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how little you know — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Remedy who has 5 posts.
He had not been gone long—not really. A month, perhaps two, at the very most. Woodstock had simply felt it was time to part ways with his family and make something of himself. His prospects back home were lacking, so he had embarked on a journey to find a new place to settle down. Maybe he would start a family here. Or perhaps he would languish in the bottom ranks, a pawn for them to play with. Either would have satisfied him, to be perfectly honest. Woody was not a particularly driven wolf, but he had never had a reason to be. His parents had been the main providers of the pack; not him. It was their duty, and he had only picked up slack here and there.

Now that he was on his own, life had been much more difficult. He ate what he could catch, which consisted mainly of rabbits, mice, and squirrels. On the rare occasion he came across carrion, he ate that, too. He was not picky when it came to food; he never had been. In fact, there was little that Woody was picky about. He had never cared too much for anything in the world. That sounded a bit sadder than he had anticipated.

Woodstock's train of thought was shattered, however, when he found himself at the doorstep of a pack. The scent markers were fresh enough, and he knew better than to trespass. Doing so could easily get him killed, and his life was actually one of the few things he did care for.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Things seemed to be looking up for Secret Woodlands. Nina was gaining weight and was more confident in herself. Even though Miccah and Aideen were on their trip, Nina held onto the hope that they would return to where they belonged. Wherever Koda and Iopah were…it was not there. With their Lead Guardian and Healer out, Nina made sure to assign extra patrols to everyone, including herself. Mirren had been doing an exceptional job as alpha and Nina could not think of anyone more suitable than him to lead beside her. Thankfully, he had come at just the right time and done everything he could to get Nina, quite literally, back on her feet. It was now her time to do patrols and she was quick to make her rounds, making sure that there were no intruders. However, halfway through her round, another scent was blown in the Hervok’s direction, informing her of the presence of another. Raising herself, to make the other aware that she was the regal Queen of the Thickets, she stepped from the shadows. Her single eye was pinned on the man in front of her. He was a gray man, of slightly bigger build than herself and seemed to be healthy enough for a loner. As far as Nina could tell, there was no scent of another wolf on him.

Clearing her throat, she spoke calmly, her single eye staring the other straight in the eye to make it clear who she was, "Hello…I am Nina Hervok…and this is Secret Woodlands, my pack. Is there something you are looking for?" The mother was blunt and to the point, not wanting there to be any moment for speculation. Easily, the matriarch would be able to tell if the other man had to think of an answer to explain his reasoning for being on her borders, or he would already be able to answer her. Either way, the way he answered would determine whether or not Nina needed to be on guard or if she could relax her muscles.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Remedy who has 5 posts.
Thanks for joining! Could you change the color of your speech? It's difficult for me to read. :)

It took no more than a few minutes for him to be spotted. Either that, or she'd spotted him before, and she had only just revealed herself. Whatever the case, he dropped himself further to the ground, averted his eyes, tucked his tail, and showed all the other proper submissive displays. Woodstock was in no mood to piss anybody off. What little he could see of "Nina," as she called herself, seemed fine enough. Her coat was brown and gold, her voice sounded a bit older, and that was as much information as he could gather from sight and sound alone. The rest would have to be gotten through time (if he cared enough to do so).

"Mayhaps," he replied in his usual nondescript manner. "Do you have something worth looking at?" he asked, turning the question back on her. His own introduction would come later, either at her request or at his affirmation that she was worth introducing himself to. Maybe she would send him off right away for his less-than-straight answer, but that would only mean that he wouldn't fit in here anyway. Woody would rather fail fast than slow, and he had gotten very, very good at failing fast to avoid a slow, painful fail. He wondered if she planned the same: to see if he would fail fast. Or perhaps she was more interested in getting on with her day that bothering with his jiggery-pokery.
(This post was last modified: Jun 02, 2015, 04:46 PM by Woodstock. Edit Reason: Add code for yesterday's WotD )
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

As soon as she arrived, the boy sank deeper into the ground, a sign of respect towards the alpha of the pack. Raising her chin slightly, she looked down on the man, her ears flicking forward in curiosity at his words. Even as a child, Nina had always adored games. Whether it had been hiding from her father’s wrath, to matching the scent to the correct herb, it had always been a specialty that Nina had been well trained in. The behavior of others had always intrigued her. And so when her question was answered with another question, the Hervok felt another familiar rush of excitement course through her veins. She had not truly played any games in quite a while and the thought of this new opportunity brought back a light in her single eye. One that had not been there for a while. Tilting her head slightly, she responded, an icy stabbing tone to her words. It would never hurt to jab back. ”Mayhaps…” she mocked back to him, ”would you have anything to offer us?” She had played their current game many times, and in many scenarios, had won. It felt good to think about a puzzle instead of her current pack’s situation. Maybe this man would give her the desired distraction she needed.

Her tail swayed above her back, waiting to hear the response from the male in front of her. It had been quite some time since she had any kind of confrontation on her borders and it was somewhat…refreshing to know that there were new wolves in the Lore. Most of the wolves she interacted with now a days were either ones she was already acquainted with…and that was really all. This chance of making a new acquaintance excited her and she hoped that, perhaps, this game would extend into some fun for her.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.