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If you were still here today, what would you be like? — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Flash back to 2013, when you were still by my side.

A figure sat alone within the thickets with a cream tail wrapped snugly against herself, the sunny weather unable to brighten her dampened mood. No ray of sunshine no silver of hope could mend what was broken within her.  *Not a day goes by that I don't think about you, who you'd be, what'd you would look like, and so forth. You missed out on so much life; falling in love, learning, earning a name, and being my puppies' uncle.* Danica sighed softly to herself as she stared down at the patch of dirt. She had no clue to if this was the true burial sight of her brother, but she didn't care. All that mattered was the little peace of mind that she was begging for. With a single tear trailing down her cheek she set down the gift she had for Tacoma. A simple young stag's antler that she had found within the cache. Rising up she spoke a few quick words, ready to be done with this dose of fresh pain, "Happy birthday Tacoma, I hope the afterlife, if it exists, is treating you well." Finished she begun to move away when Zonta interrupted to make herself known."Danica, why don't you avenge your sibling? @Koda should pay properly for his mista- crimes deary. Look at your poor mother, I do apologize for ever trying to make you kill her. He abandoned her again...he left you too. You poor child...you can't grasp hurting another! Such bitter innocence my sweet. And what about Ashto-" The pregnant wolf stopped in her tracks, no longer ignoring the dark creature. She whirled around on her paws and snapped, "Ashton is probably dead too, so why don't you leave me alone to mourn him?! Huh? I've lost my siblings and you have no sympathy! Can't I just own my mind again? Go away!" With every hateful word she stepped closer snapping at the invisible wolf."Whoa darling, let's make a deal here? I'll leave...but only if you finish that despicable man for me. He must go." Zonta held a crazed expression with a wicked smile slathered heavily onto her lips. "If I do this, you will leave me be?" Dani asked, "Yes," the dark woman confirmed. "Good," was all she got in response as the young adult left the scene. Her cream paws carried her away with no regret. It was decided, she would hunt him down and do what it took. That was her mission. That was her goal. However, for now, something more important nudged her on. Instincts gave her a simple desire for things her children would need to survive.Stopping to rub her belly Dani smiled at the subtle movement she received, "Well hello, little ones." She cooed to the unborn whelp.

Words: 467 || Tags: @Pacem @Unitas || Notes: This is set in the early to late morning, btw. :)
(This post was last modified: May 05, 2015, 12:47 AM by Danica. Edit Reason: Time of Day )
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok
This may or may not be your chance to get on Unitas's good side

What was he doing.

Following his elder half sisters scent should have been the last thing he wanted to do. However something just seemed odd about her. He had long since noticed that she was much more fat than his mother which made Unitas think that she was eating way too much. He still had no idea about pups, how they were made, and what changes the female body underwent while growing puppies in the womb. Tas of course was more than curious about the subject though since Mirren, the packs new male lead, had somehow "poofed" a new puppy out of nothing. Unitas had scented the child near his den. The very den that he had grown up in now held a small child that Tas already did not like. Not once did the Hervok male go to actually see the new puppy and not once did he congratulate Mirren on the kids appearance. Instead he just wandered around the edges of the territory wanting nothing to do with the den at the center of it.

Since he was at the edges of the territory Unitas had come across his sisters scent a lot more. It seemed as though she was sticking to the edges of the woodlands and keeping away from its center much like he was. Though she was doing this for different reasons than him. Today he had found her scent trail once again and followed it all over the place. She was inside the packs territory again doing as she pleased. This both bothered Unitas but also reminded him somewhat of himself. These days he also did as he pleased, though he did like to keep on his mothers good side when possible. However the bond keeping him to his mother was slowly but surely fading with time. Unitas was becoming independent with age, which caused his wanderlust to grow as he skirted by the borders of the pack day after day.

Perhaps one day he would not come back, but for now Tas knew where home was and still held a connection with it.

The dark wolf came across his sister, not hearing the mumbling of her words as she talked to herself. For reasons unknown to him the dark Hervok had sought out the creamy silver half sibling and now he had no idea what to do or say as he stood there dumbly looking at her.


He threw the casual greeting out into the air then stalked around to stand in front of her so she didn't have to whip her head around to see him. Then Tas looked out into the wilderness past the borders just staring at the trees. He was content for the moment to just be there by someone else for a short time. Even if it was someone he didn't particularly care for.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
( @Pacem still welcomed)

Creamy strands of hair rose on edge, her body tensing as she moved her head to look and follow the boy's path. "Oh, it's just you." She said softly, relief washing over her features, "You...you didn't see any of that did you? I-I was just visiting Tacoma..." She trailed off biting back her emotions, "It's our birthday...." She mumbled out to the Hollow look alike. Raising her head she asked him, "Since you're here...would you like to know about your older brothers?" She paused for a moment, then awkwardly asked, "Or maybe your father? He was a great man, you know, the kind you look up too..." The shine in her eyes was pure admiration with a mixture of longing. Longing to see him stroll up healthy and safe with Ashton tagging along beside him, to know they were alive.

