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Beacon of Hope — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson

Pip watched the exchange with caution in her eyes and butterflies in her belly. Though she took great pains not to let it show, her anxiety was reaching a fever pitch. Though she would never be forced to admit it, she hated how her cousin spoke of her. As if she were some useless pup incapable of taking care of herself. Nauja's mother had thought that. She'd been the worst, though the woman had made a show of being gentle with Pip when others were looking. The memories colored her view of her cousin in a poor light. Was she her mother's daughter after all?

There was at least some hope in the mute's heart when @Nauja offered her apologies for her behavior. Her mother never would have done that. She would have sneered and offered some nasty insult. Still, her presence unsettled the omega.

@Nineva's arrival was a welcome distraction to Pip. When the larger female bent to nuzzle at the back of her neck, the omega let out a sigh of relief. At least in all this confusion, that remained unchanged. The mute latched on to the gray woman's presence like a lifeline. Nineva's greeting was far less welcoming than @Tyne's and even her own lackluster response. She could always count on her to be true to her feelings and hold nothing back for the sake of propriety.

Hearing Tyne's growl, the hackles along Pip's shoulders lifted with unease. It was wrong of him to react like that to Nineva. She was pack, and as loyal as they came. Though it was not her way and felt wholly unnatural, Pip pinned the male down with a disapproving stare. Though it was fleeting, she made sure he met her eyes before she let them fall again in favor of licking at Nineva's cheek.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 350 posts.
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Nineva Hervok
No excuse. At least the woman understood the truth of that, and Nineva was pleased as well to hear that she had no intentions of trying to worm her way back into their ranks. She had to hope, however, that she had missed more conversation than she thought; that Nauja had explained something to Pip at least of why she had thought it appropriate to abandon the girl. Nineva herself was unforgiving, but she could recognize that Pip was a wholly different creature, and she deserved the chance to make her own judgments upon both Nauja and Tyne.

"Pip has been well cared for," she assured the woman in frosty tones. The mute had wanted her family, cried for her family, but the pack had remained at her side when the sea wolves failed her. She hadn't needed them to be loved or cherished.

These words still hanging in the air, her gaze flickered to Tyne. The glance had meant to only be brief, but subtle changes in his posture kept him pinned under her stare. The tension in his posture, the elevation of his tail; it was a consideration of a challenge, and Nineva did not have the tolerance for even that phantom of a threat. Her gaze was wide and unwavering as it bore directly, and assertively, into Tyne's.
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
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Nauja Mizuno

It had taken the sea wolf sometime to realize how selfish her leaving Grizzly Hollow in search of the sea had been.  She hadn't even considered the effect it would have on her family and sure she could make excuses but she didn't feel it would be right after the wrong she'd committed. For the pain they had suffered when she'd left they deserved the truth no matter how bad it made her look. So Nauja didn't sugar coat it when Nineva called her out, there wasn't any excuse for her leaving that could ever justify her actions.

It bothered the seagull that Nineva felt it okay that she put herself in the middle of this family affair but Nauja could see that Pip welcomed her.  So she answered the questions asked by the woman.  Nauja’s ear flicked at the sound of Tyne’a growl, she didn't want him to get into trouble with his packmates over her.  She turned her head to look at him and shook her head hoping he would get the message.  She may not like the fact that Nineva was being as she was but Nauja felt that she wasn't totally undeserving of the treatment.

“I'm glad to hear that she has been well taken care of in my absence.  She deserves to have the best care and it seems that you have that in mind for her,” stated Nauja her words directed at Nineva.  It was clear that she wasn't going to get to speak her peace without the grey woman right there so the seagull turned her gaze on Pip. “I know that I will have to prove myself to you Pip and I want to.  I'm staying about a day's walk from here and if you would be willing I would like to visit more often and try to make it up to you.” she looked at her paws for a moment and tried to swallow the lump in her throat. She then returned her gaze, “I came back for you and Tyne because you're my family but if you don't want me to come I understand.”

With that said Nauja waited for an answer from her mute cousin which she hoped would be in her favor.

