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Angry sky — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain
74° F, 23° C
Thundery outbreaks nearby
5:32 PM

OOC: The little ones can speak now! (At least a little.) @Neha and @Aleister are welcome to post as well as any pack wolves who want to have a chat with them :)

Something had aroused him from his half-conscious state. Pale blue eyes blinked lazily, unaware of the interruption until it happened again. His velvety ears, which had only just began to stand, twitched as a distant rumble found its way to his eardrums. The sound widened the boy's eyes. He was much more awake now. Cernan's little head rose from its resting place; eyes scanning the confines of their home. Again, his dear mother seemed absent. She'd disappeared now and then, and he had come to realize that it wasn't such a horrible thing. She always came back, and they weren't usually alone. A short trip outside often confirmed that another wolf was nearby keeping an eye on the kids. The other two were here, though, but seemingly oblivious to the noise. It wasn't completely foreign- he'd heard the sky making sounds on a few occasions, but he was still very curious about the phenomenon. This time there was a crackling sound with the rumble. His head turned, taking in as much information from the outside world as he could from in the den. A faint breeze infiltrated their shelter, prompting the youth to his feet. Carefully as possible, the pup extracted himself from the other two. He needed to go see what was happening to the sky.

As he toddled forward, the breeze dissipated. Eager eyes drank in the surrounding trees; finding a strange quality to the light out here. It was very dark in the distance, but light behind him. The clouds themselves were even dark and blue-ish, and they were moving parallel with him instead of toward. Little did he know, that shift in wind direction was the only thing saving them from getting soaked. Still a bit nervous about anything new, the boy sniffed the air from under the shelter of his den. It wasn't as warm outside as it had been, and a cool wind rushed through the foliage to prove the point. The air was booking it today! His baby fur became ruffled; returning to its usual position only when the gust had calmed down. It had even managed to make the prince stumble a little. Well, he wasn't going to go out there if that's how the wind was treating him! A snaking beam of light flashed off between the trees, captivating the little boy. A big rumble followed it, nearly making him jump. After a few moments – when he was confident that the wind wasn't going to hurt him or knock him over – Cernan took a few weary steps forward. He stood just beyond the safety of the birthing den; wide eyes searching the surrounding area for another guardian. Surely someone had been left to look after the pups, and maybe that someone knew what was going on around here!

Wolf © Kurt Thomas Hunt Photography
Background © Chesapeake Bay Program
Manipulation © Jenandra
[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

The past weeks had brought big changes for Neha. At least, that's what they were to her. Her hearing, as well as her vision had become sharper. Her ears, although still floppy, stood upright. Her slender, short legs were stronger. And so was her voice, which she never failed to express herself with. In fact, she had become quite the little artist at it already. Curled at the back of the den, her tiny body draped lazily over the slumbering forms of her brothers, she was enjoying a late afternoon nap. But it was to be short lived. It had not been her brother Cernan, getting up and leaving her side that disturbed her this time. Nor was it the lack of her Mother's presence, an occurrence she had gotten used to and presumed normal. The loud clap of thunder from outside startled her awake with a high pitched squeal, blue eyes snapping open. She was on her little feet instantly, looking around frantically for the source of this booming noise. And there it was again....yet another threatening rumble! Instinctively, she shrunk down low, whimpering softly, while her eyes latched on to the entrance of the den.

And then it hit. Outside! That sound was coming from outside. Swallowing, she gathered up her courage and crept towards the opening. Fear slowly turned into suspicion. She hardly even noticed her largest brother standing there. Head aligned with her spine, she bravely poked her nose outside. Met with a blast of noticeably cooler air than the warmth that was present hours ago, she stiffened as the wind blew through her pale fur. Eyes narrowed, she gazed up towards the sky, surprised to find the normally white clouds turned an angry bluish gray. Within them and around them, danced brilliant flashes of light. Sometimes it even streaked out, racing towards the distant horizon. As another bolt of electricity flashed, momentarily lighting up their dim surroundings, Neha experienced a change of attitude. No longer held back by fear or suspicion, she strutted out into the wind a few steps. Head aimed upwards, she attempted to rear back on her clumsy hind legs, tiny jaws snapping shut in repeated clicks at this new entity. One awkward puppy paw raised, batting at the light, as if trying to grasp it. All the while, she growled in what she thought was quite a fierce little show. "Bwiightt....n-noo bwiightt tings..." She protested, her still young eyes beginning to feel fuzzy.  
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
The scout in training was just returning from a short hunt when her sensitive ears picked up the low growl of the sky. It seemed her expedition had concluded just in the nick of time! Without delay, the desert dancer broke into an easy lope, returning the plump trout to the pack cache. She had helped herself to the smaller of her pair, a little small-mouth bass she stirred up after nailing her first kill. It seemed less greedy, she always thought, to eat the smallest prize, even if she'd caught them all herself. This fish would be left for whomever needed it – Namid with her puppies, or maybe a packmate suffering a bought of bad luck.

