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i just wanna drive — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Sometimes she wondered if she would ever be able to tell them all about her past and where she had come from but for now the only one she was really concerned about knowing was Triell. She had told him the most about it and he deserved to know more, they were friends after all. If not he wouldn’t have offered for her to come along on this journey and becoming a pack. She supposed that maybe once she was able to prove herself and had gotten to know them all better she would feel more comfortable sharing. She hoped that they might look at her curiously instead of as a pet that didn’t belong.

Time was something they all had, time to get to know each other and time to bond as a pack. Now that they were a pack and had established a home there she could have all the time she needed to adjust to living in a pack. Leotie really hoped that Maera did because she really like the woman and wanted her to stay and not want to leave. The agouti woman nodded at the dark furred woman, “Yes it will take time,” she agreed. A smile crossed Leotie’s features when Maera spoke about the others in their pack, “Yes they are and I am sure that if you need anything they would be glad to help and so would I.” Maera seemed confident that she would get the hang of it which made Leotie smile once more, “I wish you luck and if you want to talk about anything else I would be more than happy to listen.”

Leotie had been so interested in the conversation the scent of meat slipped by her until Maera brought her attention to it. It was a scent that she hadn’t smelled before which her companion called Moose, “Yes I do,” she said happily. She nodded when her friend suggested, “Let’s go I want to see what this moose is.” She gave Maera a quick nudge before continuing the patrol.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Jan 24, 2017, 11:05 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

Perhaps Maera just hadn’t looked close enough into her, but she hadn’t really seen anything to indicate that the woman she was patrolling with didn’t belong… hell, she seemed more comfortable than Maera herself. She had to admit, she liked Leotie, and Treyah, and Reiko from how she saw him and Kerberos always about… and obviously she liked Kerberos quite a bit. “I appreciate it… and I might have to take you up on it.” She could use all the help she could get, even if she didn’t know just how anyone else was supposed to help her mentally fit into the mind of a pack wolf.

The one thing that’d come from being born and raised a lone wolf: her sniffer had to be strong. The scent had reminded her of the onetime she’d taken down large prey with her family, before her father siblings died and her parents spiraled… they’d just been old enough to go on their first hunt without a high odd of them getting injured in the process. “You’ve never had moose?” She asked curiously, the wording Leotie used had made it sound like she never had… her pace quickening a little so they could finish their patrol faster. “Let me tell you, it’s the stuff of the gods. I’ve only had it once, when I was a little kid, but let me tell you, it’s delicious.”

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie hadn’t been so independent when she had joined Oak Tree Bend but there were things that she’d had to overcome when she joined. So though their situations were different she felt that she might be able to help Maera adjust to living with them in Charred Ash Draw. If anything she could at least offer the woman an ear if she needed to talk about things that might be bothering her. A smile formed on the beta’s features when Maera said that she might take her up on her offer, “Anytime all you have to do is find me though it probably won’t be that hard,” She said with a small laugh. Considering they were all working hard to establish their lands.

The scent that they both smelled was meat of that Leotie was sure but she hadn’t been able to tell what kid it was until Maera had told her. Moose, it was something that Leotie hadn’t had the chance to have in the time she’d been in the lore. So she was rather excited for the chance to try it and when Maera seemed surprised that she hadn’t had it all Leotie could do was shake her head, “No, I haven’t ever had it,” she confirmed. As they quickly made their way to where the scent was coming from the dark woman told her about moose meat, “It sounds like something that is worth the wait though. I’m excited to have the chance to try it.” She wondered if she would’ve had this chance had she stayed in Oak Tree Bend.

<center>~Table by Switch</center>
(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2017, 03:07 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you