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Still air — Charred Ash Draw 
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Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
Minor pp of a muzzle grab but feel free to say she missed and just got up in her space. I'm just along for the ride and this was an unexpected turn.

She had taken it upon herself to escort a near yearling, old enough to manage herself, home and had decided to detour to Willow Ridge? Well that explained the length the journey but not why nobody was notified of her intentions. It wasn't just inconsiderate, it was outright insubordination. Something somewhere snapped. "Tell me, Leotie, do you wish to challenge for my position?" She didn't wait for an answer before she lashed out to grab at the woman's muzzle, a deep and feral growl ripping through her throat as she locked gold eyes on blue and pushed down on any purchase she had found. Hoping her message had been made clear, she relinquished her hold but continued to stand over the woman, her tail curved high, her voice barely above a gravelly whisper, increasing in intensity just like a rattlesnakes coil. This was all about that boy, wasn't it? Why delay the inevitable...

"A wolf from the Ridge murdered my mate, wolves that lived by that lake stole my children, tell me, what do I owe them? Why should we go out of our way to help them?" She allowed her words a moment to sink in. "We won't need allies days away in our hour of need. We need bodies here." As for speaking to Enoki on behalf of the pack? Her snort was enough to betray her full range of emotions on that front. "You barely speak too me, what on earth makes you qualified to speak for me?" She would sooner send Treyah on any attempts at diplomacy, at least the girl wouldn't be walked all over like the wolf before her had been in the bend. Pulling herself back from the subordinate with a show of her teeth for good measure, a high pitched peeping came to her ears from within the den. Her voice low and dangerous she threw a parting message over her shoulder. "If you're so in love with the Ridge, perhaps you should run off and beg them to let you join." Since that was so obviously where her true loyalties lay. "Show her out @Kerberos, make sure the rest of them know." She would speak to Kerberos again once her children were fed and his own looked in on. These were the only babies she should have to mind herself with sitting.
(This post was last modified: May 24, 2017, 01:51 AM by Naira.)
[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

The agouti was becoming more uneasy as the conversation progressed and it only became worse as she spoke. With each word she could feel herself sinking further into her own grave. She couldn't lie, not to her Alpha's, even when she had told Serach she was leaving she hadn't lied. The question that left Naira's mouth next indicated what was coming. She didn't even get the chance to tell the woman she had no intentions of challenging her. In a flash the woman had a hold of her muzzle pushing her down, the growl the reverberated in her ears was loud due to the proximity if the woman throat to her ear. Leotie took it as any good subordinate would and when she'd been released she didn't move from the lowered position she'd been pushed into.

Then the woman spoke of crimes that had been committed against her by the Willow Ridge wolves. Now it started to make sense and of course she had no knowledge of any of this so how was he to know. Maybe had she know she wouldn't have become so close to Sven, she couldn't change what she'd done. Leotie said nothing for there was nothing for her to say not did she have anything to say to the next words that came from the woman's mouth. Then it became clear what this woman thought of her as far as her abilities. Leotie did not see it as her fault the she never spoke to the woman, as aloha she should have made the effort and yet she didn't. Instead she looked down on the agouti even when she'd worked hard for this pack injured it not she had still worked to protect her children and provide for her pups and this was the treatment she got. Then it came her true punishment as Naira told her to go join Willow Ridge. Her gaze went to Kerb who had been told to show her out. Leotie didn't say a word to the man what was left to say to someone who had betrayed you, pretended to be your friend and then let them be kicked out without a single word to her defense. Hurt was not the word to describe what Leotie felt in that moment but she did not and would not let these two see what they had done to her. She waited for Kerb to follow his orders like good little lap dog he was because she would not leave of her own accord when she felt the punishment was far too severe and the betrayal too damaging.

~Table by Switch
(This post was last modified: May 24, 2017, 02:37 AM by Leotie.)
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel
@Naira @Leotie this could probably be a fade unless yall want one more post <3

Just like that, the whole situation went toppling over like a house of cards. He would do nothing but watch as Naira doled out the punishment she saw fit. Her words came as a shock to him as she spoke of the crimes that the Cove and Ridge had committed. Instantly he felt guilty too. If such had been done to him he would understand every bit of her anger. Perhaps those ties that had been made would need to be evenly severed. His loyalty to was the Draw in the end. He could not bring himself to further support places that had done one of his Alphas wrong (in his eyes Naira and Triell were still superiors, even if he was stepping in for now).

Kerberos bit his tongue as he was told to escort her out. His tail lifted above his back as he nodded his head in a motion for Leotie to start walking. He would be right there to lead her out without a word. Not a goodbye, because he didn't want this to be the end. Not a sorry, because he wasn't sorry. In the end, everyone got what they deserved. If anything he could have only delayed the situation and that would have made everything much worse once it came.

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