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picking down clocks — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
Pleased with her response, Askan simply nodded.

If she said she could do it, then he'd take her word on it. If the Rye King or Queen didn't let her in, then he wouldn't be to blame, he'd done everything he could and had given her all the advice she needed. Like he'd said before, he had no intentions of holding her hand and giving her a free pass into the pack, but at the same time he did want her to succeed. Not only because their numbers were low, but he thought she could be a valuable asset, that they could make use of her sharp eyes and mind.He supposed only time would tell. He would have to wait and see if she would stick to her word and seek the alphas out, in the meanwhile Askan turned back in the general direction of the field. He would tell Drestig of this meeting so that the alpha could prepare himself in case she did decide to show her face. Which, Askan had a strong feeling that she would.

Hopefully, she would at least. He didn't want to jinx it or nothing, but Askan...

Shaking his head and those thoughts away, Askan broke into a gallop and loped towards the fields boundaries in search of the Rye King, or Queen, whichever he found first. And as it happened, he stumbled upon the Old man first, so he began to explain.
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