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Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Guardian demonstration 2/3

Golden eyes narrowed on the large dark male as he addressed Lorcan, dark nostrils flaring with distrust at the wink and the smile that was offered to him. The agouti male didn’t bother to utter a response though. Instead he simply clenched his jaws together tightly before he turned to glance back concernedly towards Inna. Catching the cautioning shake of her head, Lorcan shifted uncomfortably in his position before he allowed his bristled guard hairs to smooth down along his back. If the male didn’t make Inna feel uncomfortable then Lorcan would back off just a little, but he would still continue to stand there, stubbornly, just to listen in to what the flirtatious male had to say to her.

The next question, this time directed towards Inna, made him feel uncomfortable. Golden gaze remained locked onto the male as his russet ears swerved to listen nervously for Inna’s response. A wave of relief washed over him at the sound of her cool reply and only after he allowed her answer to sink in a little with the lone male, did Lorcan sneak a quick glance back to the dark female to offer her a subtle smile.

At the arrival of Kisla, Lorcan immediately dropped his tail and tucked it submissively between his legs. Russet ears pressed back too as he looked across to the honeyed woman before offering a soft whine in greeting as she looked briefly towards him. Unable to answer the woman’s question, Lorcan’s attention switched back to Inna, but it was quickly stolen by @Aytigin as he swiftly chimed in to answer the question himself. Once again the stranger wasn’t shy with his compliments to both of the females present, which irritated Lorcan more than he would have liked to admit. The agouti male wanted to scoff, to roll his eyes, and to step forwards to advise the male to reign it in—but he daren’t. He needed to remain calm and present himself in the best possible light, especially whilst Kisla was around.

Lorcan gave a curious tilt of his head, intrigued to hear what the large male would go on to say, but his words were cut with the arrival of Lachesis. The large male and the alabaster leader were already acquainted it seemed. Lorcan offered a polite dip of his head towards Lachesis as he sidled up to Kisla before redirecting his attention back on the loner at the borders. Golden gaze flickered down to inspect the chunk of honeycomb that he had brought along as an offering. He might not have been totally convinced by the male, but the honey would certainly come of use.
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

She missed the interactions between Lorcan and the stranger – though her eyes swept over the tawny male, noting the protective stance he held with her daughter. It was a curious thing – but one that pleased her. Despite anything that Inna might have felt toward her family and Kisla breaking out her tough love, she desired nothing more than for her daughter to hold a healthy pregnancy – and if it meant she had made a friend that felt protective over her, all the better.

But she quickly averted her eyes to study the wolf at their border – and as he began to speak – complimenting how pretty her name was, she quickly realized what type of wolf she was dealing with. Oh, he was one of those.

Before she could fully respond, her counterpart sidled up to the group, and she flashed a gentle smile – four River wolves to introduce themselves to the newcomer. The pack was growing stronger, and she was pleased by this. If Whitestone Monadnock continued to prove to be a problem, they might not even require the aide of Wild Rye Fields.

It would seem the two knew each other, and as the dark wolf addressed Lachesis, she canted her muzzle slightly toward the healer, before glancing once more to the lone wolf. They gift was an interesting one – she wouldn’t pretend to know the benefits, but held no doubt the Stark would. To say she wasn’t intrigued by the smooth talking stranger would have been a lie—he seemed different than most, despite his Casanova attempts. “Flattery will get you nowhere in the River. Hard work will, though.” She paused, glancing to Lachesis, waiting for his own decision on the matter – seeing as he was familiar with their visitor.

Word Count: 292

sparking up my heart

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
@Aytigin @Inna @Lorcan @Kisla

The charcoal loner was quick with his tongue, not wasting any time to explain what brought him to Hearthwood’s borders. Truthfully the ghost was surprised to see the dark wolf return. Before leaving to salvage his friendship (relationship, whatever) with Lilya he had tried to end things on a good note, inviting him to return if he desired to. As Aytigin mentioned this invite Lachesis threw his co-lead an apologetic look. A single brow rose when he announced that this visit was to join the river pack. Had he really left that good of an impression?

