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Under the starlight [m] — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
As he nibbles lower on her stomach to more her sweet scent enveloped him pushing his excitement to a new level. The nibbles he placed to her stomach seemed to have the effect on her that he was hoping they would have as her movements stopped. Giving her some relief from her heat symptoms but also to tease her just a little more. He stopped issuing her yet another challenge just as she has to him she would have to do a little more work. Being so close to her scent and the affect it had on him a chase was in order but he didn't plan to make it too hard on her as he ran around her between the trees that separated them.

His hot breath created a cloud in front of him as he pushed himself getting a head start but the chase fed the hunter in her. From the corner of his eye he saw her get to her feet before she started to stalk him. His laugh broke through the night air at her words, “I do my love but when you do catch me you can have your reward.” He picked up the pace just a little as she spring up from her stance coming at him. Effortlessly she dodged one of the trees he'd just passed before he heard the snap of her jaws behind him. “I've never known you to miss your target my dear,” he teased over his shoulder, “Should I slow down a little for you?” He didn't slow his pace then as he knew she was more than capable of overtaking him. With her out of the little clearing they'd been playing in he rounded a tree before turning to cross into it once more.

(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2017, 01:43 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Jynx was never one to give up easily. So when Emrys asked if he should slow down for her sake, she merely shook her head and laughed. "Oh of course not. I'm just getting warmed up!" With a more powerful lunge, she surged forward as if to completely close the distance between them, but never allowed their bodies to make contact. Keeping just a few inches behind him, she readily gave chase again as he circled around the tree and back towards the clearing in which the game had started. Deliberately, Jynx allowed Emrys a little bit of a head start. The sound of her paws crunching against the snow behind him told of her tenacious pursuit. Combined with burning off their energy by playing like this, and with the crisp breeze combing through her coat, she found herself relieved of the nagging burn under her skin. But only for the most fleeting of moments.

Jaws parted, her tongue hung out to one side slightly, while large exhales of breath emerged into billowing little clouds before her face. She chased him not as she did prey, but as a different sort of target entirely. One that she knew wanted to be captured. That wanted her as much as she did him. With a soft little growl, she changed tactics and veered off to the side. If he looked, Emrys would easily be able to see her tawny frame weaving through the trees to his right. She was trying to out flank him, to gain some ground and then block his escape route. The question was if he would fall for it, or even allow her this victory.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
The chase was on not only as a means of play but also to work off some of the excitement that has been building in him. For weeks he'd been waiting for her to be ready and he wanted every moment to be perfect for the both of them. Her words rang in the air around them, “Show me what you've got,” he challenged her further. Emrys knew what she was capable of he'd seen her in action plenty of times. He wasn't disappointed as she quickened her pace closing the distance between them. The tackle that he expected never came which allowed him to turn into the clearing. It had been a long time since he'd run as he was feeling the cold air through his pelt and against his face. By now he should have felt some level of tiredness but he didn't feel the need to slow down at all. He was ready for whatever she she might have in store for him next.

His ears swiveled listening for sounds that she was coming up in him as he came to the center of the clearing. They didn't detect her footfalls behind him but to his right and as he turned his head slightly he saw her between the trees. He didn't know what she was up to at first but soon figured out she was trying to get in front of him and stop him from reaching the other side of the clearing. It wasn't a huge decision to let her follow through with her plan, he'd had his victory and now it was her turn. He slowed his pace just enough to allow her the chance she needed to block him from escaping back into the trees. He didn't want her to know he'd caught on to her plan so he kept moving, waiting for her to make her move.

(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2017, 06:16 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Even while running, she managed to occasionally keep an eye on Emrys from her peripheral vision. She based her movements on what he would do next, be it stop or continue running. When she saw that he kept going, although at a slower pace now, she began to wonder if he was perhaps tiring. That would be a shame, so early on into their evening game. Slowing to a more brisk trot, she slipped through the last of the trees and out into the clearing where unbeknownst to her, he waited. Her method of pursuit changed entirely when she entered the clearing. Her steps had slowed, becoming deliberate and precise. Her neck lowered slightly as she eased into a position more typical of stalking. She did not bother trying to hide in any of his blind spots. The game was up, and she would catch him.

With a sudden little burst from her body, she flew forwards, coming to pounce playfully on top of him. Her forelegs draped over his back, her tail wagging merrily. She reached over to his ears, nipping at them gently. In case he tried to escape, she applied just enough of her weight upon him, so as to let him know he wasn't going to get far. Her sudden bout of assertiveness quickly grew into a more submissive mood. For the moment. The unpredictability typical of females during this time of year could shift her mood back in an instant. Removing herself from him, she weaved around to his right side, her russet coat mixing with his white hairs. She held her head lower this time, only craning her neck up to lick at his muzzle when she was within reach. Her tail was raised, wagging slowly back and forth to fan the air with her inviting scent. There was a deeper reason to her shift in mood, and now she expressed it, looking up into his eyes.

"Emrys...are you sure we are ready for this?" She hoped he would not be upset by her sudden hesitation. Her voice wavered some with uncertainty, some of her long buried timidness resurfacing again. The look in her golden eyes was insecure, yet wanting. Before him was a wolf he had never seen before; one that needed to be reassured. "I-I mean....this will be life changing." She took in a deep, shaky breath, easing her nose deeper into his warm chest fur. "The only experience we've ever had is with Gent's children..." Jynx had come a long way since arriving here. She was a completely different wolf, but her past could never be changed. Having grown up with only an adoptive father, as wise as he was, he had always avoided the subject of child rearing. He simply assumed that she would learn naturally, in her own way. And while she had a basic understanding of it now, she was still very much treading into uncharted waters.
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
Another glance at her told him she'd slowed her pace just as he had, he had to wonder if she'd caught on to the fact he'd figured her out. Emrys hoped she hadn't, that he hadn't ruined the game for her, hunting was what she loved and he didn't mind being her prey. As she came through the trees as she seemed to be stalking him, he watched her from his position. His head tilted slightly to the side as he pretended to not know what she was doing, hoping that made it more fun for her. They were nearing the end of their little game as she prepared to catch him and catch him she would if he had anything to say about it. The healer prepared himself for what he knew was to come, she was to pounce on him he knew it. He widened his stance just a little so that he would be able to take on the weight of her body to just as he'd done before.

Then as he expected she came surfing toward him giving him only seconds to turn his body enough she'd get his side. It was a mere few seconds before he felt her weight on his back , wiggling slightly as her body moved with her wagging tail. He could also feel the gently pressure of her teeth on his ears as she nipped at them. He did not try to get her off of him this time allowing her to assert herself over him for the time she remained. It was only a moment longer before she'd come down off his back and now was around to his right side, the hairs of their coats intermingling together. He closed his eyes briefly as he felt the licks she placed on his muzzle. Her scent filled the air around him sending him back into a heightened state of excitement.

The worry in her tone brought his blue gaze to meet her concern on his face at the question. He placed a kiss on her cheek, “I do,” he stated simply and confidently. Sure he'd had his doubts since they had made this decision but he always came back to the same thing, yes they were ready. “Yes, my love it is life changing and one that I think we are not only ready but will do well at.” When he'd met her he may not have thought she was ready for children of her own. After seeing her so often with Gents children he was sure she was ready. Knowing how he was he was certain about himself too. “That's true but That's also the reason I know we are. You're a caring, gentle woman and I know in my heart you will be a good mother to our children.” He brushed his head along her neck. “Besides as in everything you and I are a team and as long as we're together we can do anything including raising our own children.” He truly believed that about them, they had overcome a lot in the last year so he didn't see why they couldn't be successful at raising children. While it was true they didn't have any experience being parents but they had the knowledge that had been passed on, not to mentioned they had each other to help get through it.

(This post was last modified: Mar 20, 2017, 01:33 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Mature content!

