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the dark is taking over — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn

This would have taken place 1/25/15. I just really suck. :X

A pack meeting, it would be best if everyone could get 1 post in.

http://relic-lore.net/showthread.php?tid=8773^ this thread will help in reference.
I will not fall

Why he had wanted to raise his voice in triumphant that Nayeli had returned safe, Triell did not. After their journey back, in the light of dusk he let her hang back. Aware, of her want to talk to her children. He wanted to find Zera as well, be assured she really was not far. He was not sure his voice would bring his daughter back. The Tainn hesitantly left his mate.

Crossing over invisible borders, he felt wide awake. Heart seeming to pump in the rhythm of words: Blood, Pain, Loss. He couldn't imagine another battle. This one there was no Cori, no Ice, or Marsh. It would be Serach, Sceral, Spieden, Drestig, Hotei, and Jessie. His own children. Possibly the newer members he was still getting to know. Hell, this would tell them what they were worth. Even then how could he allow that? The idea of death made him sick because it was the only guarantee in this world. He knew he wasn't a god. He failed, and he bled. If he could sacrifice himself for the rest...

A heavy, rough sigh erupted from his lips. Miserable bastards. How messed up in the head were these ones? He had thought the disease ridden pack was worst of nightmares. Not any more. Like a stature he kept guard until he heard them coming. Jaw fell slack, and he let his bright stare pass over Zera and Nayeli. It was good to see them together. It with urgency he encouraged Nayeli to rest for the time being. Then they would have to enlighten the others.


The sun began to turn the sky blue, he knew it was time to inform the Bend of this new threat. With his mouth to the heavens, he called loudly and clearly for his pack mates to gather at the great oak tree. This could not wait.

(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2015, 07:02 PM by Triell. Edit Reason: meant threat not thread )
Played by Kaitlyn who has 123 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nayeli Stormwright

Night came and went, the pale light of morning slowly bleeding into the dark oak forest from it's eastern edge. Having slept only a little, Nayeli was awake to see dawn arrive. She had often been an early riser, but now it seemed her sleep was lighter still; though she had outrun her hunters and made it here, they could still catch up to her in her dreams. The starred woman decided she preferred to rise instead, early enough to watch the grey light wash into blue and illuminate the familiar forest, itself still slumbering peacefully in expectation of winter's end. She eagerly breathed in the smells and sights and sounds of this place again. This was home. She feared what @Garmr  and his mooks might yet try to do, but, there was a strength here they could not possibly comprehend.

That was not to say she was without worry. Though she had found a warm reunion with Zera, Darrah still seemed determined to keep his distance. He didn't seem to want anything to do with her, and she was concerned he might decide to leave the relative safety of Bend's forests, now that she had returned. Not to mention the danger of what might be following her. It was hard to tell what was brewing in the dark young man's mind, but it had certainly set yet another storm brewing in his mother's thoughts. ...Triell, was somewhat less distant, and a bit easier for her to read. Though she was joyful in their reunion, Nayeli still felt a great many things weighing at her, and she could sense a similar tension in the dark, fiery Tainn.

When she saw him walking purposefully toward the great tree, she rose and made her way there too, nudging his shoulder gently with her forehead as his crown fell back down from releasing the summoning call, and catching his gaze in wordless greeting. When she had gone looking for Zera, there had been more than one new scent to take note of, and a few that were worryingly missing, or stale. There had been little time for them to talk of what had happened here in her absence... now she supposed she would see who had come and who had gone, who had risen and who had fallen, and where they would all go from here. She couldn't help keeping her gaze trained for the starred form of Darrah in particular, hoping that he would show himself at his father's call. Nayeli stationed herself instinctively at Triell's left side, remaining standing as her silvered gaze scanned the trees to see which faces would melt out of the forest in response to the howl. It hadn't occurred to her to wonder where she should stand, or if it was right for her to take back her place at Triell's side. Right now, she felt strengthened simply by being near him, and as long as he would have her there, there she would be. If nothing else, there were certainly questions she would need to give the answers to.

(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2015, 04:20 AM by Nayeli.)
Played by Kydnt who has 244 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Spieden Coho
Spieden was an early riser, and today was no exception. A new scent drifted through the pack's center, or perhaps not even new. She could be mistaken, but something in her said that she wasn't. Unsure what any of it meant for her or her future, she put a decent amount of distance between her and the den. Give enough time for the dust to settle as she completed her morning routines. However, her time of contemplation was cut short by Triell's deep call. Filled with both curiosity and dread, she made her way back towards the den.

