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Fresh Starts, New Beginnings — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Nova who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reiko Tainn
doesn't matter if it's not okay
reiko tainn
doesnt matter if it's not our day

With the stick matter taken care of, or at least what it was they would do he gave another wag of his tail. He would try to remind himself of the stick's importance, despite being excited about patrolling.

"Oh," he managed to reply, hard at work taking in this information. The other would take their food if they weren't careful. He knew they could not afford to share. He wanted to be sure about them."Foxes are them orange things right? What..what do coyotes look like?" They'd probably been described to him once, but he couldn't seem to remember the exact description.

Reiko took another moment to check a fallen log before he looked to Leotie. He had hoped to see them again, but he'd never had much assurance. He didn't want to believe he would. "Hopefully," he added with a strained smile. The boy was far more curious about what she felt in leaving.

"Ya mean you would have left at some point?" This was brand new information. Did that mean she'd leave them? Then his face crumbled in puzzlement. "What things?" He probably shouldn't ask, but didn't know any better. He was now a little worried if something would happen and send her away from them.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

With the stick matter settled Leotie felt they could pick out the perfect stick for Naira on the way back. It was time to move on to other things like helping Reiko understand what she was doing so that he could do it too when he felt ready. She hadn't realized she would be teaching that day but she didn't mind at all. It made her feel like she was truly helping with the pups as she said she would.

They were coming up to their first birthday so she felt it was time they learn what they needed to anyway. What better place to start than this and it would give her some experience as well. “Yes, foxes are those orange things,” she said with a small laugh at his description of the small dog like animals which she also felt had sent cat like qualities as well. “Coyotes are a little larger and they are more of a sandy brown color with some gray markings,” she explained more seriously.

Their conversation had moved in a more serious direction which didn't bother the agouti woman either. If the young Tainn needed to talk she was more than willing to listen and reassure or give advice, whatever he might need. She nodded in agreement with his sentiment.

“I think so,” she confirmed for him when he asked her about leaving, “I was starting to feel restless I suppose is the best way to describe it. For months I had been too afraid to leave pack lands even to go hunting. I realized that I couldn't live like that that I needed to face my fear and see more,” she said trying to explain her thoughts regarding her choice. His next question brought her mind back to her former alpha, “The way I left things with Serach wasn't how I had hoped,” she told him with a hint of sadness to her tone, “He'd always been good to me,” she added with a nod.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 07, 2017, 09:29 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Nova who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reiko Tainn
doesn't matter if it's not okay
reiko tainn
doesnt matter if it's not our day

He had something right, and tail waved at the notion. Leotie had his full attention now, describing the other species. He wondered if there were more here than had been in the east."Now I remember dad said they are both tricky. Coyotes can be in groups like us?" He really wanted to see one for himself, understand. After their encounter with a lynxes he would like to have more experience.

He had stopped patrolling all together to hear why she had come with them. Restless. He guessed he understood what it meant. But why would she be afraid? She was an adult, maybe not a warrior type but an adult no less. "I left the Bend once, and ran into this scary wolf with a weird eye." The thought made coldness sweep over him. He hadn't told anyone about it, not even Treyah. He had never wanted to wander again. "Did something scary happen to you of the Bend?" He asked, trying to understand why she felt that way there. It didn't seem like she did here.

The mention of Serach his brows knitted together. He didn't know a lot about his cousin. What he had seen of him wasn't bad. He had kept a watch out for them, brought food, and seemed open to playing, answering silly puppy questions. He knew they hadn't gotten to tell him good bye. He had always felt it was strange, something he still wanted to understand, but hadn't asked his father.

"Cause you didn't tell him goodbye?" He finally asked.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

She liked this being able to help Reiko understand the difference between coyotes and foxes. Really she liked being able to teach him anything he might want to learn about. She might still be learning herself but she could still teach him about the things that she knew. “Your father is a smart man, they are tricky creatures,” she said with a smile, “He's right though I haven't ever seen them in as large of groups as we sometimes are but that isn't to say it doesn't happen.” She had seen them in smaller groups which she felt had more to do with getting food than anything else.

Once they started talking about the bend and why they had left it their lesson and the patrol had been forgotten for the time being. If the young Tainn. Wanted to talk she would listen, she would be whatever he needed whether it was a teacher, a friend, or even a hunting partner. “The wolf didn't hurt you did they?” She asked with concern in her tone. It worried her that he had run into a scary wolf. Then he asked about something scary happening to her, she nodded, “I had ventured too far from the border and it became foggy causing me to be unable to find my way back to the bend. I became scared because that was how I lost my home before I came to the bend and because I was scared it took me a long time to find my way back.” To admit that to others had been something that Leotie had avoided but there was something about Reiko that made it easier.

Serach was the one bend wolf she wouldn't forget and it would always cause her sadness she she thought about how things ended between them. One day she wanted to return to the bend and try and speak with him and maybe make amends for what had happened. She didn't like the idea that he was angry with her and might still be. It was something she felt best to wait to do, she felt he needed time after what had happened with the pack and between them but she was not angry with her former alpha. “I did say goodbye to him but I didn't go as well as I was hoping.”

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2017, 10:58 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Nova who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reiko Tainn
doesn't matter if it's not okay
reiko tainn
doesnt matter if it's not our day

Maybe, he shouldn't have told her about it. No one knew, and this was the sort of reaction he was worried about. His mouth hung agape, thoughts frantic. He knew he wasn't a good liar to pull some bluff. Better to stick with the story, and leave parts of it out. "No," he began. "He kinda warned me I should go back home so I did." He tried to speak as non-nonchalantly as possible, giving a shrug of his sturdy shoulders.

