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teach a man to fish — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Ace who has 347 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kjors Sørenson
His is a wandering spirit, and after having been evicted from his 'poorly constructed den' for the renovation of a new one, Kjors set his paws northward. The badger woman did not like to be bothered in her work – and this did not disturb him in turn. Fine! If she insisted, let her expend her energy, let her carve out the earth in the way she saw fit. Urotho found happiness in strange places, and while he might be a greedy thing, her joy was not one he sought to spirit away.

Besides, if anyone asked, it behooved them both for him to explore this {wotd}panopoly[/wotd] of resources went. The Wildwood had offered shelter, offered him something to eat, and remarkably, offered him the companion he so craved. Lust slaked so quickly, the male sought more – even if he had yet to know what that meant just yet. That was a problem easy enough to solve, however. All he had to do was turn his single eye upon the land and turn his snout to the breeze. He would scout, find the lines of territories claimed, and discover the treasures these mere mortals passed up. It took a dragon, after all, to discover the true worth of a hoard.

Today's wealth came to him in the form of crystal clear water, silent and hidden in a secret cove in the forest. Beautiful. It had not the wild fervor of his lost costal home – but it was water, all the same, and there were fish. He'd always wanted to catch a fish, even if luck had yet to grant him this wish. Settling on the bank of the spring, he rested on his belly, studying the glassy surface as he rumbled to himself.

"T'day, lil' fish, 'll eat one a' ya. Bring yer brother back fer later, aye? Tha's gonna be how it goes, so jes'…slow down, mhhm? Promise this'll be quick."
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

It wasn't often that Nina found herself wandering back to her first home in the lore. Lately, the matriarch had been too consumed with pack life and betrayals to take any time for herself. She was now finding that it was much needed, especially with such stress hanging on her shoulders. Mirren and Kite's return made it easier on her though, knowing that she could trust them to guard her lands while she went on a small outing. Her lithe body moved quickly towards the once familiar lands, her singular eye set on a single goal. She was quick to her destination, entering Aeylen and Ruiko's former lands and making herself at home. She walked over the lands, her mindset towards the familiar den site before she came upon another scent, something completely different from usual. Curious, the aging woman was quick to make her way towards the new scent, her body moving quickly through the relatively open lands. Compared to her thickets, it much was easier to walk around in, especially since she didn't have to watch her steps constantly for thorns.

As she approached, she saw the man as he attempted to fish, a small smile on her black lips as she recalled the times when she could fish, along side her pack mates. That had been a long time ago when she had been carefree and happy, heedless in her thoughts as she pranced around the territory, looking to help anyone in need of aid. The sight of the younger man brought the memories back, and in needing of some remembrance of who she was, Nina stepped towards the man, clearing her throat to indicate her presence. Smiling slightly, the alpha asked politely, "Hello there. I don't believe I've seen you around these lands." Though she was ready to offer her assistance, the Hervok remained on guard, unsure of how the man would react to her presence.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Ace who has 347 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kjors Sørenson
The male rumbled patiently to himself, inching forward across the wet bank. His light underside was quickly soiled by the damp sand, darkened to a much more earthy tone. Dipping his paws into the shallows, Kjors simply waited there. The gentle current was certainly on the chilly side, the last grips of winter only just released, but if he had any hope of the fish coming close enough, he knew he must practice patience. First came the many species of shiners, relatively used to frequent disturbances. The tiny fish investigated his toes and moved on – the chocolate man didn't bother himself with their tiny nibbles. It would take dozens of those small fry to make a meal!

He didn't move, steady as a stone, until he noticed a much larger shadow inching towards the school of minnows. It was at that same time that a voice called out to him, and he realized he was not alone. Acknowledging the female's presence with a single tip of his ear, the wolf didn't move a muscle until he suddenly exploded into the water. The spring sprayed up around him, his dark body disappearing in splashes and waves until he surged back out, a large mouth bass hanging from his jaws. Fangs were shoved through the animal's gills – as soon as it had been caught, its fate was sealed.

Trotting up on the bank, the wolf dropped his catch on the shore, watching it gasp and wriggle weakly before he finally offered the other wolf his attention. As he looked up, he was slightly taken aback – and then the timber wolf offered her a wicked grin. "'lo there, lass. Ain't from 'round these parts – thought Ah'd take a look around, look fer packs, other wolves, th' like." Offering her a bob of his head, he continued. "If Ah knew Ah wasn' th' only one-eyed wonder 'bout these parts, Ah mighta ventured this way sooner. Wha's yer name?"

[Image: honeybadgerace.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She was cautious at first, trying to find out what kind of man this was. It became quickly apparent that he was a gentleman and Nina felt a warm kind of feeling settle in her chest at the thought. She had not spoken to a gentleman in quite a long time and it was just another reminder of how horribly she had been treated by those who had left her. With a strange, nostalgic sigh, the mother smiled at the other wolf. He seemed quite kind and she offered a strange curtsy in response to her question. "My name is Nina Hervok…I lead a pack near here," she spoke softly, a light smile on her lips. Politely, she returned the same query, "And what might your name be, sir?"

Once he had turned around to face her, the healer in Nina had immediately noticed his lack of an eye. She, however, did not mind the difference, to her, they were kindred spirits of sorts. Though she was sure that his story held differences compared to hers, it still humbled her to know that someone else had gone through the same thing that she had to go to. The adjustments, finding out how to use your other senses more than sight, the blind side. At first Sloane had been there to help her with it, but when he had left (with her blessing), Hollow had quickly taken his place, assuring that Nina had a protector. Of course, during this time period, the woman had made adjustments to herself, getting use to needing to be more aware and finding her independence again. After months of hard labor, it had finally paid off, and Nina wondered if the gentleman in front of her also had a similar story. Unfortunately, she found the subject rude to breach and she simply waited for the name of the man in front of her.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Ace who has 347 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kjors Sørenson
Despite her grizzled appearance, the woman before him was ever the lady. Whatever he'd been expecting, such grace was not it. The dragon found himself a bit surprised, ears pricked forward as the woman introduced herself and her position fearlessly. She must have true confidence in her strength, if she were to so willingly advertise herself as the alpha of a nearby territory. Tipping his head to one side, he gave her a brief, if awkward bob of his head, acknowledging her position. There was no need to be rude, not to her.

"M'name's Kjors," he drawled, "Kjors Sørenson. 'm nothin' but a lone wolf, meself. Newer, t' th' area.""Yer pack, y'said, s'near here? Ah jus' traveled t' th' forest, meself. Long road. Settled a lil' south of here."

His curiosity stemmed mostly from self-preservation. Once an alpha himself, he understood how protective a wolf might become of their boundaries – especially ones crosses haphazardly. As mannerly and ladylike as @Nina seemed now, the dragon had little desire to test her patience should he stumble across her lands like a foolhardy yearling. Before he began to explore the forest, he wanted to settle his own, private den. Urotho was still a mystery – while she had reappeared, the badger woman was anything but friendly. Remarkable, he thought, that a complete stranger was more friendly than the wolf he once tried to woo. "Tryin' t' keep meself out a' th' thick of it, 'fer now."

[Image: honeybadgerace.png]