Nearing the grand oak, Spieden froze in place as soon as she noted the figure in matching black at Triell's side. First, Spieden stared, grey tinged brows raising as her amber gaze locked on Nayeli's silver. It was a stare of shock and confusion at first, shifting to something else entirely. Maybe it was playing with fire, but she almost wanted to see if Nayeli would look away or not. Stiff in posture, head low but tail steady and stiff Spieden began to move again, ambling in an arc closer as not to make a direct approach. Truly, the current lead female had no idea what to make of the appearance of her partner's mate. Sure, she had smelled something new that morning, but she had her doubts at the time. But now, standing in flesh and blood, under the growing light of dawn, it was more real. The Coho woman came to a stop in an odd place, half facing the pair and half not, half close and half far. Meetings were enough of an ordeal for her as it was, and with this awkwardness it was just about all she could take. Her eyes flicked to Triell, a silent question of many things, but she held her tongue. Information would come soon enough, and she didn't need to make a fool out of herself to get it.
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Darrah wasn't far when he heard his fathers call and he most certainly wasn't stupid either. He knew the call meant pack meeting, and he knew exactly what the meeting would be about. His mother. while he didn't particularly care to see her again, he was quite curious to hear what would be said. "Looks like I'm going after all." he grumbled in thought. "Just keep your distance, don't let her think you care even for a second." rolling his eyes, he stood up and began his short travel towards the howl.

Not many had yet to show up. In fact, it looked as though it were just his parents and the current alpha female. "Ha, this alone should be interesting. I don't see Spieden giving away her leadership without a fight. She earned it after all. Though would Nayeli honestly be naive enough to ask for it back?" Holding back a smile, he sat himself down quite a distance away from the others. Anything to prove a point. "Father." he nodded in respect, making sure to not so much even glance in his mothers direction.

"I wonder if Drestig will come... And Zera..." He missed his sister so. Had she even met up with their mom yet? She was away from the pack just as much as he these days. He couldn't help but wonder if she even knew of Nayeli's return, it wouldn't surprise him if she hadn't. "I wonder if she'd sit with me.. Or join them up front.." he sighed, knowing in the long run it wouldn't be right to make her pick a side. This was his battle, she was free to do as she wished.

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Tay who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Yearling
Zera Tainn

Zera woke with her father's husky voice rooted in her ears. Instinct drove her up from her little hole in the snow where she'd collapsed from sheer exhaustion after finally returning home with her mother in stride. There was nothing like waking to the beautiful, sunlit truth. The sunrise came with unmatched warmth, golden against Zera's deep fur. Ever since she pressed herself into her mother's chest she felt finally whole, stitched up, but with some pain at the extent of stretching her memories. She brimmed with relief, almost dizzied by it swirling around as joy in her gut. At her father's call, she knew what was expected, she knew what it was for. Zera couldn't bear to hold herself from hearing the truth of where her mother had been. The young Tainn knew her mother wouldn't just leave the family she would rather die than lose for some selfish excursion in the carcass of winter. Zera always knew this was something beyond her family, some secret buried in the warm stone of her mother's eyes; something she saw festering there the night before in the death of that poignant hour. Something that would kindle the deadened flame of the pack once more.

She raced from the edge of the woods toward that burning sunrise with her heart blazing hope in every rapid beat. She wanted to be the first one there, the first one to break into the clearing where her parents stood shoulder to shoulder like they used to stand when she was little. She wanted to relive every sweet, neglected memory of childhood in that one moment, feel it rush upon her like a cold breeze. She ran faster, already panting with sparkling excitement. She could only think of how everything was going to get better and stay better, how nothing could be any worse than what it was for her yesterday. The world and the seasons were already flipping upside down in front of her eyes, she swore she could even spot the first bud of spring. But as she broke into the clearing at last, she saw she wasn't the first to arrive, in fact, Darrah had beaten her to it. She naturally slowed, gaining some collection in her wild thoughts as soon as they broke free.

Zera noticed the tension immediately, like snagging a humble foot on barbed wire. She briefly studied the others before bursting in among them, some kind of wisdom she'd taught herself from her first year of inelegant introductions. Sunlit eyes swept across her parents first, who looked normal at first glance, but retained deep solemnity in their features. She expected this from them, she vaguely remembered from before when they addressed the pack. Something about that regality inspired her long ago. Zera cast a glance toward the others, instantly detecting his standoffish behavior from the way he'd distanced himself.

