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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
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OOC: Continuation of "Dark Plunder" for the GH wolves to hop in if ya'll want! :D Don't ask me what the title means..It sounded catchy XD

Vlarindara shook herself after a few moments of lying on the ground and stretched, her toes widening and then reforming into her usual large paws. Once she was on her feet, the white female trotted around the den of her home, black nose to the ground and snuffling about as she inspected the different scents that criss-crossed the area. In her mind, Elettra was okay to be here in the heart of their lands..she was escorted.. and had a wolf to watch and make sure she didn't cause trouble. Granted.. She knew where they were..from ONE direction..Cedarwood forest was vast.. Vlarindara was sure that if she tried to find her way back without actively living here.. and familiarizing herself with the territory.. she might be a bit lost.. Maybe.

She lifted her head from her inspection of the scents and returned to the female before she settled onto her haunches near her, curling her plumed tail around her feet. Amber eyes glanced first at the darkened pelt, then around the area and then to the trees surrounding that. The second had been sure to place herself between Elettra and the den, knowing that they were just beyond the ring of trees surrounding it.. in the outer edges of the cleared space the pack called home.

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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
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Elettra Archer
Elettra Archer had finished her meal long ago, having spent time there-after cleaning up after herself, her otherwise white lips now momentarily stained in pink. Without realization, for a time whilst she lay (which she had done while eating, despite this taking her off her guard) she had fallen to a slumber, exhaustion having taken over. It could have been known by anyone that her travels and time as a lower had taken its toll on her, and now as she lay on her side, it couldn't have been more clear. She was an average sized woman, her hips curvy, her waste dipped and her legs long and lean- sturdy. Laying on her side now, you could see her ribs where she had recently lacked of food, you could see her torn pads, puffy and swollen. Even up close, should one dare, would see the nicks and cuts along her limbs and muzzle from various scraps of defense. By the time her eyes of pale gray fluttered open, Vlarindara was there once more to her side, sitting, tail folded over her massive paws. For the moment, Elettra spoke of nothing, only rested and waited as she was promised the second would allow. Comfortable, had Elettra been finally, despite being baby-sat.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
The afternoon had come and she was rather, slowly walking homebound. She'd had an uneventful start to her day, and was ready to settle in for nap. Something about growing other beings was no piece of cake, and managed to drain her like she had done ten times what she really had. Humming a merry tune of sorts, she took a charted path being welcomed by the landscape she was learning by heart. She was rounding small curve knowing right where the noll out to be when a strange female's scent clipped her nosebuds. Instinctively long silver threads bristled in a high ridge along her shoulderblades. Triangle points pinned flat to her head, and there was curl to her black lips. It was clear someone was here who didn't belong, right in the heart of her home. Vlar's scent was in the mix, but that did not steal her concerns away.

A stiffened stride with tail raised the pale lady came upon the clearing where member and nonmember lingered. Lids were pressed thinly as she took in this sight wondering what exactly was going on here. The first that came to mind was Vlarindara didn't look hurt, and the wolf beside her did not look in the best conditions. No snarl was uttered or growl, but she did smooth her lip back over her teeth. However it was evident the female was not at ease by this.

A wary glance she shifted herself closer exchanging looks between the females. It was not in her too be rude to a possible member. But, the fact a strange wolf was so close to what was to be the sactum played at her nerves. She was to be a mother, and everything seemed a bigger deal in her eyes now she would be responsible for tender life. The end of her tail twitched, and in a cool voice she said,"Hello, something the matter?".

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Jaysyek's approach brought Vlarindara's head up and she watched the expecting alpha as she came closer, amber eyes watching her as she moved. When she spoke, and her tone was a bit...colder than normal, the Second lowered her head slightly as she stepped up to the female. A quick, but gentle lick to the underside of her chin before Vlarindara took a step back, once more placing herself between the loner and her leader. "Nothing's wrong, Jaysyek...I just..found this one outside our lands while I was hunting...offered her a place to rest..perhaps a family.. I..called to the pack to let everyone know we were coming, but no one answered me....I felt it best to bring her here to wait for one of you two to come back.. " Her tone was gentle, soft...but despite submitting to the higher ranking wolf, Vlarindara pulled herself from her crouch in front of the female.

