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Dirty Work — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Hex who has 19 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
@Cinder Freezing fog — 13° F/-11° C

Kay was starving and he was getting very annoyed with the freezing fog that was clinging to the ground. It covered everything with a sheen of ice and every time he moved he imagined his fur was going to snap and break off at the tips. Growling under his breathe he took a moment to look at where he was. Willow trees arched their brittle branches and the snow of the ground was covered with miscellaneous of twigs that couldn't stand the weight of snow. The ghostly male snorted his disdain. Trees were supposed to be strong and not break at the slightest weight but as he looked at the willow trees he could only imagine that it had lasted for some time in these conditions. Sighing he padded silently away. Staring at a tree wasn't going to fill his belly.

As he walked he began to notice a faint musky scent on the air. Planting his paws he stared in the direction, nose twitching. Raccoon? His mouth began to water at the thought. It wasn't a deer but it would do. Loping off he followed the scent that was making him even hungrier than before. Finally he found it. A male raccoon an adult was munching on something in its paws. Kay froze as the dark eyes looked towards and then passed him over before returning to its meal. The ghostly male wasn't sure what it was eating but he wasn't interested in that he was more interested in the other creature itself.

A faint snarl spread across his face. Crouching low he began to stalk it before launching his attack. Caught off guard the raccoon could only manage to drop what it held and try to face him. It managed to get in a bite on his shoulder before Kay snapped its neck with a crack. Not caring if he was found he lay down to try to enjoy his meal while he could. His gold eyes scanned the area once before he dined, blood smearing on his muzzle.

Played by Rachel who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cinder Attaya

It was hard to defeat the loneliness that consumed her. Quil hadn’t been around much – her scent seemed barely upon the pack lands, and so the swarthy female had stuck to herself, primarily. The Willow Ridge wolves were anything but inviting, and rather than flourishing as she should have within a pack, the yearling found herself dwindling more. The indignant part of her argued to simply run away – to find a home that would treat her like the princess she was, but her heart would interrupt her disdain and remind her that being parted from Quil was not something she could do.

She did not like to admit it, but she needed her sister.

So, like any other day, the ebony female loped along the Ridge lands, though her long limbs would soon have her stride past the borders and to the edges of the terrain, despite the ice that glazed over the grounds from the freezing fog. Drooping Willows was a vast land, and Elettra had not seen fit to claim more of it.. but that did not mean the pack did not entirely welcome the presence of strangers so close to their home.

So when Cinder came upon a rather handsome white male indulging upon something he had caught himself, she felt her own stomach twist with hunger. Pausing a moment, the Attaya yearling knew she was likely too thin to appear appealing in any matter of beauty, but her eyes still held that spark to them – and so, with as much a charming sway of her languid hips as she could muster, the ex-princess strode forward, hoping the flash of her amber eyes would gain his interest soon enough. Perhaps a gentleman such as yourself might share some of that, seeing as it was caught so close to my pack’s home? Little did the fly know that she had walked in to quite the sticky web.

(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2015, 06:59 PM by Cinder.)
like a black widow, baby
Played by Hex who has 19 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate

Kay was enjoying himself. The meat was fresh and it was stilling the ache in his stomach putting him in a pleasant mood. Using one of his paws to hold the carcass in place he tore into belly while every once in a while he looked up to see if anything had been attracted to the scent of blood.  Not seeing anything he took another bite and swallowed it up with a quick snap of his fangs. The sound of snow being crushed had his ears perked instantly. He listened intently as he licked at the blood on the fresh meat. An ebony female made her way onto the scene and he watched her eyes sharp. What did she want? It's not like he had invited anybody to join him. Her manner of approach made his head left but her words had him standing lips curled up in a faint snarl. No matter how she looked he was hungry and he had caught himself something to eat and this pack wolf thought that she could have some? His hackles raised as he stared at her.

