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The Avalon Family
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Posted by Drestig who has 538 posts.

The Avalon Family

The first Avalon to enter Relic Lore was Drestig Avalon, ariving at Fireweed Rise on October of 2013. With his parents and sisters lost in a rock slide when he was less than a year old, he was the last of his name and it rested on him alone to carry on the family.

Most of the history of the Avalon lineage has been forgotten with the fall of the original clan, only bits and pieces remaining in memories of old stories. It was said that the clan's founders were a pair of twins, rendered orphan and homeless by a harsh winter. After wandering the mountains for months, they came upon the "Lake of Avalon", so named by a nearby pack, which worshipped the place as holy ground and believed it to be a gateway to the realm of the gods. Taken by the sight, and the young ladies who told them the story, though not so much by the legend itself, the brothers decided to claim the land as their own. With a good ammount of guts, and pleanty of cunning, they managed to convince the shewolves to join in their endevor, winning over a few more young members from their rivals' ranks as well. They eliminated the leaders, assimilating the remainder of the pack into their own, and ruled together for several years, before passing leadership on to a select pair of their decendants. But while the names of the previous pack were consigned to oblivion, part of the old mythos lived on among the surviving members, passing down through the generations of Avalons along with this very story.

How much of that is truth and how much legend though, is impossible to know for certain.

Notable Facts

  • The name "Avalon" stems from Arthurian Legend, the island where King Arthur was laid to rest; Commonly considered "paradise", it holds a central role in the lore.
  • All given names in the family have some connection to this same legend, many taken directly from it.
  • "Drestig" or "dristig" is a danish word meaning "aduacious" or "bold". It shares the same root as "Tristan", another big name in the Arthurian Cycle
  • The family crest (pictured below) is celtic inspired, and has the family motto inscriped in Irish: "maireann croí éadrom i bhfad" with the English translation below: "A light heart lives long".
(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2018, 03:43 PM by Drestig.)
Posted by Drestig who has 538 posts.

The Avalon Clan

The original Avalon clan reighned for a long time in the mountains many miles south of Relic Lore. Its monarchs were highly reviered for their strength and cunning, as well as being active leaders, taking part in all aspects of the pack and never asking of their subordinates what they wouldn't do themselves. It was common teaching in the Avalon line that respect was earned through effort and while leadership was typically passed on to the firstborne, every pup was taught that the post was a duty and privelege, and each subordinate pack member was just as important as the alphas.

Gwaine Avalon Male

The last male leader of the pack, he was a man of action more than words, deeply engaged with his subordinates and never late to lead a hunt or join in a practice sparring match. Gwain was large of his ilk, but still held the characteristic lean build of his lineage, with muscle build up thrugh deligent training and frequent use. Genrally an easy going guy, he was rarely the one to talk politics with, or anything deep really, he preferred to stick with easy talk, leaving anything more up to his partner.

Morgana Avalon Female

The last female leader of the pack, she was the brain to her mate's brawn. A lithe, slenter build, one might even call delicate, but with a razor sharp, quick wit and eyes that seemed to see everything going on behind her borders. Morgana was known as stern but fair, and concerned with all of her subordinates' thoughts and well-being. While her partner took action, she would stay behind to handle the politics of the pack.

Posted by Drestig who has 538 posts.

The New Avalons

The last litter born before the fall of the Avalon clan, these pups were raised to follow in their parents footsteps, continueing the traditions of the family. After only one year though, life turned upside down when a violent land slide broke up the pack, killing both leaders and an unknown number of other pack members.

Morgana & Gwaine's First Litter (2009)

Drestig Avalon Male

First born and only son, Drestig had the weight of his family legacy on his shoulders from the start. He rose to the occasion, as much as a pup can, investing himself in learning all his parents taught about being a proper leader. But there was little time for the young wolf to really feel the pressure before his world was shattered, tumbling rocks and sliding mud sending him running through the night, sepperating him from the rest of his family with no knowledge of their fate. He was instead left ot fend for himself, surviving for a while on scavenging, mostly from creatures who had been even less fortunate in the rockslide than himself. Eventually he came across a mixed group of other young wolves, many of them from similar circumstances as his own, and they joined up in a ragtag band of strays who helped each other hunt, but otherwise had very little structure, and often faught amongst themselves. It was such a fight that eventually made the end of the group, when Drestig accidentally killed one of the other leading figures causing the rest too disband. It was shortly after this that he first made his way to Relic Lore, and eventually to Oak Tree Bend, where he med Jessie, and began carving a place for himself and his family within the Wildwood.

Evaine Avalon Female

First girl and middle child of this only litter, Evaine took after her mother, seemingly born with an interest in politics and the inner workings of the pack. She was close with Morgana, following her almost wherever she went, rarely interested in brawls or other play with her siblings. Instead she would focus on the adults, listen in on any gossip and trying to copy them as best she could.

Igrain Avalon Female

The baby sister, Igraine actually quickly grew to be the biggest of the litter. Unlike her older sister, she was more of the physical sort, full of energy, and never late to join in any game her brother might propose. She also had a nag for mischief, less concious of her heritage than her older siblings, often sneaking off from lessons to play tricks instead. Generally her misconduct was taken lightly, and she was excused as "the baby", overall she was the darling of her family.


Relatives by Mateship

Jessie Tainn Female (Mate to Drestig Avalon)

Originally Jessie Swiftpaw, she came to Relic Lore in search of her older sister Cali, eventually finding her and a new home in Swift River pack. This is where she first met the Tainn's and developed a close bond of loyalty with the family. Eventually she became mates with Hotei, taking on the name for good, and even after his unfortunate death, she kept the name with the family's blessing. Her relationship with Drestig started as a mutually unwilling mentor/mentee situation, that slowly developed into friendship, and eventually more; Especially after they both lost their mates shortly after one another. When Drestig decided to leave Oak Tree Bend to build his own pack, she came with him, and they became mates, bringing their first litter into the world that same spring.

Posted by Drestig who has 538 posts.

The Second Generation of Avalons

This marks the first Avalons to be born within Relic Lore.

Jessie and Drestig's First litter (2016)

Phoenix Avalon Female

The first Avalon to be born in Relic Lore, Phoenix was named for the new hope that her parents had found together, and the family's rebirth. Though more commonly known as Percy. The girl holds her grandmother's looks, a clear image of the lineage she represents, but there is no daubt that there is pleanty of her mother in her as well.

Jessie and Drestig's Second litter (2017)

Sphinx Avalon Female

First born and only girl of the litter, Sphinx takes after her mother both in appearance and mind...

Chimera "Kasai" Avalon Male

The middle born and smallest of the litter...

Griffin Gwain Avalon Male

Named after his grandfather, but mostly going by the moniker "Gale", Griffin is the perfect middle between his siblings...

(This post was last modified: Feb 21, 2018, 04:07 PM by Drestig.)