She wanted to console him, breathe the same kind of warmth her mother had breathed into her to him, show him what forgiveness was like. The girl took up a place beside him and cast a sheepish smile into his fiery eyes to find that even they were duller than what she remembered. Zera realized just then that the pack hadn't just lost a compassionate mother and leader but two strong willed children whose fearless heartbeats recoiled to silence.  "Hey," she whispered before the start of the meeting, hoping he would at least return her word. If he didn't, she didn't really know what she would do, or if she'd be able to do anything else at all.

zera tainn

Played by Poppin' who has 48 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Phyrrus Nereus Monodora

Phyrrus was woken from her nap with a loud cry to the east. She speculated who it might be, listening to a the masculine rises and falls of pitch. Triell.  She lifted her slender frame off the ground and began to trot. Her thoughts raced, pondering about the howl. It sounded urgent and terrible. Phy's stomach coiled and tightened. It felt like being a pup again, waiting for her mother to tell her some treacherous news. But something deep inside already knew. The lady swallowed and began to sprint, fearing the news to come.

She finally met contact with the den site, the shady oak tree's leaves brushing along her back as she slinked forward. Spieden, Triell, Nayeli and her children were already there. Phyrrus dipped her head and opened her mouth. "What is this about?" Her voice cracking at "this". She acted if she didn't know. As if the prints and tuffs of fur clinging around the territory weren't there. Deep inside, whether she was conscious of it or not, she knew they were back.

(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2015, 07:32 PM by Phyrrus.)
  [Image: jjjjjjjj%20copy_zpsieqam7x9.png]
[Image: kjjjj_zpsws1xjeg3.png]

Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Drestig Avalon

The dark scout-to-be was sleeping in, a common occurrence these days, snout buried in dark, sweet smelling fur. His breaths were slow and even, chest rising and falling in time with the woman by his side's. The loud sound that woke him from this slumber was entirely unwelcome, and at first he simply grumbled and rolled over, instead digging his ears into the scruff of his partner, hoping to drown out the howl. But it didn't help, Triell's voice was too all-penetrating and it's ringing demanding. With a small growl, Drestig opened his eyes, shuffling to his feet and yawning, wishing that his leader could have waited a few more hours before calling for a meeting. But as the sleep left his body, his ears perked, clouded eyes blinking and going sharp; There was something about his young friend's call that was different, the tone: not just expectant, but exuberant. The older male had not heard his alpha sound like that for a long time.

Bowing down, he nudged @Silver's sleeping form, whispering in her ear: "Triell call's, it's time to meet the pack." Then he turned and left the small burrow they shared, basking in the first sunlight while he waited for her to awaken. With her not far behind, he moved swiftly through the lands of Oak Tree Bend, now that he was fully awake, eager to take part in a meeting; it had been too long since the pack had gathered, and he hadn't had proper time or opportunity to meet all the new members after his and Jessie's return.

When he cleared to trees and stepped into the clearing of the big oak though, he stopped dead in his tracks, jaw dropping as he stared at the scene before him; Triell was there of course, and Spieden, and Zera and Darrah too, but another black form stood by the male alpha's side, her slender frame and star-marked face unmistakable. "Nayeli!" He exclaimed, and raced to the group, only slowing as he passed the first of the gathered wolves - an unfamiliar face - moving through the group slowly. He stopped a few steps before Triell and his mate, exactly halfway between them and Spieden, firey eyes locked on his former alphess; She's back! It was hard to fathom. After the first shock had lifted though, a wide grin split across his face, tail raising to wave behind him; " Fortuna." He greeted in a warm, booming voice, using the old nickname although he knew she didn't much care for it. Then he turned his eyes to Triell, beaming up at his comrade; Now we're both happy! He thought, but said nothing, simply locking eyes briefly with the similarly colored man, before bowing his head respectfully.

He turned to Spieden and offered the same gesture - it should be interesting to see what Nayeli's return would mean for the grey woman, but for now he owed her the same respect as Triell - then he looked over the other wolves, noticing the two children close together, a bit away from their parents. Zera looked better than she had in the few glimpses he had caught of her since his return, but Darrah's face was tense, lips clenched in a tight line. The ebony chap's expression changed to one of compassion as his eyes rested on the boy, remembering their conversation after his return; What's going through his head? Resolutely, Drestig trotted over to the pups, sitting down behind them, and leaning over to nudge Darrah supportively behind one ear; I'm here kid! He flashed a quick grin at Zera, happy to see the princess among her kin again, and then turned to look for his dark love, to encourage her to come and join them.

