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Renewed Hope — Antler Ring 
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Played by Marina who has 189 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Larkspur Ritter
"Winter's hard on everyone," it was hard to hunt, everyone was on edge, and yes, he supposed a healer might have had it hard. If worrying over plants was really that big of a deal. Still, at least the boy was doing something. He didn't need to be negative or talk down on his chosen profession, as useless as Larkspur felt it was.

Larkspur managed to pry a set free, and smirked at his accomplishment. His tail gave a few wags as he stepped away from the antler ring. The boy was looking around, but then asked a question. He gave a half shrug. "I'm not really in the business of scouting out herbs. Might want to see if someone else can help you," he said, well knowing that Larkspur was probably the only wolf he'd see in the area.

Shaking off his pelt, he took a step forward. Now with his new chew, Larkspur headed on back to the Monadnock. He still hadn't found a den, but he knew of a particularly good rock that he could sit on. It also had an okay view, despite being told that it was supposed to be beautiful.

"Good luck," he called back, though without really meaning it.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

Emrys nodded, “Yes it is, some more than others,” he agreed though in no way saying anything against the man who was choosing to chew on an antler than do something for his pack. Instead Emrys’ thoughts went to those who were on their own and didn't have a pack to support them. He'd been there and knew how it could be, yes, the notch was having a difficult time but as hard as it might be they still had each other.

The stranger had gotten his antler free from the pile that was before his as Emrys had asked about plants. The answer was somewhat disappointing though not because it came from someone he didn't think knew about them. “Yes, I expect you're right. I think I know just who to ask too. Perhaps I can catch up with him later.” Lorcan would probably be more than happy to help in the area of finding herbs. Emrys felt he would definitely have to catch up with his friend soon.

Emrys continued his thoughts as the other shook his pelt out before heading off from the ring of antlers. The healer didn't know where he was going and didn't much care and as he noticed how late it was getting he figured he would have to save his search for another day.

“Thanks, you too,” he called to the retreating man before turning in the direction of the notch and heading home.

(This post was last modified: Jan 29, 2017, 10:05 PM by Emrys.)
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