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You're gonna go far, kid — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
oh the rivers between us are deep
Phoenix Avalon

His brush was met with a lean of her own, it wasn't him she was mad with, not really. In fact, if she was asked outright she'd have to admit it was really herself she was pissed with, this was all her fault after all. She very much doubted anything that had happened had been done to spite her but that didn't change the fact that it hurt to see them functioning, no thriving without her. As his steps slowed, so did hers until his voice finally broke the silence between them.

She wasn't sure what she had been expecting him to say, maybe another argument from a different angle to try and convince her to go back home? As it was, his words caught her completely off guard and she stood there with her mouth slightly agape, suddenly realising that perhaps intervening in the owl incident wasn't quite enough to pay @Reyes back for this one, and then it hit her, "Hey, what do you mean again?" What on earth had he been up to to need saving more than once? The very real possibility of a world without @Askan wasn't one she was willing to contemplate, if not now, not ever. She bought herself to rest alongside him, resting her (decidedly more angular than it had been) shoulder against his, as if nothing had changed at all. Clearly he still had more to tell her and she had no intention of letting him go until she had heard it all.

[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

"Well..." Askan trailed off, not quite sure where to start.

At this point, Reyes had already saved him more times than he could count on one paw. Some instances were loud and dramatic, such as they time they'd met by the river or atop that dreaded hill. And yet the other times were far more quiet and sombre, such as when Gabriel had convinced him to eat, rather than slowly wither away. There was no way he could decide which one was more important, nor did he even want to. He owed @Reyes far more than he could ever say, and even though he knew his mate didn't expect anything in return he would spend the rest of his days being good to him to make up for it.

But that was aside the point. How was he supposed to explain this to Percy? It's not as though he was ashamed of him or their relationship, it simply...Well, if he couldn't tell Percy then who could he tell? There were only a handful of wolves he trusted, and of course Phoenix was amongst them.

Shifting his weight from one paw to the next, Askan tilted his head to the side as he mulled it over. He supposed the only thing to do was start from the beginning. At least this was better than arguing, or lingering on the murder of his family. Anything was better than that.

"I never told you how we met, did I?"He asked, more to himself than his friend."I was trying to fish down at the Fjord and I stood on some dodgy ice, and started floating down river. Reyes rescued me, pulled me back in and found us somewhere warm to bunk down for the night. I would have probably died if not for him."

At the time he'd felt such shame. The fact he'd needed to be rescued, like a damsel, left a foul taste in his mouth. But now it was in the past and it had eventually led them here.

"The thing is...me and Reyes...We're close." He finally looked up at her, hoping she'd realise the weight of his words.

[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
Nope hope, no love, no glory, no happy ending
Phoenix Avalon

The thought of Askan floating away was enough to stop her heart. Sure it hurt when the rest of them just wandered off, but not Askan. At times he had even been more constant than her own parents. He was the one she recognised first, even through the haze of her injury, his face stood out from the rest. The thought of him ever being gone... Well, it just wasn't something she was willing to consider. She could understand the gratitude he must have felt towards Reyes, and she supposed anyone that saved the old grump and put up with him like she did couldn't be all bad...

Even if birds did seem to hate him.

"Well, I suppose he's ok, I even saved him from Party Owl for you," she offered with an offhanded shrug and a sniff, the edge of a smirk beginning to form at the edge of her mouth. "So I guess you owe me one." It was a 180 from her previous surliness, but she felt much more secure here, under the trees, away from prying eyes.

His implication had clearly sailed clear over her head, being both too young to have had to endure the spring surge of hormones and as of yet, generally disinterested in the opposite (or even the same) gender, even if she did have a berry husband kicking around here somewhere... if he was still around. "I just... it doesn't feel right to go back there y'know? They've all moved on. I don't wanna... I don't wanna disappoint them... Y'know, more than I already have." Worry was working its way back into her expression, torn between what was, and what could possibly be. "I just think... I'd be better off startin' out somewhere fresh, yknow?" She hoped beyond hope that he'd understand. The rye field wasn't home anymore.