A soft sigh left her lips as she glanced away, peering towards the glade subconsciously. A single paw lifted to relax itself, and just so happened to belong to her scarred up leg. Another thought, another nervous sentence as she shyly uttered, "By the way Titan is the dad...if you were wondering..." Though she tried to hide it, a single tear rolled down her soft cheek. Had the man abandoned her just like her father? Was there any man other than Hollow who staid? Clearly Hollow had passed...or was kidnapped...or truly lost and couldn't find home. She wouldn't accept any other thought, not because it was unbearable, but because he was simply too good for that. Once she had felt so highly of Titan, but now with him as distant memories her trust in him was stumbling. Did he even love her the way she loved him? Was that possible? A tight lipped frown replace her moments ago stoic expression. Another sigh, and she looked back to @Unitas."speech"

Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok

Unitas stayed silent as Danica greeted him with lots of words. Tas would have his days where he didn't want to talk much, while others he was a rumor spreading babbler. Today it seemed he would favor the more silent and attentive side of himself as Danica went on to speak about someone named Tacoma. The name was familiar to Tas, but not overly so. He cocked his head to one side as she went on to explain that it was Tacoma's and her own birthday today. Then the dark youth spied her stiff posture and flat eyes. She was holding something back, but he wasn't sure if it was anger, sadness, or some other emotion. Then she asked if he wanted to know about his older half siblings or of his father.

To this Unitas perked up a little. Information, no matter how little or useless it may sound, was always important to remember. Even if it was information about one side of his family he did not care to pay attention to. Interested in what she had to say, Tas nodded silently then glanced back to Danica's creamy silver coat. She looked so different from him. It was hard to imagine that they were half siblings.

"So I had more than just the one half brother? There's Tacoma and who else?"

His first question came out as Unitas turned his full attention back to the light coated woman. His black coat hid easily in the dappled sunlight filtering down through the trees, but hers shown brightly even in the shadow. Then he thought about his father. Nina had mentioned Hollows name a number of times, but somehow failed to point out to Unitas that he was his father. Even now the dark boy thought that his father was actually Miccah, since that was the only other long time member in the pack who looked like him and even sported a pair of blue orbs. For a long time Unitas has been depressed over why Miccah wouldn't spend more father son time with him until one day he just decided not to care at all. Nowadays Tas could care less about what Miccah, the wolf he still thought as his father, did with his free time. Especially since the dakr male didn't manage to say hi to him even once.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Sorry so late/short and aww poor boy, thinking his dad ignores him.)

The silence had her nervous, and his simple nod at lost for words. There was plenty she could tell him...but where to start? The yearling finally spoke, making her task a bit more easy, “Yes, Ashton, he was the middle child.” She gulped to fight down any opened cuts or petty emotions, “What would you like to know about him? I can tell you our lynx story, where your father saved our lives?” She uttered this despite the fact that the beginning of the story wouldn't be something joyful to share. Nonetheless Hollow was a hero in this tale, so it was likely young Unitas would enjoy it. Inwardly she sighed but on the outside she offered a weak, tentative, smile.
Trying to see everything in a positive lighting, Danica decided talking to him was a worthy distraction from Titan and Koda. No thoughts of abandonment were needed here at this moment, just the memories of loved ones gone. Though they were bittersweet, maybe in sharing them she would discover some sort of foreign peace to settle her heart. Resting her rump onto the Thicket floors she swooped her tail to clear a spot of thorns. Though she herself found the first action odd, she only made it even more queer, and beckoned her little brother to sit beside her. She looked at him wondering if in some way he'd help her, if they'd grow fond of one another. Perhaps he was a missing piece of her glass puzzle with it's chipped bits and shattered fragments....
Played by TABs who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Unitas Hervok

Unitas sniffed at the dirt beneath his paws. He'd squished a bug beneath his large fluffy feet and the thing smelled like crushed herbs for some reason. Little did he know that he had just stepped on a momma stink bug that would end up smelling up the clearing and making his paws smell for the entire day.

"Ashton hmm..."

Unitas said seeing how the name felt in his mouth. Their mother certainly liked giving her litters odd names that was for sure. Ashton, Tacoma, Danica, Unitas, Pacem, and Silentium would be hard for any wolf not of their family to remember.

The smell of crushed stink bug wafted around him as Unitas shook his ruff and attempted to get up and pad closer to his light pelted half sister. She then asked what he wanted to know about the girls full brother Ashton. Unitas stopped himself from saying "absolutely nothing..." in a sharp tone as he was already growing bored with their happy flowery conversation. However the youth figured that he would get an earful from the she wolf if he spoke to roughly around her. So instead he opted to entertain the woman. Keep her happy and maybe slip away while she's busy thinking about the past. He thought quietly before sitting nearer to the she wolf and sighing.

"Please... Tell me about this lynx story. It sounds interesting."

He lied with a completely straight face that only exuded patience and interest to anyone looking upon it.
Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Nov 24, 2015, 04:30 PM by Unitas.)
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity