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Bang and Blame — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Flywolf who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roosemooth Boor



Word Count: 328  

Roose could almost see the flicker of anger in Cheedo’s eyes at the mention of her children, but he was mildly impressed to find that she was able to contain it and keep control of herself.  Instead of lashing out at him – like he had expected – she simply explained herself.

“Being an advisor to our former leader is a lot different than being one of his wives.”

His ears twitched back a tiny bit. It really wasn’t; he had directed their former leader’s actions, guided him as he grew up. He had shaped the man that had just abandoned them; she had only been wooed by his charm.  He had changed quite a bit since they had been parted, however, so Roose did not feel any sort of responsibility.  He also didn’t feel the need to hide or completely shut away his past.

If she wanted to tell them herself, he would let her.  For now.  He was not above storing the information away for later, if the opportunity arose where it might come in handy.  Still, he saw no need to shatter her illusions of a new beginning now.

“…this could be a new beginning for the two of us.” He had to stop for a moment and make she he’d heard her correctly.  They had been at odds ever since they had met.  He’d always thought she was just a lump of meat, clinging to the strength she saw in his former protégé.  She was nothing but a tool for him to use.

But perhaps wiping the slate wouldn’t hurt.  Or letting her think they were wiping the slate. She could still be useful. He smiled. “Why Cheedo,” He hummed pleasantly. “You really are serious about starting over, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question. “I think it could be. What is a new beginning if you hold onto old grievances? I am willing to forget our… less than amicable relationship and begin anew if you will do the same.”

"Speech"  Thought

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

It had been a low blow to Cheedo to bring up her children, to suggest that she was embarrassed or ashamed that Craw had chosen her.  If anything she was ashamed that she had not been able to keep them alive.  That she had let Craw down when they hadn't survived, she was afraid of the same thing happening now. Still she wouldn't let Roosemooth know how upsetting talking about her children was for her.

After what Craw had done to their current leaders the small female worried that her alphas would look down upon her.  Though she had nothing to do with his choices he had spent a long time with the group before just disappearing on them. Cheedo wanted to be able to prove herself to Wraith and Piety, that the decision to let her join their ranks had not been a bad one. This was her chance to move on from the life she had led, to find a place in the world.  For so long she had walked aimlessly across the land just surviving, she didn't want to do that forever.  She had Mitt and now she had a pack and she wanted to make it a life she could be proud of.

Cheedo knew there would come a time when she would have to tell Wraith and Piety everything about her past.  Even the things that Roose didn't know, she owed it to them for giving her a home and a chance to make her life better.  She didn't want Roose to be the one to tell them before she had the chance to show them she could be a good member of the pack.  Before she had the chance to solidify her place in the ranks and establish a good relationship with her Alpha's.

Then there was Roose, she had never gotten along with him and she wasn't sure she ever could. However she did tolerate him more than she did others in the group, he was a little easier to stomach then Angharad. Still she felt he thought he belonged somewhere just because he had been an advisor to Craw.  He like her needed to find his place in this pack, they were both starting over after having the part of their life that revolved around Craw closed.  She didn't know if she would ever see the father of her children again but she wanted to be better than she had been if she did.

She nodded at his comment about her starting over, “I feel like I have been stuck in the same place for far too long.  It's time to move on,” she explained. He did surprise her when her when he spoke of forgetting old grievances, she hadn't been entirely serious about a new beginning for them.  A lot had happened between them, there was a lot of disdain between them.  Still was there a point anymore, with Craw gone and both of them in the same pack? They would have to work together more than ever before, it only took her a moment to consider it.  “With this new start we are embarking on I am willing to forget or try and work toward a better relationship.” Cheedo was a little skeptical but if it was in the best interest of the pack she would try.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Flywolf who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roosemooth Boor

OOC! These two are going to be really interesting, moving forward.


Word Count: 257  

Roose had never been the type to ‘forgive and forget’.  He might say it, but he liked having information.  Information was power, and while he didn’t enjoy holding power for himself, he didn’t enjoy helping those who had it, keep it. Having dirt on Cheedo would certainly help his fight against Morelli… that is, if the git was even capable of anything related to fondness.  Still, the man had publicly been close to the girl.

And yet here he was, genuinely offering to ‘forget’.  He found that he did want a new start; it was strange to genuinely want something like this.  He didn’t think he would ever want a new beginning at his age.  Second chances were rare, as he’d said.

Things between him and the woman in front of him were never likely to be friendly.  Despite letting things go, there was perhaps a little too much history.  Too much tension.  Still, he could see them at least being neutral towards one another. This was the best option.

He allowed himself a small smile. “I am glad to hear that.” He rumbled. A thought struck him, and though the idea sat rank inside him, this was a new beginning, wasn’t it? “If you should find yourself in need of help, do not hesitate to come to me.” He offered, voice pleasant despite the displeasure inside of him.  But what if Morelli showed his true colors? She could be of even greater use to him. Or not.  Either way, it wouldn’t hurt to be available to her.

"Speech"  Thought

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Her goal was never to forget her past, to forget it would be forgetting her children that she had lost.  They hadn't even had a chance at life before it was stolen from them, everyday she carried that with her.  Her past was what had made her who she was, the scared, timid creature that clung to Mittani and Craw for the protection they could offer her. She had needed that stability for so long that she had grown accustomed to it and liked to have to not worry about what others might do to her.

Being with Mittani, it changed things.  She knew how the others looked at her because she had sought out the pale man's comfort. She didn't like being disliked because they couldn't understand or they didn't take the time to understand.  Mittani did though, he understood and he stayed by her.  Being with him was giving her a strength she would never have known she had and it was that strength that pushed her to want a fresh start.

There was a lot of history between she and Roose, so much she wasn't sure it could be forgotten or even pushed aside.  She was however going to give it a good go, it was the least she could do especially if she was serious about a fresh start.  It had to be in all aspects of her life or what was the point.

She did try to genuinely smile as he stated he was glad to hear that she was willing to work toward a better relationship with him.  However, she felt it might not have seemed as genuine as she'd hoped, perhaps it was just too soon.  He did surprise her  with his offer, “Thank you Roose,” she said refraining from anything else that was uncalled for, “I appreciate that and I will extend the same to you.” It was she supposed a start in their new beginning.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you