[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn
one more from you and then we can focus on the more recent thread?

Askan couldn't help but laugh at that, all crinkle eyed and earnest. Things hadn't changed so much it seemed, as even now Percy was still able to make him laugh like no one else could. The-not so-little Avalon had a knack for it, she knew just the right words to say and the fact she mentioned Party Owl of all things just made him giggle all the more. Gabe and his owls, they seemed to be a match made in heaven. Though maybe not that owl, if Percy was to believed.

"Yeah he's okay."Askan finally agreed, once he had managed to rein in his laughter. He shook his head but the big smile on his lips remained."And I guess I do. How can I ever repay you?" It was a silly thought, considering how often he'd saved her arse. But it was a good one. He was content.

Or at least he was until he was reminded of the fact that she wouldn't return. That she no longer saw the Rye as her home.

He wanted to tell her that she was wrong, that she misunderstood the situation, but who was he to deny her feelings? He didn't agree with, nor would he ever think her parents would fault her for leaving but...It was her choice. She wasn't a kid anymore. Back home in the mountains he had always felt so restricted, confined by his heritage and what his family expected of him. He wouldn't ever wish that upon Percy, if she wanted to be free then... so it be.

"Yeah...I know...I just missed you, missed having my partner in crime. But if this is what you want, I won't stop you, or tell your folks. You just have to promise me one thing, okay?"He paused for a moment, giving her a chance to respond."If things get too hard on your own, it's okay to look for help. Pretty sure you could bat your eyelashes and anyone would let you in."

(This post was last modified: Oct 06, 2017, 07:22 PM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by becuffin who has 129 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Phoenix Avalon
Nope hope, no love, no glory, no happy ending
Phoenix Avalon

Askan's laughter managed to chase just a little more of the darkness away, and she couldn't help but think he deserved better. He should be able to laugh all the time and be so easy, but he spent so much time worrying. Worrying about her, worrying about borders, worrying about food... She leaned into his dark flank again and for the moment that felt more like home than any place she had ever set her paws. "I missed you too. Even when I didn't know it was you I was missing." She confessed rather solemnly before allowing a smile to return to her face again. "Y'don't have to worry, I'll be around. I'll probably head east for a bit, reckon someone as clever as you are'll be able to find me easy."

Now that she was here, she didn't want to move at all, but his loyalty was to the pack, when she thought it should have been to himself and she wouldn't put him in a difficult position when he had more to consider than just himself. She very much doubted he'd want to just bail on his new best buddy (she knew how important his friends were to him). "If you ever decide you wanna run away though, I'll run away with you." She offered brightly, pushing her nose under his chin for good measure with a thump of her tail in the dirt.

[Image: alice_pixels_by_marinatedmermaid_db0ijia...bx39aw.gif]
Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Askan Selwyn

"Aww man."Askan shuffled, a smidge embarrassed by her admission.

Which wasn't to say he disliked it, because he was super happy to hear that his feelings were mutual. It was just...Askan was Askan and he was awful at shit like this. He was getting better at it with Reyes and all, but that was completely different from this. It was like comparing the sun and the moon. They both lit up the sky but they were hardly the same. Percy was fire and Reyes was ice. Fitting he supposed, as their eyes seemed to match.

"Glad your noggin works again."For emphasis he leaned over and gave the side of her head a nibble. Just to make sure she was intact.

Askan allowed Percy to fuss over him, just like she used to when she was small. She had certainly changed, was far moodier then he remembered, but she was still good and funny. Just like the Percy he'd made friends with all those months ago. Her offer came as no surprise, but nonetheless he nodded. He didn't think it would come to that-even if he did have a few issues with how Jessie and Drestig ran things- but he would keep her in mind anyway. He still hoped that she would return of her own accord, but if she didn't...then he supposed he'd have to make do with meetings like this.

"If I do...I'll make sure to find you as soon as I can. You have my word."


[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]