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i made a little prison — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Lilya lonely lachie </3 also so SO sorry for the wait wow i suck i've been in a slump the last two days im so sorry xo

Lachesis was exceptional at listening, but speaking? Not so much. He was good at thinking sympathetically, but not actually being about to voice his thoughts. As a healer his job was simple: assess the situation, diagnose, and treat. He did his work quietly and efficiently.

The ghost wanted to be able to help Lilya and understand her past, but his feeble attempts were floundering. He felt guilty for not being able to help her further than a few herbs, for it appeared there was more going on then a few reoccurring nightmares. His lips dipped into a deep frown as he studied the blue-eyed agouti, ears pressed flat against the back of his skull.

This was when she announced that she should take her leave—and he panicked. The healer shook his head softly, dismissing her words. “No,” he started, his frown cutting deeper, “you don’t have to.” And she didn’t. Despite being a private wolf, Lachesis wasn’t opposed to the company; he actually enjoyed her presence. “I wasn’t sleeping, either,” he admitted, his head tipping to the side. “You're more than welcome to sleep here, if you’d like. Sometimes it’s easier to fall asleep in the presence of another.” He also did not want her to be alone, but he wouldn’t admit that aloud. XIX had always found it easier to fall asleep when Anastasia, Capella or Bastet had been around—even the twins. He was restless; perhaps her presence would coax him into slumber, just like the herbs would do to her. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
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Lilya Valrorys
@Lachesis <3 You're fine! They're both a little lonely </3

Curiously, Lilya’s head turned when he dismissed her words, saying that she didn’t have to. No, she didn’t… but she should. Besides, once the herbs kicked in, she’d be out anyway and that might be better in the safety of her own den than it would with Lachesis around. If her nightmares came back, she didn’t want to wake him in the middle of the night with them… there was no reason he’d need to suffer because of her, right? But then he admitted that he didn’t get much sleep himself and her expression softened a little, a mild confusion hinting at her features. Why hadn’t he taken herbs he prescribed to her to help him with his own troubles?

He then invited her to actually rest in that den and she hesitated for a moment. It was back to that indecisiveness that had plagued her often. “Ya wouldn’t mind?” She had to be certain because she definitely didn’t want to impose. Imposing led to fights, fights were violent, and fights led to wars and she wasn’t certain she’d make it through another one of those. Perhaps he just felt sorry for her, something she might actually distain because, well, why pity a girl who cries wolf, right? Either way, I was up to him.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Lilya <3 

His den was certainly too big for one wolf, but this was done on purpose. Lachesis had chosen it, and expanded it, to ensure it would fit both his inventory and his patients. Despite being a solitary creature, the ghost would be lying if he said the space wasn’t daunting at times. It was part of the reason why he did not sleep well some nights—that, and he felt more productive beneath the moonlight, without the possibility of distractions. There were less wolves who travelled by the stars—and the ones who did were usually the ones Lachesis enjoyed being around the most.

The twins seldom stayed with him—Atropos did more than Kyrios, as she had taken an interest in the medicinal field, and enjoyed being around the herbs. They were becoming independent, spending more time together or on their own than they did with their dad. He could not force them to stay with him, although he would like to. They chose when they wanted to drop in and XIX was learning to adapt. Some days he missed when they had been tiny bundles of fluff, but he was proud of the wolves they were growing into.

Tonight he was grateful for their absence.

He nodded, softly, in response to her question. Perhaps it was for his own selfish needs rather than to aid his blue-eyed friend, for he was hoping her presence would  lull him to sleep. Or he just wanted her near so he could keep an eye on her, ensuring she actually got the sleep she desperately pined for. Or XIX just wanted her around. Maybe. He dismissed the thought immediately and patted the ground in front of him, a small smile playing with the corners of his lips. “Doctors orders,” he said, repeating his previous thoughts aloud. “You’d be helping me out, actually,” he admitted, softly, as he placed his chin atop his long forelegs. He was already feeling more at ease with her near—sleep would be on its way soon.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys
@Lachesis Thinking we could wrap it up here? Leader naptimes are now a thing

She couldn’t help but let a soft smile on her features when he let his own slip, insisting that she do stay. She figured it was some sort of patient thing – like she could expect any healer to dope her up on herbs and then just let her go, trusting that she’d get back to her den before they kicked in, or that she wouldn’t wander or end up hurting herself. Her mind had to find some logic to each thing a wolf did, a sturdy and logical reason because her brain couldn’t actually comprehend someone wanting her around unless they had some underlying motive, no matter if it was good or bad.

“Thank you.” She murmured softly as she started to settle in, her chin resting on her forelegs, her tail brushed to her side as she waited for the herbs to kick in so she might be able to get undisturbed sleep. She did her best to brush the brunt of her worries that she still held, and close to her heart at that, aside to hopefully help the process. Soon enough, Lilya found herself slipping into a slumber she hadn’t experienced in quite some time, and it was relieving.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]