His attention had not wavered from her, he was dying to know what could have brought her such alarm. It seemed like one of those stories to give a lesson. Don't travel alone or in foggy weather maybe. When he was little it had been very easy to miscalculate and get turned around. Sometimes he still worried he'd get far and forget. "That is scary." He imagined he would have panicked too. "I'm glad you made it back." There were others it seemed who left and did not. Why he would have liked to think his dad would have found her if she hadn't returned, he kept the thought to himself. But, he noticed she had said something else.

"Do you miss your first home?" That was what it must have been. He hadn't thought she had had a life before the Bend, but it made sense she would have come from somewhere. A family. He couldn't think of leaving all this behind.

His brows knit together in bafflement. So she had told him good bye, but how did it not go well? It was part of leaving he was still trying to understand. It had been Aponi not Serach to worry about he'd thought. Yet, Leotie was the only one who had said anything to him. He wondered if there were more to it he didn't know, didn't understand.

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

When he told her about the wolf he'd run into when he'd ventured away from the bend and became worried that he might have been hurt. Leotie was relieved when he told her that he hadn't been and had only been told he should return home.”I'm glad you weren't hurt. It can be a scary world out there so it was probably best to return home after that. How old were you when this happened?” She wondered if Triell or Naira knew about the incident but she didn't think it was her place to tell if they didn't, that was up to Reiko.

Telling him the story of how she'd gotten lost and was gone from the bend for a time was something she didn't mind. In the time she'd been in the draw she had come to terms with the fact that it had happened but she no longer worried it would happen again. “It was very scary for me because I loved the bend and didn't want to lose it as my home.” A smile crossed her maw at his kind words, “I'm glad I found my way back too. My fear of getting lost again kept me from ever crossing the borders which I knew wasn't healthy for me any longer,” she added hoping it might help him to understand a little better.

His next question perked her ears as it was something she no longer thought of often, she shook her head. “When I first came to the bend I did a lot. The longer I was in the bend I didn't think of it so often and now I hardly think about it at all. I realized that the bend was my home until I couldn't be there anymore but the draw is where I belong. I feel like all of us are a true family whether we are blood or not.”

Leotie could see the confusion on Reiko's face at her words concerning Serach so she thought she could go into a little more detail for him. “I had hoped that he would be able to understand why I felt it was time for me to go but I think I ended up hurting him instead so he became angry with me,” she explained hoping that might help to understand a little better what she had meant.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Feb 24, 2017, 02:29 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Nova who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reiko Tainn
Do you want to start wrapping it up from here?
doesn't matter if it's not okay
reiko tainn
doesnt matter if it's not our day

"Uh," he began, soon closing his jaws, partially grinding his teeth. He was hesitant to share, but felt he needed to be honest. She was only concerned, and he was fine. Given a healthy fear, that's all. "It was just before we moved..."

He would not admit it, but he had felt like that too after his own encounter. It could have been so much worse, and after that he had avoided straying far. He could see why she would do the same. But, the way she put it. Not healthy, and the gears in his head seemed to turn. He couldn't decide for himself why  the fear keeping her safe was bad. "How come it..it wasn't good?" She didn't seem to mind his other questions, what was one more?

He was glad he was not the only one who missed what had been. She was right, this was better. They were all rather close in their little group, and he preferred it. His tail brazenly beat. "I think so too."

He had a hard time picturing his cousin angry with Leotie, and merely frowned. His gaze falling to the ground. Had hurt him. He could see why she wanted to fix it, and muttered a quiet, "Oh." He couldn't help feel everything should have went differently, but was not sure what to do with this new information. Slowly he picked up their trail again. After some time asking "You think it's time we head back?"

template base formed by GINNYSAURUS.
(This post was last modified: Mar 01, 2017, 04:15 PM by Reiko.)
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
That's fine with me. Maybe we can start a newer one with them?

The incident that Reiko spoke about had taken place before they had come to the Wildwood but that didn't mean Leotie wasn't concerned. Having traveled across the mountain and had the chance to get to know the young Tainn she'd come to care about him very much. It was some relief that it had happened just before they had left and not when he was still so small, “I'm just glad that you're alright,” she told him offering a small smile.

She felt it was only natural for him to have questions, she even still had questions about what had happened when she'd gotten so lost. She didn't think that the ones she had would ever get answered, that time was still a little bit of a blur because it had happened so fast. It was after that she understood better so the question he asked was easier to answer. “It's not good because living in fear kept me from doing so much. If couldn't leave the bend then how could I provide for the pack if the prey that we needed to catch was outside the borders like I winter. Besides what is the point of living in the Lore if you're not going to explore.” Being so afraid to leave pack lands was like being trapped in a really large yard.

In their short time they had been together she had grown to care about each one of the wolves that was in their small group. A bright smile appeared on her face as he agreed with her, “We can only become more like family time passes,” she stated. It was exactly what she wanted, a family and a place to belong and feel like she was really doing something.

Only time would tell how things would end up with Serach, she hoped she could make it better with him. However she also knew that there was every chance he wouldn't forgive her and if he didn't she would have to accept it. She looked up toward the sky when he asked about heading back before dropping it back down to look at him. “We probably should, your father probably wouldn't like me keeping you out too late,” she said with a small laugh to let him know she was only joking about keeping him out late.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2017, 08:11 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you