He stayed quiet as the large wolf continued with his speech, first explaining the reason behind the gift. The honeycomb, while an unusual gift, could be beneficial for medical reasons—especially to sweeten the taste of more earthy herbs. Loyalty was important to Hearthwood. They had seen their fair share of wolves who sought temporary refuge, leaving when a better offer came along or their paws grew restless. He was not interested in hosting someone until they decided they wanted to see more of the Lore.

The side of his mouth curled in amusement as his co-lead spoke, addressing Aytigin’s loose lips before turning her gaze to him. Lachesis was not completely convinced for the wolf standing before them seemed more interested in complimenting his peers than working with them. A soft frown creased his features as his peridot’s focused on the large male. “Loyalty and protection alone will not suffice. We are a family in Hearthwood; we work together. The needs of the pack come first,” he started, brows narrowed. “We have litters to take care of this spring; we will need hunters and sitters. Those who can provide for the pack.” He paused, digesting the words that had spilled off his tongue. “Like Kisla said, hard work will get you far in the River. A sharp tongue and lusting after females will not get you farther than these borders.” While he did not doubt that Aytigin would be an asset to Hearthwood the Stark was wary of the raven’s intentions. “However, it is not my decision to make alone. What do all of you think of Aytigin?” The ghost asked, his chartreuse gaze puling off of the large wolf and focusing on his packmates, waiting to see how they felt about their visitor.

(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2017, 02:32 AM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Aytigin blew out a soft breath as the others spoke, his own grin appearing crookedly on his mouth. "I know what I seem like. I know I usually make myself look bad," he began slowly, taking a bit more time to choose his words this time around. He genuinely did not want to mess this up. "I wasn't giving out compliments to try and get you to accept me. I personally know what it feels like when someone makes you feel like shit, and I don't want anyone to feel that way about themselves. Not ever. So, I understand that I come off a little strong in that area, but I promise that's not all I have to offer." The mocha man took a deep breath and glanced back up at the River wolves. "I really am sorry if I've made any of you uncomfortable. I'm a little bit odd, and I do understand that. But I am not just here for females and shelter. I'm here because I want a place that I can contribute to, and that I can work for and sacrifice for and protect."

"Never been part of a pack before," he went on. Hell, if he'd gone so far as to bare his soul, he could go a little further. An image of his mother sprung, unbidden, into his memory, and his hazel eyes burned with tears for a moment or two before he reigned them in. "I understand if I've made a bad impression on you all, but I don't have any bad intentions here. If you need me to hunt, I'll hunt - even though I'm not very fast. And puppies are awesome; I'll babysit all day every day, if you'll have me. I'll work hard for all of you." He had absolutely no idea how pack life was supposed to be, but he was positive he would follow through on his promises.

Hazel eyes flicked back and forth between each wolf, then settled on his paws. He was still set lower than all of them, his tail had curled around his hock at some point, and his ears were pressed down submissively. "If you could just give me a chance, then I will prove myself to you. I won't cause you any trouble, and if at any point you decide you want me gone, I'll leave. If you want me gone right now, I'll leave, and I won't ever bother you again. But if you give me a chance, I'll show you that there's more that I have to offer than just flattery and a sharp tongue." God, if he wasn't nervous before, he certainly was now. He felt like the scum of the earth; like he had just made these two poor women uncomfortable and these two men angry with his very personality. He couldn't even bring himself to meet their eyes at the moment.
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna had taken notice of the way Lorcan stood between her and the loner, his protective stance and even bristle if the fur along his back. She liked the fact that he felt protective over her and their children. Still she worried of how it could be seen by others that might appear to greet the man at their borders. She was glad that he backed down some when she shook her head, Inna didn't have any concerns regarding the man. His flattery toward her was in a way welcome but it didn't mean the same thing as if it had come from a man that mattered to her.

Her mother's arrival caused her to change her posture to that she felt would be more accepting to the alpha female. She felt Kisla had put her in her place and she meant to stay there if that was what it took to show her mother that Hearthwood and her family were important to her. Lachesis knew the man which was shown in the way they spoke to each other.

The surprising thing was that Aytigin had come to seek membership I'm Hearthwood. Like her mother she knew the importance of having wolves to hunt and help care for the children. Though Inna was a little uncertain about having the man around her and Lorcan's children he seemed nice enough. There was time to get to know the man before the pups would be born.

