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cactus ruckus — The Wildwood 
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel
Short post from me, feel free to post your exit/fade then we can archive if everyone else is okay with it! @Triell @Leotie @Maera

Everyone here was so friendly and kind. No one seemed to be upset with anyone. Kerberos always thought parents were hostile when you were a stranger around their child. Apparently, Triell was fine with it. The tawny male had to appreciate that about the father. It showed some sign of trust towards both the child and Kerb.

The option of a bigger hunt was brought up and Kerberos knew he couldn't reject the offer. "I'd love that!" He smiled at everyone as his pale eyes glanced over all of them. They ended looking at Reiko, though. "Now you can really show off some skills." The Rigel male offered a gentle chuckle and wolfish wink. He was excited to get a hunt going, especially with a nice sized crew. Kerberos nudged Mae's shoulder before waiting for someone to make the first move and lead them towards their next meal.
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Nova who has 108 posts.
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Reiko Tainn
doesn't matter if it's not okay
reiko tainn
doesnt matter if it's not our day

The widest grin hung on his lips. He had a friend. One who could teach him, and wouldn't mind in the least. To think if they were in the Bend he would have never met Kerb. Probably, wouldn't seen so much of this place. He could only imagine the new adventures. Even though he had another friend, the lad dind't mind because she could be his friend too right?

The look in his father eye helped secure his certainty. His tail beat at his praise. Triell was hardly a harsh wolf, but Reiko was afraid of disappointing any of his family. For a moment he lit with surprise. Maera knew Treyah? Huh.

They spoke he closely had an eye on his father. If something upset him he would have seen it in a look. It seemed he had no problems with Kerb or Maera, and he was going to take up the offer. Right now??! He didn't think Dad would let them go. He knew something bad had happened to him, and he was afraid of it happening to them. Could he? Yellow eyes met fiery stare. Please.. It was Kerb's voice, had him tilt his muzzle, and offer a small smile. Hoping. He couldn't help looking at Leotie, curious of her own feelings. He trusted her judgement. With her he was not sure what went on behind her tawny mask. Patiently as he could he waited for the final decision of what was to come.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
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Triell Tainn
@Leotie do you want to post Kai and put a fade out to them going?
The comment wasn't lost on him. It was something that may seem small, but meant a lot. His youngest was exactly those things, and he believed she had a bright future ahead of her. It was nice to hear from someone else. He felt the woman was being honest."That she is. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she knows we've finally met." He did not plan on retrieving her since she was helping her mother. At least he hoped so.

Since everyone seemed eager, and  in agreement they may as well try for a hunt he felt there was nothing else to be done. He knew his son looked at him expectantly. Wanting to be part of this. He had no intention of letting Reiko do anything but run with, and observe. He was going to set it clear now. "Reiko you can come with. It will be good for you to see us go about finding prey, and the means of taking it down. You will have to keep a good distance when we get into the thick of it, all right?" Once it was made clear, he then turned to Leotie. She had been there would he had gotten injured, would she want to participate this time? "You did well last time you know." He murmured only to her. This time they had more experienced adults, and hopefully find a deer. Much smaller and provoking. If she was uncomfortable he wouldn't blame her, and rather she stayed. It was her decision.

(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2017, 02:36 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie wasn't sure if it was her place to give Reiko congratulations on catching the rabbit though she thought he'd done a very good job. His skills would come in handy now that they were outside the bend and trying to make it. She let Triell praise his son as that was his right as his father, it would mean more coming from him anyway. It also seemed that Treyah had already met the female so perhaps that was a good thing and the pair of newcomers seemed rather nice, it also helped that Triell didn't seem worried about them either.

What Leotie felt was most important was the fact the Maera and Kerb were offering to help their group bring down some larger prey. She looked to the man standing next to her to see what he had to say and nodded in agreement. “I'm sure it's something we could all use and since we're staying in the same area it would give us a chance to become better acquainted.” After all if they were going to have neighbors it was a good idea to get to know them, right? Triell had it in mind to have the hunt now and every one had said their piece about going on a hunt then. She waited while Reiko received his orders from his father about his part in thehunt. but Then he turned to her and spoke encouraging words that she knew were in reference to the hunt when he was injured. She didn’t know if he had known how upsetting it had been for her so that only she could hear him. She looked up to him and smiled, “I know I will,” she stated wanting him to know that she didn’t have any doubts about her abilities or fears that someone would get hurt. Leotie understood that it could happen but she had to believe that it wouldn’t. “So are we waiting for the deer to come to us then?” She asked the group before turning to lead them on their hunt tail waving behind her.


(This post was last modified: Jan 15, 2017, 03:44 AM by Leotie.)
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