Eyes lit up as she sucked in a breath, and then brushed away at the grounds with the top of her nose, clearing a small patch of dirt and grass to uncover what was underneath - a snaking vine lined every few inches with spiny red leaves. In some doses, they could be absolutely toxic, but a lick of two or three would most often result in nothing but a pleasant tingle and a feeling of light-headedness. As she lifted her head and looked around, not sensing - seeing at least, anyone nearby, she chuckled a low sound to herself before dipping her head once more.
Taking a part of the vine carefully between the front of her teeth she reared back, tugging on the natural rope and revealing a rather long strand, spraying dirt into the air as it was exposed from the grounds. A little over four feet lifted, before the piece snapped off and the female dropped it from her muzzle. Again she chuckled, ears pinning back as she moved to pace along the length of the now exposed crawler. What a delightful little surprise she said aloud to herself before sitting back with a groan. She was getting a little tender in the joints with her age, and some days had her worse for wear than others. Today was another of those days, but her little discovery would serve to help with that...