Desideria had just begun to bury the cache back in its little secret spot when something else caught her attention. It was softer than the storm rolling in from the west, and almost sounded like words. The sound came from somewhere near the natal den – fear zipped down her spine like lightning, and all thoughts of retreating to the communal resting place were quickly abandoned. Turning about, the tawny female jogged towards the queen's nest, and when she arrived, she was surprised with two of the pups bumbling around outside.

Murmuring worriedly under her breath, Des approached the pair with a low croon. "What are you two doing out here?" she asked softly, glancing around for one of their parents. Perhaps their guardian had simply stepped out for a drink or a moment of relief, and the children had seen their opportunity. "C'mon, it's about to storm. Let's get inside, yeah?" she rumbled, moving first for Cernan, trying to herd the prince towards his home.

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau
She may not stick around for long, but here she is.

Bear like audits void of color pivoted on cue as rolling thunder continued to make its presence known with low rumbles. The she-wolf seeking refuge in the protection of her personal sanctuary to rest her weary skull when the strain of her healing socket grew too much once again. Dizziness turning the world into a slow turning merry-go-round. Another bout of roaring thunder and a flash of light streaked across the darkening sky, illuminating the dimmed confines of her den. The unexpected flashing in the sky enough to coax Hex to lift her head in curiosity. Unmarred, pine green optic spectating the natural phenomenon before rising herself to slither into the world. For once, uncaring to whom crossed her path knowing the removed optic couldn't be hidden from the pack forever. 

Limbs now a little more accustomed to single sighted travel skirted along the outer perimeter of the territory, gradually weaseling their way toward the birthing den unknowingly. Hexamora having inclined to keep to a close proximity of her hobble the first month or so after the incident. Stumbling paws unaccustomed to traveling the world half guided and searing pain immobilizing the woman entirely most days. Two months later now the pain was a little more bearable, legs function-able. Yet, that didn't limit the nights wails were orchestrated from her lips like a mournful symphony when her head would press the wound against the earth in the middle of the night. Pain engulfing the entirety of her skull. 

Having just adjusted her head to angle right - functioning eye facing the birthing den now- a peculiar sight caught her gaze. Something mousy in coloration emerged from the hole followed shortly by something lighter in comparison. Creamy with just the hint of a silver coating to her snout that quickly stirred up visuals of the lead female. There was a moment of hesitation as cogs turned slowly clicking for the phantom like she-wolf. The cubs of the leaders no doubt. Strangely, a sense of curiosity quilted Hexamora as pads began to have a mind of their own, guiding her closer towards the whelps. Advancement halted only by the sudden appearance of another subordinate. Desideria.

Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain

The little grey form that was approaching went unnoticed until it breached his peripheral vision. Cernan turned his attention to the other pup, watching curiously as she too took note of the strange atmospheric happenings. Did she have any clue what was going on? Before his baby brain could think to inquire, she was attacking it. The chubby boy took an instinctive step back as she reared up, swatting at the light. For a moment he wondered if she would manage to catch one. Her growls seemed to encourage something deep inside of the prince. He wanted to help! He wanted to get them too! Mustering courage from his sister's “fierce” display, the child padded forward till he was beside her. What a fun game this would be! Instead of trying to put his tubby body upright, Cernan chose instead to bite at the things while emitting his own soft growls here and there. Her speech caught his attention. For a moment he processed the utterance before attempting it himself. “Nooo. No bwiiight.” His relative success at pronouncing the words elicited a happy giggle from the youngster.

