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come tomorrow — Hollowheart Keep 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys was glad for such a youngster as the boy, he seemed willing to listen to Emrys and take heed of his knowledge so when he affirmed that he did want to know the usage of the mushroom Emrys was glad to share. ”It's used for a few things such as weakened immune system, decreased blood flow, and memory loss. The way it's applied is by having the patient chew on it so the juices can mix with their saliva. This is done in small amounts over a seven day period,” he explained, “Do you have any questions about that?” Emrys wanted to be sure that everything was in order where the mushrooms were concerned.

Draven as he learned was the boy's name and he wanted to learn about some of the plants that could be used for healing. However, since they were already in an area with the poisonous mushrooms he thought they could start there and it seemed Draven was willing. “These here are obviously easily distinguished by their red cap which they go by that name as well as by Fly Agaric and it can cause hallucinations but in large doses it could be fatal,” explained the white healer. Though the mushroom wasn't extremely potent it was dangerous in the fact that a wolf who accidentally ingested it could get hurt in other ways.

(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2016, 03:05 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Ghost who has 291 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Draven Leigh
Draven's exit, feel free to archive after your last post!

Weakened immune system, decreased blood flow, memory loss. weakened immune system, decreased blood flow, memory loss. The words repeated over and over in the yearlings mind as Draven did his best to memorize what had been said to him. After a moment he nodded and repeated what he had been told, "weakened immune system, decreased blood flow, memory loss. Small doses for seven days. Got it." The dark lad smiled brightly at having remembered correctly and was confident that he would be able to repeat it to Namid. The next lesson was even more important and the Lagina didn't bother repeating it back, he knew he wouldn't forget a plant that could cause death. It was exactly what he was here to avoid.

The memory of his mother fresh in his mind at the thought the yearling's expression sobered. Glancing towards his paws he gave his farewell, "Thank you for the lesson, I really should be getting these pack to my alpha now." Gathering the fungi gently in his jaws Draven nodded one more goodbye before disappearing from the small clearing. It would be a long journey through these creepy woods and back up the mountain before he could get back within pack territory. Which was the point in making this journey anyways.

[Image: draven-greypixel01.gif]
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys decided that he liked the boy, he was rather respectful but most of all he liked the enthusiasm the dark youngster seemed to have for the healing arts. It was a difficult skill but as the boy recited what he'd been told the pale healer thought he would be more than capable of becoming very good. “Yes, that's very good,” Emrys stated with a smile. He didn't know how long Draven would have to travel to get back to his pack but he didn't think the boy would forget what he'd learned and needed to tell his alpha about the fungi.

Once Emrys had taught him about the next plant Draven decided it was time for him to get going. The pale healer realized only then just how late it was and thought he should be heading towards home as well. “It was my pleasure and if you need anything else I'll be around. Have a safe trip and good luck,” he said before Draven started his journey back to his pack. Then he started off in the direction of Hush Meadow sure that he wouldn't make it back that night but he didn't fancy staying the night in the Ghastly Woods.

(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2016, 04:11 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.