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Friendly hospitality — Kingsfall 
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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
One more from you? <3

Kind? Now that didn't sound quite right. By no means was Askan the sort who went out of his way to drown others in misery in suffering, but he wasn't exactly the sort who trotted about with rainbows coming out of his ass either. He just was who he was. If someone needed help and he could give it to them, he didn't see why he shouldn't. Unless they were rude, then they'd get no help from him. But still, the fact that someone else, someone who didn't really know him thought he was kind...Well it felt alright. He wasn't going to complain.

"Well uh..." He didn't mind it, but that didn't stop his words from stumbling a little. He cleared his throat and made a swift recovery. "Thanks. Can't ask for nothing else."

Truly he meant it. Any effort she made on his behalf was better than none, and even if things didn't change between their packs, at least Askan could say that he tried. That he hadn't just sat back and let the River wolves stew in their mistrust of the Rye wolves. Maybe it would help, maybe it wouldn't. Only the future would tell.

As for Inna's next set of words, Askan glanced down at the rabbit at his feet. He knew that it would be best to leave sooner rather than later, that the River wolves wouldn't be so fond of him hanging around so close to their borders but... He supposed he could take a moment to rest, to gather his strength and eat his fill. And if Inna so happened to be there as well, well he wouldn't throw a pissy-fit.

"Lets eat." He suggested with a nod, then bent down to tuck into his snack.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski
Faded and archived

Thought she wasn't expecting it he had offered his second rabbit as a gift to her pack which she found to be very kind. She took it as a good natured action and one that she wouldn't forget any time soon. She was starting to like Askan despite the behavior he had exhibited when she first met him. It was of her opinion that whatever relations her pack had with his he was someone that they should at least be friends with Askan. She felt he had showed genuine concern about his pack as well as his kind actions toward her and her pack. Still she would have to wait to speak with Lachesis and find out what his views of the situation were. Askan however was a wolf she wouldn't mind meeting again sometime in the future.

She smiled as he stumbled on his words but nodded at his words, “I don't expect everyone would have done what you have.” That she felt to be true but then again she didn't have much experience with this kind of thing.

Inna didn't know if her opinion really carried any weight though she hoped where Lachesis was concerned it did. She had become closer to the healer since her father's death and her mother's trip to Oak Tree Bend. She hoped that she had been able to prove herself capable in his eyes but she couldn't be certain. Regardless she had been doing all that she could to follow her mother's words before she had left and even now she still followed them. Her pack was everything to her and while she didn't feel as it was her sole job to take care of it she still did everything she could. Keeping her father's dream alive and her family together was all she had for now.

She didn't want to send him away but she didn't know if he was ready to leave, she rather hoped that he wasn't in too big of a hurry. It was because of this she felt she should give him a choice in the matter. When he decided to stay and eat with her a smile crossed her face, “Great!” She exclaimed before she bent to start on her own rabbit. The other would be fine until she could get it to the cache.


(This post was last modified: Feb 24, 2017, 03:03 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
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