Suddenly though, a foreign voice pulled the child's eyes away from the sky. A wolf was approaching, and it carried neither the smell nor appearance of his dear momma. The voice was similar in pitch and softness, but he knew better. The stranger came closer to he and his sibling, and the boy felt a familiar worry rise in him again. It was an unknown wolf. He lifted a paw; readying it to propel him away from the intruder, but her demeanor wasn't scary enough to chase him away. Her words were mostly uninterpretable, but “you” and “out” came in perfectly clear. She was wondering about him being “out.” Out was every place but the den. The child thought that perhaps he should attempt an answer, but what? Without too much hesitation, he fell back on the mimicry from earlier. “Bwight tings?” Just as Neha had said. The words came quietly, and in a low tone. Did she not see them? How could she not see them? Her apparent confusion served only to confuse him too. He looked up at the wolf, then again to the flashing lights and growls from above, hoping she'd get the idea. Maybe she'd tell him what they were. Instead, though, another string of strange sounds came out of her mouth. He was so busy trying to interpret the words that he simply stood there staring at her. “Inseye.” That meant the den. That was what momma said when she wanted them to go there.

The curious boy could infer from her tone that she too wanted this from him. Cernan wasn't one to disobey, but as she tried to herd him back, it occurred to the prince that his question had gone unanswered. That, and he didn't want to leave Neha behind. They were having fun! He wasn't tired or hungry or anything, why would he have to go inside now? “Waay,” the youth whined. It was as close as he could get to “wait” just yet. The nagging curiosity of a pup forced him to attempt more words. He stared blatantly at the sky again. “Bwight tings.” He repeated solidly. Were they to blame for this? Were they dangerous? They hadn't hurt him or his sister yet. His pale blue eyes stared at them a moment longer until yet another stranger appeared. Cernan simply stared at her too. She wasn't doing anything, just standing there. The Vuesain boy was far too timid to greet her.

Wolf © Kurt Thomas Hunt Photography
Background © Chesapeake Bay Program
Manipulation © Jenandra
[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]
Played by Mai who has 201 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Neha Vuesain

Neha was not about to be rounded up and ushered back into the den so easily. As an unfamiliar tawny, but seemingly friendly female appeared, the little Vuesain's attention shifted momentarily. As for the one eyed white ghost...she went unnoticed. As the adult stepped in and tried to move her dear brother back to the den, she let out a squeak of protest. "Nooo!" She whined, hurrying to get behind Desideria, where she fixated on her long, busy tail. Reaching out, she clamped down on a tuft of fur, holding on as tight as she could to get this wolfs attention. Now that she had ahold of her, maybe she and Cernan could finally get some answers! Her blue eyes went to those of her brother, silently asking for him to press further about those bright dots in the sky. Her mouth was full of fur, and even if it wasn't, she could not yet form the words properly to propose her question.

Chancing that Desideria might now give in, she released her tail from her jaws, ready to pounce again, should the siblings be ignored. But those thick, wiry hairs had a most strange effect on her nose. It felt funny! Her little muzzle wrinkled back, dark lips peeling to expose those pristine white needles. And with a mighty rush of air, her body jolted forwards with the force of the sneeze. Little Neha recovered quickly, an expression of shock staying plastered to her face for a few more seconds. What had tickled her? Did tails always do that? 
Neha can often be found close to Aleister's side and therefore may appear in any of his threads.
Played by Ace who has 200 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Desideria Barreda
Oh, goodness.  If babies being out before an impending storm wasn’t bad, than babies being out before an impending storm with Primrose was probably the worst.  Ears swept backwards as she gave @Hexamore a dirty look, snorting once before turning back on the pair of puppies.  Only two…she could only pray that Aleistar was still inside their mother’s den.  She would have her paws full trying to herd the other two from safety, and the rogue wasn’t about to count on the beta for any additional support.  (Not for the first time, she wondered why on earth that woman had been named as Namid’s second.)  Trying to steer the puppies together, she paused with Cernan’s questions.