When he was questioned on his intent by both Kisla and Lachesis he went into further detail. Inna listened carefully and felt that he truly wanted to make it work in their pack. She was surprised when Lachesis turned to her, Lorcan, and Kisla for their opinions. Inna didn't want to be the first to speak and in fact was worried that she even should. Still Lachesis had asked so she decided that she maybe should speak and voice her opinion of the man joining their ranks.“He seems to really want to contribute to the pack and pull his weight. So I think he should be allowed the the chance to prove himself. If it turns out he doesn't hold up his part he can always be asked to leave, he's already said he would leave if asked to.” Inna had thought carefully about her opinion and had made it in consideration of what the pack needed. The more hunters they had the better off they would be. Maybe then everyone could stop worrying about the impact her children would have on the pack.

(This post was last modified: Apr 15, 2017, 06:29 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Jacqueline who has 783 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lorcán Artemieva
Guardian demonstration 3/3

Lorcan almost snickered at Kisla’s blunt remark. It seemed that flattery would not work on the experienced female, no doubt she had heard it all before. At this development the agouti male cast his narrowed golden gaze across to the swarthy wolf at the border, intrigued to see if his silver tongue could get him out of the trouble as well as it could land him in it. Before the male had a chance to though, Lachesis offered up his own opinion. It seemed he too had noticed and disapproved of the stranger’s way with words.

For a brief moment it seemed highly probable that the male would not be joining their ranks and would soon be turned away at their borders. However, just when hope seemed lost, Lachesis offered up on final chance. Russet ears pressed back against Lorcan’s head as his lime green gaze was cast across to both him and Inna, requesting their opinions on the loner. Lorcan remained silent and turned to glance back to Inna to encourage her to go first. The dark stranger interjected though and swiftly all eye were back on him as he desperately pleaded his case to all of the wolves present.

Brow furrowed in deliberation, Lorcan glanced back to Inna to see what she had to say about the male. It came as no surprise when the she proceeded to speak in his favour. Golden gaze flashed across to the male, trying to catch his reaction. Truthfully, Lorcan wasn’t entirely convinced by his speech. He didn’t trust the way he acted around the females; the way he had spoken to them had made him feel uncomfortable. However, it seemed that both Lachesis and Inna, somehow, were prepared to give the male a chance and so Lorcan couldn’t really protest too much. If the male really was serious about joining Hearthwood he would have to prove it.

Glancing across to @Kisla and then to Lachesis, he finally stepped forwards to give his piece. “I agree with Inna.” He stated, canting his muzzle in her direction for a moment before redirecting his attention back at the two leader. “I think he should be given the chance to prove his worth and loyalty to Hearthwood, but as lowest.” He paused, allowing his opinion to sink in with the others. He then turned to look back to Aytigin. “If he is serious about joining our ranks, I’m sure he would not object.” He said coolly, with curious tilt of his head. To Lorcan it was a sure way to tell how serious the male was about contributing to the pack. The rank of lowest was not an appealing one, but if the male really believed Hearthwood was the place for him, he would take the offer without hesitation.
(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2017, 06:03 PM by Lorcan.)
# P O R C A N
sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realise
how much they need to fall back together
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Bemsuement remained hidden from the features of the pregnant she-wolf as she took in the entire scenario. Lachesis seemed just as displeased as Lorcan – and offered his expectations to the other, but not without passing the decision to herself and his other two pack mates. Aytigin spoke – his words seemingly promising, and everything he had spoken would have gotten any other wolf across their borders and given the chance to be a River wolf – Inna felt so, and voiced as such. It was Lorcan’s suggestion – the stance he held that stirred further amusement in the honeyed woman, and her bright eyes fell upon the prior Monadnock wolf.

It was interesting – the tawny wolf who had left his other pack for theirs boasted the stranger prove loyalty by the rank of lowest, and while she did not speak as such with her voice, she wondered if he could tell exactly what she was thinking. The rank of lowest was a wolf of shame – a serious punishment, at least to the Baranski matriarch.

“I’m not in the habit of making a new recruit an omega for harmless flirtations because the males of Hearthwood River feel threatened by it,” she mused,  and while the words themselves were harsh, her tone was light. Glancing between Lorcan and Lachesis, she tilted her muzzle, her tail giving an idle flick. “I think he’ll make a fine addition to the pack.”