(This post was last modified: Apr 28, 2017, 12:24 AM by Nauja.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Vet who has 345 posts.
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Pip Mizuno-Sørenson
Since Tyne has gone inactive, wanted to try and get this thread far enough to close or at least moving again. Tyne at least has enough posts to claim LP if/when he is reactivated, so hopefully won't be an issue. @Tyne @Nauja @Nineva

Pip was far from heartless, and at the deepest part of her core, she was too trusting and - no doubt in Nineva's opinion - too forgiving. That Nauja was seeking to repair bonds broken encouraged the little mute that their broken little band could perhaps one day reunite in good tidings all around.

As for the tension between everyone, it took great restraint for Pip not to intercede on everyone's behalf with something silly and distracting. No, this time, it was best these feelings air out fully. At the very least, Tyne had to understand whose side he was on. There shouldn't be sides, and if he put any thought into it, he would realize there would not be had trust been maintained. Everyone's decisions now had a consequence. Just because they didn't like the consequences didn't mean they were wrong in happening. And when it came between Nineva and Tyne exacting dominance over one another, she was content to let it play out how it would. But in this circumstance, her heart lay with Nineva.

As Nauja revealed that she would be nearby, Pip dipped her head in acknowledgement and smiled kindly, hoping to reassure her cousin that no matter what had happened, she wished her no ill will. It was clear she would not rejoin the ranks of Grizzly Hollow. Wherever she would travel, Pip wished for the wind to be always at her back.

[Image: pipwave_by_becuffin-dblzaqt.png]
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
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Tyne Kersey

OOC! So sorry y'all so making ya wait! It won't happen again! @Pip @Nauja @Nineva

The way the silver yearling put herself between Nauja and Pip could have been looked over if she hadn't gone and roped him into the bunch. Since she wanted to include him in her rudeness everything she did rubbed the tawny man the wrong way. His growl didnt go unnoticed by the dark woman at his side nor the smaller Mizuno across the way. He saw the way Pip looked at him and then as if to pick sides she licked Ninevas cheek. The action caused a pain through his heart. He was here for her, everything he did was for her and she went and choose the silver yearling over him. A mixture of anger and sadness swirled within him now, causing him to be unsure of what to do. From the corner of his golden gaze he saw his past pack mate also give him a shake of her head. So neither of the Bella Coola wolves wanted him to stand his ground. His gaze was torn from the mute woman to the grey girl. Her eyes bore into him with an assertive stare. He held it with a matched intensity not willing to back down. Despite what the Mizuno cousins wanted he wasn't going to back down. Protecting them was all he had left. So he stood and waited. While he wouldn't back down he wasn't about to attack either. That would be up to the girl. He would stay at a stand still for as long as he needed.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno
Fading and Archiving with this post.

Nauja had come in hopes of mending the relationship with her cousin hoping she would still be in Grizzly hollow. Finding Tyne was and wasn't expected but she was glad to see him and see that he was we'll. nauje knew she had a lot to make up to both of them but coming and trying was a start, at least it had felt like it until Nineva had shown up and set everyone but Pip on edge. It was upsetting to see her cousin pick the pale female over her cousin and even Tyne but there wasn't anything Nauja could do about it. She hadn't been there and Nineva had so she had to accept that her cousin had sought comfort somewhere else.

Tyne’s growl had caught the sea wolf off guard but she quickly shook her head in hopes that he would understand. She didn't want him to get into trouble with his pack for her and while he appreciated the fact he wanted to protect her and Pip it was best he didn't get himself in any trouble. She had however decided that she would make things right somehow she just wasn't sure how yet. She'd let Pip know she was staying close by and hoped to visit again soon. Her cousin seemed agreeable to this so Nauja made a plan to come back again soon. She looked to Tyne and offered him a smile.

“I should probably go but I will visit again as soon as I can.” She said before turning and heading off into the forest. Once she went back to the thicket and found out what had occurred in her absence she would be able to make better plans to visit. With one last look she disappeared into the forest already thinking about her next visit with her cousin and Tyne. She would miss them as she always did.


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