“Bwight thins?” she puzzled, brows furrowing for a moment. “Ah!  Bright things!” Des realized after some consideration, glancing up towards the sky.  The children weren’t oblivious to the storm – perhaps that would help, she hoped, when it came to getting them out of the weather.   “That’s the lightning,” she explained, wondering if that would stick.   “It’s, ahhh…very bright!  And very hot.  The sky is angry – you can hear it growl?  It means it’s time to go inside—Hey!”

Neha had taken advantage of the overeager female’s distraction, skirting around behind the grown wolf while she was speaking to her brother.  The pup had gone after her tail, though caused no real damage, sneezing instead of nipping like she might have.  Desideria spun quickly, pressing her nose into the cream-colored pup’s side to urge her back towards Cernan. “Come, you two.  Back inside, before the rain starts!  You don’t want to get wet, do you?”

LuDa-Stock & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Sep 06, 2015, 07:26 PM by Desideria.)
[Image: Desika_zps1xokdkap.png]
Played by AshBash who has 156 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Hexamora Beauvau

Of course it didn't take long for the subordinate to toss a dirty look in Hexamora's direction before ushering (or at least trying to) the children into the den as the approaching storm grew closer. More flashes of lightning and thunderous roars filling the darkening sky. The children clearly infatuated by the world around them as the Namid look-alike child swatted at the beams of light that cracked across the sky. The ivory woman's rounded ears catching the faint words that fell from her tiny lips. "Bwight thins." As she called the lightning.

Ignoring the displeased looks of Desideria, the Beauvau woman probed closer to the children with curiosity still filling her every step. It was when the young girl lunged for the subordinate's tail only to be sent into a sneezing fit that a peculiar sound arose from Hexmora's lips. A brief bought of laughter that remained hushed as her tail swayed with bemusement at her rear. Single optic watching as the light agouti woman failed miserably at wrangling the children back into safety before the storm could hit. "I could help y'know." The words fell off her tongue as if she had spoken a foreign language. Her help the likes of them? Well that was surely a new one to add to the book of oddities. Surely this must be another delayed side effect of a concussion that accompanied the loss of her eye.

Played by Jenandra who has 142 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cernan Vuesain
OOC: I think we can wrap up this round if that sounds good to you guys?

Some much needed backup came in the form of his silver-coated sibling. Neha's resounding “No” whined above them as the larger being halted her advances in an effort to finally provide him with answers. The boy's blue eyes stayed wide with wonder and curiosity as the woman parroted back his speech. At first Cernan grew a bit flustered; thinking that he'd need to say it for her again but luckily it was not the case. It turned out the things in the sky were- lightning? “Lieght-neen?” he repeated, tipping his fuzzy brown head to the side. Well that was a new word. This adult spoke rather quickly, but bright and hot registered quite well. Hot was that nasty feeling he got when the sun was up high above them. That was no fun at all, and if these things were like that, he didn't want them to come any closer.

Worse, the sky was angry! The Vuesain boy stared upwards in confusion. What had they done to make it upset with them? Well, it certainly was growling. It growled louder than even his momma or papa could! Before he could acknowledge Des' pleas all the attention fell back onto his smaller sibling. He watched as she released the big one's tail only to make a funny noise and fall back on her butt. A smile and accompanying giggle parted his needle teeth before Des began nudging the little girl again. The white stranger seemed to laugh too, and Cernan's eyes found her face in the next moment as she approached the trio. Just as more strange sounds came from her mouth the very displeased atmosphere made itself known again with yet another horrifying roar. This one was sharper and more crackly, and it pinned the chubby pup's ears back against his little skull. The den was starting to sound rather comforting. He didn't really want to be “wet” right now; it wasn't hot enough out to cool him off so the water would just be uncomfortable.

“Nee,” he crooned, looking at his sister with new apprehension. “Les go.” The boy pleaded with her more than commanded, turning toward the den while still watching the princess' every movement. It sounded miles better than being out with the hot, bright, angry things and these strangers.  

Wolf © Kurt Thomas Hunt Photography
Background © Chesapeake Bay Program
Manipulation © Jenandra
(This post was last modified: Sep 20, 2015, 11:18 PM by Cernan.)
[Image: cernan-greypixel01.gif]
[Image: pDty34E.png]