Why don't you ask the gentleman of your pack to catch you something? The words were sharp and it was clear that he had no intention of sharing his meal. Although he was slightly pleased to be called a gentleman his pleasantness had vanished at her mention of wanting some of the fresh meat. Did the pack wolves think that having claim on some land gave them a free pass to every loners meal just because they lived near by? A low growl echoed in his throat. Or better yet why don't you catch yourself something? The ghostly male wasn't sure if he wanted answers to the questions he had asked or if he just wanted her to leave. Taking a step forward his teeth bared he hoped that she would stay and give him a fight. He was just itching to teach her that being a pack wolf didn't mean that you were superior to the lone wolves that roamed around.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Rachel who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cinder Attaya

Oh, he was a stubborn one. A darkness stirred upon him – his hackles bristling at her approach. She quietly recoiled within, wondering if part of her charm had gone wayside with her weight and healthy appearance. But Cinder was anything but deterred, and her gleaming eyes would flicker over him smoothly, as if truly intrigued by him, and him alone before her gaze would travel down to the food betwixt his paws. I don’t think my pack has any gentleman, she demurred, as if to appease him, though a teasing glint had traced her eyes then as she studied him even more thoroughly. He was handsome, certainly, but far too uptight for her to consider maintaining her attention to once this interlude was over with. She would hopefully entice him in to giving her a small share of his prize, offer him her oh so gratified praise, and then bail.

Giving her tail an idle flick, Cinder dared to take another step closer – surely her whims would break through the icy exterior the rugged wolf set before her now. And why would I need to when you have so much for yourself..? Her tone was lilting at this point – her slender limbs shifting against the stark white snow that he blended so well in to, and if to add to what she believed was her endearing quality, the she-wolf canted her muzzle slightly, her wolfish brows lifting as she awaited his answer. All she wanted was a bite.. surely that wasn’t to much for one who seemed so healthy and well-fed to give up?

(This post was last modified: Jan 30, 2015, 07:09 PM by Cinder.)
like a black widow, baby
Played by Hex who has 19 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
I believe we decided to use the dice so i'm going to start that.    

His ears listened to her honey coated words and he was not amused. She acted as if she wasn't asking for much and maybe in the long-run she wasn't, but he had told her that he wasn't going to share. The fact that she was eyeing him up and acting all charming might have worked on another wolf but he had experienced a woman's bite more than once. The females of his birth-pack along with everyone else had despised him and treated him roughly and sometimes they had said sweet words to lure him and then they had ganged up on him. No he was not amused by this charming ebony wolf in fact it rubbed him the wrong way. 

When she finally stopped her yammering he decided that he had listened to enough of cajoling. His voice was a rough growl as he spoke. I said no. He finished with a sharp snap of his teeth. Deciding that she was likely going to push the issue more he escalated into a more violent state. His muscles tensed and for a split second he stared at her, his gaze hard and his posture turning more dominant, before lunging forward. He didn't intend to do her warm with this first move. No he just wanted her gone, no matter how much he liked to fight, so at the moment all he was doing was rushing forward to snap his fangs at her. If he got some flesh in the process all the better. If not he had gotten his point clear at least and if she wanted a bite she was going to have to fight for it, because he sure wasn't going to just give it to her.

Played by Rachel who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cinder Attaya

It would not occur to the girl that it was her obnoxious and self-absorbent nature that had rubbed him the wrong way and has escalated the situation so – n, when fangs snapped in the air in her direction, making contact with her shoulder and slicing her flesh with but a small wound and pulling a tuft of her ebony fur with it, all Cinder could believe was that her enticing ways had been lost to the haggardness of her ill-kept appearance.

A yelp of surprise escaped her, and she twisted, trying to move away and place distance between them. Her eyes were fiery as they swept over him, her own lip curling upward to flash a grimacing snarl. “Fool,” she spat, as if he had given up on the true delicacy she had been offering – herself.

The Attaya child burned with a fury then. The inner debate to rebuke him of his mistake, of his absolute idiotic nature was tempting, but she was frail and weak – and, luckily, not stupid. A shiver coursed through her spine as her eyes narrowed, her muzzle jutting upward in a lift of dominance. She might not have been so juvenile as to pick a fight with a wolf who was stronger and healthier than her.. but her pride certainly would not take this blow, and so she maintained her ground then. You should leave before I call for the less gentlemanly males of my pack, she spat out, her once pretty features twisting with her rage – if she had her way, she would rain fire and brimstone down upon this mongrel who had dare lay paw to her.

like a black widow, baby