moment spent together with him.

Being herself Dani didn't notice the way he said 'my brother'. Instead she just felt all giddy and stupid inside. Apparently the other pack members were picking up on their closeness. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. Was she supposed to feel ashamed or simply not care at all? *Oh well, that's not important right now.* She thought with a small dreamy sounding sigh. Green eyes scanned the cave till finding another possible Yuka. Inwardly she laughed.
Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

He didn't need to prick his ears to hear what she was going to say. He picked the perfect place within the cave, where he would not be able to be detected and he would be able to hear everything little thing that went on in the cavern around them, it was one of the reasons he remained in the shadows. No harm could come to him there. When she asked him the question, he sighed, not wishing to respond but stopped cold when she complimented him. The only wolf who had called him handsome had been Inali and that was way before he had become the tortured soul that he was now. He was condemned to a life of misery and he was sure that her spirit certainly agreed with him. Never the less, the princess deserved an answer, and so his dark, bloated lips parted to give one, "I was in an...accident. Said circumstance left me with a face that isn't pleasing to look at...and that...my dear, is why I shall remain in the shadows." His voice echoed throughout the cave, watching the Reinier with careful eyes. She seemed curious and while Yuka certainly wouldn't mind a lady friend he didn't trust her...just as he didn't trust anyone else in the cruel world.

When she spoke of Titan, a pit of darkness stirred in Yuka's soul. It was so unfair that as a protector and Guardian he had received injury, while Titan, who is defenseless could continue on with his daily life without a scratch on him. The thought made him furious. He shook it off though, not wanting to scare Titan's precious girl. He remained silent then, watching her with his odd amber teal eyes. Instead of downing his brother, he decided, for once, to be supportive. "Ahh...yes, I'm sure my brother truly is wonderful..." He kept the easily accessible sadness out of his voice, having perfected keeping his voice even. At least his brother was happy. That was one thing that Yuka could try to be pleased about.

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Danica's face took the form of a sympathetic frown, "An accident? What happened? I'm so verry sorry Yuka...I bet it's not as bad as you seem to think. Anyways, I think most females could agree, if it's any comfort, that it's better to have a strong and carrying man then an attractive and neglecting one." She spoke softly in a soothing voice. She wasn't sure if what she said would help in any way, but she had attempted, and that was enough for Dani. "I don't know you, but I bet your scars just show bravery. Please don't be ashamed around me Yuka." She couldn't bare the thought of her dear Titan's flesh and blood being uncomfortable with her.

"That he is..." Dani mumbled with a small sweet smile. "You see, I also lost a sibling, and he helped me by simply being my friend. I hope I've in turn have helped him." She said while wondering the whole time how Yuka himself was coping. Did he also need a friend? Who had been there for this large white lad? She inwardly sighed hoping he didn't feel all alone.

Danica sat in the dark silence awaiting Yuka's answer. His deep voice would once again be all around her, but hopefully, just maybe she'd be privileged to pin a face with that voice. She pictured his scars to be minor scrapes he had blown out of proportion. To be something only he could truly hate upon his face. As her mind wondered off she was once again brought back to the question of what happened...and possibly who did it?
Played by Lightning who has 216 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Yuka Thorben

In his time training with Ash, Yuka had learned many things about Danica's mother. Lady Hervok was, after all, an ally to them, and it was important for a Guardian such as he to know such things. In that moment, when the Reinier spoke to him, he could feel the compassion she had, much like her mother. Would it be so bad for him to have someone accept him for what he had become? A monster. He continued to watch her as she pointlessly searched for him. The only way she would be able to find him, is if he wished for it. When she spoke again of his brother, he watched the lovestruck face overcome here, and disgust once again killed the boy. He didn't want to show her is deformity, but if she were anything like her mother...then perhaps he would be able to find a chance at companionship.

With a deep breath he stepped out of the shadows, his entire body facing her. She could not see him yet, for her back was towards him. This time he spoke, without throwing his voice all around her, enabling her to pinpoint his exact location, "I am sorry about your sibling. It might have been tragic." His body remained tense, waiting for the worst. He didn't want to loss his temper with her, as he had done with Inali. He had murdered her and he feared that if Danica shunned him, he would lash out upon her too. She was such a pretty little thing, it would truly be devastating if anything harmful happened to her.

AustriaAngloAlliance @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Danica's ears swiveled backwards and she nodded in response. She wished not to speak any more of the matter, so she politely gave a, "Thank you," and said nothing more. Slowly the yearling stood up and turned to face him, her movements strained and careful. She couldn't help but be a little bit shocked, they were worse then she had imagined. Still she felt they weren't too awful. She sighed softly and approached him with hesitation.

Dani timidly touched one of the claw marks with ner nose and traced it. Another sigh, "Yuka, what happened? I don't think it's too beastly, if that's what bugs you. Scars are storries...right?" She spoke with a small smile. She sat down again, this time facing him. "If they make you feel..like others won't...like you because of them, you're wrong." She tried to soothe him, but she wasn't too proud of her word choice.

"I mean, I'll probably have a 'nice' leg scar, not too pretty either. It's not on my face....like yours, but, I don't know...I'm just trying to say they don't change you and stuff." She found herself smiling sheepishly at her failure with words. Sighing she leaned forward and pressed her head into his fur. "Don't worry 'bout 'em," She muttered and moved away. Dani hoped he understood she was simply trying to be nice and make him feel better. Make him know he could still have friends and be loved despite his minor set back. She looked to his face and took it in once more before respectfully glancing away, "You're still handsome," she whispered.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity