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The Wrong Boarders — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Kydnt who has 135 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mako Coho

Mako had started to suspect that there was something Not Right with this lady. First a sickly sweet smile pulled across her face, something seemingly not right about it though Mako couldn't quite place his paw on it. Then she called him rude, which seemed absurd to him. She was the one barging into his home and interrogating him, as far as he could tell he was well within his rights to refuse to answer any of her questions and dole out physical deterrents where he saw fit. But quickly the sickly sweet smile was gone, replaced by something more ominous, unhinged even.

He didn't really understand what she was talking about, and Mako's eyes widened at first, startled that she was actually coming towards him with such frightening features. Part of him didn't really think she would hurt him, after all, no one had ever come after him with such malice before. Quite easily the boy was bowled off his paws by Danica, a startled squeak emitting from his vocal chords. That hurt!

Mako's eyes flashed and his lips peeled back in a grimace as he hit the ground, "Go away! Ouch! Go away you big-... Ow!!! You big ass!!! Get off!!!" He yelled, flailing and kicking and biting to try to get the deranged woman off of him.

Thankfully a familiar grey flash was soon upon them, quickly followed by a white figure that he didn't recognize but at least he helped get the crazy lady off of him. Mako squeezed his way out of the scuffle, but rather than retreat for safety he dogged along after Aponi, tail waving energetically as he was keen to stay in the thick of the action.

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Quick post, been busy getting enrolled to school, my apologies...on a good note I got an interview! :) )

The gray woman had come in a flash of fury, grabbing Danica's bum hind leg and causing unmentionable pain, the pale wolf yelping in surprise. Danica wiped around to snarl, yanking at her leg to free herself. Another wolf, lighter than her, caught her attention, the tiny thing hurtling their way. (Rolled to escape) Dani looked back at Aponi and offered one last good tug, ripping herself free. Blood sputtered from her leg and oozed down to her paw. The fresh wound burned, new pain adding to chronic, the limb instinctively curling to her belly. "Skipping" about she moved to face them both, but wasn't quick enough to dodge Drift's attack. Lost of balance sent her toppling over, where she laid beneath them momentairly, ears pinned and tail tucked, growling defensively as she quickly found her footing. Dizzy, confused, and in pain she turned and attempted the best run she could. The woman forced her wounded leg to function so that she could spurr forward faster than if it staid tucked against her. It wasn't easy, but she was moving on adreline to escape the wretched wolves. They ignored her call, sent an irgorant child, and attacked her. That pup deserved what he got, in her mind, for he held no respect for the dead. And his packmates held no respect for loners. If she ever crossed paths with any of them again, it'd sure be quiet the party...

(Edited and fixed, Dani's EXIT)
(This post was last modified: Aug 09, 2016, 01:13 AM by Danica.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
I'll post Aponi one more time after this to get the three posts in

It pleased her when fangs sunk into something warm and substantial. Instantly the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth and the weight she clung to fell. It was then that the blue eyes flicked upwards to see the pale figure that had pushed the bitch down and a twinkle flickered within them. She had never spoken with @Drift personally but she recognized him from around the territory from before his departure. He seemed to have made his return at exactly the right moment, just in time to help her end whoever it was who thought they could just waltz onto the Bend and attack their young.

Releasing the leg of her prey the grin that adorned her face spoke only of glee, there was nothing she loved more that making someone pay for their crimes against her. Blue eyes shone as she leered over the younger wolf beneath her, taking a step forward so her blood stained muzzle hovered above the jugular. Before she struck the sound of Mako's barking broke her from the spell she had been under and she cursed under her breath. No way in hell she was about to murder someone in front of a child. At least, not intentionally.

Leaning in close to the stranger's ear she whispered loudly, "Come back here again and I swear I'll rip you limb from limb and use your pelt to line the child's den, understood?"  Then despite how much it displeased her she stepped back and watched as the woman limped out of view before turning to grin at Drift. "Well it seems like you know how to make an entrance."

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by becuffin who has 42 posts.
Inactive VI. Yearling
Drift Tainn
I'll need to throw up one more for Drift too <3

Drift held little of the hesitation about murdering someone in front of @"Mako" that @"Aponi" did (the way the little hell raiser was going hed probably join in if he got the chance), but the silver woman was older and wiser, and perhaps this was her child. He had no right to take the lead here - not only because of his still tender age but also because technically, he was still just a loner passing through. It didn't stop him herding the limping wolf along with a few well-placed nips to her rump but when it was clear that she was leaving, he let her be.

Returning to the silver woman, her words were met with a chuckle, "Apparently... It's just a shame nobody else was close enough to help you out." From what he could remember growing up it was a very 'un-Tainn-like' trait to have and not for the first time he had to wonder if @Triell really was his father (where was the family resemblance? The size? Even his eyes were all wrong). But, he was the man that raised him, was it nature or nurture that brought him back so soon?

"So ya think they've still got room for me? I expected to be gone a lot longer but it seems my feet and fucked up sense of direction had other ideas..." It wasn't until after he was finished that he remembered the child and he visibly flinched, waiting for some sort of reprimand. "This one yours?" he finally asked, wondering if that was why nobody else had come.
(This post was last modified: Aug 27, 2016, 10:54 PM by Drift.)
[Image: drift-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Kydnt who has 135 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mako Coho
Mako yipped and barked, internally cheering as he watched Aponi pin down the loner. He wanted the strange lady to get payback for attacking him, but for whatever reason was disappointed to see the silvery woman let her go in one piece. Mako barked angrily at the limping white figure, watching her retreat until he could neither see nor hear her at all. The adults were talking about boring adult stuff, none of which was as exciting as the battle royal he had just witnessed. He trailed along behind Aponi and Drift as they walked back to the den.
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

Aponi made no move or attempt to hide the smile on her muzzle as the stranger limped away with a few helpful nips at her rump from Drift. It may have pained her to have to cool her blood lust but watching the handy work she had performed on the creamy woman's leg was about as good of a second place prize that she could hope for. Shrugging easily at his comment she turned back towards the steely cub and began walking towards the borders, "The pack is much busier since when you left, we've got three litters this year to care for." She left out the fact that one of them was hers, that much was easy enough to deduct from the strong scent of up that adorned her pelt.

Glancing up the meet yearling's yellow eyes a single silver brow raised, he was Triell's kid after all wasn't he? Even if they didn't really have any room the Bend would probably find a way to make him fit. Smirking towards the boy she replied easily, "Didn't you hear what I just said? We got three litters to care for this year, we need all the paws we can get." Pausing for just a moment and waiting for Mako to pass them once they reached the territory boundaries, "Mako there is Spieden's and speaking of her you should probably call and ask for someone with some actual authority to let you back in." Flicking her tail as some sort of silent farewell she retreated after the pup's form to make sure he went back to the den and didn't try to go off back after the wounded loner.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]