Once she had regained her full height, Vlarindara shifted, putting her side towards Jaysyek's face - tail still tucked between her legs. Her over-large ears flopped back along her neck, a gentle whine escaping her.. but her posture was all too telling. She was willing to place herself between even her alpha and this loner she'd brought here. "I will take full responsibility for her actions while she is on our lands...And for bringing her to our home..if that is your wish.. I hadn't meant to offend." She kept her eyes on the blue and yellow ones of the smaller female, though in no way challenging..simply making her serious intent solidly known. If the alpha chose to punish her..she would simply let it happen - she had been the one to make the mistake, after all. If she was to be punished, then she would be.. but she wouldn't let the darker female get injured.

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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Just as instantly did the leadess stiff at El's scent, did Elettra stiffen at hers, body speeding up from her lazy lay and into a stand. She fought back the wince of jumping up so quickly upon still weary limbs, but remained solid none the less. Only moments later did the woman imerge, tail high, ears back, and lips forming a snarl, which oddly, went away once assessing the situation. Vlarindara was the first to move, stepping between her leader and Elettra, offering her leadess a submissive lick. Perhaps the second in command was only protecting her leader by standing in-between, but their was an odd comfort in Elettra having her being there to stand before her too, should something go wrong. A single ear turned back as she listened to the woman's question and then a side glance would be offered to Vlarindara, wondering if she would at first answer. For a moment she would only stand and listen as the second quickly tried to explain herself, and whilst doing this, Elettra took the opportunity to access the alphena. An oddity were her eyes, Elettra quickly noticed- something she had seen before, but on such rarity that it still took interest to her. Her ears fell back as the beta female pulled close, whispering how she would take punishment for bringing the wolf here, and that if El did anything wrong, it would be on her paws. It as an act she had never seen before, a promise never given to her. She was so used to fighting for herself, protecting herself. Elettra cleared her throat then to fully gain the leadess' attention, her placement set behind the large white woman. Elettra's tail remained level, showing she was not a challenge, but that she was not about to flip to her belly and lap at the woman's feet ether. She had no means to quickly become pack bitch. "'This one', as she refers too, is Elettra Archer." Still she spoke the name bold, with a smile, for even in the presence of a leader, she would not settle how proud she was to be just who she was. For the moment, this is all she would say, as she looked on to the multi-colored eyed woman. She looked younger then her, smaller, too, had it not been for the rounding of her midsection. It was easy to see why the woman was stressed- pregnant, husband not to her side, young, a small pack, and a loner in her lands. Poor girl.
(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2011, 03:14 AM by Elettra.)
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
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Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Posture did not change, her frame held high and strong while Vlar explained after her greeting. What wasn't there to like? Coming home for a nap and lacking the knowledge of the small welcoming crew. She supposed she should have heard Vlar call, but her mind seemed to draw a blank these days. She was wrapped in too many a thought, or she woud stop for a break round the lands and find herself to far in sleep's arms. Maybe that's why she had not heard the second's note. She had had one of those episodes when she'd woken herself up to find a safer place to rest her head. That seemed ironic now. Would this place feel safe after this? Would she still want to bear children here? Here goes again, she thought wishing to cut her own brain out not to think another damn thought.

Jayse heard Vlar's words, and was clear she was paying careful attention to the second. She did not utter a reply. In the back of her head she recalled how some times she wanted to ask Vlar if she'd jump off the Mountain of Dire just to see what the wolf would say. She was glad for her upbeat, helpful, and appolgetic nature. Some days she wondered wasn't there anything wrong with her? Did she ever get angry, or cry, or scream, or screw up, and not care? Though it'd been a time ago, and she had put the incident behind her, Jaysyek would never forget the first day she'd layed eyes on the girl. How non-existant the dusted female had been to her then. The pale wolf on occasion would bring the question back, what had changed for the larger white lady not to hate Jayse, but to serve her with loyalty? Now was not the time, and head titled a degree, eyes blinked slowly after passing one more look to the newbie.

