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tell me how vile i already know i am — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

Her laughing indignation only encouraged Wraith to ascend faster. Once at the top, he waited with the sweet taste of stolen victory, bracing himself for her tackle. He let out a solid "Ooof," when she knocked into his ribs, but held his ground with widely splayed toes over the snow. Playfully, he made to tug at her good ear in retaliation. "I knew you'd catch up," he grinned without apology.

Pleased when she made to nip him again, Wraith dipped his head and brushed it along her neck with growing affection. It was nice to know at least some of these new packmates were not opposed to being rubbed against and reacting in kind. Wraith always had been very physical with his bonding, a fact Craw had been very amiable to.

@Piety's question left him lifting a brow before he shook his head. "I cheated, and you found it first. It's yours to name by right," he assured. Besides, he was pitiful with naming places. We would be just as well calling it an ice pit, but it lacked imagination and would serve the purpose of discouraging others to come.

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro

She felt his teeth against her ears and she automatically yipped. Before she sank down a bit. "S-sorry, ears are a bit tender for me." She gave a shy smile and lowly wagged her tail. Her body position was a given away she was practically begging for forgiveness. The Santoro wasn't keen on losing another ear, especially to another Monadnock wolf.

The brush against her neck was much better. The pale woman welcomed that touch with a soft growl. He was a joyful one. The term of gentle giant seemed to fit him. Left her to wonder how many wolves knew that Morganna had been the one to take her ear. Piety knew she deserved it though, which was likely why she had no problem living under the Archer woman.

"Hmm," The one eared dove mused the idea of a name and leaned into @Wraith for a moment. "I'm not very creative but..." She trailed off to look at the pit. "Edge Stone Pool?" Her muddy brown eyes looked up at his face, wondering how he liked the name. It was a steep edge, lots of stones, and there was a pool at the bottom. Maybe the name fit better than she had expected it to. Nonetheless, the pale woman wanted her dark company's opinion on the name. Even if he thought he didn't deserve to name it he was here when she found it.


[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

Wraith froze, holding still as she yipped. Ah, he hadn't tugged that hard... At her explanation, he relaxed. That made sense. His ears fell in apology and he quickly moved to make it right, tail wagging to show he meant no harm or offense. When she growled warmly, he snorted and was reminded of Morganna. Initially, the black female's growls had thrown Wraith off, not used to such verbal shows of affection. Strange to see it in another female when he thought the action unique to their Alpha. Maybe she was rubbing off on the new wolves.

The brute tilted his head as she offered a name for the place, considering. In all honesty, any name she picked would have been more suitable than something he would have called it. The Pit. Again, hardly had an inviting ring to it. As he pretended to think on it, his thoughts were betrayed by a smile. Finally, he looked down and nodded, pleased. "It suits. I like it," he approved. "You're far more creative than I."

The northerner dipped his muzzle to touch gently on her forehead, another apology for grabbing her ear earlier. It was a natural target for him to tug as most others were so much shorter than himself. He supposed he'd have to find a different target for Piety. Giving a stretch, Wraith looked back towards the Monadnock. "Should we head back and tell the others then?" he suggested with a grin.

Thread fade?
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]