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no surrender, no retreat — Swift River 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The small talk was far more awkward when shared with his brother than what it would have been with an acquaintance or stranger. The knowledge of Ruiko’s departure hung heavily in the air and while spoken now, the unknown effect it would have on the brother’s relationship was what strained him now. With the swarthy male’s request that he bid proper farewell before leaving left the impression upon the golden male that his last leave had been unexpected and not appreciated. Once upon a time, Ruiko had been a hero in his younger brother’s eyes, alongside Indru and perhaps even Niija. Was he no more than a disappointment, now?

Ruiko spoke nothing at Triell’s comment about staying until spring; he knew Kinis and Volkan would not entirely appreciate the prolonged stay in a pack they all barely fit in to any longer. As Swift River strengthened itself in numbers and caches, the male knew the trio was becoming even more eager to leave. There was no doubt in his mind that Indru and Corinna would welcome them permanently to their home, but Ruiko could no longer live here. Not after everything that had happened in the past, and everything he could have; his own pack. His own mate. His own children.

The next words to slip out of his brother’s mouth was unexpected, and for a moment the regal male cast a stoical amber gaze upon the youth, curious as to what had stemmed this seemingly sporadic uncertainty. “Indru would not take that well,” he cautioned, his words forming slowly.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>The <span class='word'>anamnesis</span> at the front of his mind if there was anyone the dark cloaked Tainn was disappointed with, it was himself. Losing his own temper, his emotions overriding him, and bringing up the disaster that had fallen upon the Hidden Tree pack...the way he had talked to Indru, what he had said. His own absence. The guilt, the shame was hidden because if Ruiko knew all the reasons Triell thought about joining him he was sure he would discourage him further. The yearling had to know if he would even be welcome, if he didn't feel he belonged with either Indy or Rue who did he have?

He expected the untelling look of his brother. His head hung low, and he slowly bobbed his head in silent agreement. Despite their fight Indru would have a hard time losing three brothers, and likely assume Triell hated him or something, but Triell couldn't think of what could be worse. He had only thought of leaving to make it easier, and to perhaps feel like he belonged somewhere. Wouldn't Fenru or Rihael easily fill the hole he would leave? Certainly Cori, and he would have more pups with each passing year. Where would he fit in then? The oldest brother somewhat son?

<b>"I...know, but then I don't think he'd really miss me. We got into an um argument, and I'm pretty sure I'm just a letdown to him. He tried to tell me otherwise, but I don't know any more."</b> He shrugged his large shoulders, shuffling his front paws while avoiding eye contact with his older brother. If he told him he had to stay he would, as Triell wouldn't cause a riff between his brothers because of him. But Ruiko wasn't only taking Kinis, and Volkan, he would be gone too, and tied to his new home, his new pack ;it left Triell feeling insecure. </blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The caution in his words seemed to stir something deeper from his younger brother, and at Triell’s response, Ruiko cast a small nod to the youthful male. As awkward as Triell might have felt in that moment -- the way his shoulders shrugged and his paws scuffed at the ground – the regal Tainn felt a small moment of indecision; did he selfishly encourage his brother to come with him, for leaving behind Triell would be one of the hardest things to do.. or did he reassure the youth that he was, without a doubt, wrong?

An asshole at most times, Ruiko was not dishonest, nor did he play upon the emotions of others for his own benefit. Moving forward, the larger brother bumped his cheek reassuringly to the younger Tainn’s, a soft chuckle escaping his tainted lips. “Indru views you as one of his own children. There is no argument either of you could have with one another that would not allow him to miss you.” There was a small pause as Ruiko canted his muzzle slightly, a small grin smoothing across his features. “Besides, Indru is one of the most forgiving wolves in Relic Lore. Trust me, I know.” The two had countlessly butted heads, and each time it was usually Indru as the first to make peace.

His smile sobering, the Tainn male withheld a soft sigh. “That being said, Triell, you are an adult now. You can choose your own path and if that leads you to travel with Kinis, Volkan and I then so be it.”
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Volkan's words played in his mind. <i>Just come with us.</i> How badly he had wanted to after thinking of being left behind, about what Indru had said to him. He had struggled over the decision, and still could not choose. Now, would Ruiko help him pick? He wasn't counting no it, but he had to know all sides did he not? If it was possible Ruiko might not want him to come.