It was clear Vlar had meant no harm, and was ready for whatever if Jaysyek was angered by her choice. Jaysyek was not as concerned as she had been, knowing the full situation.

The shadow coated lady cleared her throat, and mismatched eyes took in the lady seeing she was being respectful, but not kissing ass. The silver wolfess found this to be the right mixture. The hollow could use a wolf like that. Once the girl spoke it was clear her soul was a strong one too. Something else Jayse saw as a good addition. One intake of breath, she did not smile in return. She could of forced one, but she was not a plastic doll. Tone was picked up, coolness not as evident."Well Elettra I would be a liar to say a pleasure to meet you. I think surprised would be appropriate," there was a dim, whisper of a grin on corner of her cheek. She briefly looked to Vlar, before switching back. "But, I have no mind to send you away since Vlar has promised you a place of rest, and you do look in need of such. Know you would be welcomed to become apart of Grizzly Hollow, but if you choose not I will ask you be on your way when your needs are met." She figured this would address what needed to be. She believed Vlar would do as she had said, taking responsiblity. "Vlar you've done nothing wrong, I simply have much more reasons to be cautious these days," a softer expression smoothed her facade looking to her loyal second. She was more than ready to go lay down, but her eyes were on Elettra waiting for reply.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Oblivious to the inner musings, concerns and fears of her alpha, Vlarindara was a little relieved to know that Jaysyek wasn't going to get upset over her bringing the female back to the den. Of course, she wouldn't let it happen again..simply because the next time, she was sure there *WOULD* be pups holed up within the safety the ring of trees provided. A quiet look to the darker female when she introduced herself made the white wolf internally thump her head against a tree at having forgotten her manners. The offer to stay within the pack did give her a bit of relief, knowing that they weren't going to simply turn the wolf away. She did move out of the way of the two females so as not to be standing between them when they spoke to one another - was just rude. Having taken her place to the side of the two, she remained on her feet, her plumed tail resting against the back of her legs.

At her leaders comment, Vlarindara shifted her ears towards the smaller wolf and nodded, this time, the sigh of relief escaping her audibly. She didn't say anything in response, knowing that Elettra's next few words would be her choice in the matter. Despite having allowed the wolf so far into their lands, her own mind had been made up that if push came to shove and the onyx pelted female chose not to stay.. she would be treated like any strange wolf found within their borders. After Jaysyek's significantly less cold mention of having done nothing wrong, she settled slowly to her haunches, tucking her tail around her feet and watching the two quietly. It was odd to be afraid of the smaller female that the pack called their leader.. but she was. She couldn't...exactly place why she felt so towards Jaysyek... In time, Vlarindara was sure the reasoning would make itself known..

