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Things You Can't Out Run — Lost Lake 
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Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 264

He hadn’t meant to bring up his family; he hadn’t really talked too much about them in ages.  When he’d told Moon about them during their first hunt together had been an isolated incident.  He gave Kajika a small smile. “I suppose you’re right. The truth is it happened so long ago I don’t dwell on it too much… sometimes my dreams just like to torment me.”  As much as he didn’t want to talk about it, if he expected the beta to take his advice, he needed to do so as well.  “They were all killed.  I watched them die; my mother, my father, and my sister. That’s how I got these.” He knew Kajika would know he was talking about his scars; what else could he be referring to? And the man had known him before the war, so he knew the scars were older than that.

The war had been much more recent, and it was the memories of it that haunted him the most, but he didn’t want to talk about that even more.  He didn’t mention it, hoping the dark man would be satisfied with his answer about his family. After a moment of quiet, he said, “My mother’s dying words to me were ‘Nobody will be with you forever.’ So far that’s been true, but I sincerely hope things will be different now.” He smiled.  

Not only was he thinking of Moon, but he was also thinking of the pack.  He wanted this one to be different.  He loved being in Fallen Tree Cove, and he didn’t want to leave again.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

It was sad that Tagg had lost his family and Kajika was sure to give the man his condolences which he hoped would offer him some comfort. It was the least he could do after Tagg had tried so hard to help him that morning. Kajika nodded at the next words that had come from his friends mouth, “That was how I thought it was with Des, that if I accepted she was gone and not coming back everything would be fine but it's not. My dreams have been doing the same to me.” Kajika wasn't expecting any more details about Tagg's family, it had to be painful for the man to speak about it. However, as he spoke Kajika listened intently, “No one should have to go through that kind of loss,” said Kajika sympathy in his tone, “ sorry that you had to go through that and I'm glad that Moonshadow had been able to help you.” though he didn't know all of the details of what had happened Kajika now understood where the man had gotten his scars. Though they hadn't ever bothered him he'd been curious about them.

Though their stories were different and they had list different people in their lives one thing was common between them. They both still suffered to some extent from the loss they experienced in their pasts. The dark man nodded as Tagg told him what his mother had said as she was dying. “I feel those words are very true but I hope that they will be different for you now. Moonshadow is loyal and a good friend. I don't think you will have to worry about losing her,” Kajika tried to reassure the man in front of him.

If anyone was going to lose Moonshadow he feared it would be him as he was merely her friend. Soon she would be thinking about things that would be much more important to her with spring on its way.

(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2017, 06:31 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
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Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall



Word Count: 207

Tagg accepted the condolences, though he’d heard it many times.  “I suppose the difference is I know there is no chance of seeing them while I still live. Since we don’t know if Des is still alive or not, the hope that she might come back still haunts you even if you don’t realize it.” He hoped he wasn’t crossing a line; it was never wise to tell someone else what they were feeling.  “That is how I felt about returning to the Cove.  Every day there was a good chance I would die, but I still had that hope. I suppose it’s just the opposite with you.”

He didn’t want to mention that was how he had felt about Rift when she had first disappeared.  Some part of him hoped she was happy wherever she was, but he no longer cared if she came back.  His attention was all on Moon, and no one else.  Bringing the other woman up would only complicate things.

His words about Moon brought a smile to Tagg’s face.  “I know.  She is a remarkable woman. I’m incredibly lucky to have her.” He said warmly.  He would never fully understand how he of all wolves would have been fortunate enough to catch her affections.

"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Though Tagg had lost his family and he'd lost a love Kajika knew that the tawny man could understand the loss that he felt. However Kajika’s ears came forward for the first time during the conversation. Something his friend said had triggered something in him. The fact he didn't know if Des was coming back or not and an underlying hope that she would was what was fueling all of this. “Maybe you're right. Maybe when I thought I had accepted she wouldn't returned I really hadn't. Maybe it had just been something I told myself to try and get past it.” Then it had started to get worse because he hasn't ever really dealt with the pain her disappearance had caused him. Now it felt out of control. He nodded, “I guess it might be. I mean that does make sense that it would be the opposite.” He said thoughtfully with a nod.

With this revelation there was a chance that it might not be as bad as it seemed. While he couldn't be sure if what Tagg had suggested was the truth, it was all so muddled in his mind, it was the first real explanation he had. It was something he would have to sort through later when he could really process it.

Though Kajika still didn't like the idea of Moonshadow with Tagg he knew she was better off with the tawny man. So as Tagg spoke of her after the reassuring Kajika had done he nodded in agreement. “Yes she is and you are. Hold on to her, she'd very special.” He was glad that Tagg recognized those things about Moonshadow, he hoped it meant the man would be careful with her.

(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2017, 07:00 PM by Kajika.)
[Image: qvkpXWl.png]
Please see OOC Profile for OOC Preferences, Thank you.
Played by Flywolf33 who has 378 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tagg Eastfall

OOC! I'm going to fade him here so he can head out to meet Des :)


Word Count: 272

Tagg was pleased to see his beta’s ears lift at his words.  I finally said something right! He nodded when Kajika said it might just be something he’d told himself to help himself recover. “Sometimes if you believe a lie for long enough, that lie becomes the truth.” He wasn’t sure where that had come from, but he could swear he’d heard it before.  Maybe it was something his parents had told him as a pup.

His friend seemed to be very protective of his student; he kept repeating how lucky Tagg was, in different words.  The scarred man could understand that; he too was already incredibly protective of her.  Namid had told him to find something worth fighting for. During their spar, it had been the pack – mostly.  The thought of his dark lady had crossed his mind more than once during their scuffle, and now he knew every time he fought, it would be for her.  He hadn’t really had something personal to drive him in battle before; it had always been for his life, to return to the Cove, to prove himself…

He like this feeling.

Things were quiet for a minute or two before Tagg stood and stretched. “The day is getting on; I’d best get started on my duties for the day.” He smiled at his friend.  “Don’t hesitate to call for me if you need something; I can always make time for a friend.”  He bumped his with his shoulder affectionately, thought it was a different kind of affection than what he showed Moon.  Wishing Kajika a good day and hoping he felt better, Tagg set off to hunt.


"Speech"  Thought

[Image: magg_sig_by_becuffin-daxiy8t.png]
[Image: 100ksig_by_a_yellow_bird-db3e1g4.png]
Played by Kai who has 1,185 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kajika Tallis

Kajika had never considered the fact that he could have in order to cope with Des’s disappearance he had stopped hoping she would return. Accepting or believing he had accepted her leaving so that he could consciously move on with his life. “It's seems to me that just does more harm than good,”

he commented but it made sense to him. Now it was coming back because he had never really dealt with it before but he now had no idea what to do to deal with it. More than anything he wanted to make it better so that he could finally move on instead of being stuck in this constant state of confusion and self hatred for what had happened.

It didn't matter what Kajika felt about Tagg and Moonshadow having a relationship because it only mattered that she was happy. As far as Kajika was concerned the moment he told the ebony girl that he loved her was the moment he vowed to make her happy. Perhaps if he made sure that Tagg understood just how special Moonshadow was he would be extra careful with her, the beta didn't want to have to hurt the man but for her he would do it.

Kajika nodded when Tagg said that he had to get going, “I won't and thank you for coming to check on me and your help,” he told the tawny man before his disappeared from view.


(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2017, 09:22 PM by Kajika.)
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