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live,laugh,love before you die — Limestone Bluff 
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Played by Missy who has 8 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Flyn Faye
For @Narimé . A little expedition at Limestone Bluff??

Flyn had already been hit by a wave of wanderlust. He liked his new pack and its leaders. The pack hunt the other day had gone well and he had no reason to be discontent. Really, he wasn't discontent as much as he was bored. The South had been fun, but the wars and the women and the drama had gotten old. Here in the North, he was having the opposite problem: life was uneventful. So, the young Faye had to admit, he was out looking for trouble. Wandering too close to other packs borders, wondering what kind of trouble he could stir up.

That was when he found it. A wonderful rock formation deep in a forest filled with cedar trees. The rocks were large and very high; there was a straight drop from the top of the formation that could severely, if not fatally, injure a wolf not sure-footed enough to avoid the fall. With a grin and a wag of his tail Flyn headed straight for the dangerous rocks. He was about to begin a climb to the top when he noticed a hole in the side of one of the boulders. Sticking his head in he was surprised that the whole went deep through the rock. Not a hole then, must be a cave, Flyn thought curiously. Stepping back, out of the darkness of the cave Flyn realized that he had a serious decision to make. To climb to the top or to explore the inside?

His lips pursed as he tried to contemplate the pros and cons of each. Would he rather fall to his death or get lost? With an eager smile he realized that he really didn't care if either one happened. With that, the fluffy black and white vagabond began his climb to the top of the bluff.