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Just let me die — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
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Nauja Mizuno
@Tyne  Me too! I'm so sad for Tyne right now.

With her gentle tone she'd hoped he would see that she cared but it hadn't worked so she had to change tactics. The stern tone she used with him finally seemed to get her somewhere with him as he explained how he'd felt during her last visit to the hollow. As he looked at her she was worried but she would do what it took to get him the help he needed. While she felt they needed to get going soon she felt that he would need some convincing. “I did see and I don't know what's happened so I can't say why she did that but I can't imagine she wouldn't want you. Even if she doesn't want you I do.” If she didn't she would have left him and she wouldn't be trying so hard to get him to come with her. She could have scoffed at his question, “So much, I've been a horrible friend to you Tyne. For starters leaving you in Grizzly Hollow with no regard as to how you might feel about it.” She could never take what she did back but she hoped she wouldn't the chance to show him she'd changed.

The sea wolf had finally told him about Emrys and that he could help make Tyne better. While she never seen the pale healer practice his skills she had to have faith he could heal her friend. It seem Tyne had something against that as well but she could hear how hurt he was as he spoke. She inched even closer and brushed her cheek against his. “You wouldn't be a burden. I know how hard you work and once you're better you can make it up to the pack if it would make you feel better. You need to speak with Emrys, he is a good and fair man I am sure you can work something out.” She didn't know if that would convince him but she hoped he might at least consider her words. “I've found you Tyne and I can't just walk away from you and let you die alone. You either have to let me stay and watch you or you have to come with me.” It was the only two choices he had because she wouldn't leave him when he so clearly needed someone.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
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Tyne Kersey

"I'll tell you what happened, we left her. All of us. I don't blame her but it still stings." He had returned and rejoined Grizzly Hallow for Pip and Pip alone. Despite her initial reaction to finding him it seemed like the small mute didnt want anything else to do with him. So after being attacked he knew he couldn't ever return...not like she'd notice anyways. "Even if she doesn't want you, I do" her words took a moment to sink in. She wanted him? But why? He thought to himself completely unsure why Nauja would ever want him, especially in his current condition. He didnt say anything back simple because he didnt believe her. No one wants him, not here at least.

The dark woman spoke of her alpha and the pack she had joined. The tawny man didnt want to be a burden, no he refused to be. She assured him that he wouldn't be a burden that how she knew what a hard worker he was. This Emrys fellow was supposedly a kind man and she was sure that they'd work something out. Being as stubborn as he was though Tyne wasn't going to give in that easily. The next words that fell from her maw struck a cord within him. "You either have to let me stay and watch you or you have to come with me.” There was no way in hell he was gonna let her watch him die. So it looked like he'd have to give her what she wanted...for now. As soon as she left him he would find somewhere nice and give in but she didnt know that. So with a sigh he said "Let's say hypothetically I agreed. How do you suppose we get there? I can't walk, I can barely move" Maybe that would convince her that he wasn't worth the trouble and she'd let him be.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno

Since her return Nauja had never felt she could be angry with Pip for anything she might do like choose Nineva over her. How could she be mad at her cousin for choosing someone who had probably been there when her family had left. She whined as he spoke of everyone leaving Pip and how it still stung for her to choose Nineva over them. “It does sting but like we did what we had to do she did what she had to, she can't be blamed for that.” The sea wolf thought she didn't have to tell Tyne that and she didn't know if it would make things any better for him but she hoped it might. Then she had admitted that she did want him around because a lot of things had changed for her in her time away. Her feelings toward Tyne was one of those things. He may have only been a friend in Bella Coola but he had become family when they were left in the lore.

The seagull hoped that by telling h of her pack and her alpha that it would change his mind and that he might start to have hope. If he felt like he could get help then he would want it instead of staying under the cherry trees to die. She even gave him choices, let her watch him die or come with her. She'd hoped that it would force him to accept her help but her features fell as he spoke, it didn't seem he'd changed his mind at all. She sighed her sides heaving after he'd finished. “I will help you, whatever it takes Tyne I don't care I don't want you to die,” she nearly shouted at him as tears streamed down her face. “I'm not letting you go that easily,” she did shout this at him.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Grae who has 187 posts.
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Tyne Kersey

@Nauja wanna do one more round and then start another thread of them arriving at WFN? :)

It seemed like his hypothetical didnt go over well. Had he not been in such a dire state he may have laughed a bit. But since he could barely breath he wouldn't be laughing. Golden eyes looked up to Nauja to see tears streaming down her face. A whine fell from his maw as his ears plastered to his head. No no no dont cry, he didnt want to make her cry. She basically shouted at him that she'd do anything to help him and that she didnt want him to die. She then shouted that he wasn't going to let him go that easy. "Shhh" he said as he reached up slowly to lick away her tears. "Alright I'll go" he said weakly "But only if you promise to stop crying" she was family and despite his own wants Tyne couldn't bare to see her cry. He would continue to suffer if that made her happy. He loved his family more than himself and therefore would always put them first. So despite his overwhelming want to die he would allow her to try to save him.

[Image: tyne_by_becuffin-dblzjdk.png]

For OOC preferences just check Moonshadow's profile
Played by Kai who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nauja Mizuno
Sounds good!

The sea wolf was starting to feel desperate that she might lose him, that he might really lay under those cherry trees and die. She was trying to so hard to convince him that he didn't have to do that. She was sure her alpha could help him, all they had to do was get to the notch. She understood it would be hard and painful but once they got home he could rest and get better. As the situation became more and more hopeless she grew more hysterical to the point she was crying and shouting at him. She needed to make him see that there was still some hope left as long as he was still breathing. She didn't know what Emrys could do but they had to try, she wasn't ready to lose him.

Finally as the tears continued to stream down her face it seemed that Tyne had finally understood how serious she was. She also hoped he could see how much she cared about him and what happened to him. Her gaze met his as he shh'ed her and he licked her tears away. A smile crossed her face when he finally agreed to go with her. “I will stop crying if it gets you to come. I told you I would do anything and I meant that. I know it will be hard Tyne but I will be with you and I will help you.” She reached out and licked his cheek, “You can do this, you're strong,” she told him, “We should get going and not waste any more time.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you