Word count: 627

Thoughts ”Speech”

Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata

The January air was cold and crisp, and the wind tugged at Serach's fur, trying to slip beneath to the sensitive skin beneath. The youth merely ducked his head and plowed forward, doing his best to ignore the elements as he trudged forward. Triell had called them, and like a loyal pack subordinate, Serach would not ignore his leader's call. Plus, he was curious. There was an all too familiar scent in the air now, but one that was just foreign enough to make him question its origin. Kicking snow in the air in his wake, the boy sped up, growing increasingly more anxious and curious with each step.

His arrival at the pack den results in an assault on his senses. His pace slowed and his eyes moved back and forth, taking in each of those gathered. It all became clear as he looked upon Triell, with none other than Nayeli at his side. His uncle's mate had returned to them after what had amounted to months of absence. He was more than ware of pack dynamics to know that this was not an entirely welcome homecoming. There were too many questions that had to be answered, and too many uncertain responses. But it was not his long-lost parent who had returned to them, and so he settled down on the powdered snow quietly, attention focused on his uncle and what he had to say.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

Her muscles were still sore from her reunion with Hotei. She had made sure to steer as far away as possible after he reminded of her of the pain that she had caused him, a brief reminder of what her stubbornness could cause when it came to her love. Sometimes she questioned why she continued to love him, but then she remembered how easy it was when others left. The physical pain was much more welcome then the pain any loss would bring her. Over the years in the lore, Jessie had come to except loss and in the process, she had discovered that it was better to thing that nothing good would come in turn. That way, if something bad happened, she couldn't be disappointed, and if something good occurred, she would be able to witness a brief amount of joy. It was why when Triell summoned them all, the Tainn felt a brief flash of concern jolt through her body before it disappeared.

The woman didn't hesitate to make her way towards where Triell had called, her emerald eyes not bothering to take in any movements or objects around her. Even though she was quick to the scene, many others had already arrived. But what caught the Scout's eye, was Nayeli, the former queen. Obviously, something must have happened for her to be re-accepted, Jessie knew that Triell was, in no way, daft. She narrowed her eyes in on Spieden slightly, taking in her stance and position. Nayeli had truly been her friend, one of the only females that Jessie had ever given any personal information to, and even that was still reluctant. The hair rose on Jessie's sore back, but she didn't stay there for long, never being one to challenge much of authority. She made her way towards Drestig, even if she was still furious with him, a gait slow and looking slightly pained. Of course, the only reason she needed to go near the boy was for a sort of protection, but he didn't need to know that. Taking a seated position near the larger man, Jessie waited for the meeting to start.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
Played by Mily who has 194 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hotei Tainn

 Her avoidance annoyed him, but his anger was surprisingly not at the forefront of his emotions. For now, he would let her be. Their reunion had not been a joyous one. He could admit...he got a little out of hand. But they always did. His anger had surpassed his normal levels, which were already pass the normal levels of someone who's temper was ordinary. Triell's call broke his thoughts. He sensed the urgency in his brother's tone. Knowing only the vague happenings of the situation, he knew this had something to do with Nayeli. He didn't know how he felt about the woman's return - what it meant for his mate. Could their friendship be salvaged? The burnt man only knew his own emotions. For now, he would treat her reappearance as indifferent as he treated everything. Hotei walked away from the borders, picking up his pace since he was pretty far away from where Triell wanted the meeting to take place. As his large form neared the meeting, his eyes roamed over his pack mates, new and old. His eyes locked on Triell, lingering, before he nodded a greeting to both his brother and his returned mate.

The dark man's yellow eyes trailed over Jessie's form, and the man who stood next to her. Jealousy hit him hard and fast, and his yellow orbs narrowed slightly. He forced his face to smooth over into his usual stoicness. Drestig was his friend, but he was a man. It seemed they had formed some sort of..friendship, which rankled him to no end. Drestig would do good to not get any ideas in his head. He moved toward the pair, his movements eerily calm. He sat next to his mate, his gaze focused on Triell. Hotei briefly toyed with the idea to mess with her head a little, but he knew he was already pushing a few buttons sitting so near her already. Oh well, she could get over it.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]
[Image: hashtags-jessiehotei02.png]