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At some point I started looking at the ground more than the sky. — Dragonfly Fen 
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Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Whenever Darrah began to feel even the slightest bit stressed, he found himself distancing himself from home. This normally wouldn't be an issue, but recently it had been happening more so than not. The prince was wary that his short travels could eventually lead to conflict with his fellow pack mates, nevertheless his head had grown so foggy that he didn't see much else of a choice. Running away was easy, for now it'd have to do. The Tainn had only been to Dragonfly fen a handful of times, but each visit had always proven to be just as mesmerizing as the last. He didn't mind finding company in dozens of sickly pine's, it wasn't the tree's he was interested in anyways. He came tonight for the fireflies.

'Seems I'm the only one who can hate her..' he murmured. Truth be told everybody loved his mother, and they probably always would. He was the only one angry with her, and quite frankly he knew it was growing old. 'I know giving her a second chance would be the right thing to do.. But it's not like I can forgive her just like that! I can't act like nothing ever happened, she fucked up!' almost growling at this point, the Tainn comfortably tucked himself away in a bed of cattail's. "Stupid, Darrah. So damn stubborn." Having nobody to understand his point of view was definitely a struggle, but what bothered the young man most was always dwelling on her. Why couldn't he think about anything else? Why did Nayeli constantly run through his mind, taunting his every thought? "I should be working on furthering my dream of becoming pack leader. Instead, I'm here." With a snort, the Prince watched as the fireflies danced out one by one.

Played by Bree who has 2 posts.
Finnigan Lemora
Finn spent many days hiding in Dragonfly Fen, only hunting prey and searching for herbs by the moonlight. The night sky and large twisted pine trees kept her mostly hidden, undetected to any unfriendly visitors she might encounter in this unfamiliar territory. It seemed to her the area was  mostly vacant, almost desolate, especially from dusk to dawn. Though eerie Dragonfly Fen also held a certain allure, a beauty that left the young wolf speechless. 

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, the glow of fireflies illuminated the forest around her, seeming to bring the night sky to life. The wolf watched in amazement as they danced through the trees, following each other, the world aglow in that soft electric green light. She sighed in disbelief, had she ever seen anything so breath taking? Almost entranced, it took Finn some time to realize she wasn't exactly alone. She could smell another young wolf, male, seemingly quite healthy, and probably from around here. She knew he could smell her too, and wasn't sure that he would take kindly to strangers. She held her breath as she slowly stood up, edging closer to the stranger, his essence overwhelming her nose. 

"Who's there?" She called into the darkness, her voice cracking, exposing the tinge of fear nagging at her brain. Finn's sterling eyes shone through the darkness, most likely giving her away to her company, as bright as two small moons and as big as silver dollars. Shit, I'm sure he can see me. Then she spotted him, almost invisible, blending in with the sickly trees and midnight sky, ink black tufts of fur and large orange eyes gazing at Finn. The fireflies still lingering about, basking in their own light.
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

Fear struck the boy's body as he quickly realized he was no longer alone. The stranger placed directly in his view was not from anywhere he had visited before. Her smell was completely foreign, though she did appear harmless. If anything, he'd assume she was just as frightened as he. Though in this particular circumstance, there was no such thing as being too careful. Darrah's mother's kidnappers were still out there somewhere, and he was most positive they'd love to have her son's corpse in their possession.

Slowly backing himself further into the plantation, the boy examined his new company thoroughly. He knew the cattail's would do nothing to protect him if she'd chose to attack, though they still provided somewhat of a small security blanket for him. 'Pff. I should be asking the same. Though she is very pretty, isn't she?' he sighed. This wouldn't be as easy as it was meeting @Beren .This wolf was female, and appeared to be around his age. He'd never talked to a lady outside of his family before. If she was safe, well, that might even make things worse for the reclusive Tainn.

Darrah met the strangers silver glare with curiosity, quickly masking any fear he might of previously held. "M-my name's Darrah." clearing his throat, the boy continued on with his usual introduction. "Darrah Tainn, Son of the great Triell Tainn, Prince and heir of Oak Tree Bend." If she wasn't dangerous, then hopefully this would impress the she-wolf. 'A-and might I ask your name?"

(This post was last modified: May 08, 2015, 11:56 PM by Darrah.)
At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Bree who has 2 posts.
Finnigan Lemora
Prince? Finn's heart sank. The she-wolf's face grew hot, suddenly ashamed that she never had and probably never would have such an impressive title. 

"I'm Finn. Finnigan Lemora. And as you've probably already surmised I'm not from around here." Should I give him my father's name? No! Cutting ties with that bastard is the reason I'm here in the first place, besides if this young wolf knows anything of Vlad Lemora, I'm sure it's nothing pleasant. Finn fixed her gaze on Darrah, taking in his handsome pelt, his eyes seemed to glow, swimming with the reflection of their surroundings and Finn's own face. She inched closer trying to determine this mysterious strangers emotions. Anger? Maybe melancholy? The Lemora stumbled back, losing her footing amongst the twisted tree roots. Darrah's own feelings engulfing her in a wave of irritation. Stepping even further away she shook her head slightly, snapping back into reality. It would be unlike her to intervene, she knew she had the power to make him feel whatever she wanted him to, make him feel the happiness and peace he was most likely yearning for. She had, a time or two, controlled her father's emotions. He always discovered it though, no matter how subtle she had tried to be, and using this unusual power never went unpunished.  No, I can't. I don't even know him. He's the first wolf I've come across since fleeing Vlad. Besides, I've probably interrupted a private moment. 
"Are you alright?" Her voice was steady now, the fear she felt earlier giving way to curiosity. 
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.
There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn

"Finnigan Lemora..." The name just sounded right rolling off of the Tainn's tongue. "That's unique, I like it." She wasn't wrong in presuming he knew she was a stranger to the lore. He'd never met an outsider before, if her words were the truth, he was honored to be in such a scenario. He'd of liked to press on the matter a bit more, but decided interrogation wasn't the brightest way to make friends.

Darrah chose to look away from the young female as she stumbled back, knowing it'd be quite impolite of him to make her feel uncomfortable. Though it was odd to the boy she'd tried to get closer, he was just as much a stranger to her as she was to him. He shrugged it off, knowing not every wolf followed the same safety precautions he had. 'I think I'm in the right to assume she's safe for now..' If Finn wanted to attack, she would have the second he introduced himself. The name was a dead giveaway to who his parents were.

"Are you alright?"

The question in itself was strange to the yearling, what had made her think he wasn't doing alright? "I'm.. Okay..?" It wouldn't be possible for him to burden the beauty with his pitiful excuses for 'problems.' Hell, he barely troubled those he was closest with about such things. "Are...are you alright?" She seemed okay, but it would only be right he returned her curiosity with the same level of empathy. 'What a strange girl...'

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.