While remaining pressed securely up against his side, the subtle twitch of her ears showed that she was listening. She took in every word he said and the meaning behind them. He was confident in this decision, in their ability as to be parents. Jynx had never thought this day would come, and now that it had, she found herself nervous for a moment. As her partner, Emrys was proving invaluable in soothing her insecurities. Tilting her head up to look into his eyes, a trace of a smile formed on her lips. "Thank you for that...for believing in me." She whispered, clearly moved by what he had said. The butterflies in her stomach began to fade, and her usual more confident demeanor returned. "Of course we can, and with you I welcome whatever lies ahead for us." Parenthood was far from easy; it was full of challenges and ups and downs. But it wouldn't be worthwhile any other way. With a wolf like Emrys by her side, she was sure they would come out stronger, better in the end because of it.

No longer feeling quite so shy and jittery, the huntress slid around in front of her mate with deliberate steps. She brushed against him, bumping her crown up under his chin once. When she was in front of him, she held her body at an angle, tail level with her back. Her tail swept back and forth, the soft hairs brushing against his dark nose. It was her way of teasing him, of driving him ever deeper into the primal excitement to which he was captive. The chase was over, and now he could begin to indulge in his reward. Deep in her chest, her heart was racing. The fire that burned under her skin felt more intense than ever. She would go mad if she didn't find relief soon. With a soft rumbling growl, she circled around him once, only to return with her flank rubbing along the length of his side. She moved ahead but only a few slow steps, sending him a single, suggestive little look.

Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin
With her body pressed against his side she expressed her fears with this choice they’ve made. He too had gone through a few moments after they'd been offered this chance where he'd been nervous too. To give her more confidence that they were ready to become parents he reminded her of the same things he'd told himself. That while it was a life changing decision they were ready and they would be good parents. As her gaze met his and the smile formed on her face one formed on his as well. She needed him to tell her it would be alright and that they could do this together. He placed a kiss on her cheek “I will always believe in you,” he whispered back happy that he could help her regain her confidence. As she spoke once more he knew that she was just as ready for this as he was. “I am lucky to have you at my side, as my partner in life and with you I know that we can face whatever comes our way.” He didn't know what the future would hold for them. Parenthood might be hard but as long as they worked together he was sure they would provide their children the life they deserved.

She was on the move once more, he watched as she came around in front of him bumping his chin with her crown as she did. The hairs of her tail tickled his nose as she placed herself in front of him her scent filling his nostrils making it harder for him to resist what his Instincts told him to do for much longer. He took a step forward he reached out with his nose to take in more of her scent, inhaling deeply. Their game was over and now it was time for them both to indulge in their spoils. They had both waited so long for this moment and now they could both find the relief they needed. His ear twitched at the sound of her growl before she circled him one more time. The action of her flank running along his side only served to make him feel like he was losing his mind. He pushed his nose into her fur as she stepped slowly past him and the look she gave made it very clear. His mate was finally ready to accept him, his banner waved high over his back as he approached her.

(This post was last modified: Mar 21, 2017, 05:35 AM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
This was it. Their moment had finally arrived, one which would mark the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. And she welcomed it with open arms. It seemed fitting that only he as a healer, had the cure that her body craved for. With a sweep of her tail to the side, Emrys was granted silent permission to do what came naturally.

A little while later...

The evening had been filled with heated passion, tender licks and mixed growling in the dying light. Both exhausted but content, two bodies lie curled, entwined with one another in the clearing. One bearing a coat of red agouti, the others as white as the snow itself. His head rested over her back, eyes closed. Her forelegs were tangled with his, while her head rested against the warm fur of his chest. Enjoying their shared warmth, Jynx was in no rush to go back to the den anytime soon. Instead she would spend the remainder of the night here with Emrys. This time was for them alone to enjoy. The worries and hard work that came with running the pack could wait until sunrise. With a heave of her chest, she let out a long, happy sigh. She twisted, rolling onto her side to face him. Ears pinning back momentarily, she reached up and bathed his muzzle in kisses. "You've made me the luckiest woman alive, Emrys Myrddin. I'm yours...forever..." She whispered before drawing back, as sleep began to close in, fogging her mind. The symptoms of her heat had not yet subsided, but already she felt relieved. Soon new life would bud inside her...the lives of their children. Their future.
