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Righting A Wrong — Fallen Tree Cove 
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Played by Grae who has 900 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall

OOC! If you want you can fade with your next post :) we can start another one if you'd like or we can wait a bit longer.

After the initial pain her shoulder didnt feel too bad. It would most likely hurt if someone or something touched it but the ebony she-wolf would be just fine. She's had worse she figured remembering the black bear. She gave her teacher a warm smile to help reassure him that she was indeed okay. He told her to rest her shoulder and that they'd have another go at it when she felt better. She nodded at his words, she would rest just a little bit because she had already decided to do a border patrol after their talk. The concern in his voice however kept Moon from telling him because he'd most likely tell her not to.

She smiled at his thanks and mention of adding his move to her bag of tricks. "Oh most definitely! That was pretty sneaky" she exclaimed with a light chuckle. She was impressed by it "I guess you did show me how old you really are with your sparring wisdom" she joked with him referring to his final move. Her tail thumpped behind her at his praise of not falling for her own trick. "You were way too calm for there to have been a bear" she explained with a smile. She bit her tounge on telling him to use a different threat because she want to see if he'd figure that out and do so next time. He most likely would seeing his experience. When she said thank you for the talk he moved to brush his muzzle against her cheek. A gesture that was returned with her doing the same and a low hum of appreciation in her throat. "You're welcome, it'll be good for us to keep up with each other." She gave him a smile and allowed him to reply. Once he finished she got up and gave him a bump to the shoulder before heading off to start her patrol.

[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It was good seeing Moonshadow put weight on the shoulder that she had fallen on, he hadn’t meant for her to get hurt in their spar. The smile she gave him was reassuring that she would be okay, he gave her a nod. All she would need is a little rest and and she would be as good as new, he hoped. Later, when she felt better they could have another go and maybe then she will win, of course he wouldn’t make it easy for her by any means. It wouldn’t be fair and he wouldn’t feel she would be prepared if she ever did need those skills.

He had given her something that she could use if she ever had a chance to do so, he chuckled with her when she said that it was sneaky, “I suppose so but it's all part of thinking on your feet in those types of situations.” Basically meaning he had just come up with it in that moment and went with it not really knowing how it would turn out but he had hoped for the best. He looked at his paws with her next comment, “I suppose I did,” he agreed, “But that doesn’t mean I’m too old to take whatever you have to dish out,” he said nipping at her ear playfully. He had brought up her not letting him fake her out with the bear, “Yes, I was,” he agreed with a short laugh, “Next time I will have to add a little more panic in there.” This time he hadn’t because he didn’t want her to be scared and think they would have to go for Namid and Vespertio, they probably wouldn’t like a false alarm.

They were both grateful for the talk and the spar, he felt it had helped them to reconnect after they hadn’t spoken for what seemed forever. The gesture of affection he showed her was returned a smile crossing his maw. He cared for Moonshadow more than he thought he would when he had brought her home and couldn’t imagine his life without her as his friend. “Yes it will and it will be good to have someone to come to if something is bothering us.” It wasn’t good to keep things bottled up, he had found that out the hard way but there were still some things he wasn’t sure he was ready to talk about. With his last statement Moonshadow bumped his shoulder before heading off to rest and Kajika turned to the lake for a much needed drink.


(This post was last modified: Jan 16, 2017, 11:27 PM by Kajika.)
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