Word Count: 234

sparking up my heart

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
we could fade this out with your post @Aytigin ? @Kisla @Inna @Lorcan

The words that spewed out of the charcoal male’s mouth sounded convincing. At least he was making an effort to try and establish himself as a worthy addition to the river pack. Lachesis did not doubt that Aytigin would pull his weight and do what needed to be done around the pack—he even believed that the large male would be a wonderful babysitter due to his size and youthful demeanour. The healer was happy to hear Ayti fighting for a position in Hearthwood; it showed that he was seeking acceptance because he wanted to, not because of the females that resided in the pack. Perhaps Lachesis had been quick to misjudge.

It did not surprise him that Inna wanted to give the large male a chance—like Anastasia, the raven Baranski saw the best in everyone. The pale healer nodded in agreement with her words, his peridot’s focused on the young mother-to-be as she spoke. Lorcán was quick to jump in with his opinion of the loose-lipped loner, first agreeing with Inna before offering a suggestion. His brows shot up in surprise, his peridots focused on the tawny healer. Lowest? Interesting but XIX was not sure that the charcoal wolf deserved the title. When Bastet had grovelled at is paws, begging for forgiveness, the ghost had granted her the dishonour of being the packs lowest. He had asked for the exotic raven to prove herself, show him that she wanted to be with him and be a part of Hearthwood. Her quick departure had not come as a surprise; he was more angry at himself for giving her a second chance.

The wolf standing before him, with his ears pinned against the back of his skull and his tail tucked between his legs, did not deserve such a title.

Kisla’s words caused an amused grin to sprawl across his pale features for he knew that she meant it in good jest. With a gentle roll of his eyes XIX returned his focus to the dark wolf before them, his features softening as he gave a short nod. “I’m in agreement with Kisla; he has not done anything to deserve the rank of lowest.” Aytigin seemed determined to prove himself to the river wolves—if they were to place him at the bottom would he even want to stay in the Kingswood? “Welcome to Hearthwood River, Aytigin,” he started with a slow wag of his tail, “I’m sure Inna or Lorcán would be happy to give you a tour of your new home.” He flashed the pair a wide grin and a sharp wink. “And if you have any questions you can seek out Kisla and I.”

Things were starting to look up for Hearthwood. New members and a handful of puppies to join them next month… now if only the weather would turn around.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Van who has 292 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Aytigin Delaney
Aytigin was glad that Inna seemed willing to stand up for him; the raven-colored girl was very kind, it seemed. Lorcan spoke next, and while he was apparently open to the idea of Ayti being a part of the pack, he suggested to place him in the lowest rank. He flashed a smile, but did not interject. He simply gave a nod of his head in acceptance of the offer, signaling with a wag of his tail that he'd be fine with it. He wasn't particularly ambitious, anyway, and if they wanted him to grovel at their feet for a while, who was he to argue? He didn't have a whole lot of dignity to hold onto these days, anyway, and he wasn't here expecting things to be easy.

But then Kisla spoke up, and the tawny woman opened with a quip that made Aytigin bite his tongue to keep from laughing. It was just quite unexpected, and very appreciated, that the alpha female would be so willing to stand up for him in that way. He made a mental note to try and find her later to thank her for that; something drew him to the woman in a way that wasn't lustful or playful at all. He wasn't sure what it was, but something in him truly wanted to spend some time getting to know her. Perhaps it was the kind, mothering nature she exhibited - something that had been absent for Aytigin's entire childhood. He wasn't positive that that was the reason, but he knew that the woman had just earned a lifetime's worth of respect from the younger man. He'd never had someone stand up for him that surely in quite some time.

Lachesis was next, and Aytigin's worry washed away when the lead male agreed with his counterpart, and promptly welcomed him into the ranks of Hearthwood River. The massive, chocolate-furred man smiled in return, his posture loosening a bit as he moved into a more neutral, relaxed stance. He offered a wag of his tail and a dip of his head. "I'll make sure you won't regret your decision," he assured, and then turned to Inna and Lorcan with a grin, excited to get to know his new packmates and become acquainted with the territory.

One thing was for certain - the oversized man was stepping into a brand-new sequence of his life, and he would not let his new packmates down.

{ fade }