(This post was last modified: Apr 14, 2011, 05:46 AM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
So far, so good. Elettra's even stance had not angered the leadess further, and Elettra hoped that she, much like her second, did not let size or power get to her head. Often it did, simple enough, as the new power could sometimes becoming overpowering all on it's own. Respect was something Elettra gave to anyone who gave it in return, but trust and friendship was far different- this took time and patience. Hopefully the wolves of Grizzly Hollow would not mistake her bold personal for arrogance and dishonor. In any given situation, Elettra would speak the truth ether in facts or her feelings- she would not butter it up to make them feel better about themselves. Its here that Vlarindara would take her place by stepping out from between them, and that alphena would speak, not offering a smile in return. This was fine upon Elettra's behalf, for the smile had not been for her after all, but the name in which El had spoken. "Good, because I would rather not be sugar-coated." She added to the silvery woman's first comment, a corner of her lips turning up in the same fashion as the pregnant woman. However still, it quickly went away when the woman mentioned that it looked like Elettra needed rest. Her face was blank, only listening. This was true, yet having her weakness announced in the presence of strangers, far in their territory, was something she would have rather not have spoken. Yet still, if she did not plan on buttering up the alphas, why should they butter her? She was sore, she was tired, still hungry, and weak, she couldn't deny that now. "I can understand. From what I have learned, being a new leadess is a new burden one must have time to get used to. Not to mention, children on the way." She paused, offering the second in command a side glance, hoping he information she told her, and now Elettra knew, wouldn't get the woman in trouble. "A first time mother I assume, too? ...You've a lot on your plate." At least, by the smell of her younger age, Elettra could only assume so young and just having rights to breed by being her own ruler, this had to of been her first breeding. Elettra however would only assume, but not assume she was correct. After all, the darkly gray woman had been in packs before where even children of six months were pushed into harsh breeding rituals. "I'll have my stay, then, and my decision will be made in the morning." Already Elettra felt settled in this place, but she wouldn't allow them to know she had made the decision so quickly and would take her time. The leader and their second seemed level headed enough, which is the most she could have hoped for. The placement of the den area was thick in the heart of this forest, safe and protected- the members could call themselves fools should a stranger make it here without being caught first. And the moment Elettra had entered the Cedarwood Forest, she had nearly fallen for it's grace.
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Jaysyek was not officially three, but she was rounding to her third birthday in the coming month. She had been a late spring pup, almost like her own, but thank goodness they would be here sooner. Two months was long enough, she couldn't imagine more of this like the poor deer, elk, and moose. How on earth did they manage? And they only got one child in return. One. She supposed she looked young, untouched yet by hard, cruel times. Though she wouldn't exactly say her life had been the easiset, it surely hadn't been horrible. Now she didn't feel so young any more. She felt old with much more than herself carrying round on her shoulders. She was again letting her thougths take off in all directions. But multi tasking was never hard. It was easy to have her mind in two places at once..well mostly.

Vlarindara remained silent, much to Jaysyek's preference. She had spoken her bit, and Jayse was glad she was letting the other speak for herself. She was an adult, and though her eyes were a pale hue they reflected intelligence in their depths.A smaller smile flinched at the girl's reply. That's one thing they had in common. The truth was better than pretty lies. Pretty lies cut, and dug harder leaving thicker scars. She would know. For her comment on tired she had only been suggesting she saw this wolf was not faking such needs. She didn't mean to imply any weakness, surely she was a strong wolf for continueing onward. It was best she couldn't read minds. Eyes of different colors did not waver as Elettra continued. The alphess took her words in, working them over in her head. They hinted Vlar must liked this wolf to speak so freely. The question was, was that a good thing or a bad thing? The packnew she was expecting, it was obvious now for wolves didn't get fat. They were lucky to have what they needed, let alone extra. It was slightly unsettling what more of her life this girl knew when Jayse only had her name. The gray, and black streaked one was most likely being thoughtful, Jayse tried to believe to ease her mind. Eyes did shift to Vlar when the newcomers did. No, Jayse would not get mad at Vlar. She might be careful what information of herself she shared in the future.

"It is certainly not easy, but it's worth it." She said, simple smile revealing she believed in her own words. A short laugh, echoed gently forth upon the next statements."Yes, that's for sure," she agreed. She wondered if this lady have given birth, but did not want to ask. If she was leaving tomorrow it seemed rather personal question to ask. And if she joiend maybe Jaysyek would find out. It was clear she didn't want to rush into things right away, and who could blame her. Joining a pack was suppose to be a commitment. "Very well, I shall wait your answer till then." A small dip of head was given, as darkened hairs had long calmed against her spine, and she might have looked more kindly then. Turning to Vlar, she had one small issue, "You might want inform Borden. But I think I'm going to go rest. If you need anything don't hesitate to call me." Jayse looked much more her friendly self, looking upon her second. With a nod of her head to both ladies she turned heal, and drifted to sleep elsewhere in the forest.

(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2011, 03:23 AM by Jaysyek.)
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