Partly cloudy, 78F, early evening.
After aggravating the sprain in his left hind hock while challenging Karpos (a poorly thought out plan at best), it had become increasingly obvious to the dragon that he must have done something to offend his Mother, Overseer of All. She had not been favoring him at all, recently. While a particularly proud wolf, even he could acknowledge there was a distinct possibility that his deity was punishing him for a sin he hadn't realized he'd committed. Perhaps worse, his attempts at reconciliation clearly hadn't produced the results he wished for. Karina might become his dragon priestess as she grew into the gifts she'd been given, but he'd yet to really begin their training, and it seemed unfair to ask of her something she may not be yet ready to attempt. (There was no use turning Mother's ire on her as well.)
Kjors knew he must seek out the only other divine he'd met since entering the forests of Relic Lore – Mahle. They'd met what seemed like ages ago, he was still roaming on his own then (he was still under the illusion he might make things work with his badger woman, then). He'd fed the woman for the promise of a future favor, a very particular sort of favor, and it was time for him to call that in. Of course, that meant he had to find the female…which may be another task all in itself.
At best, he had to move south. It may take a while, but matters of the Mother and the spiritual were indiscernibly important. If his immortal being was at risk, what did the state of his physical form matter? After traveling about a day, the male was forced to retire for a break, slinking down towards the water for a drink. The injuries made his travels much slower – if he wished to find the woman he met but once, he would have to pace himself, and make sure he had the fuel to make it.