The nod of Rue's head caught in his indirect sight, but he did not look up almost afraid what was coming. He flinched if only surprised by the touch of the elder Tainn, but he smiled so sheepishly relieved by the sounded chuckle. His head still hung, his ears pressed against his head, but he was listening to every word. What Ruiko said was true, no doubts this time but it made choosing all the more harder. He nodded this time, letting out a sigh as if it might erase the frustration he felt from deciding his future. Quickly though he ran the top of his muzzle under the creamy chin, and his tail wagged in a slow beat at his haunches. <b>"You're right about that,"</b> he said, though he was not patronizing Ruiko only admitting he couldn't deny his words.

He paused if only to get a good look at his brother's face, he was waiting for the but, and his ears slipped forward at the audible breath. It was the first time he felt more of an equal to Ruiko with those words, and he badly wanted to say he would follow him. It would be more on impulse rather than careful thought, and he could not. He grew somber, and stiff. <b>"I can not say if I will in this moment, but I will think long, and hard about it. Thank you Rue, for everything."</b> A faint smile cast on his black lips, and he bumped his brother's cheek in gratitude. When he pulled back, he felt a sad ache in him.</blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The yearling seemed to take his words in stride – sound advice from the regal Tainn was almost unheard of at the best of times, for Ruiko liked to show his emotions through his actions rather than his words. Yet it was apparent to the older wolf that his brother was still under the heavy weight of decision, and there was little he could do to ease that from the youth.

Leaning down to nip at Triell’s ear in affection, Ruiko allowed the silence between them stretch. Pleased that Triell would consider his words, the wolf settled back more comfortably now, his eyes slipping from the ebony male to study the path that lead to the den site. It overjoyed him at the thought that his sibling would have wanted to follow him. To be with he, Kinis and Volkan. Yet Ruiko knew Indru would not take the news well – their dark sibling was much like a son to the family head, and Ruiko would be stepping on many toes if he encouraged the boy to follow him. “I know you didn’t get to know them, Triell,” he began slowly, his gaze falling back to the young male. “But our parents would have been very proud of you.”
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote><span style='font-family:arial'>The moment was bittersweet, but he savored it not knowing how long it would be or if he ever would have a moment like this again with Ruiko. He did not let his smile slip, but strengthed it when affections were returned. How odd to go from boy to equal. The younger Tainn would always think of both Indru and Ruiko as his older,wiser guardians no matter what age he was. The moment was quiet, and though he had a choice to make it made him feel more peaceful than he had in awhile.

Hearing the sincere wors of his brother further elated him while at the same time causing a dry ache in his very throat. The familiar ducts in his eyes feeling that twinge of moisture.He didn't trust himself to speak, and quietly swallowed while meeting the golden eyes. <b>"I..I've always hoped so,"</b> he managed to answer softly, trying not to choke up easily picturing the few and inbetween memories of his father and mother. He sniffed slightly, and his black banner beat behind him once more. He put a grin on his face, and stretched his limbs. <b>"Ready to head back now?"</b> He asked a little eager to move.</span></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jan 29, 2012, 09:35 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko made no response to the swarthy male’s reaction at the mention of their parents. His gaze softened slightly as they regarded the yearling momentarily, wondering how different he would have been had Rihael and Lani raised him. Would Borlla still be here perhaps? Her wild side had always seemed to remain untamed despite Indru and his discipline and frustrations. Would Kinis have been more outgoing? The youth had flourished at the age of one, Ruiko was almost certain that had their parents still been here, Kinis would have remained the recluse he had once been; a shadow to his other littermates. Perhaps then, also, Triell would not have been so conflicted with life either.

At the invitation, the regal male gave a light nod in return. Bending down to cup the bird in his powerful jaws once more, the large male trailed alongside his brother, his destination to deliver a meal to the pack pups. The silence between them was comfortable for the wolf, and while he worried for Triell’s confusion and heartache, he knew his brother would make a choice that would make him happy in the end.